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1、必修一 Unit 1 Friendship() 单词拼写1Children today spend more and more time inside the house instead of playing outdoors (在户外)2Sarah sounded upset (伤心的) when I said you wouldnt go shopping with her.3I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore (忽视) it.4I am very grateful ( 感激的) to all those who took the tr

2、ouble to write to me.5In face of danger, its very important to keep calm (镇静的) 6When it rains, why do we see the lightning first; then hear the thunder (雷)?7There is a curtain (窗帘) hanging before his window in the bedroom.8If you can guess correctly, I would like you to be my language exchange partn

3、er (伙伴;搭档) () 用所给词的适当形式填空1It is hard to imagine the pain and suffering (suffer) they went through in the war.2The doctors had given her up but she made an excellent recovery (recover)3Try not to say anything about the idea until you have understood it entirely (entire)4It is beyond my power (powerfu

4、l) to finish the task in two hours.5To be honest, I know exactly (exact) how she felt.() 语境填词(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Our parents are concerned about our health and future.As far as Im concerned,_we should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns.(concern)2A few people agreed while most people disagree

5、d,_so no agreement was made.(agree)1My father often works deep into the night so we are_concerned_about_his_health (担心他的健康)2I set _down (记下 ) all the folk stories in the local area as they were told to me. Would you like to have a look?3Since you get/are_tired_of (厌烦 ) going to the office every day,

6、 why not look for another job?4After a threemonth investigation, the police decided that the fire was started on_purpose (故意地) 5His business expenses add_up_to_around_$4,000 (加起来大约是 4 000 美元) a year.6Since we all live under one room, we should learn how_to_get_along_well_with (如何相处好) one another.7Th

7、at was the last time that he had_talked_with_his_father_face_to_face (与父亲面对面地交谈)8We were surprised by what_the_little_girl_went_through (小女孩的经历) when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.9Will you join_me_in (和我一起) looking for a present for my best friend?10Please pack _everything_up (整理

8、好一切东西) before you leave.11This autumn the BBC will be showing a_series_of_French_films (一系列法国电影)12Youre too excited. We will discuss the problem when_you_calm_down (当你冷静时)一、常考词汇细点拨1upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦;打翻 高考佳句Upsetting people with unsigned message is cruel and disgusting.(2013安徽高考阅读 D)

9、用匿名信息骚扰他人是令人痛苦的,也是令人厌恶的。(1) be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事心烦 be upset that . 让人不安/心烦(2)upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼 It upsets sb. to do sth./that . 让某人心烦的是 In my opinion, there is no point being upset about it.依我看,为此事难过没有意义。Dont upset_yourself _about it no harm has been done.不要为那件事烦恼没有造成损失。2add

10、vt. Byou; his C they; my Dthey; his解析:选 D 直接引语变间接引语时,若直接引语主语为第二人称,则间接引语(宾语从句) 的主语与主句的宾语在人称上保持一致,即 you 变为 they;由句意可知句中的 my 应改为 his。3Having seen the film, he said what a wonderful film he _.Asaw Bhas seen Chad seen Dwould see解析:选 C 考查时态。句意:看完电影后,他说他看了一部多棒的电影啊。主句动词用了过去时态(said),间接引语也要用过去某种时态;而他说这句话是在看完电

11、影后,故“看电影”应用过去完成时。4He told us that there _ a football match at 19 oclock.Awere going to have Bis going to be Cwill be Dwas going to be解析:选 D 考查间接引语中的时态。主句为一般过去时,在间接引语中,要用过去将来时态。而且 a football match 为单数,因此用 was going to be。A 项中的另外一个错误在于 there be 句式变形中不能使用“have”。.单项填空1(2014齐鲁名校高三联合测试)Help! Help! Police

12、._, madam. Whats the trouble?ABe quiet BCalm downCShut your mouth DSo rude解析:选 B 考查情景对话。句意: “救命!救命!警察” “冷静点,夫人。出了什么事?”calm down“(使)平静下来;( 使) 镇定 ”,符合题意。其他选项均不符合语境。2(2014武汉市武昌区高三联考)What I want to _ to teenagers is that being addicted to the Internet will to some degree do harm to both mental and physi

13、cal health.Aget off Bget through Cget across Dget down解析:选 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想给青少年们讲清楚的是沉迷于网络在一定程度上对身心健康有害。get across“把讲清楚” ,符合句意。get off“动身;出发” ; get through“顺利通过(考试等) ”;get down“写下;记下” 。3(2014万州区一诊) Did you receive the letter the next day?No.Somehow, it was three weeks _ I received it.Asince Bwhen Ct

14、hat Dbefore解析:选 D 考查连词辨析。句意:“你第二天收到这封信了吗” “没有,三个星期之后我才收到。 ”It was时间段before 意为“过了多长时间才” ,主句用一般过去时,从句也应为一般过去时。4(2014成都第三次诊断)When first _ down in Chengdu, Maria found herself unable to get used to the spicy food.Asettling Bsettled Csettles Dto settle解析:选 A 考查非谓语动词。句意:刚在成都定居时,Maria 发现自己很不适应这里的辛辣食物。分析句子结

15、构可知,此处应填非谓语动词,settle 与其逻辑主语 Maria 之间构成主动关系,而且动作已经发生,故选 A,现在分词作时间状语。5(2014马鞍山高三模拟)Schools in China are required to _ at least one “Sports Day” per academic year.Aset aside Bset down C set out Dset off解析:选 A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:中国的学校被要求每学年留出至少一个“运动日” 。set aside“留出;拨出” ;set down“写下;记下” ;set out“动身;出发” ;set off

16、“出发;爆炸” 。6(2014兰州一中考前冲刺)It is the third time so far that such a festival _ in my hometown.Ais held Bhas been held Cwill be held Dhad been held解析:选 B It is the first/second .time that .结构中的从句常用现在完成时,故选 B 项。7(2014天津十二区县联考)This football player was accused of taking money for not scoring goals _.Aby cha

17、nce Bon end Cin turn Don purpose解析:选 D 句意:这名足球运动员被指控拿了钱故意不进球。on purpose“故意地” ,符合题意。by chance“偶然地” ;on end“ 连续地” ;in turn “依次;反过来” 。8How can Linda _ from her illness in this room when its so dirty and cold? It will only make her worse.Aescape Brecover Cseparate Dgraduate解析:选 B 在本句中,四个动词均可以与介词 from 搭配

18、,但构成的短语意义各不相同,escape from“从中逃跑、逃脱” ;recover from“从 恢复、康复” ;separate from“(使)从中分离” ;graduate from“毕业于” 。根据语境可知选 B 项。9(2014三峡名校联盟联考)After _ series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed _ driving test.A/; the Ba; the Cthe; a D/; a解析:选 B 句意:经过连续几次的失败,他最终通过了驾驶考试。a series of 是固定短语,意为“一系列;一连串” ,所

19、以第一个空用不定冠词 a;第二个空用定冠词 the,特指驾驶考试。10(2014德州模拟) Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?It was in the hall _ the students often have a meeting.Awhere BwhichCthat Dwhen解析:选 A 完整的答句为强调句式,强调地点状语 in the hall,后面省略了 that I found the professor。 “_ the students often have a meeting”为定语从

20、句,where 引导定语从句,指代先行词 the hall.11I am tired _ the partner I have been working with; he is too hard a person _.Awith; to get along withBfrom; to be got along withCof; to get along withDof; getting along with解析:选 C 句意:我很烦一起工作的搭档,他是个很难相处的人。be tired of“厌倦” ;get along with .“与相处” 。12(2014杭州学军中学高三质检)I said

21、 hello to you in the street yesterday, but you _ me completely.Im sorry. Maybe I didnt notice you.Acheated B hid Cignored Drecognized解析:选 C 考查动词词义辨析。由问句中的 “我和你打招呼”及答句中的“或许我没有注意到你”可知 C 项ignore“忽视;不理睬 ”,符合语境。 cheat“欺骗” ;hide“躲藏” ; recognize “认出” 。13(2014南京金陵中学模拟)I failed again, but my parents encourag

22、ed me and told me that failure _ the mother of success.Awas Bis Cbe Dhas been解析:选 B 表示“真理、事实” 的直接引语变为间接引语时,时态不变,仍用一般现在时。14(2014宜宾五校第二次调研考试)Teachers Day is a time to be _ to all teachers who deserve special recognition.Aavailable Bgrateful Cgenerous Dridiculous解析:选 B 考查形容词辨析。句意:教师节是向所有老师表示感谢的时候,他们理应受

23、到这样的特殊认可。grateful“感激的;表示感谢的” ,符合句意。 available“可获得的” ;generous“大方的;慷慨的” ;ridiculous“荒唐的”。15Must I do well in all the subjects, Mum?Sure, baby! As an old saying goes, knowledge is _.Acommand Beffort Cpower Denergy解析:选 C 句意:“妈妈,我一定要各科成绩优异吗? ”“当然了。俗话说得好,知识就是力量。 ”power“力量” ,符合句意。() 单词拼写1Let me get this s

24、traight (直接地) Tom sold the house and gave you the money?2The businessman speaks with a heavy Scottish accent (口音) 3Mans dream of making a space voyage (航行) finally came true.4Has the company officially ( 正式地 ) confirmed the appointment?5Some medical experts will study the case at the request (要求) of

25、 the hospital.6She studied eight languages but is fluent (流利的) in only four of them.7This latter (后面的) point was of great importance.8His apartment is three blocks (街区) away from the police station.() 用所给词的适当形式填空1My computer has a program which can correct my spelling(s) (spell) automatically.2Pleas

26、e set off earlier because the buses run less frequently (frequent) on Sundays.3Good books can enrich (rich) mans inner life.4Nearly one hundred countries recognize English as their official (office) language.5This tree looks tall and strong but actually (actual) its trunk is hollow.6Gradually (gradu

27、al) the farmland turned into a desert.() 语境填词(用所给词的适当形式填空)1I can hardly express how grateful I feel. I will give him a present as an expression of gratitude.(express)2He had changed so much that you couldnt recognize him. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond recognition. (recogniz

28、e)1Scientists are developing new ways to make_good_(full)_use_of (充分利用 ) the solar energy more effectively.2He was very angry because_of (因为) what you said.3Dont hesitate to call me whenever anything comes _up (出现;发生)4Because of the flood, the_number_of (的数量) homeless people has increased rapidly.5T

29、he Chinese government plays_an_important_part_in (在方面起着重要的作用) international affairs.6Believe_it_or_not (信不信由你), I didnt get into trouble for being late for the grammar class today.7The local economy is still dependent on traditional industries such_as (例如) farming and mining.8Im afraid he has been a

30、way on business at_present (现在;目前)一、常考词汇细点拨1base vt .以为根据 n基部;基地;基础 教材原句 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。(1)base . on/upon . 把建立于基础之上be based on/upon 以为基础;依据(2)at the base of 以为基点;在的底部(3)basic adj. 基本的;基础的basis n. 基础;基本原则We should base the

31、 theory on careful research.我们应该把理论建立在仔细研究的基础上。The film based_on the novel by Mo Yan is well worth seeing.根据莫言的小说改编的电影非常值得观看。The government provides them with not only food and shelter, but also the_basic_skills for their living.政府不仅为他们提供食物和住处,还为他们提供基本的谋生技能。链接高考(2012江苏高考)_ an important decision more

32、 on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.ABased BBasing CBase DTo base解析:选 B 考查非谓语动词。句意:把一个重要的决定更多地建立在情感基础上,而不是以理性思考为基础,你迟早会后悔的。此处动词 base 与其逻辑主语 you 之间构成主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语,故选 B 项。2command n C命令;指令; U掌握 vt.命令;指挥;支配;博得;赢得 经典例句 Applicants will be expected to have a good command of En

33、glish.(牛津 P390)申请人必须精通英语。(1)at sb.s command 听某人支配under ones command under the command of sb.由某人指挥be in command of 掌握;控制take command of 控制have a good command of 掌握;精通(尤指语言)(2)command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事command that . (should) do . 命令Im at your command what would you like me to do?我听从你的吩咐你要我做什么?Onl

34、y when you have_a _good_command_of vocabulary, will reading no longer be your obstacle. 只有掌握充足的词汇,阅读才不会成为你的拦路虎。He commanded that we_should_finish the work in an hour.He commanded us_to_finish the work in an hour.他命令我们一个小时内完成这项工作。3request n 二命令:order, command; 三建议:suggest, advise, recommend; 四要求:dema

35、nd, request, require, desire; 再加一个敦促:urge。4recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认 高考佳句 Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a change in number.(2013广东高考完形填空 )数字感并不只是数数的能力,它是识别数字变化的能力。(1)recognize sb./ones voice 认出某人/听出某人的声音be recognized to be/as . 被认作/被认为是recognize that . 承认It is

36、 recognized that . 人们公认(2)recognition n. 认出;认识beyond (all) recognition 认不出来I recognized his voice the moment he opened his mouth.他一张嘴说话,我就听出了他的声音。We had to recognize that they had many advantages over us in some aspects.我们不得不承认,他们在某些方面要比我们更有优势。It_ is_recognized_that environment pollution has become

37、one of the most serious problems that people face.人们一致认为环境污染已经成为人们面临的最严重的问题之一。The city has been built up so fast that it s changed beyond_recognition.这城市建设得真快,已看不出它原来的面貌了。二、间考词汇自识记1native adj.本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人be native to . 产于It is wellknown that the panda is native to China.众所周知,大熊猫产于中国。2latter adj

38、.较后的;后半的;(两者中的)后者the former .the latter .前者后者 Mary and Jane are both my friends. The former is a clerk in a bank and the latter teaches English in a middle school.玛丽和简都是我的朋友,前者是银行的职员,后者在中学教英语。3block n街区;块;木块;石块熟词生义 读句子猜含义Seeing the road blocked with snow, we had to spend the holiday at home, watchin

39、g TV.阻挡1come up 走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出; (太阳、月亮等)升起 经典例句 Im afraid something urgent has come up. ( 牛津 P388)恐怕有紧急事情发生了。一词多义写出下列句中 come up 的含义An old lady came up to me and asked for directions. 走近As soon as the project came up at the meeting, it attracted many peoples attention.被提出When the moon came up, the y

40、oung people began their celebration. 升起Ill let him know if anything comes up. 发生come up with 想出;提出come about 发生come across 穿过(路、桥) ;(偶然)遇见;发现come along 跟随come to 苏醒;总计;达到;谈到When it comes to . 当谈到The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.(2013山东高考阅读

41、 C)这位设计师说他是在看到俄罗斯街头有人被淋湿后提出这个点子的。I can use the computer. When _it_comes_to repairing it, I know nothing.我能使用电脑,但谈到修电脑,我一无所知。链接高考(2013新课标全国卷)Would you like to _ with us to the film tonight?Acome along Bcome off Ccome across Dcome through解析:选 A 考查动词短语辨析。根据句意“你今晚愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?”可知,此处意为“跟随” 。come along“跟着

42、来;跟随” ,符合句意。come off“举行;发生;成功” ;come across“偶然遇见” ;come through“(重病后 )康复” 。2make use of 利用;使用 高考佳句 My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are. (2012湖北高考短文写作)我的经历告诉我不是你拥有什么而是你怎样利用你所拥有的决定了你的未来。(1)make full/good use of 充分利用make the be

43、st/most of 充分利用take (full) advantage of (充分) 利用(2)come into use 开始被使用be of great use 很有用It is no use doing sth. 做是没用的In my opinion, every minute should be made full use of to learn well.依我看来,我们应充分利用分分秒秒把学习搞好。We should consider what use can be_made_of such a material.我们应该考虑这样的材料如何运用。Last but not leas

44、t, its everyones responsibility to make the most of water.最后但同等重要的是,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任。短语对点集训 .选词填空more than, believe it or not, because of, come up, at present, make use of, play a part in, base .on1Im more _than happy to take you there in my car.You are so nice. Thank you.2There is no way at _present

45、of predicting what the longterm effects of the accident will be.3I believe Mary as she always bases her ideas on scientific experiments.4At the meeting many questions came_up about the quality of the new bridge.5Because_of the thick fog, the return flight of the aircraft had to be put off.6They trie

46、d their best to make _good_use_of the chance that their school offered to study hard.7Believe_it_or_not,_they will not carry out their promise.8Friends play_an_important _part_in our lives, although we may take friendship for granted.单项填空1(2014万州二中高三一模)Today, _ rapid development of transportation and communication, the whole world seems to be smaller.Aregardless of Bin spite of Cinstead of Dbecause of解析:选 D 考查短语意义辨析。句意:当今,由于交通和通信的迅速发展,整个世界看起来更小了。regardl


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