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1、2013 年 12 月四六级作文预测(建议背诵+默写)College Students Job Hunting1. 近年来出现了大学生就业难的现象2. 产生这种现象的原因3. 如何解决这一问题In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated , and eager to bring their talent into

2、full play. Then what cause the strange phenomenon?There are several reasons for this. To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status.Consequently, most college students are unwilli

3、ng to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good” enough. Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.Solution to the problem requires efforts on both the society

4、and the students. The companies should value the students talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-toearth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.Social N

5、etwork Sites1. 当今社会,社交网站很流行2. 各人对此看法不同3. 我的看法 In recent years, social network sites like Renren and Kaixin have rapidly gained popularity among all kinds of people. Many people spend a lot of time on those sites chatting, making friends and playing games. Those sites have become a part of their life

6、.The public hold different views on this phenomenon. Some are in favor of those sites for they provide many opportunities to know other people and to know whats happening in the world. Besides, theyre very convenient to access. One can use a computer or cell phone to log on at home, in a restaurant,

7、 or even in the subway. But some people dont approve of the social network sites. They say that people are wasting too much time on the sites. Some even get addicted to them and abandon their real life. After all, they dont live in the virtual world.In my opinion, the social network sites can be ver

8、y helpful when we want to keep in touch with friends, but we must remember that the real world is the most important in our life.Reserving a Seat1 很多大学里“ 占座” 现象十分普遍2 这种现象会带来哪些影响3 你对此的看法We often see there is a table cloth, a book or something else on the desk in the classroom or library, indicating t

9、he seat is taken. This kind of phenomenon is very usual in almost all colleges and universities. Strangely enough, most of students seem to take this for granted, and few will protest it.Though most of students taking seats in advance is for better study, this kind of phenomenon has great negative e

10、ffects. On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other students interests. Sometimes even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. On the other hand, reserving a seat violates the rule of fairness. No matter how late you come to class, the seat is

11、still reserved for you even though many others are eager for that seat.Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is high time that we college students took a good look of our behavior. Indeed, only if all of us can improve our consciousness, it is not a difficult task for us to get rid of this ki

12、nd of phenomenon “reserving a seat”.Electronic Products1. 如今,大学生普遍拥有较高级电子设备,如智能手机, 电子词典等2. 对此人们看法不一3. 我的看法On many campuses, it has become a prevalent trend for college students to use various advanced electronic products. Taking a look around, we can find a great many products like this:smart cell p

13、hones, E-dictionaries and so on.A number of individuals favor college students using these pieces of equipment. To begin with, as necessary products, they can bring college students more convenience, arouses their awareness ofkeeping up with IT development. In addition, it is these advanced products

14、 that enable students to build uptheir speed and efficiency. Even so, others hold a different view. First, according to a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of students admit that an iPhone is exceedingly expensive for them. Second, students in mounting numbers have come to realize that advan

15、ced products are based on their parents hard work.As a college student, I am convinced that not all students should purchase these high-tech and expensive products. However, we should advocate and encourage friends and classmates to buy, if they earn money by themselves .Plastic Surgery1 目前越来越多的人接受整

16、形手术2 人们因为不同的原因接受整形手术3 作为大学生我的看法Nowadays, with the rapid development of the medical technology, plastic surgery enjoys great popularity around the world.People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or

17、TV star. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects. There emerges a new group -college grads who want to find a good job after taking plastic surgery.In my view, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qu

18、alities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery. What we should bear in mind is that being natural is being beautiful. Whats more, people should judge others by their capacity instead of their appearances.My View on Charit

19、y1. 近年,部分慈善机构或个人受到批评质疑2. 出现这种现象原因3. 我的看法Charity brings the society power, arouses peoples enthusiasm for life, and help others to overcome difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the public to criticize and doubt charity organizations or individuals.It is evident tha

20、t the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. Why? Charity organizations have not come to realize the problems in their management, budget and raising money. In the second place, the lack of publics trust constitute

21、s another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations.As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the pu

22、blic to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activities.Campus Security1 校园安全事故频发2 学校应该.3 我们应当.Recently, there are numbers of reports on campus crime, which have brought campus security into public concern.To tighten up security, school

23、s should take active measures. First of all, they should enhance everyones awareness of security. Secondly, it is necessary that they install some equipments like monitors to prevent potential crime from happening. Last but not least, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol t

24、he campus.Besides the efforts of schools , we students should strengthen security awareness. For example, we should deny any unfamiliar individuals entry to our dormitories. With joint efforts of schools and students, we are sure to create a safer campus.Physical exercise1 很多大学生不愿意参加体育运动2 运动带来的好处3 作

25、为大学生我的看法Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise

26、because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them.College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relieve pressure and keep

27、a pleasant mood. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays,all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students ca

28、n choose freely according to their interests and needs.As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoyed great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities.


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