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1、UNIT1P13 1. 能上网了,学英语 finding a job, have a doctors degree2. 依赖父母的小女孩 an unknown actress , knows acting3. 长大了,再惹父母生气了 have recovered, go on drinking4. 多学习,培养他们的兴趣和创造力 finish the task in advance, ensure the quality of your work5. 来自北方,适应这里寒冷的天气 work hard, fail to pass the final examinationP19 BACCA BD

2、ACBP21 CDBDCUNIT2P371. 独自在国外生活,从来没离开过家 Finding a job, dont have a diploma2. 一些建议,摆脱困境 my opinions, make the right decision3. 你的大学生活,丰富多彩 your report, short and interesting4. 让主人等你,早点来 complaining all the time, regard difficulties as challenges5. 在教室学习,在操场玩 like skating, like skiingP46 BDCDC ABCBCP48

3、 DCBDCUNIT3P65-661. 大学同学这些朋友外, 网上聊天的朋友 teaching, major job, part-time jobs like editing books and giving lectures2. 这些世界排名前十的大学中,哈弗大学 these American actors, Kevin Costner3. 短的时间内完成,艰巨的任务对于他来说,挑战 wonder for Chinese people to build, great wall, an ancient time4. 我读过,外国小说,古典名著,现代小说 played, roles in his

4、 lifetime. Scientists, ordinary workers5. 这部电影,真正的好莱坞大片 Professor Smith the freshmen, the best teacher in our universityP72 DBCCB DAABDP74 BDDBBUNIT4P99 DDCCAUNIT5P113-1141. 他们完全承担了这项工作 it turns out beyond all imagination2. 手机,随时随地相互联络 The development of modern transportation, travel by means of dif

5、ferent vehicles3. 科技,相互联系更方便了 transportation, travel abroad conveniently4. 保持身体健康,要养成好的习惯 get good grades, work hard5. 父母们都爱他们的孩子,不应该溺爱他们 you are on, should not oversleep at home every dayP121 DBDBB AACDBP123 ADABBUNIT6P1391. 没有学位,想找到理想的工作 to finish the job in a week2. 你能买到国际知名服装的 we first met3. 一些小

6、商店,几家日本百货商店 5000 dollars, 5000 RMB in his savings account4. 会缝衣服,会做饭 kind, beautiful5. 上周的紧张气氛,这周五的轻松多了 her husband, she has little appetite for travelP145-146 CDCBD CACBCP147-148 ADBCAUNIT7P1631. 正如传说中讲的那样 As the tale is told his mother2. 是,不是 not, but3. 越多,越多 angrier, the more4. 据说 Its believed5.

7、我发现 Mary found thatP169-170 ABABC AABACP171 ADABAUNIT8P186-1871. 游泳 go to the park to fly kites2. 我们的假期被取消了 the party was a great success3. 人数的多少主要,天气情况 The result of the exam, your attitude4. 影星走上舞台,越来越激动 the Spring Festival comes near, more and more homesick5. 明天下雨,我们会推迟野餐 you dont tell the truth, lose your creditP194-195 AABDD CACABP196-197


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