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1、15Part Four The English Century. Match the works and the characters. (3 points)A 1. ( ) Tome Jones 2. ( ) The Vicar of Wakefield 3. ( ) Robinson Crusoe 4. ( ) Gullivers Travels 5. ( ) Pamela 6. ( ) The School for Scandal Ba. Fridayb. King of Brodingnagc. Sophiad. Mr. Be. William Thornhillf. Charles

2、SurfaceThe key: (1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6f ). Choose the right answer.1. In 1701, Steele published a pamphlet, _, in which he first displayed his moralizing spirit. A. The Funeral B. The Lying Lover C. The Christian Hero D. The Tender Husband2. Which is the most popular newspaper published by Steele? A

3、. The Tatler B. The Spectator C. The Theatre D. The English 3. _ is Addisons great tragedy. A. A Letter from Italy B. Rosamond C. The Campaign D. Cato4. Which of the following is not the hero in The Spectator? A. Isaac Bickerstaff B. Mr. Roger C. Captain Sentry D. Andrew Freeport5. _ were looked upo

4、n as the model of English composition by British authors all through the 18th century. A. Jeremy Taylors Holy Living B. Thomas Brownes Religio MeidicC. Samuel Pepyss diaries D. Addisons Spectator essays6. The most important classicist in the Enlightenment Movement is _. A. Steele B. Addison C. Pope

5、D. Dryden 7. The masterpiece of Alexander Pope is _. A. Essay on Criticism B. The Rape of the Lock C. Essay on Man D. The Dunciad8. Essay on Man is a _poem in heroic couplets. A. didactic B. satirical C. philosophical D. dramatic9. _ was an intellectual movement in the first half of the 18th century

6、. A. The Enclosure Movement B. The Industrial RevolutionC. The Religious Reform D. The Enlightenment 10. The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the _ 16readers. A. aristocratic B. middle class C. low class D. intellectual 11. _ is a great classicist but his satire is not a

7、lways just. A. Steele B. Milton C. Addison D. Pope12. The main literary stream of the 18th century was _ . What the writers described in their works were mainly social realities.A. romanticism B. classicism C. realism D. sentimentalism13. The 18th century was the golden age of the English _. The nov

8、el of this period spoke the truth about life with an uncompromising (unbending) courage.A. drama B. poetry C. essay D. novel14. In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, _ and _, which made him well-known as a satirist.A. A Tale of Tub B. Bickerstaff Almanac C. Gullivers Travels D. The B

9、attle of the Books 15. In a series of pamphlets Jonathan Swift denounced the cruel and unjust treatment of Ireland by the English government. One of the most famous is _.A. Essays on Criticism B. A Modest ProposalC. Gullivers Travels D. The Battle of the Books 16. “Proper words in proper places, mak

10、es the true definition of a style.” This sentence is said by _, one of the greatest masters of English prose.A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Jonathan Swift D. Daniel Defoe17. _s best-known pamphlet was The Trueborn EnglishmanA Satire, which contained a caustic exposure of the aristocracy and

11、the tyranny of the church.A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Jonathan Swift D. Daniel Defoe18. Henry Fieldings first novel _ was written in connection with Pamela of Samuel Richardson. But after the first 10 chapters, Henry Fielding became so interested and absorbed in his own hovel as to forget

12、 his original plan of ridiculing Pamela.A. Tom Jones B. Joseph Andrews C. Jonathan Wild D. Amelia19. _ the first important work by Tobias Smollett, is based on his own experience as a naval doctor and in part autobiographical.A. Roderick Random B. Humphry ClinkerC. Peregrine Pickle D. A Sentimental

13、Journey 20. From the character Mr. Malaprop, in _ by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, is derived the term “malapropism” which means a ridiculous misusage of big words.A. The Rivals B. The School for Scandal C. The Beggars Opera D. The London Merchant21. Which of the following periodicals is edited by Samu

14、el Johnson? _.A. The Review B. The Tatler C. The Rambler D. The Bee22. Which of the following works are not written by Oliver Goldsmith? _.A. The Traveller B. The Deserted Village C. The Vicar of Wakefield D. The School for Scandal1723. Which of the following works is written by Edward Gibbon?_.A. T

15、he School for Scandal B. She Stoops to ConquerC. The Good-natured Man D. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire24. The sentence of “The plowman homeward plods his weary way, /And leaves the world to darkness and to me” is written by _.A. William Cowper B. George CrabbeC. Thomas Gray D. William Bla

16、ke25. _ is not written by William Blake.A. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell B. Songs of ExperienceC. Auld Lang Syne D. Poetical Sketches26. “In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” This proverb is cited from William Blakes _.A. Songs of Experience B. Songs of InnocenceC. The Marriage

17、of Heaven and Hell D. Poetical Sketches27. The 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties, _, which were satirized by Jonathan Swift in his Gullivers Travels.A. the Whigs and the Tories B. the senate and the House of RepresentativesC. The upper House and lower House

18、D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons 28. _ found its representative writers in the field of poetry, such as Edward Young and Thomas Gray, but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith. A. Pre-romanticism B. Romanticism C. Sentimentalism D. Naturalis

19、m29. _ compiled the A Dictionary of the English Language which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries.A. Ben Johnson B. Samuel Johnson C. Alexander Pope D. John Dryden30. Which of the following novels is not epistolary (written in letter form) novels? A. Clarissa Harlowe B.

20、 Pamela C. Sir Charles Grandison D. Tomes Jones 31. Which play is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare?A. She Stoops to Conquer B. The RivalsC. The School for Scandal D. The Conscious LoversKey to the multiple choices: 1-5 CADAD 6-10 CBCDB 11-15 DDDDB 16-20 CDBAA 21-25 CDDCC 26-31 C

21、ACBDC . Fill in the blanks.1. The essays in Steeles The Tatler were written in the form of _ style. 2. Steeles appeal was made to the _classes. 3. The purpose of Addison and Steeles ideas expressed in The Spectator is _. 184. _ is the most striking feature in The Spectator. 5. Addison and Steele dev

22、eloped the form of letter writing to the verge of the _ novel. 6. Humor, intimacy and elegance shown in The Tatler and The Spectator essays have become the striking features of the English _. 7. Essay on Criticism is a _poem. 8. The Dunciad is _a poem. 9. English enlighteners believed in the _. 10.

23、English enlighteners believed that social problems could be dealt with by _. 11. Blake attacks religious _in the poem, A Little Boy Lost.12. Burnss poems like The Jolly Beggars are characterized by humor and _.13. Sheridans The School for Scandal has been called a great comedy of _, giving a brillia

24、nt portrayal and a biting satire of English high society.14. Sameul Johnsons _ also marked the end of English writers reliance on the patronage of noblemen for support.15. Samuel Richardsons first novel, Pamela, is the first _novel in English literature.16. Tobias Smollett, a good humorist, used the

25、 form of _ novel. His humor is better shown in Humphrey Clinker than anywhere else.17. In describing Robinsons life on the island, Defoe glorifies human _.18. Fielding thought that the stage should be the school of _.19. The chapter of “On Hats” in Fieldings Jonathan Wild is full of satire and _.20.

26、 Laurence Sterne belonged to the school of those writers who were versed in the “knowledge of _.”Key to the blanks: 1. conversational2. middle3. social reform4. Character sketch5. epistolary6. familiar essay7. didactic8. satirical9. power of reason10. human intelligence11. persecution12. lighthearte

27、dness13. manner14. A Dictionary of English Language15. epistolary16. picaresque17. labor18. morality19. symbolism20. Heart. Say true or false.1. Addisons The Spectator was published three times a week, having one essay for each issue. 2. Addisons chief contribution to literature lies in his essays w

28、ritten for The Tatler and The Spectator. 3. The essays published in The Tatler deal with the current topics of the time which 19treated in a serious manner. 4. The character sketches in The Spectator are the forerunner of the English novel. 5. Steeles translations of Humors works are done in heroic

29、couplet. 6. Isaac Bickerstaff is the major character of The Spectator. 7. The 18th century was an age of poetry. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Jonathan Swift, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, were produced.8. Novel writing made a big advance in the 18th century. The main characters i

30、n the novels were no longer common people, but the kings and nobles.9. The 19th century produced the first English novelists, who fall into two groups: the sentimentalist novelists and the realist novelist. 10. In the poems of Edward Young and Thomas Gray, sentimentalism found its fine expression.11

31、. A Tale of a Tub is mainly an attack on pedantry in the literary world of the time, in which the reader is told the story of the Bee and the Spider.12. Tobias Smollett gives a true picture of the evils in the British navy in the novel of Roderick Random, in which Random, like Smollett, is a Scot an

32、d a doctor.13. The two most important of all Samuel Johnsons literary works are the preface and comments of individual plays in his edition of Shakespeare, and his Lives of Poets, which pass judgment on a century of English poetry.14. Classicism turned to the countryside for its material, so is in s

33、triking contrast to sentimentalism, which had confined itself to the clubs and drawing-rooms, and to the social and political life of London.15. Robert Burns is remembered mainly for his songs written in the English dialect on a variety of subjects.16. In The School for Scandal, Sheridan contrasts t

34、wo brothers, Joseph Surface and Charles Surface.17. My Hearts in the Highlands is one of the best known poems written by Robert Burns in which he pored his unshakable love for his homeland.18. Racial discrimination is expressed in Blakes “The Little Black”. 19. Many of Goldsmiths poems were put to m

35、usic.20. Pre-romanticism is ushered by Burns and Blake and represented by Percy, Macpherson and Chatterton.Key to the True/False statements: 1. F (one time a day)2. T3. F (light and pleasant manner)4. T5. F(Popes )6. F (The Tatler)7. F (prose)8. F (nobles; common people)9. F (18th )10. T11. F ( The Battle of the Books)12. T13. T14. F ( Sentimentalism; classicism)15. F ( Scottish) 16. T17. T18. T2019. F (Burnss)20. F ( Percy, Macpherson and Chatterton; Burns and Blake) . Questions 1. Comment on the English classicists in the 18th century.2. Comment on The Spectator.


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