1、1,妇产科专业英语,Special English of Gynecology & Obstetrics,2,主要构词形“说文解字”一、生殖 (reproduction),genital tract urogenitalgerm cell germinoma,genito- 意为“birth”,germ(in)o- 意为“seed”,3,二、女性(woman,female)feminize 使女性化 gynecology 妇科学 gynecological surgeryestrogen 雌激素 estradiol 雌二醇,femino- 意为“woman”gynecco-意为“woman”e
2、stro-意为“estrus”动情,4,三、卵巢(ovary)ovariectomy 卵巢切除术 ovary cancer 卵巢癌 oophoritis 卵巢炎,ovario- 源于“ovum”卵 “oo”卵 +“phoro-”含,5,四、输卵管(fallopian,tube,oviduct,salpinx)salpigitis 输卵管炎 salpingo-oophorectomy 输卵管卵巢切除术 “salpingo-” 源于希腊语,意为 tube辨析:另义为“咽鼓管”,如salpingoscopy 咽鼓管镜检查,6,五、子宫(womb,uterus)uterine 子宫的 uteropla
3、cental 子宫胎盘的hysteria 癔病 hysterectomy 子宫切除术endometrial 子宫内膜的 endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症,utero- 意为“womb”hystero-意为“womb”hysteria,古时人们认为此病与子宫紊乱有关metro- 意为“womb”,7,六、阴道(vagina)vaginitis 阴道炎 vaginal hysterectomy 经阴道子宫切除术 “vagino-” 源于拉丁语,意为 sheath 鞘,8,七、月经(menses,menstruation)menopause 绝经 dysmenorrhea 痛经 “meno
4、-” 源于希腊语,意为month,9,八、妊娠(pregnancy,gravidity)pregnant 妊娠的 pregneninolone 孕烯炔醇酮 first pregnant trimester 妊娠首三月 “pregno-” 源于拉丁语,pre- gnaci,意为 to be born,10,九、羊膜(amnion)amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺 amniotic fluid 羊水 “amnio-” 源于希腊语amnos,意为 lamb 羊羔 辨析:amino- 氨基酸(拼写相近),11,十、绒毛膜(chorion)chorioamnionitis 绒毛膜羊膜炎 chorio
5、nic gonadotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素 “chorio-” 源于希腊语,fetal membrane 辨析:另义为“脉络膜”(眼),12,十一、胚胎(embryo)embryogenesis 胚胎发生 embryonic stem cells 胚胎干细胞 mesoderm 中胚层,embryo- 源于 “embruon” 意为 to swell -derm 意为 “skin”,13,十二、分娩(delivery,childbirth,labour)primipara 初产妇 tocopherol 生育酚 tocolytic agent 保胎药物,-para 源于“bear” toc
6、o- 意为 childbirth,14,配对练习(一),genitourinary gynecology ovariectomy uterine leiomyoma hysterosalpinogography,a.卵巢切除术b.生殖泌尿道 c.妇科学d.子宫输卵管造影术e.子宫平滑肌瘤,(b),(c),(a),(e),(d),15,配对练习(二),fallopian tube menorrhagia pregneninolone embryonic stem cells amniotic fluid,a.经血过多b.输卵管 c.胚胎干细胞d.羊水e.孕烯炔醇酮,(b),(a),(e),(c)
7、,(d),16,配对练习(三),salpingo-oophorectomy hysteria genitalis estradiol endometrial,a.癔病b.输卵管卵巢切除术 c.雌二醇d.子宫内膜的e.生殖器,(b),(a),(e),(c),(d),17,实景对话,1. Asking a patient about his illness Any vomiting? Are you feeling all right? Are you feeling well? Are you feeling nausea?,18,Have you had this experience bef
8、ore?Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?Have you got any feeling of nausea?Have you lost weight recently?Have you taken anything for it?,19,Are your bowels acting properly?Are your bowels regular?Did you have pains here before?Do you cough?Do you feel short of breath sometimes?Do you feel
9、short-winded?Do you have difficulty breathing?Does it hurt?,20,How about your appetite?How bad is it?How far pregnant are you?How long has it been this way?How long has this been going on?How long have you been like this?How long have you had it?,21,How are you feeling now?How is your sleep?Is the c
10、ut still painful?Since when have you been feeling like this?What sort of pain do you get there?Whats wrong with your ear?Whats your complaint?,22,What seems to be the matter?When did the pain start?When did you begin feeling unwell?Which tooth is troubling you?Why is that?Your case record, please.Yo
11、ure suffering from an allergy?,23,2. Telling a doctor how you feel,About a week now.About five days running already.I cant life my right arm.,24,I cough a great deal at night.I feel a bit off color.I feel absolutely rotten.I feel chilly.I feel dizzy and Ive got no appetite.I feel feverish.I feel hot
12、 and cold.I feel like Im burning up.,25,I feel sick.I feel poorly.I feel so ill.I really feel terrible.I feel shivery and Ive got a sore throat.I feel a dull pain in the stomach.I just feel all pooped out.I keep feeling dizzy.,26,I have a headache.I have a splitting headache.I have a stomach-ache.I
13、have a stuffed-up nose.I think Im dying.I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.Im having some trouble sleeping.Im suffering from insomnia.,27,It all began yesterday.It came on last night.It keeps hanging on.It started two days ago.Its a dull sort of pain, and I dont know what
14、s causing it.Its not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache.Ive been sneezing all day.Ive been throwing up.,28,Just off and on.My eyesight is falling.My eyes have been sore.My right eardrum has become infected.My tooth is acting up again.One of my upper teeth is loose and aching.This tooth on the lo
15、wer jaw is sensitive to cold and hot.,29,3. Examining a patient,A blood test is necessary.Any pain here?Breathe deeper, please.,30,Cough. Now again.Do you have any pain here?Does it hurt here?Does it hurt when I touch it here?Go and have your chest X-rayed.I think wed better give you a few tests.Ill
16、 have your temperature taken.Im going to take a throat culture so well know for sure.,31,Let me check your lungs and heart.Let me examine your stomach.Let me feel you pulse.Let me sound your lungs.Let me take your blood pressure.Lie down on the couch there. Let me examine your belly.Now breathe in.
17、A deep breath.,32,Now let me just see.Now slip off your coat and shirt, please.Open your mouth and say “Ah”.Please go and take a stool test.Put this thermometer under your tongue.Show me where it hurts.Take your blood count first, please.Take your blood count first, please.,33,Well, lets take an X-r
18、ay of your chest.You must have an electrocardiograph examination.Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lungs.The gums are swollen.Your tongues rather coated.Youve got a faint murmur of the heart.Theres some respiratory murmur in your heart.,34,A slight infection.An operation is needed to rem
19、ove your tonsils.,4. Diagnosing and treating,35,By the sound of it, its bronchitis.I should say youve caught cold.I should think youve got the flu.I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first.If your recovery goes on like this, you can leave in three days.Ill give you an injection first.Ill give
20、 you a shot, Im afraid.,36,Im afraid an urgent operation is necessary.Im afraid youll have to be operated on for appendicitis.It could be a case of TB.It looks as if its scarlet fever.It looks like measles.Its an acute case.Its inflammation of the skin.,37,Its not so serious as it seems.Its nothing
21、but a little infection in the finger tip.Its nothing serious, but youd better stay in bed.Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.The tooth will have to be taken out.You must have your tooth extracted.The X-ray shows a fractured ankle.Theres a bad virus going around here and thats probably what i
22、t is.,38,Theres a marked improvement in your condition.Theres nothing to be alarmed about.The infection may lead to respiratory complications.Well, it could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side, we ought to have it X-rayed.You must be hospitalized right now.You must have your appen
23、dix removed.,39,Youll have to have your decayed tooth pulled out.Youll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.Youll recover in two or three days.Your case is not very serious.Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.Your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about
24、a month.,40,5. Giving prescription and advice,A change of diet may do you good.A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.,41,Administer the ointment once everyday.Apply this tube of jelly three times a day.Are you allergic to any medication?Avoid greasy foods.Be careful to your diet.Be sure to keep wa
25、rm and rest.Cut down on your drinking.Do not smoke.,42,Dont overdo things.Dont strain yourself too much.Drink more hot water.Drink more liquids and take the medicine I prescribed.Drink this mixture four times a day, one measure each time.Electrical treatments will be good for your rheumatism.,43,Her
26、e is a prescription. Id like you to take one of these pills three times a day.Heres a sick-leave certificate for three days.I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but youd be well advised not to overwork yourself.I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicines.I think a month at a
27、health resort will do you good.,44,I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat.If your fever lingers, come to me again.Ill give you some tablets.Ill just give you a prescription.Ill make up a prescription for you.Ill prescribe a bottle of cough syrup for you.Itll keep the swelling down.,45,Rub
28、 in this cream once a day.Stay away from work till Monday, and dont overdo things.Stay in bed and rest.Take curative baths once a day, and drink some mineral water.Take one capsule every four hours.Take ten c.c. each time, three times a day.Take the medicine I prescribed and come back in a week.,46,
29、These vitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance.This is for oral administration.This is for reducing the fever.This medicine will give you quick relief.This medicine will relieve your pain.This ointment will subdue the inflammation.This solution is for external use only.,47,推荐医学英语学习网站(1)
30、,http:/www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/Me.pd/contents.htm (很有用的医学网站,图文详实,慢速英语,医学专题pdf及MP3下载)http:/ (其它特别英语http:/ (它分专业以Flash动画形式,让你轻松熟悉医学英语)http:/ (不错的英文医学书籍)http:/ (基础词汇),48,推荐医学英语学习网站(2),http:/ -(医学英语每日一文)http:/ -(医学英语写作流程,个人网站),49,推荐医学英语学习网站(3),医学英语听力视频网站http:/ m.htm/http:/www.kmuw.org/programming/arc.iaa2003/07.htmlhttp:/medstat.med.utah.edu/neurolo./home_exam.htmlhttp:/ 专业词汇大全类http:/cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/omd/ 英国在线医学词典(On-Line Medical Dictionary) 该词典始于1997年创建,目前词汇量已有46,000,约1835万字,堪称海量。http:/www.esaurus.org/ 在线英汉医学词典 ,该词典也是以在线的形式出现的,包括医学方面的近15,000个常用的术语。附加医学图像。,