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1、Unit 1 1、然而,许多人认为现代文明的发展不仅取决于科学技术,而且也取决于教育的社会化。( 56) Many people believe, however, that the development of modern civilization depends not only on science and technology, but also on educational/education socialization. 2、人类应努力提高自身的研究能力,无论是理论研究还是应用研究能力。( 2416) Man should make efforts to improve his

2、own research ability, whether pure or applied research. 3、无论别人说什么,他都怀疑,因此受到大家的冷落。( 3435) He is skeptical of/about whatever others say and therefore is left out in the cold. 4、此外,我们对实验结果依然表示怀疑,因为我知道总有一些难以预料的因素,干扰了公正客观研究( 3942) Furthermore, I am dubious/doubtful/skeptical of/about the experiment resul

3、t, since I know that a number of unexpected factors tend to disturb impartial and objective investigation/research. Unit3 1、毫无疑问,诸如所谓“来生”实际上是不存在的。(来生: After-life,参见课文 line1-2) There is no doubt that no such thing as the so-called after-life really exists. 2、我们要尽可能多的说服那些似乎犹豫不决的人改变态度。(参考 unit3, line6-

4、7) We must try to persuade as many people as appear to hesitate to change their attitudes. 3、然而当新世纪来临时,人们发现不管愿意与否,远离网络生活是不可能的。( line14-17) When, however, the new century is drawing near/coming/approaching, it is found/discovered that, whether you like it or not, it is not possible/impossible to live

5、 away from the Internet/network. 4、王教授做了近一步调查,他认为如果不控制大气污染,那么由此造成的温室效应将更加威胁到人类的生存环境。( line34-39) A further enquiry/investigation was made by Prof. wang, who reasoned that if atmosphere pollution were not brought under control/were not controlled, the resulting/consequent greenhouse effect would pose

6、/present a more threat to the environment in which human beings live/the human living environment. Unit4 1、一位撰写英美文化论文的学生,请求我给他推荐有关评论供参考。( 57) A student who writing culture of British and American, requested me to recommend relevant comments for reference. 2-a、在做实验时,任何意想不到的事情都可能发生。 In doing experimen

7、ts, any unexpected situation could happen. 2-b、中国科学家在攀登世界科学高峰时必然会遇到种种障碍,但他们有决心跨越障碍。( 912) When chinese scientists climb the peak of science in the world, the inevitable will encounter all sorts of obstacles, but they have determined to cross obstacle 3、我们注重将科学理论应用于实践、把科学技术迅速转化为生产力,从而促进综合国力的全面发展。( 18

8、22) We focus on pure science applied to the practical, to converted the science and technology into productivity rapidly, so as to promote the all-round development of the comprehensive national strength. 4、诸如,获取高分提高交际能力,毕业后找份理想的工作等梦想,都是当代大学生所追求的。( 2227) Such as, get high scores, improve communicati

9、on skills, find a ideal work after graduation, And so on dream, is the pursuit of contemporary college students. 5、总的来说,我们所做的努力,可极大的促进我们目标的获得。( 3537) Generally speaking, our efforts can greatly stimulate the attainment/achievement of our goal. 6、与其说他愚蠢还不如说他疯狂。( 4548) He is more insane than stupid. U

10、nit5 1、 现代科技一个值得注意的现象是:交叉学科研究日趋明显,即其研究范 围不局限于某一个学科。( 1-5) A noteworthy phenomenon in present-day science and technology is the increasingly marked trend towards interdisciplinary research; ie , research whose scope is not merely confined to a particular discipline. 2、 因此,任何参与这次竞赛的人都要根据规则竞争。( 5-7) An

11、y participating in the contest should therefore compete in accordance with the rules. 3、 有待解决的问题日益增多,日益多样化,在某些情况下,使我们难以尽可能早的解决。( 16-21) The increasing magnitude and diversity of the problems to solved make it impossible, in some case, for us to solve them as soon as possible. 4、从事交叉学科研究所需人员日益增多,导致更多

12、新的专业出现。( 21-24) The increasing number of people need to engage in interdisciplinary research has led to the emergency of more new disciplines. 5、因此,有必要把人力、物力、财力投入到最需要的部门。( 26-27) It is therefore essential to direct human, materials and financial resources into the sectors which need them most. 6、由于中

13、国和外国是相互依赖的,所以显而易见中国应大力发展对外关系和对外贸易。( 43-46) Owing to the interdependence between countries it is easy to see that China should make great efforts to develop its foreign relative and foreign trade. Unit6 1 影响经济发展的问题之一,在上次专题研讨会上已讨论过,即落后的意识与日益增长的开放要求不一致,这已经阻碍了经济的巨大增长 .(4-8 line) One of the problems has

14、already been discussed at the last seminar, i.e. the inconformity/disagreement between the backward awareness and the increasing opening requirement, which has acted as a bar to/hindered/blocked a great economic growth. 2 越来越清楚的是,只 有合理的利用自然资源,才能解决制约国民生产总值的许多问题。( 12-15line) It is becoming more and mo

15、re evident that many of the problems restricting the GNP/GDP cannot be solved except by rational using of natural resources. 3 由于上述各种有利条件,在过去的 20 年里,中国的对外合作已大大加强,这在很大程度上是由于卓有成效的改革和对外开放。 (27-32 line) As a result of the favorable conditions outlined above, Chinas foreign cooperation has been greatly i

16、ntensified during the last 20 years largely owing to its fruitful/effective reform and opining to the outside world. Unit7 1. 我们在会上将不讨论这个问题,留给大家下去思考 。( 1-3) We are not going to discuss this problem at the meeting ,and then leave it to all of you to think about after the meeting. 2. 自动化尽管使我们人极大地提高生产效

17、率,但也导致了一个不可否认的现象 普遍适应。 5-8 Whilst automation enables us to raise production dfficiency greatly , it also leads to an undeniable phenomenon-widespread unemployment 3. 由于经济发展不均衡,显而易见,短时期内使西部与东部保持同步发展是不可能的。 8-11 Given unbalanced economic development , it is easy to see that in a short period time keepi

18、ng the development of eastern is impossible. 4. 如果我们不继续深 化改革,一些常见的现象如管理不善、机构臃肿足以直接严重的阻碍企业的发展。 21-23 If we dont continue to deepen reform , a number of quite common occurrences such as poor management and over staffed organization are therefore sufficient to cause immediate and serious interference w

19、ith the development of enterprises. 5. 在生产局限于单一产品的情况下,企业往往会失去竞争优势,甚至破产。 26-28 Enterprise often lose competitive edge and even go bankrupt in cases where production is confined to only one product“monoculture” 6. 由于自动化程度高,我们工厂决定裁剪操作机器所需的蓝领工人。 29-31 Being highly automated , out factory is decided to r

20、educe the number of blue collar workers needed to operate machine. 7. 首先,开发西部地区需要大量的资金,而这正是西部地区所缺乏的。 45-47 In the first place , to develop the western region necessitates capital on a large scale ,whic h the western region lacks. 8. 从国际关系的观点看,一个地区经济或政治的不稳定,必然对世界其他地方产生日益严重的影响。 8-11,53-55 From the poi

21、nt of view of international relations , it esay to see area is bound to have an increasingly serious effect upon the rest of the world. Unit8 1. 在此,我想谈谈中国在进行改革开放时 ,会遇到的种种困难和挫折。( L 24) Here, I would like to deal with various difficulties and setbacks China may encounter/come up against while carrying

22、 out /implementing reform and opening. 2. 在进行实践过程中,一种常见的现象是:不加批判的接受看似正确但未经过检验的结果。( L 57) In doing/making/carrying out/conducting experiments, a common phenomenon is the uncritical acceptance of apparently/seemingly correct, but untested results. 3. 在收集原始资料和随后的实验过程中,观察时间持续不够长久这一事实,不仅导致未能识别错误的因素,而且也导致

23、某些积极因素未被发现。( L 2228) Both in collecting the original materials in carrying out subsequent experiments, the fact that observations are not continued for a long enough time not only to a failure to recognize wrong/incorrect factors , but also result in certain positive factors remaining undiscovered.

24、4. 在外语学习中,忽视母语干扰,可能会产生不良 的后果,如逐词翻译一例。( L 2831) In learning foreign languages, neglect of mother tongue/native language interference may have adverse consequences, as in the case of word for-word translation. 5. 最近人们普遍认为:机构臃肿、管理不善,会阻碍企业的发展,因为这已被大量的事实证明。( L 3337) Recently it has been widely believed t

25、hat overstaffed organization and poor management can hinder a bar to the development of enterprises, since this has been proved by numerous factors. 6. 较低的生产率,往往是由于未能重视工业自动化造成的,这一弊端已经影响了该市整个工业部门的发展。( L 4142) Lower productivity is often caused by a failure to attach much importance to industrial auto

26、mation, a disadvantage which has affected the whole industrial sector in this city. 7. 这一趋势可能会使科学家过分强调或过分注重应用研究,因为应用研究有助于获得直接效益。( L 5457) This trend may cause the scientist to over-stress or attach too much importance to applied research, because of its usefulness in acquiring immediate benefits. 8.

27、 总之,偶然发现存在于科学研究的每一个阶段,因此,必须增强敏锐性,以把握机遇。( L 6164) To sum up , chance discovery is present at every stage of scientific research , and sensitivity must be enhanced in order to grasp the opportunity. 9. 当然,还有些问题与落后的意识有关,但由此可能产生的后果十分普遍和严重,因此应在下次会议上特别讨论。( L 6467) Additional problems are, of course, conne

28、cted with backward awareness, but so widespread and serious consequences that may arise from it that they deserve separate treatment at the next meeting. Unit9 1、当我们借鉴历史经验时,无论是本国的还是外国的,我们发现总有些人由于不能正确处理个人和国家的利益而与国家背道而驰。( 14) When we learn from/draw on the historical experience, whether of our country

29、 or of foreign countries, we find that there have always been some people who have run counter to people because of a failure to correctly deal with the interests of individuals and the nation. 2、情况往往是说是一回事做又是一回事。( 78) It frequently happens that saying is one thing and acting/doing is another (thing

30、). 3、因此,如果我们 使用这个方法来进行实验就可能容易失败,因为这个方法已被人们证明是行不通的。( 1822) Thus if we perform an experiment, using this method, it might easily be a failure since this method has been proved unfeasible/unviable. 4、另一个与逻辑推理相关的常见错误是在于混淆了因果关系。( 2526) Another common error connected with logical reasoning consists in con

31、fusing cause and effect relationship. 5、长期以来,我们注意到无论我们什么时候遵循市场规律,我们的产品就十分畅销,企业就能迅速发展。( 4951) We have noted over the ages that whenever we follow the market law, our products sell well and our enterprise can develop rapidly. 6、至于生产成本,应该强调的是降低成本的最佳途径是加强企业管理,合理配置资源。( 6163) As regards the production cos

32、t, it should be emphasized that the optimal/best approach/way is to strengthen/intensify business management and allocate resources reasonably. 7、就我而言,经济发展的历史有许多例子表明,落后的意识和观念是如何的其作用以至于极大的阻碍了进一步发展。( 7478) As far as I am concerned, the history of economic development shows many instances in which the

33、backward awareness/consciousness and idea /concept have operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly powerful resistance to further development. 8、我们面临的挑战越大,就应该勇敢的去迎接挑战。( 8588) The greater challenge we face, the more bravely we will meet it. Unit10 1 在前几章中,我们主要论述了当代科学发展的种种趋势。 1-3 In prece

34、ding chapters, we have mainly dealt with the various trends in present-day science development. 2 在后几章里,我们将讨论未来科技发展的种种途径 3-5 In (the) subsequent chapters, we will discuss the various ways in which science and technology may develop in the future. 3 可以预测,计算机的广泛应用将导致一场意义深远的教学革命。 11-14 It may be predic

35、ted that the widespread application of computers will lead to a far-reaching revolution in the teaching. 4 应加强国际科技合作,以提高我国综合国力。 14-17 International cooperation in science and technology should be intensified in order to raise/enhance our comprehensive strength. 5 另一个优势是,工业自 动化的迅速发展,将不可避免地导致工业效率的提高。

36、18-20 Another advantage is that the rapid expansion of industrial automation will inevitably lead to a higher efficiency in industry. 6 如果我们希望在一定程度上缓解我巿交通拥挤状况,我们就应坚定贯彻这项新的政策。20-22 If we wish to ease/relieve the traffic tension/congestion/jam in our city to some extent, we shall have to implement thi

37、s new policy firmly. 7 在不太发达国家,工业自动化程度低,将导致产品生产效率低,并且可能会产生不良的社会影响。 26-29 In the less developed countries, a low degree of industrial automation will lead to a low efficiency in the production of manufactured goods, and is likely to have adverse/unfavorable social effects. 8 似乎我们越是努力,成功的机会越小。 59-62 I

38、t seems that the greater efforts we make/the harder we work, the less/smaller probability/chance that we will succeed/achieve success. 9 随着时间的推移,经 济与每个人的生活的联系越来越密切。 63-64 As time goes by, economy will be brought into closer and closer contact with the life of every individual. Unit11 1 这位研究者使用抽样的方法进

39、行市场销售研究,并得出结论:未来市场前景广阔。 (1-3) The researcher made a marketing research, using sampling method and came to the conclusion that there would be a vast prospect of the future market. 2 随着医学科学的进步,医疗保健服务更加完善,医疗仪器设备更加先进,从而延长了人的寿命。( 10-12) With advances in medical science there have been better medical care

40、 services and more advanced/sophisticated medical instruments/equipment, thus prolonging human life span. 3. 这一技术革新,不仅导致自动化程度的提高,因而生产效率的提高,而且为本企业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。( 13-18) The technical innovation has not only led to a higher degree of automation and hence to a higher/raising production efficiency, but ha

41、s also formed/laid a solid basis/foundation for the development of the business/enterprise. 4. 然而,他们进行进一步调查研究时发现,与他们预测相反的是:结果与假设不吻合。( 30-32) However, when they made a further investigation, they foundcontrary to their predictionthat the result did not coincide with the hypothesis. 5. 通过多年的辛勤工作,这位农业专

42、家开发的一项对促进农作物生长具有极大价值的技术。( 38-41) Through several years of hard work, the agricultural expert has developed a technology which is of much value to promoting crop growth. 6. 他刚要开口发言,就想起了“沉默是金”这句格言。( 49-52) He was going to speak when he remembered/thought of the/this maxim “Silence is gold.” 7. 结果证明,这是

43、迄今为止所采用的解决这个问题的最佳方法。( 53-56) It turns out that this is the optimal approach/solution yet adopted to the problem. 8. 除了了解国际市场的变化和趋势之外,对国际市场的分析,可有助于指导国内企业进行生产。( 57-60) Apart from knowing about/keeping track of the changes and trends in the international market, an analysis of it can be useful in guidi

44、ng domestic enterprises in their production. 9. 在实验过程中,我们使用新近研制的仪器分析了这种金属受热时放射出的射线。( 84-87) In making/During the experiment, we used a recently-developed instrument to analyze the ray given off by the/this metal when (it is) heated. 10. 因此,我们可以得出结论,即便机器人在各个领域广泛使用,他们也不可能完全取代人来,这是因为是人类赋予机器人的智力。( 116-1

45、19) We may therefore conclude that, even if they are widely applied/find wide application in all fields, robots cannot take the place of/replace humans completely. This is because it is humans who endow robots with intelligence. Unit 12 1 可以预测,中国进入 WTO,除了影响国内大多数生产厂家和普通市民的生活,必将加快中国的经济建设步伐。( L1-3) It

46、may be predicted that Chinas entry into/access to WTO, besides affecting the majority of domestic manufacturers and the life of ordinary citizens, will surely accelerate/speed up the pace of economic construction. 2 中国政府已将大量的资金投入到西部地区的开发上,旨在不久的将来,缩小东西部的差距。( L9-13) The Chinese government has applied/

47、devoted a large proportion of money/funds to the development of the west/ern region, which is designed to narrow/bridge the gap between the east and the west in the near future. 3 我们已经讨论了一些重大的经济问题,其中包括那些与国民生活密切的相关的问题。( L15-18) We have discussed a number of major subjects of economy, including those

48、which are closely linked to the life of the citizens. 4 由于边缘科学的出现,每个学科的发展日益依赖于各个领域的科技人员的共同协作,唯有如此,才能推动科学与技术的进步。( L17-18) As a result of the emergence of borderline/interdisciplinary science(s), every individual indiscipline/science depends increasingly on the joint coordination of scientists and tec

49、hnologists in all fields, and only in this way can we push forward science and technology. 5 显然,国家应对那些生产效率低的企业进行干预,以确保骨干企业的健康发展。( L25-31) It is clear/obvious that the State should intervene in/interfere in those enterprises whose production efficiency is low/with low production efficiency in order to ensure the healthy development of the backbone enterprises/businesses. 6 应 采取得力措施,减少自然资源的浪费,有步骤的开发至今尚未开发的资源。( L33-35) Effective measures should be taken to reduce the wastage of natura


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