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1、by small strong 1英语听课笔记整理1.Accuse sb of sth 控告.罪行/指责.人犯罪Charge sb with sth 只能用于控告某人犯有.罪Accusation n. 控告/指控/指责Charge sb for . 收费(free of charge)Eg. The little boy charged me 100 RMB for washing my car .Charge 充电 Charge my cell phone 2.acquire 获得(抽象的东西 )如:语言/ 经验/技巧Gain 和 obtain 获得 (具体食物)Acquisition 得到

2、/掌握3.BotherDont bother(口语)如:别人从你家回去,你去送他,他说:dont bother (不用了)4.Adopt 采纳;吸收;收养;Adapt 适应;改编Accumulate 积累5.adequate (刚刚好,只是超出一点)Enough 超出很多Sufficient 足够(资源的充分)6advisable 明智的Able-能够/值得Sensible 明智的/意识到的Ible -能够Sense Eg. We can sense his pain .Sensitive 敏感的 Senseless 无意义的/愚蠢的 /无知觉7.effect n 奏效;效果Have effe

3、ct on Effective adj. 有效的;起作用的Efficient 有效的;高效的Efficiency 效率Affect v 坏的影响Affection for 对一个人有坏的影响对 .产生情感 8.afford 一般用 can /be bale to 负担得起:time /money/ experienceEg . We cant the time wasted on this project .Affordable adj. 能够负担得起的can afford to do 9.offer sb sth /offer sth to sb 主动提供Offer n.提供一个机会/报价

4、/职位 by small strong 2Eg . I will make him an offer he can not refuse .10.run a risk 冒险Omit 删除Attach 粘贴11.Shock(震惊) astonish 惊讶;惊喜surprise 一般惊讶特殊:amaze 对.出乎意料的好/ 精彩/美而感到惊讶区别:Be amazed at 对.惊讶Be amused at 对.滑稽/搞笑Muse-fuse -diffuse 融化(把僵硬的表情融化掉)12.Awkward 尴尬/笨拙的Ward- 朝向Inward向内/out ward 向外13.alter 改变(衣

5、服的风格Tailor 裁缝Alter Range from . To.(范围内的变化)14.be anxious for =be eager for 渴望Be about 对.焦虑Anxious-anxiety Eager- eagerness 15.in a hurry匆忙但并不仓促In haste 匆忙而仓促/草率Hasty (adj)草率的/仓促的16.appeal to sb 有吸引的/呼吁Appeal to sth /for 肯求 17.vanish disappear 消失Vanity n. 虚荣心18.Apply.to 把.应用到.Apple to 对.适用/适用于 .Eg. T

6、he law applies to everyone.Application for 申请To 应用19.appreciate v. 欣赏/感激Appreciate sth感激只可以是物 Sb 欣赏人/物Appreciate your helpit that you help meAppreciation n. 欣赏/感激Appreciate doing sth 欣赏/喜欢做某事20.Appoint 任命(官方的正式任命)Appointment 约会(正常的约会)Make an appointment with sb 和谁约会Have an appointment with sb 跟.有个预约

7、by small strong 3Date sb out 把某人约出(情人之间) 21.assign sb sth 分配/指派Sb to sth Sth to sbAssignment n. 分配/指定22.arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事 ArrangementMake an arrangement for对作安排23.artificial 人造的Fik-fake 假的/赝品Artificial flower 假花limb 假肢fiction 小说/虚构science fiction 科幻小说24.generation gap 代沟Generate 生产/制造

8、(光/热/电/能量)Generator n.发电机25.manually 手动的Manual 手册Artificially 人工的Automatically 自动的Synthetically 合成的26.in addition to /aside from /apart from 除之外27.assemble 装配/集合/组装As-to semble-look likeAssemble a computer 组装一台电脑Resemble像(长得像)Resemblance to sb Eg.He resemblance to his younger brother has resulted in

9、 a lot of trouble for his sister-in-law(弟媳)28.associate a with b 把 a和 b 联系在起来We always associate pumpkin pie with grandma.Association n.协会;联系Association professor 副教授degree 副学位29.sure Assure sb of sth 向某人确信某事Your partner assure you of the safety inside the car .Assurance 使确信/相信Insure 1.投保险 2.确信Insur

10、e against 投保险Insurance polity保险单Ensure 保证/确信by small strong 4You must ensure that all the lights are turned off .Guarantee 确保(商家)30.attach Tach 粘贴Attach this picture to the wall.Be attached to 1.附属于 2.依恋/恋恋不舍This hospital is attached to suchou university.Attachment 依恋/附件31.tempt 诱惑/使感兴趣Temp-timeTemp

11、tation引诱/诱惑物Attempt 企图/尝试32.all in vain 徒劳无功33.attend 出席Attendant 侍候Attendance 出席;到场34.attribute .to 把归因于 I attribute all my success to persistent efforts.Attribution n.归因;属性;Girls are usually attracted by noble attributes.35.Title Entile sb to sth 给某人享有什么权利/有资格做某事Be entitled to sth /to do sth 36.be

12、 available to sb /for sth The assistant is not available for you now.The power is not available for this computer.Availability n.可用性/有效性/实用性37.avoid doing 避免做Prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做某事Prohibit sb from doing 禁止某人Turn to sb for 向某人求助38.be awake to Awareness 唤醒某人觉悟Arouse ones awareness 39.clumy 笨拙Aw

13、kward 尴尬/笨拙Clum-mud 泥块40.bare hill/feet 光脚Bare 没有覆盖Bare hand 徒手Bald adj 秃顶的/光秃的He killed a tiger with bare hands.He is getting bald. 他的头开始秃了. 41.Empty 里面什么都没有by small strong 5Vacant 闲置的/没有被占用vacant seat 闲的Vacant position =空缺的/职位Applied to the manager for this vacancy. Blank 平面上没有涂写(空白页)Blank wall 白墙

14、Hollow 空的/凹的/空腹的44.bar 本义:木块Bargain 讨价/还价/便宜货Gain 获得45.barrier to .障碍China will be the biggest to us. Ruling of world .46.be based on = on the basis of Base.观点 on.(论据)I base my ideas on facts.47.tragic adj 悲剧的Tragical adj. 悲剧性的;不幸的48.benefit vi. from从.受益Vt.使.获益All the students will benefit from this

15、 subject.Gather benefit from .49.Be preferable to 比 . 更受欢迎/喜欢Preferable 更好的/更可取的/合意的Female teacher are preferable to boy students than male teachers .50.Partial 偏爱的/偏心的51.Blame sb for sth =scold sb for sth 责备/吗Be to blame for sth 应受到责备(主动表被动)The bus driver is to blame for this traffic accident.Be at

16、 fault for 在.有过错52.bold 1.勇敢(鲁莽)2.显目的 type 粗体字Brave 勇敢53.timid 懦弱而胆小Shy 害羞的 54.cancel 取消Call off 取消Put off推迟 doing sthPostpone 推迟post1在.以后 2.邮件 post officePost-war战后55.be capable of doing sth 有能力做某事CapableCapacity能力本义:容纳/积My capacity for english 我的英语能力by small strong 6To ones capacity 满载的/达到.最大容量56.

17、PotentialPot 茶壶(在茶壶里煮饺子)潜力57.eligible 有资格的Permissible 允许的58.make a comment on 就.发表观点/评论Letter of confirmation 确认函Cope with 成功应付/对付mit crime 承认犯罪Be committed to doing 承认做.Commit v.犯罪/使.承担义务Commit .to.把.投入哪里去I have committed 100 dollars to this project.Commit oneself to =be committed to doing 全神贯注于.Co

18、mmitment 承诺/保证China will carry out the commitment he has made.Suicide自杀Sui -me/i/selfCide-kill杀60.insect昆虫Insecticide 杀虫剂pare comparewith表示“把与相比(同类相比)”, compareto表示“把比做(异类相比,比喻)”。62.collide collision 相撞Co-double Lide-滑动,走到Commission 委员会;佣金pete with /again sb for sth 因.而竞争Competent adj. Be competent

19、for /to do sth 有能力做./胜任做.Be competent for this job Competive 有竞争力的 completive 完成的/完全的Competition n.竞争Competence n.能力/胜任Competitiveness n.竞争力plain to sb of /about sth 因某事抱怨埋怨某人Complaint n.65.be composed of =be made up of =consist of =comprise 有.组成注:composed 做形容词意思是:沉着的/镇定的Compose v. 组成;作曲Compose =mak

20、e up =constitute 组成;构成Composer 作曲家Composition 作文by small strong 766.be concerned about /with He is concerned with this murderBe concerned about 对.关心/担心 67.concern v.关心;涉及 n.关系;关心It concerns me a lot that he is in danger .Perp.concerning =about 关于68. Confess to doing sth 坦白/供认Fess-speak Confession 供认

21、(主动)Admit 承认(被动/不得已的情况下)Admission n.承认/坦白69.Have confidence of /be of 对.有信心Confidential adj 绝密的/机密的Confide v.信任/奈70.conscious 意识到Conscience n.良心Conscientious adj. 良心的;尽责的;认真的71.consist of 有.构成Consist in=lie in 在于./位于Consist with 与.一致Be consist 与.一致/连续Consistency n. 连续性/一致性72.be content with 满足(对现状没什

22、么挑剔)Be satisfied with 满足 对.没有欲望/没有目标Be content to 满足于.(p124;2)73.conservation n. 保护74.Be contrary to 与.相反What he said is contrary to what he did.75.correspond with 本义:通信与.相适应Co-两个RespondCorrespondent 信函;通信Correspondence 通讯员76.convey .to 传达/问候Please convey my greeting to your parents.77.criticize v.批评/判Critical 挑剔的 be of Criticism n. 对.挑剔Find fault with 对.挑剔/找麻烦by small strong 8


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