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1、 剧名:阿甘正传( Forrest Gump) 片段 演员: Forrest Gump(阿甘 ) Mrs. Gump(阿甘妈妈) Doctor (医生) Man (路人) Lt. Dan (中尉) Louise (路易斯) Elderly Woman (老人) (场景一) EXT. BUS STOP - PRESENT The man sitting on the bench listens to Forrest. An ELDERLY WOMAN sits next to the man. Forrest : . and we were the only boat left , standi

2、ng “Bubba-Gump“ shrimps what they got. We got a whole bunch of boats. Twelve Jennys, a big ol warehouse, we even have hats that says “Bubba-Gump“ on em. “Bubba-Gump Shrimp.“ Its a household name. 而我们的船是唯一剩下的了,他们只能来布巴甘这里买虾,我们购置了一大堆船,有 12 条珍妮号,还有一个大仓库,我们还订做了帽子上面写着 “布巴甘 ”,布巴甘捕虾公司,这名字家喻户晓。 Man : Hold on

3、 there, boy. Are you telling me youre the owner of the Bubba-Gum p Shrimp Corporation? 等等,小兄弟,你是说你就是 ,布巴捕虾 公司的老板? Forrest : Yes, sir. Weve got more money than Davy Crocket. 对,我们挣了一大堆钱 Man : Boy, Ive heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops them all. We was sitting next to a millionaire! 孩子,我听过很

4、多牛皮,这是最大的一个,我们身边正坐着一个百万富翁。 The man laughs as he walks away. Elderly Woman : Well, I thought it was a very lovely story. And you tell it so well. With such enthusiasm. 嗯,我觉得那是个很有趣的故事,你讲得真好非常热情洋溢。 Forrest : Would you like to see what Lieutenant Dan looks like? 你想看看丹中尉长什么样吗? Elderly Woman : Well, yes,

5、I would! 是的,我想看 Forrest shows her the cover of a “Fortune“ magazine with Forrest and Lt. Dan on the cover. Forrest : Thats him right there. 这个就是他 The elderly woman looks at the magazine and at Forrest with surprise. Forrest : And let me tell you something about Lieutenant(中尉) Dan. 我再讲点关于丹中尉的事 (场景二)

6、EXT. BOAT/DECK - DAY Forrest and Lt. Dan are working on the boat. Lt. Dan : Forrest, (停顿) I never thanked you for saving my life. 福雷斯 我一直还没谢谢你救我一命。 Forrest looks a little surprised. Lt. Dan smiles, then looks away. Lt. Dan pulls himself out of his chair to the railing and jumps into the water. Forre

7、st : (voice-over) He never actually said so, but I think he made his peach with God. 但我想他跟上帝已经讲和了,他从来没说出来。 Forrest and Lt. Dan have dinner on the deck. The television shows an assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford. Anchorman(主持人 ) : (over television) For the second time in seventeen days, P

8、resident Ford escaped possible assassination today when a woman, Sarah Jane Moore, fired on him as he stepped out of a hotel in San Francisco. 福特总幸免被刺杀,这是 17天里第二次。 (场景三) EXT. BOAT Margo : (over radio) Base to Jenny One. Base to Jenny One. 总部呼叫珍妮一号。总部呼叫珍妮一号。 Lt. Dan : Jenny One, go, Margo. 珍妮一号, 请说。

9、Margo : (over radio) Forrest has a phone call. 有福雷斯的电话 Lt. Dan : Yeah, well youll have to tell them to call him back. He is indisposed at the moment. 嗯,你跟他说他迟点再回电话,他现在很忙。 Margo : (over radio) His mommas sick. 他妈妈病了 Anchorman : (over television) Lynett Alice Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson bette

10、r known as “Squeaky,“ attempted to assassinate(暗杀 ) the President as he was Forrest dives into the water as he reacts. (场景四) EXT. ROAD/GUMP HOUSE - DAY Forrest carries a suitcase as he runs down the road. Forrest runs past the row of mail boxes and turns into the drive. Louise and others are on the

11、front porch. Forrest : Wheres Momma? 我妈妈呢? Louise : Shes upstairs. 她在楼上 ! Forrest opens the door, the doctor stands next to Mrs. Gump in bed. Mrs. Gump : Hi, Forrest. 弗勒斯! Doctor : Ill see you tomorrow. 我明天来看你 Mrs. Gump : Oh, all right. 好的! The doctor looks down at Forrests legs. Doctor : We sure go

12、t you straightened out, didnt we, boy? 我们真的把你拉直了是吗? The doctor leaves and closes the door. Forrest takes off his hat and steps over to her. Forrest : Whats the matter, Momma? 妈,你怎了? Mrs. Gump : Im dyin, Forrest. Come on in, sit down over here. 弗勒斯,我快要死了。进来,过来坐下! Forrest : Why are you dyin, Momma? 妈

13、,你为什么要死? Mrs. Gump : Its my time. Its just my time. Oh, now, dont you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life. Its something were all destined to do . 我的时候到了,时候到了。心肝宝贝,你别害怕!死亡是人生的一部分,是命中注定的。 I didnt know it, but I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. 我原本不知道,却注定了要做你妈妈。我尽

14、力做了 Forrest : You did good, Momma. 妈妈!你尽了全力。 Mrs. Gump : Well, I happened to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you. 我相信你也把握了自己的命运,把神给你的恩赐发挥到极至。 Forrest : Whats my destiny, Momma? 我的命运是什么,妈? Mrs. Gump : Youre gonna( going to) have to figure that out for you

15、rself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what youre going to get. 那要你自己去弄清楚,人生像一盒巧克力,你无法预知会吃到什么口味。 Forrest : (voice-over旁白 ) Momma always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 妈总是有办法比喻得让我明白。 Mrs. Gump : I will miss you, Forrest. 弗勒斯,我会想念你 Forrest : (voice-over

16、旁白 ) She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it. 她得了癌症,星期二去世了,我给她买了一顶有小花的帽子。 The elderly woman and Forrest sit. The woman is crying and wipes her eyes with a hankie. Forrest : And thats all I have to say about that. 这件事我说到此为止。 A bus stops. Forrest looks at the elderly woman. Forrest : Didnt you say you were waiting for the Number Seven bus? 你不是说要等七路车吗? Elderly Woman : Therell be another one along shortly. 下一班很快就会来


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