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1、四级英语1四级英语词组句型整理1. abandon oneself to(介) 纵情,沉溺于with abandon 放纵地, 纵情地2. make a fuss over / of 娇惯,过分关心(spoil)3. set ones affections on / upon 钟爱某人4. have a passion for 酷爱5. at will = get ones way = at ones option 随意,随心所欲6. by / in contrast / comparison 相比之下be comparable to(介) 可与相比;好比stand comparison wi

2、th = no less than 比得上,不亚于7. tackle sb. about 就与某人交涉8. idle about 无所事事idle away 虚度光阴( ones time)9. at leisure 空闲时,有空时10. take precautions against 预防11. be inclined to do = be tempted to do = tend to do 倾向于做,往往做have a tendency to do 有做 的趋势12. at a stretch = on end = constantly 不停地stretch ones mind 绞尽脑

3、汁13. vary from person to person 因人而异eg. The effect of the treatment varies from person to person. 疗效因人而异。14. bounce back 卷土重来, (受挫后)很快恢复15. by / in leaps and bounds 极其迅速地16. by a narrow margin 勉强地;险胜地17. at ones disposal 任某人处理,供某人使用18. deceive sb. into doing 欺骗某人做19. be crippled by 因 受到重创;受到打击20. ma

4、ke an issue of 借题发挥,小 题大做,做文章take issue with sb. on sth. 就某事与某人争 论21. pay the penalty / price 付出代价,受到惩罚22. off ones guard 毫无提防地one ones guard 提防,警惕eg. Be on your guard against thieves. 提防小偷。23. lap up = embrace 欣然接受24. a hail of(applause) 一阵(掌声)hail from 来自(= come from);出生于25. stem from 源自四级英语2eg. T

5、heir hatred stems from envy. 他们的仇恨源自于嫉妒。26. steer clear of 避开,绕开eg. You should steer clear of electrical equipment indoors.你应该避开房内带电设备。27. deny doing 否认做28. arouse ones curiosity about 引起对的好奇29. know sth. / sb. backward(s) 对 很熟悉,倒背如流30. tremble / shiver with 因 而颤抖,发抖31. in full swing 正在全力 进行中32. lea

6、d the way = set the pace 领先,起带头作用33. be held in reputation 享有名望live up to ones reputation 不负众望with a long standing reputation 久负盛名have a reputation for 有的名望34. start from scratch 白手起家,从零开始35. let things slide 放任自流36. givethe slip 避开,甩掉eg. His ex-wife was trying to give him the slip at the party.派对上,

7、他前妻试图避开他。37. press on with 加紧进行38. at / in a pinch 在紧急关头,必要时刻39. be inferior to(介) 次于,比 差40. sb. be suspected of 某人被怀疑suspect sb. of = sb. be sceptical about = sb. be suspicious of 怀疑某人41. proceed / continue to do / with sth. = continue doing = resume / keep doing 继续做某事42. strain to do 努力,尽力做43. str

8、ing sb. along 欺骗,愚弄某人string along sb. 跟随某人 44. tone up 使更强壮45. trade in 做的生意trade off 卖掉;交 换46. a trace of(truth / dust) 一丝(真理),少许(灰尘) trace back 追溯47. trail along 无精打采地走48. in concert = in chorus 齐声地,一致,一齐49. put the screw on sb. = press sth. on sb. 对施加压力,强迫做50. go with the tide 顺应潮流,随波逐流四级英语351. b

9、e liable / reasonable / accountable for 对 负责be liable to(介) 易于 52. in the wind (秘密地)酝酿中,即将发生53. draw a veil / curtain over 避而不谈,隐瞒54. screenfrom 掩蔽,遮蔽 以防55. hazard ones life 冒着生命危险56. be justified in doing 有理由做57. on its merits 按是非曲直 说,按 实质说58. by virtue of(experience) 凭借(经验),由于59. a web of(lies) 一套

10、( 谎言)60. whip up 激起;鞭打eg. whip up popular resentment against Japan 激起大众的反日情绪61. post threat to(介) 造成对 的威胁62. and so forth / on 等等(一些)63. call a spade a spade 直言不讳,有 话直说64. at the cost / price / expense of 以 为代价65. make allowance(s) for 体谅,谅解, 宽容66. go into details 详述,逐一诉说67. with a view to(介) 为了68.

11、angle for 谋取,猎取(通常为贬义)at an angle of 以 角度,从 角度69. on the hook 陷入困境off the hook 摆脱困境70. beyond measure 无可估量,极度eg. They helped me beyond measure. 他们给予了我无可估量的帮助。71. defy description / understanding 难以形容 / 无法理解72. criticize sb. for 因 而批评某人be critical of 对挑剔,对 吹毛求疵make criticisms on 对提出批评建议73. propose an

12、 object to oneself = make up ones mind to do= set ones mind to do 立志,下定决心做74. to the core 彻底地,完全地(thoroughly )75. take stock of 对评估,判断76. by the same token = similarly = likewise 同样地,出于同样的原因77. cling to(介) = stick to(介) = keep to(介)坚持(观点、看法)78. make a bid for(power / safety) 努力争取79. presence of mind

13、 镇定自若 absence of mind 心不在焉四级英语4in ones presence 当着某人的面80. beyond expectation 意想不到in expectation of 期望,期待81. form into gangs 拉帮结派82. have a hatred for sb. 憎恶某人have a hatred at sth. 憎恶某事83. obtain permission from sb. 获得某人的许可84. bargain about 讨价 还价85. negotiate for / about 就 进行协商negotiate with sb. 与某人商

14、议,协商86. be representative / typical / characteristic of 的典型,特点87. behave towards 对待的表现,举止88. conduct onself (学会)做人;(行为)表现89. boost our spirits 鼓舞士气90. make a nuisance of oneself 使成为讨厌的人make a fool / spectacle of oneself 使某人出洋相91. brand sth. on ones mind 将 铭记在心92. bring up the rear 殿后,处在最后的位置eg. The

15、clowns are going to bring up the rear at the parade.小丑将在游行中殿后。93. economic recession 经济衰退94. in bulk 大量,大批95. heart and soul = head and ears 全心全意,全身心96. make haste(to do) 加紧,赶快(去做)97. amount to(介)= be equal to(介)= equal doing 等同于做98. be gracious to sb. 对和蔼可亲99. be on the ropes 即将完蛋,濒临失败100. arrest s

16、b. on the charge of 以罪逮捕某人101. to / at ones hearts content 尽情地102. for the sake of 看在的份上,为了起见103. in sequence 依次,逐一104. bringinto a halt 使 停止come to a halt 停止105. cease doing / to do 停止做106. resign onself to(介) 听从,服从, 顺从107. have a crush on sb. 迷恋某人108. snap out of 迅速从 中恢复过来109. crack down on 对采取严厉措

17、施, 镇压四级英语5110. go blank (头脑)变成一片空白look blank 发愣111. at / from the outset / beginning 一开始112. reconcile oneself to(介) 将就,妥协113. in contradiction with 与 矛盾114. in dispute = at issue 在争论中115. cooperate(with sb.)in doing (与某人)合作某事116. curb ones feelings 控制某人的情绪117. confess to doing = admit doing 承认做118.

18、 in disguise 化装,伪装make no disguise of 公开,坦白119. under a / the mask of 以为借口,幌子120. protest against 抗议121. compromise with sb. on sth. 在某事向某人妥协122. puzzle out 找出答案或解决 办法puzzle over 苦苦思索(以便理解)123. be dazzled at sth. 对感到眼花,昏 头124. by common consent 经一致同意125. be considerate / thoughtful of 为着想126. on the

19、 occasion of 在 之际127. on cue 恰好在这 个时候take ones cue from 学 的样128. give / drop sb. a hint 给某人暗示take a hint 会意129. take the plunge (经踌躇)决定冒险一试130. deliberate on / about sth. 仔细考虑131. in the radius of ones capacity 在某人能力范 围之内132. be distinct from = be absolutely different from 与截然不同133. prevail among 在

20、中很流行prevail against / over = get over = smooth away = triumph over = overcome 克服,战胜134. sketch out 简要地叙述135. under the guidance / leadership of 在的领导下136. bring / carry / put / take into effect 使起作用come / go into effect 生效,实施137. have influence over 有左右 的力量under the influence of 在影响力下138. with good g

21、race 欣然地四级英语6139. suck up to 奉承,拍马屁140. enforce / force sth. on / upon sb. 把 强 加给某人141. forcecompelobligeforce / compel sb. to do 强迫某人做sb. be obliged to do 某人被迫做142. impose sth. on / upon sb. 把强加给某人143. bar / prevent / keep / stop / restrain / preclude / discourage sb. from 阻止某人144. be envious / jea

22、lous of sb. 嫉妒,羡慕某人an envious job 一份令人羡慕的工作145. speculate on / about the future 对未来的推测146. give evidence for 为提供证据in evidence 可看见的;明 显地147. be punctual to the minute 一分不差148. to a certain degree 在一定程度上149. be urgent with sb. for sth. 坚持向某人要某物150. in haste = in a hurry 急忙地;草率地151. leave sb. to ones o

23、wn devices 由某人自便152. kit sb. out / up 使某人做好准备153. be faithful to sth. / sb. 信守 ;对 忠诚be loyal to sb. / sth. 对 忠实,忠于154. be peculiar / particular to(介) 是特有的155. work / do a miracle = make wonders 创造奇迹156. seize on / upon 利用;采纳157. do credit to(介) 为增光;提高 的身价give credit to(介)= confide in 信任,相信158. rely

24、on ones own efforts 自力更生159. reckon / calculate / count on 指望得到,依靠160. by(ones)estimate 据(某人)估计161. frown on / upon 对不赞同162. gamble away 赌掉, 输光take a gamble 冒风险163. at stake / disadvantage 利害攸关,处于不利地位164. take a glance at 看一看( 的结果)catch a glimpse of 瞥见了165. gear up for 为做好准备166. be in tune with the

25、times 紧跟时代潮流167. from the cradle to the grave 由生到死四级英语7168. make a pledge to do 发誓要干pledge oneself to do / to(介) 发誓做,誓守169. fall heir to(介)= succeed to(介) 继承170. in succession 连续 地,接连地a succession of 一连串的;一阵171. hinder sb. from doing sth. 妨碍某人做172. be ignorant of / about 对 无知,不懂173. behind the scene

26、s 在幕后;秘密地174. on receipt of 一收到 就175. intimidate / threaten sb. into doing sth. 恐吓,威胁某人做某事threatenwith 以威胁176. inquire sth. of sb. = inquire of sb. about sth. = make inquiries of sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事177. scout about / around for 到处寻找probe for 探寻, 查找in quest of 寻找,探求prospect for 勘察,勘探178. have a pr

27、ejudice against = prejudice against 对有偏见have a prejudice in favor of 对偏爱179. do justice to(介) 公平对待,公平评判180. be keen on(doing)sth. 热衷于,渴望181. a sharp mind 敏锐的头脑182. be located / situated in = lie in 坐落于183. be minor to(介) 比少 / 小184. up to the minute = up to date = latest 最新的,最新式的185. be in the mood f

28、or 有做某事的心情be in no mood for sth. / to do sth. 186. lose ones temper = out of temper = in a temper 发脾气,发怒187. be within a whisker of sth. / doing sth. 几乎要做, 险些做188. in the neighbourhood of 在 附近;大约189. be offended by / at sth. 对生气be offended with sb. 生某人的气on the offensive 在进攻,处于攻势190. rivalin sth. 在某方

29、面与 竞争,与相匹敌191. in alliance with 与 联盟192. trim down 削减trim with 用装饰193. be partial to 对有偏心,偏爱四级英语8194. peer at 凝视 peer through 费力地看195. penetrate through / into 穿过,渗透196. perceive sb. do / doing 察觉某人做过 / 正在做197. be staffed with sb. 配备有198.(as)black / dark as pitch 漆黑199. have the advantage / superior

30、ity / priority over 优越于,凌驾于;在 有优势200. rail at / against sb. / sth. 严厉责备,抱怨201. make a raid on / upon 对进行袭击 / 搜查202. rebel(led) against 反叛,反抗(贬)revolt against 起义,反抗(褒)203. run riot 撒野,胡作非为204. have a preference for 对偏爱in preference to(介) 优先于,优胜于205. substitute A for B = replace B with A = A take the

31、place of B = A be in place of B 用 A 代替 B206. be uneasy about 对担心,不安207. deposit sth. with sb. 把某物寄存在某人处208. give full scope for 给予充分发挥 的机会 / 天地209. broaden ones horizons 开阔某人的眼界on the horizon (事件)即将出现210. be parallel to / with 与 平行,平行于211. take / find shelter from(the rain)找到躲避(雨)的地方shelterfrom 保护 /

32、 庇护以免212. conceal / hide sth. from sb. 对某人隐瞒213. pave / smooth the way(for) (为)铺平道路214. be expert at = ones proficiency in 精通 215. be skillful at 对 有技巧216. on a large / small scale 大 / 小规模地scale down 缩减217. beyond / within the realms of possibilty 超出 / 在可能的范围218. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动,当即219

33、. strip / deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人的某物220. integratewith 把 与相结合221. be overwhelmed with 忙于,在 上应 接不暇222. out of the blue 出乎意料地once in a blue moon 难得一次a bolt from the blue 晴天霹 雳四级英语9223. make capital(out)of 利用 ;从 获益224. shrug off 对不在乎,不屑225. sponge off sb. / sth. 揩油;蹭(饭)226. go to extremes 走极端in the ex

34、treme 极其,非常227. do / try ones utmost 尽某人最大的努力228. fall victim to(介) 成为 的牺牲品229. at ones wits end 智穷力竭,不知所措230. in excess of 超过231. be all thumbs 笨手笨脚232. dawn on 被理解,被想到eg. It finally dawned on me that he had been lying. 我最后才明白他一直在撒谎。233. be subject / liable to(介) 易受到,易于234. be frank with sb. about

35、sth. 关于某事向某人坦白235. the discount on sth. 对某物的折扣at a discount(of) (按)打折236. at full blast 全力地,全速地237. stoop to(doing)sth. 堕落到 地步238. dash off 迅速离去make a dash(for) 飞奔(去 )239. forge ahead 高速前进;(在赛跑等运动中)处于领先地位240. cast about / around 到处寻找,试图找到cast aside 把丢到一边cast off 抛弃,丢弃cast out 赶出,驱逐241. palm off sth.

36、 on sb. 诓骗某人接受(自己不要的)242. lay siege to(介) 包 围, 围攻243. of ones own accord 出于自愿,主 动地with one accord 全体一致地244. by / through the agence of 凭借 的帮助245. crane ones neck to see sth. 伸长脖子去看246. descend from 起源于descend to / into = be reduced to(介) 沦落为247. in fashion 风行,时髦out of fashion 过时248. get tough with s

37、b. 对某人强硬 / 严厉起来249. tick away / by 事件一分一秒地 过去四级英语10250. isolate A from B 把 A 与 B 分离,隔离251. seal off 封闭,封锁某物252. takefor granted 认为 理所当然253. ease sb. of sth. 消除某人的(痛苦等)with ease 轻松容易地at ease 舒适的be ill at ease 不自在的eg. He always feels rather ill at ease before strangers.254. on relief 接受救济的255. be in /

38、 fly into a rage 勃然大怒256. be pregnant with 充满;孕育有257. conceive ofas 把 想象成;认为是258. lay behind 落后(于),滞后(于)259. against all odds 尽管条件不利at odds(with) 与不和,争执260. of necessity 不可避免地,必定261. draw a moral from 从中吸取教训take a lesson 吸取教训262. in(all / good)conscience 凭良心;公平地on ones conscience 引起某人悔恨(内疚),问心有愧263.

39、 on loan 暂借的264. lease / rent sth. from sb. 从某人那租得lease / rent sth. to sb. 将某物出租给265. act as host at 担任的主人,支持人play host(to) 招待,接待266. in the first instance 首先,起初267. on impulse 一时冲动268. on the heels of 紧跟,接踵而至269. sit on the fence 骑墙,持观望态度,保持中立on the agenda 在议程上271. on a mission of / to do 负有的使命,有做的使命272. stand the racket 禁得起考验;承担后果273. take a fancy to(介) 喜欢上,爱上274. in confidence / secret 秘密地,私下地take sb. into ones confidence 将秘密告诉别人275. resolve to do / on doing 决定做276. hesitate about / over sth. 在方面踌躇277. in practice 在实践中,实际上


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