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1、 八年级上英语期中复习资料1B八年级上英语期中复习资料一、 Unit1-5 词汇高频考点序号 词汇 词性 词义 考点01 decide v. 决定 名词形式:_构成短语:decide (not) to do sth. decide on doing sth. make a decision to do sth.02 wonder V. 想知道 后接特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,且必须用陈述句语序wonder at/about “觉得奇怪,不明白”名词 “奇迹,奇观”03 bored adj. 厌倦的 bored 修饰人,boring 修饰事或物类似的词语:interested- interesti

2、ng;surprise- -surprising;tired- tiring;excited- exciting;amazed- amazing;worried-worrying;relaxed- relaxing;04 enough adv.adj.足够的 形容词enough enough名词 enough to/for 足够 去做05 although conj. 尽管;虽然 表示转折关系although 和 but 不能同时使用06 once adv. 一次 两次 twice;三次及三次以上为“基数词 +times”;几次 several times.07 use v. 使用;运用 us

3、e sth.to do sth.辨析:“用”usewithin08 percent n. 百分之 无复数形式。百分数表达为“基数词+percent+of+名词” ,谓语动词单复数有名词决定分数的构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;分子大于 1,分母加-s09 talented adj. 有天赋的 be talented in比较级 more talented10 both adj. 两个都 用在 be 动词后,行为动词前/pron./advBoth of .+名词复数bothand两者都(复数谓语)反义词组:neithernor两者都不(谓语单复数按照就近原则11 common adj. 共同的

4、 共有:_常识:_ sence12 mind v. 介意,在乎 mind + n./pron./doing 名词:头脑,想法 change ones mindnever mind(不要紧)二、 Unit1-5 词汇单选题( )1.Its only 19:00. we decide _ home A going B go to C not to go D not to go to( )2.Da Shan speaks Chinese _ for us to understand. A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough wel

5、l( )3.She looks _ because she has a _ vacation. A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, re1axing D. relaxing, relaxed ( )4.Excuse me. I wonder _. Turn left. Theres a supermarket next to the park. A. when I can leave B. where I can get some snacks C. how can I play chess D. who did you

6、travel with( )5.Tara and her sister_ quiet and they _ sports.A. are both, both like B. are both, like both C. both are, both like D. both are, like both( )6. These cinemas have one thing _. A. common B. in common C. commonly D. on common( )7. The _ is very_ ,and he_ an action.A. action;active;acts B

7、.actor;active;acts C. actress;active;acts D.activity;act;action ( )8.The old woman doesnt mind _other people think of_. A. how , she B. how, her C. that , her D, what, her 八年级上英语期中复习资料2B( )9. What _Mike yesterday? A. happen to B. happened in C. happened to D. happens of三、 Unit1-5 词组高频考点序号 词组 意义 考点1

8、quite a few 相当多;不少 联系 quite a little2 feel like ( 人 )觉得好像是,(物)给人感觉想要feel like +名词/名词性从句feel like+名词/代词/动名词3 because of 因为,由于 because of+ 名词/代词 /动名词because+从句4 too many 太多 对比 too much:后接_ 名词,意为“ _”much too:后接_, 意为“_”5 stay up 熬夜;不睡觉 熬夜到很晚_6 be good for 对有好处 联系词组:be good atbe good withbe good to7 more

9、 than 超过 反义词组 less than8 as long as 只要,既然 “只要” ,引导条件状语从句, “主将从现”“既然” ,引导原因状语从句9 be similar to 相似;相仿 联系 the same as”与相同”10 asas 和一样 同级比较,两个 as 间用形容词或副词原型否定形式 not as(/so)as11 bring out the best/worst in sb.把某人最好/最坏的一面展示出来拓展词义:出版;生产使显现;阐明12 thanks for 因而感谢 thanks for doing/n./pron. 后接感谢原因thanks to 多亏,幸

10、亏13 watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事(事情全过程)watch sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事(强调动作正在发生)巧记接不带 to 的不定式做宾补的动词:三眼(look at, see, watch) ,两耳(hear, listen to),一注意(notice),加上三个小使役(have, let, make),半个 help 莫忘记14 play a role in 在中发挥作用 play a role in + doing 15 come out 发行,出版 对比:give out put outlook outfind out16 be famo

11、us for 因而出名 be famous as+职业 作为有名 be famous for+原因 因为而有名be famous to +人 为所熟知四、 Unit1-5 词组选择题( )1、.There is _ junk food here, and it is_ terrible. A. too much, too much B. much too, much too C. too much, much too D. much too, much too ( )2. .We couldnt see the road clearly _the heavy snow. A. because

12、B. because of C. so D. though( )3.Granny is ill and she doesnt feel like_A.to eat something B.to eat anything C.eating something D.eating anything( )4.I hear boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.A. quite a lot B. quite a few C. quite a bit D.

13、 quite a little( )5. Why do you look unhappy, Lucy? I cant learn math well I always work hard. A. because B. and C. although D. but( ) 6.He is different _ his brother, but he is similar _his father. A. from, from B. to, to C. from, to D. to, from ( ) 7. Is her lifestyle _ yours or different?A. the s

14、ame B. the same as C. same as D. the same to( ) 8. I think the actress_ well. 八年级上英语期中复习资料3BA. did Mulans role B. did Mulans way C.played Mulans role D.played Mulans way五、 Unit1-5 单元重点语法单元考点Unit1 1、复合不定代词1) 指物的不定代词有:_指人的不定代词:_指地点的不定代词:_2) 形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词的_ ;3) 不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数4) 肯定句及表示请求或建议的疑问

15、句中用_,而否定句及疑问句中用_。2、一般过去时1)时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982 等2)谓语动词变过去式的规则:_3)一般过去时态的否定和疑问句型:_Unit2 1、频度副词1) 次序:按频率高低 always_seldom_never2) 表达:具体的频率、次数一次_, 两次_, 三次以上_。3) 位置:情态动词、助动词、连系动词之后,实义动词之前。4) 时态:与一般现在时连用,表示现在经常或反复发生的动作。5) 提问:用 How often2、How 引导的特殊疑问句1) How often

16、_ 4) How long _2) How far _ 5) How soon _3) How many times _Unit3 1、形容词和副词的比较级1) 变化规则:+ -er + -r 变 y 为 i,+ er 双写辅音+er more+多音节词和部分双音节词不规则变化 much/manymore, good/wellbetter, bad/illworse2) 比较级修饰词 much, far, even , still, a lot, a little, a bit,不可以加 very3) 常用句型结构:A + be +比较级+ than B (A 比 B)比较级+and +比较级

17、 (越来越.)A + Be +the + 比较级+ of the two(A 是两个 中较.的)The + 比较级,the +比较级 (越.就越.)4). 比较级表示最高级含义 .形容词/副词的比较级thanany other_数名词 Wang Fang studies better than any other student in her class. 王芳比她班上的其他任何一个学生学习都好。 形容词/副词的比较级than the other_数名词Wang Fang studies better than the other students in her class. 王芳在她班中学习

18、最好。Unit41、形容词和副词的最高级1) 变化规则:+ -est + -r 变 y 为 i,+ est 双写辅音+est most+多音节词和部分双音节词不规则变化 much/manymost, good/wellbest, bad/illworst2) 用法:表示三者或三者以上的比较,表示其中一个在某一方面超过其他几个。后面用 in或 of 短语来说明比较的范围。3) 常用句型结构: Whobe the形容词的最高级,A、B or C? Who is the_,Tom,Bill or Jim? 汤姆、比尔、吉姆谁最高?Bob is the shortest_ his class. 鲍勃在

19、他的班里最矮。Whichbe the 形容词的最高级,A、B or C? A谓语 the形容词 /副词的最高级表示范围的短语(of/in.) 4). 最高级的特殊用法 .one ofthe形容词的_级复数名词China is one of the largest countries all over the world. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。 .the_ 词形容词的最高级 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。5). 补充:倍数表达法。 A is three(four, etc.)times t

20、he size(height, length etc.)of B.A is three(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B. A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, etc.)than B. 用 times 表倍数通常用于三倍以上,两倍可以用 twice 或 double. The new building is four times the size (the height)of the old one. Asia is four times as large as Eur

21、ope.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。 Your school is three times bigger than ours.你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。八年级上英语期中复习资料4BUnit5 1、动词不定式做宾语1).want. hope .decide .agree ,choose ,would like ,plan, fail 等动词或短语只能用动词不定式作宾语。2). know. ask. show. teach. think. guess. find out. understand 等动词或短语后可用疑问词加动词不定式结构。Please teach me how to play the pi

22、ano.请教我怎么弹钢琴。I must think what to do next。我必须老虎下一步做什么。 3). like ,love, begin, start 等动词后既可以接动词不定式也可以接动名词形式,意义上差别不大。 4). find / think/feel +it +形容词+动词不定式结构,其中 it 为形式宾语,动词不定式为真正的宾语。I find it difficult to learn English. 我发现学英语很难。 5). stop,forget,remember ,try 等动词后面既可以接动词不定式也可以接动名词形式,但意义上有差别。stop to do

23、sth 表示停下来做某事;stop doing sth 表示停止做某事。Forget to do sth 表示忘记做某事(事情没有做)forget doing sth 表示忘记做过某事(事情做了)remember to do sth 表示记住做某事(事情没有做) remember doing sth 表示记住做过某事(事情已经做了)try to do sth .设法做某事。try doing sth.尝试做某事。六、 Unit1-5 单元重点语法选择题1. Hi, Mark. Im new here. Can you tell me about our school? Of course, L

24、inda.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing2. -Jack, is there _in todays newspaper? -No, nothing.A. something important B. important anything C. anything important3. Nobody _her because she has a new look.A. know B. knew C. knows4. Where _ you go _ your trip last month? - I went to the be

25、ach .A.did, on B. did, in C. do, at D. do, for5. -_does your mother go shopping? -About once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far6. Lisa is_ than her sister. A. more smarter B. much smarter C. more smart D. very smarter7.Which do you think is _, my jacket or your jacket? A. much cheaper B. mo

26、re cheaper C. cheap8.I was surprised that she could run _I could. A. as fast as B. as faster as C. so fast than9.Which is _, cotton, woods or iron? A. heavier B. heaviest C. the heaviest D. the most heavily10.The Yellow River is longer than _ in Japan. A. any other river B. other rivers C. any river

27、 D. any other rivers11. He tries _English well. And he practice _English every day.A. to learn, to speak B. learning, speaking C. to learn, speaking D. learning, to speak七、 Unit1-5 写作话题Unit1 关于假期旅行,与日记、书信有关。Unit2 谈论业余活动,主要谈论做事情的频率,还涉及了对体育锻炼、饮食的注意事项给出建议等 Unit3 以比较做主线,集中说明每一个对象的各种特征,然后逐步比较或对比,有对过去情况的描

28、述,也有对现在情况的描述 Unit4 谈论某人最的一些事情、喜好,做比较为话题,常用形容词比较级及最高级形式Unit5 谈论喜好,订制计划八、 Unit1-5 写作技巧Unit1、1). 对题目所需要的人称、时间、地点等信息不能遗漏,最后应表达自己的感受。2). 常用句型:I arrived in/at yesterday with, when we got to ,it was raining hardFirst we visited, then we visited, We had a good time. We hope to go there again.Unit2、1). 开篇点题:

29、如 Here are the results of ,According to a survey2). 合理使用频度副词、百分数等,使文章更加有条理。如:some students seldom or never have breakfast, Ninety percent of the students do homework every day等3). 文章结尾,表达自己的观点。如 Remember that _ is bad for your health, so never _Unit3. 1).运用比较级来写突出文章的条例性,特别注意 than 的用法 2).常用一般过去时、八年级上

30、英语期中复习资料5B一般现在时或现在完成时Unit4:1). 议论文必须论点、论据和论证三要素。2).常用对比句型:There are three _.Of all the three, I like_ best.The _ is of the 最高级 quality.Unit 5:1).首先,准确采用表达喜欢的形容词,如 interesting, boring, exciting 等2) 其次,对于表示的表达方式也应该了然,如 dont mind it, cant stand it, like, love, My favoriteis等,3). 最后,根据命题要求及所提供的具体信息,对喜好的具体理由进行详细表述。


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