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1、一 2011 首都师范翻硕真题 1.名词翻译 英汉: currency appreciation 货币升值 the book of songs 诗经 NPC 全国人民代表大会 the divine comedy 神曲 汉英: 少数民族地区 the minority areas 股市指数 the stock market(exchange) index 国际法主体 subject of international law 国际法准则 standard of international law 素质教育 education for all-round development 公务员 civil s

2、ervant 网络空间 cyberspace 2.翻译 formal usage about english, several occasions the formal english is required, including, report by profession group to a government, writings to a seriousjournal, job application, etc.? an unintended consequences of globalization, some countries thrive and others furstrat

3、ed, and all those take accounts for terrision, which we have the very best interest to wipr it out. 汉英 一篇象讲话 ? 在当今的国际关系下,只有。才是各国发展的基础,世界平安发展的保证。 还有一篇是 在 这个功利的社会,奔波劳顿,勾心斗角,想要随心所欲,实在是不容易。人们从孩提时代就海事追组,学位,工作,恋爱,婚姻,事业,名利等。 .。 作文是 给材料的。 材料是 一个人,如果没有经过翻译学习,那么即使他的语言在美丽,在一段外文面前,也失去了原有的语言能力。是谁的一下没想起来。 百科知识 考得

4、名此包括 ? 圣经的两部分 ? 林语堂 能指和所指 ? 全球化 作文时德国施赖尔玛说的,翻译的两个途径, . .? 二 ,北外 2011 年英语翻译硕士 翻译基础 回忆 1.名词 pos machine 销售终端机 APEC 亚洲太平洋经济合作组织 chartered airplane 包机 makeshift hospital 临时医院 quantitative easing 量化宽松 down payment requirement 首付 deposit reserve requirement ratio 存款准备金率 PPI 生产者物价指数 product placement ads 产

5、品植入广告 黑帮 sinister gang 经济刺激方案 economic stimulus plan 留 守儿童 unattended children/ left-behind children/ Stay-at-home Children 降半旗致哀 fly a flag at half-staff as a sign of mourning 厨房重地闲人免进 kitchen area, no admittance/staff only 紧俏型轿车 hard-to-get cars/cars in short supply 无党派人士 non-party personage/ pers

6、on with no political affiliation 包容经济 inclusive economy 2.英译汉 A 死海的介绍 B 剑桥的心理学家和计算机学家开发的移动电话技术,用于研究通话人的情绪,通话时间与地点的关系 汉译英 两篇 ? 每篇 4 行左右,较短。内容 大概 ? 如下: A? 网球是运动的芭蕾。广州网球中心的舞台是兼有力和美的动感舞台。集竞技与休闲为中心。 2 个网球场错落有致,形成有张力的轮廓,契合运动的动感美。 B? 漓江,无数仁人志士寻找灵感的地方。两岸是连绵的山峰,秀丽的河水上倒映着魔幻般的 美景,宛如神话。山峰在薄雾的笼罩下时隐时现。泛舟漓江,每一个转弯处

7、都有新奇: ? 或是懒洋洋的水牛在拉水车,或是渔夫在狭窄的竹筏上悠闲自得。 三 ,2011 北师大 MTI 翻译硕士真题回忆 ? 翻译硕士英语 1.20 个单项选择 主要考察单词和词组,不考察语法,考了 ecstacy,incentive,prevalent 等等。这题需要大家扩充词汇量。 2.阅读理解 第一篇 演讲中逻辑和修辞的作用,想要说服人们,仅有逻辑是不够的,必须发挥修辞的作用。 第二篇 印象派画家的兴起,风格与画法。 第三篇 日本企业雇佣制度 进行了改革,以前是终身制,职员为企业尽心尽力,老年享受公司退休制度的福利,升职靠资历。(以上三篇考的是选择题)第四篇 关于快乐的两个发现,人的

8、快乐程度受基因和年龄影响。考的是问答题。阅读理解文章都不是很难,难词不多,但做题时得好好思考。 3.作文 people send gifts on important occasions like weddings,funerals,promoion,graduation,etc. some people think gift is a token of goodwill,others think expensive gifts will harm peoples relations and are just vanity.Write a composition about 300-400wo

9、rds,and express your own opinion. 英语翻译基础 1.英译汉 the Authorized Version 钦定版圣经 flesh and blood 血肉之躯 a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人 puppy love 早年初恋 the Analects 论语 contact lenses 隐形眼镜 proof positive 铁证 track and field 田径运动 childs play 容易干的事,不重要的事 danger money 危险工作的额外报酬 pull sbs leg 愚弄某人 in for a penny,in for a po

10、und 一不做二不休 between the devil and the deep blue sea 左右为难 real economy 实体经济 2.汉译英 音译 transliteration 国内生产总值 GDP 八折优惠 20% off 左上角 top left corner 淡酒 light wine 老于世故的人 man of the world/ sophisticated person 硬性推销 hard sale promotion 天道酬勤 god helps those who help themselves 隔墙有耳 wall have ears 三三两两 small

11、knots of people 耐用消费品 durable consumer goods 招领启事 Lost and Found 拦路虎 a lion in the way 可持续发展 sustainable development 新兴市场国家 Emerging Market Countries 英译汉 I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This was because, as a boy, I had envied them. Before college, the only people I had ever k

12、nown who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menf*d about money, they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were not the ones w

13、ho had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.

14、No doubt, had I looked harder at their lives, I would have envied them less. It was not my fate to become a woman, so it was easier for me to see the graces. Few of them held jobs outside the home, and those who did filled thankless roles as clerks and waitresses. I didnt see, then, what a prison a

15、house could be, since houses seemed to me brighter, handsomer places than any factory. I did not realizebecause such things were never spoken of-how often women suffered from mens bullying. I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives, single mothers, widows; but I also learned about the wr

16、etchedness of lone men. Even then I could see how exhausting it was for a mother to cater all day to the needs of young children. But if I had been asked, as a boy, to choose between tending a baby and tending a machine, I think I would have chosen the baby. 3.汉译英 书信作为人际交往中传递信息,建立,发展和改变人际关系,联络和加深思想感

17、情,以至评论时政抒发己见的主要形式,古时就已有之。在古代“书”是指信,“信”是指信使,“书信”连用首次出现于晋书,到唐代已十分普遍。 古代书信传递在书信篇幅和传递速度上有限制,鉴于当时书写材料昂贵,交通也不发达。有的用信鸽传递,有的用竹筒传递。政府组织的官方驿传,分为足递,马传,急脚递三等。传书之人称为“雁足”“鸿雁”,出自“鸿雁传书”的传说。(全靠记忆,有不太准确的地方,基本内容都在了) 汉语写作与百科知识 1.先是 25 个选择题,只记得基本知识点 1.唐装形成于哪个时期? 2.中国有“东方的巴黎”之称的城市是哪个? 3.清明上河图 4.绘画技巧(气韵生动什么之类的,记不清了) 5.秦“书

18、同文”规定的字体是? 6.郑和使用的“牵星术”是指? 7.“天人合一”是指? 8.水墨画是哪个诗人根据道家和禅宗哲学创造的? 9.哪个佛教流派是佛家思想与中国本土文化结合的产物? 10.书法各流派(颜真卿,欧阳询之类的) 11.苏州说唱(不确定是说唱还是弹唱还是说弹)艺术形式伴奏使用的主要乐器是什么? 12.下列哪个名称不是指古代中国(震 旦,塞里斯,中土,大秦) 13.蜡染技术 14.冰裂纹 15.生旦净丑 16.下列哪个人物既在前四大须生之列,又在后四大须生之列 17.明朝中叶,哪个外国人带来的思想和西器,只有徐光启识之 18.董仲舒说:“仁而不智,则爱而不别;智而不仁,则智而不为”要表达

19、的意思是什么? 19.韶指的是什么? 20.汉字造字有象形,指事,会意等等方法,下列是用指事方法的是(富,刃,瓜,穷) 21.中国的园林分为皇家园林,还有什么什么 22.天津杨柳青年画,江苏桃花坞年画 应用文写作 你是北京某文化传播公司职员,公司地 址新迁至北京汤成路,并准备举行公司 10 年庆典活动,为公司写一封商务邀请函,邀请全国同行业各机关单位参加,字数不得少于 450 字。 命题作文 根据漫画,以“发短信的蒙娜丽莎”为题写一篇议论文,不得用文言文和韵文,字数不得少于 800 字。 漫画内容是蒙娜丽莎在给画家当模特,手在不停地“啪啪”发着短信,画家站在画板前,气的帽子都飞起来,大喊:“不

20、要再发短信了!” 题目不全,欢迎补充。以前我准备考研时,在网上怎么也找不到北师大真题,北师大不卖真题,连回忆版都没有,心中甚是郁闷,希望各位学弟学妹以后考完也奉献一下,回忆 一下真题,为后来人提供点帮助,另外,祝大家考研成功! 四 ,2011 中大 MTI 试题回忆 先说下午的百科知识与汉语写作吧,选择题记得的有清明上河图画的是哪一个朝代,柠檬市场指的是什么,六艺里面的御指的是什么, Glocalization 的含义,还有一个关于美国法律的例子还选择利用了什么类型的辩护,猴市指什么,小康社会一词最早出现在那一本书中 应用文是写一个策划书,关于培训酒店员工的英语的,大作文是待价而沽的景观这篇作

21、文中自己找一个观点来写作文。 中译英 多边合作 multilateral cooperation 污水处理 sewage disposal 企业文化 corporate culture 英译中 cradle of human civilization 人类文明的摇篮 due diligence 应尽职责, 应有的审慎 time to market 上市时间 deforestation 滥伐森林 proliferation of weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器 扩散 alternative energy 替代能源 corporate govern 法人治

22、理 corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任 中译英短文是关于广交会的,英译中是 on not winning nobel prize。 五 ,2011 上外 MTI 试题回忆 ? 翻译硕士英语 一篇 cloze 一篇阅读还有一篇作文 cloze 的那篇文章题目是 Into Africa - human ancestors from Asia 文章不长 ? 有 15 个空,但没有任何选项供选择,文章大概讲的是:人们一直认为非洲是人类祖先的发源地,但是近期考古学家发现的化石研究发现人类的组先很可 能是从亚洲而来。具体的填空不是很难,如果看懂文章的话。 一篇阅读

23、是介绍华尔街的一个成功投资家的,他在诊断出绝症后决定把自己的投资技巧写成书,供大家参考。文章后只给出了四个问答题,每小题 10 分,供四十分。记得最后一题是要解释文中的一句话, when the end is near, the end is not the end. 最后一部分是作文,就给出了一句话, Not all that counts in life can be counted, 根据这个话题写一篇 400 字以上的作文。 英语翻译基础 题量依 旧很少。共四题,分两类,词语和语篇的翻译 Cancun conference 2010 2010 年坎昆会议 , Bogor Goals 茂

24、物目标 3R economy 3R( reduce、 reuse、 recycle)经济 /循环经济 Reforestation 重新造林 UN security council 联合国安全理事会 千年发展计划 the Millennium Development Goals, MDGs 雷曼兄弟 Lehman Brothers 国家一二五计划 the 12th five-year plan 上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 美联储 Federal Reserve 语篇翻译,一篇英译中好像是奥巴马的每周演讲,好像就是圣诞后那周的电台演

25、讲,将的是美国人民就业问题的。 中译英将的是上海世博会的,举世瞩目的上海世博会已经落下帷幕,创下了很多世博会记录等等。 汉语写作与百科 15 个选择题 5 个成语解释 选择题考到了:李清照的如梦令里的绿肥红瘦指的是哪个时节? 京剧里谁是性格活泼开朗的青年女性?成也萧何败也萧何指的是哪位历史人 物?谁会跳掌上舞?等等。 成语解释有:初出茅庐。韬光养晦。精卫填海。来龙去脉,还有一个什么之谜的,那个我不会,也没记住。 一篇应用文。写道歉信,注意格式。 大作文,给了一篇新闻报道,关于国考的,然后以相关内容写一篇议论文。 六 , 河南大学翻译硕士汉语百科与写作 ? 不论考什么试都没记住过题 ,不过今年这

26、个考研可把我考惨了 .希望对来年的考生有用些 ,俺们是不抱什么希望了 ,祝福其他人吧 .说一下考的题 ,大概记得些 . 第一部分考的是名词解释 :文艺复兴 , 人文主义 , 人道主义 ,启蒙运动 , 马克思 , 付尔泰 , 无神论 , 唯 物主义 , 关税 , 第一次世界大战 ,? 第二次世界大战 , 世界银行 ,世贸组织 ,? 关税壁垒 ,? 贸易保护主义 , 法国资产阶级大革命,大萧条,世界贸易, 共有二十个名词解释,可能有几个不记得了,共五十分, 第二部分是写一封求职信,四十分 第三部分是“论英语学习的必要性六十分。 七 , 2011 厦大翻英专业硕士, 接着是阅读,这是我最最郁闷的部分

27、。我是参考去年的真题来复习的,去年是五篇阅读,每篇 4 个选择,一个简答,各两分。今年是五个选择,每个 1 分,一个简答,三分。这样来做,难度和题量都增加了,反正我这块做得 很差。类型和去年一样,第一篇讲得是 museum 的来源,第二篇是讲英国国王 Richard,第三篇是讲丹麦人,第四篇讲旅游,第五篇是科技文,讲的是太阳,这篇最简单,科技文很有爱啊 最后是作文,这个比较得意。去年的作文题是翻译硕士应该具备哪些,我就在想,厦大的作文题应该是和学生很有关,虽然没有百分百猜中,但是确实是写和学生相关的,今年写的是大学生毕业后都会到大城市寻找机遇,如何看待,因为之前准备过一些和学生有关的主题,所以

28、写起来很顺。嘿嘿,也算一点小经验,大家参考参考。 现在不敢希望这科考得好了,只但愿千万别 拖后腿。 八 , 2011 东南大学 MIT汉语写作和百科知识 ? 1.词语解释 25 个,每个 2 分,一共 50 分(给了四段话,解释短文中划线的词语) 1 文艺复兴 Renaissance 2 神曲 The Divine Comedy 3 现实主义 ? realism 4十日谈 Decameron 5 人文主义 humanism 6 十四行诗 sonner 7 新文化运动 New Culture Movement 8 蔡元培 Cai Yuanpei 9 汉莫拉比法典 the Code of Hamm

29、urabi 10 宪法 constitution 11 习惯法 customary law 12 美术三杰 three distinguished men of art 14 诏令 imperial edict 15 商鞅变法 reforms of Shang Yang 16 玛雅文字 Mayan alphabet 17 表音文字 phonography 18 金文 inscriptions on bronze 19 篆书 seal character 20 人文主义 humanism 第二大题 应用文写作 南京将在 2014 年举办青奥会,需要向社会中招 募大量的志愿者,请你以青奥会主委会的

30、名义拟写一篇公告,招募的方式,时间,对志愿者的要求等几个方面要写明, 450 字左右 第三题 19 世纪 30 年代,就文学翻译中的直译和意译有过一场激烈的的争论,其实这种争论一直都在译界存在。 请就此发表你的看法,写一篇至少 800 字的议论文,要求文章通顺,说理充分,结构清晰,层次分明 九 , 2011 西外翻硕试题回顾 ? 单选 不难。六级 专八水平 改错: 5 个。我都不怎么会。 阅读:专八水平。第一篇简单。最后一篇答问题的形式。介绍全球变暖 作文:论 education 是否是 success的重要因素 翻译基础: 名词:突发公共卫生事件 pubic health event 局域网

31、 Local Area Network 科学发展观 Scientific Development View 国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources 交通银行 Cank of Communications 再生纸 recycled writing paper US department of justice 美国司法部 data protection law 数据保护法 dairy queen 黛莉冰淇淋 airbus 空中客车公司 trophy child 模范儿童 英译汉是卡梅隆在 G20 的演讲和国内的演讲,出现牛津热词大社会 汉译英 深圳市介绍,丝绸之路

32、 百科:太蹉了。去年考过的李白飘逸之美、系统科学都又出现,请问有神马意思?!去年的概念都很自觉的跳过,不会写。另有三吏,七艺,基因工程,细胞学说等。 25 个名解我花了两个小时! 新闻编译 与作文赶写。作文未完成。杯具收场。作文题是探讨形式与内容,立意自拟。 十 , 上外 2011 研究生翻译硕士专业回忆 翻译英语基础: 第一大题:完型, 无选项,无首字母, 15 空, 2 分一个,讲得大概是人类祖先并非起源于非洲,而是可能从亚洲迁移而来的 . Evolution Into Africa the human ancestors from Asia The human family tree m

33、ay not have taken root in Africa after all, claimscientists, after finding that its ancestors may have travelled from Asia. By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent 7:00PM BST 27 Oct 2010 While it is widelyaccepted that man evolved in Africa, in fact its immediate predecessors mayhave 1colonised th

34、econtinent after developing elsewhere, the study says. The claims are madeafter a team 2unearthedthe fossils of anthropoids the primate group that includes humans, apes andmonkeys in Libyas Dur At-Talah. Paleontologistsfound that 3amongstthe 39 million year old fossils there were three distinct fami

35、lies ofanthropoid primates, all of whom lived in the 4area at approximately the same time. Few or anyanthropoids are known to have existed in Africa during this 5period, known as theEocene epoch. This could eithersuggest a huge gap in Africas fossil record 6unlikely, say the scientists, given the am

36、ount ofarchaeological work undertaken in the area 7 or that the species “colonised“ Africafrom another continent at this time. As the evolutioninto three species would have 8taken extreme lengths of time, combined with the lack of fossilrecords in Africa, the team concludes that Asia was the most li

37、kely 9origin. Writing in thejournal Nature, the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be themost 10plausibletheory. Christopher Beard,of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, said: “11If our ideas are correct,this early colonisation of Africa by anthropoids was a truly 12

38、pivotal event one ofthe key points in our evolutionary history. “At the time,Africa was an island continent; when these 13anthropoids appeared, there was nothing on thatisland that could compete with them. “It led to aperiod of flourishing evolutionary divergence amongst anthropoids, and one ofthose

39、 lineages 14resultedin humans. “If our earlyanthropoid ancestors had not succeeded in migrating from Asia to Africa, wesimply 15wouldntexist.“ He added:“This extraordinary new fossil site in Libya shows us that in the middleEocene, 39 million years ago, there was a surprising diversity of anthropoid

40、sliving in Africa, whereas few if any anthropoids are known from Africa beforethis time. “This suddenappearance of such diversity suggests that these anthropoids probably colonisedAfrica from somewhere else. “Withoutearlier fossil evidence in Africa, were currently looking to Asia as the placewhere

41、these animals first evolved.“ 第二大题:阅读。选自 nytimes,就几千字一篇,讲之前在 Wall Street 工作的 Mr. Murray 患了 brain cancer 后,写了本书,有五个 decisions 要 readers 遵循,然后就是回答问题 : 原文: There are no one-handed push-ups orheadstands on the yoga mat for Gordon Murray anymore. No more playing bridge, either he jokingly accuses his bra

42、insurgeon of robbing him of the gray matter that contained all the biddingstrategy. But when Mr. Murray, a former bond salesman for GoldmanSachs who rose to the managing director level at bothLehmanBrothers and Credit Suisse First Boston, decided to cease alltreatment five months ago for his gliobla

43、stoma, a type of brain cancer, hisfirst impulse was not to mourn what he couldnt do anymore or to buy an islandor to move to Paris. Instead, he hunkered down in his tiny home office here andchanneled whatever remaining energy he could muster into a slim paperback. Itscalled The Investment Answer, an

44、d he wrote it with his friend andfinancialadviser Daniel Goldie to explain investing in a handful of simplesteps. Why a book? And why this subject? Nine years ago, after retiringfrom 25 years of pushing bonds on pension andmutual fund managerstrying to beat the market averages over long periods of t

45、ime, Mr. Murray had anepiphany about the futility of his former customers pursuits. He eventually went to work as a consultant for Dimensional FundAdvisors, a mutual fund company thatrailsagainst active money management. So whenhis death sentence arrived, Mr. Murray knew he had to work quickly and r

46、esolvedto get the word out to as many everyday investors as he could. “ This is one of the true benefits of having a brain tumor, Mr.Murray said, laughing. Everyone wants to hear what you have to say. He and Mr. Goldie have managed to beat the clock, finishing andprinting the book themselves while M

47、r. Murray is still alive. It is plentyuseful for anyone who isnt already investing in a collection of index orsimilar funds and dutifully rebalancing every so often. But the mere fact that Mr. Murray felt compelled to write it isitself a remarkable story of an almost willful ignorance of the futilit

48、y ofactive money management and how he finally stumbled upon a better way ofinvesting. Mr. Murray now stands as one the highest-ranking Wall Streetveterans to take back much of what he and his colleagues worked for duringtheir careers. Mr. Murray grew up in Baltimore, about the farthest thing from acrusader that you could imagine. I was the kid you didnt want your daughterto date, he said. I stole baseball cards and cheated on Spanish tests andmade fun of the fat kid in the corner with glasses. He got a lot of second chances tha


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