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1、AKI患者如何调整药物剂量,首都医科大学北京朝阳医院SICU 李文雄,AKI的流行病学,J Am Soc Nephrol 2007,18: 12921298.,AKI的流行病学,AKI在人群中的发病率与AMI相似约为 2.1/1000 人某些形式AKI的早期病死率高于AMI尽管接受了RRTAKI通常在某些疾病的背景下发生Sepsis最常见与病死率增加有关AKI放大了基础疾病死亡的风险AMI通常没有sepsis等基础疾病背景,J Am Soc Nephrol . 2007;18(4):1292-1298. JAMA . 2005;294(7):813-818. Kidney Int. 2010;

2、77(6):527-535.,AKI的流行病学,AKI的流行病学,发病率Risk:17.2%Injury:11%Failure:7.6%,对应死亡率20.9%45.6%56.8%,Marlies O,et al. Crit Care Med,2007(8):1837-1844.,41972例ICU患者,15019(35.8%)发生了AKI,没有发生AKI者,病死率仅为8.4%,Mortality in the different studies for individual RIFLE classes,Current Opinion in Critical Care 2006, 12:5315

3、37,RIFLE分级能较好地反映AKI的严重程度和预后,AKI的后果,AKI的后果,液体超负荷电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱恶化短期预后和长期预后 33%的生存者在12个月后还需要RRT 进展为CKD和心血管疾病AKI严重程度升高与病死率呈线性关系,AKI的后果对先天免疫功能的影响,对照组或AKI动物吸入绿脓杆菌,Kidney International 2011,80:633644.,AKI attenuated pulmonary neutrophilrecruitment and worsened pneumonia,AKI的后果,AKI 损伤机体免疫功能感染易感性增加Sepsis发生率增加恶性循

4、环延长sepsis诱发的AKI增加死亡率和住院时间AKI导致治疗失败或药毒性增加临床不能正确使用药物剂量比如抗生素存在不稳定的清除率与分布容积,Stage-based management of AKI,AKI stage,Shading of boxes indicates priority of actionsolid shading indicates actions that are equally appropriate at all stages whereas graded shading indicates increasing priority as intensity in

5、creases.,JAMA 2005; 294:813-818. Crit Care Clin 2006;22:357374.,各种原因所致AKI比例,一半以上为抗生素所致,药物性AKI,病理学 药物 临床表现 治疗,药物性AKI,计算药物调整因子,假设前提药物经肾脏排泄的百分数(fe)不变药物的代谢产物非肾排泄或无毒无活性肾脏病对药物代谢没有影响药物的总体清除率和GFR成正比计算药物调整因子Q,延长给药间隔,间隔= 正常间隔 Q,减少每次用药剂量,.,剂量= 正常剂量 Q,同时减少剂量和延长间隔,计算每日总剂量剂量= 正常剂量 Q 选定给药间隔计算每次剂量每次剂量=(正常剂量Q选定间隔)/正

6、常间隔,AKI: Pharmacokinetic Factors,抗菌药物药代动力学发生改变Vd、药物血清浓度AKI导致的液体超负荷疾病危重导致强制性毛细血管漏亲水性药物受影响:B-lactams,aminoglycosides蛋白结合率下降疾病状态:尿毒症、肝硬化、肾病综合征、烧伤等竞争性置换结合的药物pH、肝素、游离脂肪酸如 salicylate 、sulfonamide肾脏清除率下降 (受RRT的影响),Pharmacokinetic Factors,Vd 决定首剂或负荷剂量Vd:当药物在体内达动态平衡后体内药量与血药浓度之比Vd=给药量*生物利用度/血浆药物浓度 (L/kg)Vd是一个

7、假想的容积,它不代表体内具体的生理性容积Vd反映药物分布的广泛程度或与组织中大分子的结合程度 Vd5L 表示药物大部分分布于血浆 Vd1020L 表示药物分布于全身体液 Vd40L 表示药物分布于组织器官 Vd 100L 表示药物集中分布至某个组织器官或大范围组织内 Vd越小,药物排泄越快,在体内存留时间越短Vd越大,药物排泄越慢,在体内存留时间越长,Volume of Distribution,水溶性 vs 脂溶性,Crit Care Med 2009; 37(3): 840-51,肥胖病人需要较高的初始剂量 亲脂性药物,确定给药剂量的复杂性,空心圈:健康自愿者的Vd;实心方块:57项研究的

8、Vd平均值;实线:57项研究Vd的平均值分布范围。,Joao Goncalves-Pereira ,et al.Critical Care 2011, 15:R206,美罗培南是水溶性抗生素,在sepsis状态下,Vd增加,给药时需考虑增加剂量,低蛋白血症对抗生素Vd、CL和t1/2的影响,低蛋白血症会导致抗生素Vd增大,CL增加和t1/2变化,药物浓度,低蛋白血症时,高蛋白结合抗生素的推荐剂量,增加初始剂量,增加给药次数,The likely effect of altered physiology on antibiotic kinetics and plasma and tissue c

9、oncentrations,Sepsis患者必须调整抗生素剂量,在脓毒症的开始阶段,Vd和CL通常增加,抗生素剂量必须调整通过对危重患者,包括MODS的b lactam抗生素的治疗监控(TDM)发现:在治疗的开始阶段,70%的患者没有达到适当的抗生素治疗浓度, 50.4%的患者需要增加剂量, 23.7%需要减少,Roberts JA ,et al. Int J Antimicrob Agents . 2010 ; 36: 332 - 339,重症感染患者在使用头孢他啶、头孢吡肟、哌拉西林他唑巴坦标准剂量后,对铜绿假单胞菌或MIC值更高细菌血药浓度不足美罗培南标准剂量使用后,T 4 MIC(%)

10、均值高于理论要求,使75%患者达标,Taccone et al. Insufficient -lactam concentrations. Critical Care 2010;14(4):126-135,Pharmacokinetic Factors,维持剂量取决于总药物清除率非RRT清除残余肾功能肝脏清除率CRRT清除CRRT模式:CVVH、CVVHD等CRRT剂量、前稀释或后稀释滤膜:孔径、吸附能力Sc,Equations for calculating CRRT clearance from the first principles,Sc的计算方法 (主要取决于蛋白结合率) Sc=1

11、PB (可变的)影响因素膜材料药物-膜相互作用孔道特性CVVH (前稀释) 如何计算校正因子 (CF) CRRT清除率(后稀释)=Qf Sc CF = Qb /(Qb + Qrep) Qb :血流速率;Qrep:置换液速率,Equations for calculating CRRT clearance from the first principles,Kill characteristics of different antibacterials and pharmacokinetic targets associated with optimal bacterial killing,治疗

12、原则:疗效最大化,尽量减少抗生素阻抗 和不良反应,设定抗生素治疗目标,Pharmacokinetic data for antibacterials commonly used in intensive care in patients receiving CRRT,Pharmacokinetic data for antibacterials commonly used in intensive care in patients receiving CRRT,Pharmacokinetic data for antibacterials commonly used in intensive

13、care in patients receiving CRRT,Pharmacokinetic data for antibacterials commonly used in intensive care in patients receiving CRRT,Calculation of antibacterial doses based on first principles,Non-CRRT clearance is the sum of nonrenal clearance plus residual renal clearance. Cl tot = Total clearance.

14、,Calculation of amikacin dose for empirical non-enterobacteriaceae nosocomial sepsis for a 70-kg patient with anuric acute renal failure onCVVH using an AN69 filter and with targeted UFR 35 ml/kg/h,已知数据Vd:33LSc:0.62Non-CRRT clearance:23ml/min预计目标值Cmax/MIC=8,Calculation of meropenum dose for empirica

15、l non-enterobacteriaceae nosocomial sepsis for a 70-kg patient with anuric acute renal failure onCVVHusing an AN69 filter and with targeted UFR 35 ml/kg/h,已知数据Vd:28LSd:0.95Non-CRRT clearance:60ml/min预计目标值维持血药浓度=5MIC,Currently available methods of estimating antibacterial dose in patients receiving C

16、RRT,Pharmacokinetic data of antibiotics for 70 kg patient receiving CVVH 35 ml/kg/h,Catherine SCB. Curr Opin Crit Care 14:654659,Antimicrobial dose prediction strategies for 70 kg anuric patient receiving CVVH (35 ml/kg/h),Catherine SCB. Curr Opin Crit Care 14:654659,Population pharmacokinetic model

17、 of meropenem derived from critically ill patients describing the use of altered dosing strategies to improve the likelihood of achieving optimal PK/PD targets for various MIC values,The effect of varying levels of renal dysfunction on the achievement of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics targets for

18、 the same dose of meropenem. This example describes the probability of target attainment (fTMIC) for meropenem administered by intermittent bolus (infused over 5 min), in a man aged 50 years and weighing 70 kg with Cr of 50, 100, 200, and 300 mmol/L.,总 结,AKI发生率与病死率均很高充分了解AKI发病的高危因素应当早期识别AKI尽量祛除AKI的危

19、险因素避免使用肾毒性药物适当调整药物用量与用法计算药物调整因子计算RRT清除率监测肾功能与药物浓度以便调整用药剂量,谢 谢!,沐舒坦的药代动力学,吸收:空腹0.5-3 小时可达最高血中浓度沐舒坦的平均半衰期为7-12小时迅速分布在全身器官和组织肺脏是浓度最高的分布点之一代谢:沐舒坦经肝脏被代谢排泄90经尿液排泄10%经粪便排泄,沐舒坦在AKI患者中无需调整剂量,RRT时利奈唑胺的使用剂量,J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy,2005,56, 172179,CVVH可较好地清除利奈唑胺; 600 mg q12h 剂量恰当。,Pharmacokinetic data of antibiotics for 70 kg patient receiving CVVH 35 ml/kg/h,Catherine SCB. Curr Opin Crit Care 14:654659,PK改变对剂量调整的影响,AAG:1酸性糖蛋白,


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