Analysis on Heroine's Self-Cognition in The Chrysanthemums【开题报告】.doc

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1、 1 本科毕业论文开题报告 英语 Analysis on Heroines Self-Cognition in The Chrysanthemums 1. 课题研究意义和国内外研究现状 The Chrysanthemums is a short story in The Long Valley, a collection of short stories by John Steinbeck. The heroine Elisa appears as a diligent housewife, who is forced to play a role, which is determined b

2、y her gender. Steinbeck picks one day in the life of the Allens. Nothing that differs it from an ordinary winter day in an ordinary farmers life, until the strange tinkers arrival. The content of the story concerns the influence the arrival of a strange tinker has on this rural housewife Elisa, but

3、the story is about much more than the content. This story acquires increasing favorable reputation once published, and has been awarded as one of Steinbecks best pieces of short story. More than sixty years later, it is still one of the authors most widely anthologized story. and meanwhile, one of h

4、is most debated. What has almost amounted to a small industry about controversial issues has grown up around this work and the behaviour of its heroine Elisa. What has almost amounted to a small industry about controversial issues has grown up around this work and the behaviour of its heroine Elisa.

5、 For example, Charles(1974) asserted thatThe chrysanthemums can be read as Steinbecks response to feminism. He pointed out that John Steinbeck himself couldnt get rid of his identity as a male in the man-dominated society, and was afraid of the threatening from females continuing trying. Huang qi(20

6、10) argued at social contradictions to resolving the entangled development of Elisas feminist consciousness. Shillinglaw(1991) asserted Elisa was portrayed as a brave woman willing to learn something profound about herself in that Patriarchal society, regardless of the final failure. Hughes(1989) id

7、entified that the success of this story should due to the plot, characterization, symbolism, and overall objectivity. Timmerman(1986) contended that “The Chrysanthemums“ is a classical example of Steinbecks favored theme of 2 artistic repression. Renner(1985) interpreted “The Chrysanthemums“ is info

8、rmed far less by feminist sympathies than by traditional masculist complaints. Lu Ke (2007) argues that Elisas strength serves to be insufficient in having the courage to make any real change in her position in men privileged world. The Chrysanthemums is a story of a womans frustration, describing t

9、he influence the arrival of a strange tinker has on this rural housewife Elisa in one ordinary winter day. Steinbeck states that readers feels that something profound has been there after it is finished. However, it is hard to tell what it is and how profound. This exactly cause us to comprehend the

10、 story and see the implication of the work. As the production of man-dominated society, Elisas tragic self cognition accounts great study value. Previous majorities of the researches principally focus on the Elisas feminism, chrysanthemums symbolic significance and authors written style. This study

11、will try to find a new perspective to comprehend the chrysanthemums, concentrating on Elisas Character defects presented through her self cognition. It can provide a new fresh view to appreciate this short story. Whats more, this will appeal people to shape better character, to obtain positive actio

12、n in life, especially in trouble. 2. 课题研究的主要内容、预期目标和研究方案 This thesis will principally concentrate on four aspects. Firstly, an introduction to the present study, including the significance and purpose of this study. Moreover, a brief knowledge about the book and the writer will be presented. Secondl

13、y, it is concerned with the theory which will be used in the context analysis. This research is proceeded to apply Freuds significant psychoanalysis theory. Specifically, personality structure will be used to analysis the course of heroines self cognition. The author will make a general presentation

14、 about the theory. Thirdly, analysis on the Elisas self-cognition will be carried out from two aspects with applying the Freudd thery: stimulation of the cognition course and Elisas character develpoment to get a better and deeper comprehension about Elisa. This part will be closely analysed with Fr

15、euds 3 theory. Patriarchy and the environment will be discussed for the stimulation of Elisas self-cognition. In that particular men dominant social environment, women feel depressed and constrained under patriarchal power. Elisa is forced to play a role, which is determined by her gender, and has l

16、ittle power to strive for their own. She doesnt realized that she is doing such unconscious actions. She doesnt comes to present herself, and choose to imitate man in turn. It can been seen that Elisa even have no courage and confidence to show herself, as a woman. Later, the author will comes to El

17、isas spiritual sustenance the chrysanthemums. In the short story, Elisa is good at growing chrysanthemums, which she devoted herself to. The chrysanthemum becomes her spiritual sustenance to realize her fulfilment. As long as the chrysanthemum is available to be free, as if she had also get the real

18、 ego. Elisas fragility will be expounded through her credulity and vulnerable mind when facing attacks. Between the dialogue between Elisa and the tinker, her credulity can be easily seen. She is so easy to be seen through her weakness, and be used by the tinker, just for several pots repair fee. At

19、 last, she find the chrysanthemum thrown away by the tinker. Elisa is shattered by the tinker, who had drawn something from her secret self and then completely betrayed her by not even taking the trouble to hide the flowers. It is at this point in the story that Elisa truly recognizes her place in s

20、ociety. Elisa now sadly realizes that she can never fulfill her wish to be anything more than what she is already, a housewife. she does nothing, but cry weakly like an old woman.She is even going to drink to benumb herself. She gives up just because of such a little attack. She acts so vulnerable t

21、o confront with outside forces. She breaks down totally. Fourthly, the author will unearth the root of Elisas cognition failure. Indeed, it is her character defects that make the cognition as a complete frustration. Even though she lives in the patriarchal society, and is treated equally and deprive

22、d of freedom, her character defects makes her to be too susceptible to outside forces. Elisas strength proves to be insufficient in having the courage to make any real change. Meanwhile, the author will make an argument on the reasons of Elisas tragedy from the inherent and external factors. It is t

23、o be acknowledged that Elisas character defect is one of the 4 important reason which leads the final tragedy. Lastly, a natural conclusion will be drawn about the essay. Outline 1 Introduction 2 Rational Theory Freuds Psychoanalysis Theory 2.1 Personality structure 2.1.1 Id 2.1.2 Ego 3 Elisas Self-

24、cognition 3.1 Stimulation for Self-cognition 3.2 Character Development 3.2.1 Emergence of Self-cognition 3.2.2 Development of Self-cognition 3.2.3Frustration of Self-cognition 3.3 Reasons of Final Frustration 4 Conclusion As far as the methodology is concerned, this research is proceeded to apply Fr

25、euds significant Psychoanalytic Theory. Specifically, personality structure will be used to analysis the course of heroines self cognition. In addition, pratical discourse analysis is available to be adopted in methodology. Meanwhile, the author takes previous literature studies into account and mad

26、e a general summary of those which are applicable to the analysis of Elisas character defects. 5 3. 课题进度计划 准备阶段(第六学期第 9-13 周) 写作阶段 )第六学期第 14-17 周:选题、任务书 )第六学期第 18-20 周:开题报告、文献综述 )第三学年暑假至第七学期第 2 周:初稿写作并上交 )第七学期第 3-8 周:一稿修 改、提交二稿 )第七学期第 9-15 周:二稿修改、提交三稿 )第七学期第 16-20 周:三稿修改、提交初定稿 答辩阶段 ) 第八学期第 1-4 周:论文评

27、阅与答辩 )第八学期第 5-6 周:论文定稿、文档归整 4.参考文献 1Charles. S. Ms. Elisa and Steinbecks The ChrysanthemumsJ. Modern Fiction Studies. 1974, 20(2): 211-213 2Hughes. R. S. John Steinbeck: A Study of the Short FictionM. Boston: Twayne Publisher,1989. 3Shillinglaw, S. The Chrysanthemums: Steinbecks Pygmalion in Steinbe

28、cks Short Stories in The Long ValleyA. Essays in CriticismC, ed. Tetsumaro 6 Hayashi. Muncie: Ball State University, 1991: 1-9. 4Renner, S. The Real Woman Inside the Fence in The ChrysanthemumsJ. Modern Fiction Studies, 1985, 31(2): 306-316 5Timmerman, J. H. John Steinbecks Fiction: The Aesthetics of the Road TakenM. University of Oklahoma Press,1986. 6黄琦 (Huang,Qi) “菊花”与“苹果”的角逐对约翰 斯坦贝克 菊花的现实思考 J.湖南科技学院学报, 2010(5):49-51 7吕珂 (Lv,Ke).挣扎在理想与现实之间 对斯坦贝克菊花女主人公形象的解读 J.信阳农业高等专科学校学报 , 2007(4):91-93 8陶玲 (Tao, ling) 20 世界美国文学选读 M.北京 :北京大学出版社 ,2006. 指导教师审核意见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日


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