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1、约克安特卫普规则 1994(YORK-ANTWERP RULES, 1994) In the adjustment of general average the following Rules shall apply to the exclusion of any Law and Practice inconsistent therewith. 共同海损理算,适用下列规则,凡与这些规则相抵触的法律和惯例都不适用。 Except as provided by the Rule Paramount and the numbered Rules, general average shall be a

2、djusted according to the lettered Rules. 除首要规则和数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损应按字母规则理算。 RULE PARAMOUNT 首要规则 In no case shall there be any allowance for sacrifice or expenditure unless reasonably made or incurred. 牺牲或费用,除合理做出或支付者外,不得受到补偿。 RULE A 规则 A There is a general average act when, and only when, any extraordin

3、ary sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure. 只有在为了共同安全,使同一航程中的财产脱离危险,有意而合理地做出特殊牺牲或支付特殊费用时,才能构成共同海损行为。 General average sacrifices and expenditures shal

4、l be borne by the different contributing interests on the basis hereinafter provided. 共同海损牺牲和费用,应按下列规定,由各分摊方分摊。 RULE B 规则 B There is a common maritime adventure when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels, provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and

5、not in a salvage operation. 如果船舶拖带或顶推其他船舶而它们都从事商业活动而不是救助作业,则处于同一航程之中。 When measures are taken to preserve the vessels and their cargoes, if any, from a common peril, these Rules shall apply. 如果所采取的措施是为了使这些船舶及其货物(如果有)脱离共同危险,则应适用本规则。 A vessel is not in common peril with another vessel or vessels if by

6、 simply disconnecting from the other vessel or vessels she is in safety; but if the disconnection is itself a general average act the common maritime adventure continues. 如果一艘船舶只要脱离其他船舶便能获得安全,则同其他船舶不处于共同的危险之中,但如果脱离本身是共同海损行为,则共同航程继续存在。 RULE C 规则 C Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the d

7、irect consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average. 只有属于共同海损行为直接后果的损失或费用,才应作为共同海损。 In no case shall there be any allowance in general average for losses, damages or expenses incurred in respect of damage to the environment or in consequence of the escape or release of p

8、ollutant substances from the property involved in the common maritime adventure. 环境损害或因同一航程中的财产漏出或排放污染物所引起的损失或费用不得认作共同海损。 Demurrage, loss of market, and any loss or damage sustained or expense incurred by reason of delay, whether on the voyage or subsequently, and any indirect loss whatsoever, shall

9、 not be admitted as general average. 不论是在航程中或其后发生的滞期损失、行市损失和任何因迟延所遭受的损失或支付的费用以及任何间接损失都不得认作共同海损。 RULE D 规则 D Rights to contribution in general average shall not be affected, though the event which gave rise to the sacrifice or expenditure may have been due to the fault of one of the parties to the ad

10、venture, but this shall not prejudice any remedies or defences which may be open against or to that party in respect of such fault. 即使引起牺牲或费用的事故,可能是由于航程中某一方的过失所造成的,也不影响要求分摊共同海损的权利,但这不妨碍非过失方与过失方之间就此项过失可能提出的任何索赔或抗辩。 RULE E 规则 E The onus of proof is upon the party claiming in general average to show th

11、at the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average. 提出共同海损索赔的一方应负举证责任,证明所索赔的损失或费用应作为共同海损。 All parties claiming in general average shall give notice in writing to the average adjuster of the loss or expense in respect of which they claim contribution within 12 months of the date

12、of the termination of the common maritime adventure. 所有提出共同海损索赔的关系方应于共同航程终止后十二个月内将要求分摊的损失或费用书面通知海损理算师。Failing such notification, or if within 12 months of a request for the same any of the parties shall fail to supply evidence in support of a notified claim, or particulars of value in respect of a c

13、ontributory interest, the average adjuster shall be at liberty to estimate the extent of the allowance or the contributory value on the basis of the information available to him, which estimate may be challenged only on the ground that it is manifestly incorrect. 如不通知或经要求后十二个月内不提供证据支持所通知的索赔或关于分摊方的价值

14、的详细材料,则海损理算师可以根据他所掌握的材料估算补偿数额或分摊价值。除非估算明显不正确,否则不得提出异议。 RULE F 规则 F Any additional expense incurred in place of another expense which would have been allowable as general average shall be deemed to be general average and so allowed without regard to the saving, if any, to other interests, but only up

15、 to the amount of the general average expense avoided. 凡为代替本可作为共同海损的费用而支付的额外费用,可作为共同海损并受到补偿,无须考虑对于其他有关方有无节省,但其数额不得超过被代替的共同海损费用。 RULE G 规则 G General average shall be adjusted as regards both loss and contribution upon the basis of values at the time and place when and where the adventure ends. 共同海损损失

16、和分摊的理算,应以航程终止的时间和地点的价值为基础。 This rule shall not affect the determination of the place at which the average statement is to be made up. 本条规定不影响对编制海损理算书地点的决定。 When a ship is at any port or place in circumstances which would give rise to an allowance in general average under the provisions of Rules X an

17、d XI, and the cargo or part thereof is forwarded to destination by other means, rights and liabilities in general average shall, subject to cargo interests being notified if practicable, remain as nearly as possible the same as they would have been in the absence of such forwarding, as if the advent

18、ure had continued in the original ship for so long as justifiable under the contract of affreightment and the applicable law. 船舶在任何港口或地点停留,而根据规则十和十一的规定将发生共同海损补偿时,如果全部货物或其中的一部分用其他运输方式运往目的地并已尽可能通知了货方,则共同海损的权利和义务,将尽可能地如同没有此一转运而是在运输合同和所适用的法律所许可的时间内可以由原船继续原航程一样。 The proportion attaching to cargo of the a

19、llowances made in general average by reason of applying the third paragraph of this Rule shall not exceed the cost which would have been borne by the owners of cargo if the cargo had been forward at their expense. 因适用本条第三款,认作共同海损补偿而由货物分摊的部分不应超过假如由货主承担费用把货物转运至目的港所应支付的费用。 RULE I. JETTISON OF CARGO 规则一

20、 抛弃货物 No jettison of cargo shall be made good as general average, unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognised custom of the trade. 被抛弃的货物, 除非按照公认的海运习惯运送,不得作为共同海损受到补偿。 RULE II LOSS OR DAMAGE BY SACRIFICES FOR THE COMMON SAFETY 规则二 为了共同安全做出牺牲所造成的损失 Loss of or damage to the property

21、involved in the common maritime adventure by or in consequence of a sacrifice made for the common safety, and by water which goes down a ships hatches opened or other opening made for the purpose of making a jettison for the common safety, shall be made good as general average. 为了共同安全做出牺牲或其后果和为了共同安全

22、进行抛弃而开舱或打洞以致进水,造成共同航程中的财产的损失,应作为共同海损受到补偿。 RULE III. EXTINGUISHING FIRE ON SHIPBOARD 规则三 扑灭船上火灾 Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by water or otherwise, including damage by beaching or scuttling a burning ship, in extinguishing a fire on board the ship, shall be made good as general

23、 average; except that no compensation shall be made for damage by smoke however caused or by heat of the fire. 为了扑灭船上火灾,因水或其他原因使船舶、货物遭受损坏,包括将着火船舶搁浅或凿沉所造成的损坏,均应作为共同海损受到补偿。但由于烟熏或因火引起热烤所造成的损坏除外。 RULE IV. CUTTING AWAY WRECK 规则四 切除残余部分 Loss or damage sustained by cutting away wreck or parts of the ship w

24、hich have been previously carried away or are effectively lost by accident shall not be made good as general average. 因切除由于意外事故原已折断或实际上已经毁损的船舶残留部分所遭受的损失,不得作为共同海损受到补偿。 RULE V. VOLUNTARY STRANDING 规则五 有意搁浅 When a ship is intentionally run on shore for the common safety, whether or not she might have b

25、een driven on shore, the consequent loss or damage to the property involved in the common maritime adventure shall be allowed in general average. 船舶无论是否势必搁浅,如果为了共同安全有意搁浅,因此所造成的共同航程中的财产的损失应认作共同海损。RULE VI. SALVAGE REMUNERATION 规则六 救助报酬 (a) Expenditure incurred by the parties to the adventure in the na

26、ture of salvage, whether under contract or otherwise, shall be allowed in general average provided that the salvage operations were carried out for the purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in the common maritime adventure. (1)航程中各有关方所支付的救助费用,不论救助是否根据契约进行,都应认入共同海损,但以使在同一航程中的财产脱离危险而进

27、行的救助为限。 Expenditure allowed in general average shall include any salvage remuneration in which the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimising damage to the environment such as is referred to in Art.13 paragraph 1(b) of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989 have been taken i

28、nto account. 认入共同海损的费用应包括 1989 年国际救助公约第 13 条第 1 款(b)所述的考虑到救助人在防止或减轻环境损害中的技艺和努力而付给救助人的任何救助报酬。 (b) Special compensation payable to a salvor by the shipowner under Art. 14 of the said Convention to the extent specified in paragraph 4 of the Article or under any other provision similar in substance shal

29、l not be allowed in general average. (2)根据上述公约第 14 条第 4 款或任何其他实质上类似的规定由船舶所有人付给救助人的特别补偿不得认入共同海损。 RULE VII. DAMAGE TO MACHINERY AND BOILERS 规则七 机器和锅炉的损坏 Damage caused to any machinery and boilers of a ship which is ashore and in a position of peril, in endeavouring to refloat, shall be allowed in gene

30、ral average when shown to have arisen from an actual intention to float the ship for the common safety at the risk of such damage; but where a ship is afloat no loss or damage caused by working the propelling machinery and boilers shall in any circumstances be made good as general average. 在船舶搁浅并有危险

31、的情况下,如经证明确是为了共同安全,有意使机器、锅炉冒受损坏的危险而设法起浮船舶,由此造成任何机器和锅炉的损坏,应认入共同海损,但船舶在浮动状态下因使用推进机器和锅炉所造成的损失,在任何情况下都不得作为共同海损受到补偿。 RULE VIII. EXPENSES LIGHTENING A SHIP WHEN ASHORE,AND CONSEQUENT DAMAGE 规则八 减载搁浅船舶所引起的费用和损坏 When a ship is ashore and cargo and ships fuel and stores or any of them are discharged as a gene

32、ral average act, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire and reshipping (if incurred), and any loss or damage to the property involved in the common Maritime adventure in consequence thereof, shall be admitted as general average. 作为共同海损行为而卸下搁浅船舶的货物、船用燃料和物料时,其减载、租用驳船和重装(如果发生)的额外费用和由此造成共同航程中的财产的任何灭

33、失或损坏,都应认作共同海损。 RULE IX. CARGO, SHIPS MATERIALS AND STORES USED FOR FUEL 规则九 用作燃料的货物、船用材料和物料 Cargo, ships materials and stores, or any of them, necessarily used for fuel for the common safety at a time of peril shall be admitted as general average, but when such an allowance is made for the cost of s

34、hips materials and stores the general average shall be credited with the estimated cost of the fuel which would otherwise have been consumed in prosecuting the intended voyage. 在遭遇危险时,为了共同安全的需要,用作燃料的货物、船用材料和物料,应认作共同海损,但船用材料和物料费用受到补偿时,为完成原定航程本应消耗的燃料的估计费用,应从共同海损中扣除。 RULE X. EXPENSES AT PORT OF REFUGE,

35、 ETC. 规则十 在避难港等地的费用 (a)When a ship shall have entered a port or place of refuge or shall have returned to her port or place of loading in consequence of accident, sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances which render that necessary for the common safety, the expenses of entering such port or p

36、lace shall be admitted as general average; and when she shall have sailed thence with her original cargo, or a part of it, the corresponding expenses of leaving such port or place consequent upon such entry or return shall likewise be admitted as general average. (1)船舶因遭遇意外事故、牺牲或其他特殊情况,为了共同安全必须驶入避难港

37、、避难地或驶回装货港、装货地时,其驶入这种港口或地点的费用,应认作共同海损;其后该船舶装载原装货物或其一部分驶出该港口或地点的相应费用,也应认作共同海损。 When a ship is at any port or place of refuge and is necessarily removed to another port or place because repairs cannot be carried out in the first port or place, the provisions of this Rule shall be applied to the second

38、 port or place as if it were a port or place of refuge and the cost of such removal including temporary repairs and towage shall be admitted as general average. The provisions of Rule XI shall be applied to the prolongation of the voyage occasioned by such removal. 船舶在某一避难港或避难地不能进行修理而需转移到另一港口或地点时,此第

39、二港口或地点应视作避难港或避难地适用本条的规定。此项转移费用,包括临时修理和拖带费用,应作为共同海损。因此项转移而引起的航程延长,适用规则十一的规定。 (b)The cost of handling on board or discharging cargo, fuel or stores whether at a port or place of loading, call or refuge, shall be admitted as general average, when the handling or discharge was necessary for the common s

40、afety or to enable damage to the ship caused by sacrifice or accident to be repaired, if the repairs were necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage, except in cases where the damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary cir

41、cumstances connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage. (2)在装货、停靠或避难港口或地点在船上搬移或卸下货物、燃料或物料的费用,应认作共同海损,如果这种搬移或卸载是共同安全所必需,或者是为了使船舶因牺牲或意外事故所造成的损坏得以修理,而且此项修理是安全地完成航程所必需的。但如果船舶的损坏是在装货或停靠港口或地点发现的,而且航程中没有发生过与此项损坏有关的任何意外事故或其他特殊情况,则不在此列。 The cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,

42、fuel or stores shall not be admissible as general average when incurred solely for the purpose of restowage due to shifting during the voyage, unless such restowage is necessary for the common safety. 只是为了重新积载在航程中移动的货物而产生的在船上搬移或卸下货物、燃料或物料的费用,除非该项重新积载是共同安全所必需的,不得认作共同海损。 (c) Whenever the cost of handl

43、ing or discharging cargo, fuel or stores is admissible as general average, the costs of storage, including insurance if reasonably incurred, reloading and stowing of such cargo, fuel or stores shall likewise be admitted as general average. The provisions of Rule XI shall be applied to the extra peri

44、od of detention occasioned by such reloading or restowing. (3)当货物、燃料或物料的搬移或卸载费用可认作共同海损时,该货物、燃料或物料的存储费,包括合理支付的保险费、重装费和积载费也应认作共同海损。规则十一适用于重装或重新积载所引起的额外停留期间。 But when the ship is condemned or does not proceed on her original voyage, storage expenses shall be admitted as general average only up to the d

45、ate of the ships condemnation or of the abandonment of the voyage or up to the date of completion of discharge of cargo if the condemnation or abandonment takes place before that date. 但是,如果船舶报废或不继续原定航程,认作共同海损的储存费只应计算至船舶报废或放弃航程之日为止。如果船舶在卸货完毕以前报废或放弃航程,则应计算至卸货完毕之日为止。 RULE XI. WAGES AND MAINTENANCE OF

46、CREW AND OTHER EXPENSES BEARING UP FOR AND IN A PORT OF REFUGE, ETC. 规则十一 驶往和停留在避难港等地的船员工资、给养和其他费用 (a)Wages and maintenance of master, officers and crew reasonably incurred and fuel and stores consumed during the prolongation of the voyage occasioned by a ship entering a port or place of refuge or r

47、eturning to her port or place of loading shall be admitted as general average when the expenses of entering such port or place are allowable in general average in accordance with Rule X(a). (1)如果船舶驶入避难港、避难地或驶回装货港、装货地的费用依照规则十(1 )的规定可认作共同海损,则由此而引起的航程延长期间合理产生的船长、高级船员和一般船员的工资、给养和消耗的燃料、物料,也应认作共同海损。 (b)Wh

48、en a ship shall have entered or been detained in any port or place in consequence of accident, sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances which render that necessary for the common safety, or to enable damage to the ship caused by sacrifice or accident to be repaired, if the repairs were necessa

49、ry for the safe prosecution of the voyage, the wages and maintenance of the master, officers and crew reasonably incurred during the extra period of detention in such port or place until the ship shall or should have been made ready to proceed upon her voyage, shall be admitted in general average. (2)由于意外事故、牺牲或其他特殊情况,船舶驶入或停留在任何港口或地点,如果是为了共同安全的需要,或者是为了使船舶因牺牲或意外事故所造成的损坏得以修理,而且此项修理是安全地完成航程所必需的,则在此种港口或地点额外停留期间,直至该船舶完成或应能完成继续航行的准备工作之时为止合理产生的船长、高级船员和一般船员的工资和给养应认入共同海损。 Fuel and stores consumed during the extra period of detention shall be admitted as general average, excep


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