An Advocatory Analysis of Self-Actualization of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson【毕业论文】.doc

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1、 本科毕业论文 ( 20 届) 英语 An Advocatory Analysis of Self-Actualization of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. Stevenson 外语学院学生毕业论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的认真指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的学术成果,也不包含为获得浙江万里学院或其它教育机构的学位证书而使用过的材料。对本文 的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式表明。如本文涉及上述声明及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切

2、责任。 学生签名: _ 日期: _ Abstract R. L. Stevensons masterpiece Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde mainly describes the process of losing reason because of his double personality and finding self-actualization of a man, whose name is Jekyll. This thesis will apply self-actualization to analyze the contradiction from t

3、wo men: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. On the one hand, they are enemy; they oppose each other of different concepts and behaviors. On the other hand, they are friends; neither of them can live without the other identity that can hide their evil sides. Finally, he is defeated by self-actualization, paying

4、 any price to make himself in a high spirit state. This thesis is expected to deliver the knowledge of self-actualization to readers, and to offer them an alternative perspective-self-actualization in understanding and appreciating this classic, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Key Words: self-actualization

5、 double personality mental illness 摘 要 史蒂文森的著作化身博士主要讲述了一位名叫杰基尔的男性因双重性格失去理智与找到真实自我的故事。本论文选用自我实现理论 分析两个矛盾的人物 :杰基尔博士和海德先生。一方面,他们视对方为敌人,因为他们有着不同的观念和行为方式,然而另一方面,他们却是朋友,他们都离不开那个可以隐藏自己邪恶面的身份。最终,他被自我实现意识打败了,并不惜一切代价让自己进入一个高品质的境界中。 通过以上论述,本文期望能向读者传达自我实现理论的信息,并能帮助读者用一种不同与以往的视角 来理解和欣赏史蒂文森的名著化身博士。 关键词 : 自我实现 双重性

6、格 心理疾病 Contents 1 Introduction. 1 2 R. L. Stevenson and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.2 2.1 R. L. Stevenson . . . 2 2.2 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . 3 3 Advocacy of Self-actualization of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 4 3.1 The Interpretation of Self-actualization 4 3.2 The Violation of Actualization of Dr. Jekyll

7、and Mr. Hyde .6 3.2.1 The Id 6 3.2.2 The Ego . . 8 3.2.3 The Conflict and Compromise Between the Ego and the Id . 9 4 R. L. Stevenson and Self-actualization . .12 5 Conclusion. .14 Works Cited . 15 Acknowledgements 1 An Advocatory Analysis of Self-Actualization of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by R. L. St

8、evenson 1 Introduction Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was written by R. L. Stevenson, and published in 1886, regarded as the typical one of Stevensons novels of character and environment. Until now, many scholars and critics have adopted various approaches to analyze Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, such as the co

9、ncept of original sin, criticism of anthropocentrism, the evolution of human society, etc. The perspective of original sin claims that it is the root of crimes and evils, which leads human toward the abyss of evil and makes them difficult to extricate. The perspective of criticism of anthropocentris

10、m is adopted to show Jekyll is self-centered and selfish. Zhang Yunkai (2010) describes Dr. Jekyll makes great efforts to release his desires and impulses in the name of science, while ignores the order of nature at the same time, and ultimately becomes a victim of anthropocentrism. As for other cri

11、tics, they hold that the period of Victorian age witnesses the dramatic changes in economy, politics and social culture. In fact, social conflicts also appeared accordingly. Wan Qi (2010) writes that Darwins theory of evolution brings about abnormal behaviors, psychology and social phenomenon. This

12、thesis will adopt self-actualization to analyze Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in an attempt to advocate self-actualization through discussing the transformation between the roles of the id and the ego, aiming to find the way to solve the problems, such as malformed mental attitude, weird behavior and evil

13、 idea, etc. The theory of self-actualization holds that it is the desire for self-fulfillment individually that becomes actualized in what he is potentially. This thesis has five chapters to expound the theme. The first chapter is introduction. It will offer a brief literature review about Dr. Jekyl

14、l and Mr. Hyde, the significance to write this thesis, the general introduction to self-actualization and the outline of this thesis. Chapter Two is to make a brief introduction to R. L. Stevenson and his novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, including Stevensons lifetime, 2 literature achievements and inf

15、luence, and the brief interpretation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The third chapter is the main body of this thesis. There are the interpretation of self-actualization, the integrated introduction to Jekyll, and detailed analysis of the complicated relationship between the id and the ego in Dr. Jekyl

16、l and Mr. Hyde, aiming to offer a new visual angle to the readers, and hence to reveal Stevensons attitudes to establish healthy mental attitude, and to advocate self-actualization. In the forth chapter, Stevensons view of advocatory self-actualization will be introduced to restate the writing signi

17、ficance of the thesis. The last part is the conclusion. 2 R. L. Stevenson and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde R. L. Stevenson, one of the most important novelists and poets in the late 19th century, has been greatly admired by many authors. He devotes all of his life to literature. According to the Index Tr

18、anslationum, Stevenson is ranked the 26th most translated author in the world. 2.1 R. L. Stevenson Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850, a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer. His best-known books include Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. G. K. Chesterton (1

19、913) said of him that he seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins. (p.155) In April 1871, R. L. Stevenson announced to his father his decision to pursue a life of letters instead of studying engineering because he showed no enthusiasm for his studies an

20、d devoted much energy to traveling. From then on, all his energies were spent in travel and writing. One of his journeys, a canoe voyage in Belgium and France with Sir Walter Simpson, a friend from the Speculative Society and freque nt travel companion, was the basis of his first real book, An Inlan

21、d Voyage in 1878. From the year between 1880 and 1887, he spent his summers at various places in Scotland and England and enjoyed almost complete happiness. He produced the bulk of his best-known works during these years: Treasure Island, his first widely read 3 book; Kidnapped; Strange Case of Dr.

22、Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the story which established his wider reputation; The Black Arrow; and two volumes of verse, A Childs Garden of Verses and Underwoods. At Skerryvore he gave a copy of Kidnapped to his dear friend and frequent visitor Henry James. In 1887, he decided to spend the winter at Sarana

23、c Lake. During the intensely cold winter Stevenson wrote a number of his best essays, including Pulvis et Umbra. After suffering cerebral hemorrhage for a long time, he accidentally died in 1894; he was praised as a writer of a consistently high level of literary skill or sheer imaginative power and

24、 a co-originator with H. Rider Haggard of the Age of the Story Tellers. (Arata, 2005, p.99) 2.2 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was published in 1886. This story represents a concept in western culture, that of the inner conflict of humanitys sense of good and evil. The hero Dr. Jeky

25、ll is a tall, well-made man with a smooth, kindly face. However, under his serious appearance, there is a desire for pleasure in his heart. The serious, successful young doctor was me, and the wild, fun-loving, irresponsible young man was me too. (Stevenson, 1997, p.88) When he finds he is a person

26、who has two sides to his character, he invents a chemical to abreact his desire for pleasure. After taking the drug, he changes himself into a dumpy, ugly man who looks like the devil, losing moral and kindness. Henry Jekyll had a kind, open, honest face. Pure evil stared out of Edward Hydes (Steven

27、son, 1997, p.92). Gradually, Hydes evil, cruel, inhuman, wholly selfish mind fills Dr. Jekyll with horror. It is too late when Dr. Jekyll feels regretful that the drug is out of control and he often turns into Mr. Hyde without taking it. Finally, he chooses to commit suicide to get rid of the abhorr

28、ent Hyde, and ends the letter saying I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end. (Stevenson, 1997, p.110) With these words, both the document and the novel come to a close. After this novel is published, there are many scholars studying it with their own 4 opinions. Someone states that

29、the novel tells cautionary tales of scientists abusing their creative powers to exist in another sphere where they cannot be directly blamed for their actions. Dr. Jekyll abuses scientific power to achieve his personal desire, ignoring moral, ethic and the order of nature which will threaten the reg

30、ular society. And someone argues that everyone has evil and good sides in his mind, every time he has to struggle and make decisions between them, and he is the man who is always in the ambivalent situation. At first, Dr. Jekyll hovers between evil and good, ultimately, his good defeats evil, killin

31、g himself to realize consummate personality. 3 Advocacy of Self-actualization in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Self-actualization is predicated on the individual having their lower deficiency needs met. Once a person has moved through feeling and believed that they are deficient, they naturally seek to gr

32、ow into who they are, that is self-actualization. 3.1 The Interpretation of Self-actualization Self-actualization is a term that has been used in various psychology theories, often in slightly different ways. The term is originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive

33、to realize ones full potential. In his view, it is the organisms master motive, the only real motive: the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive.the drive of self-actualization. (Modell, p.44) Kurt Goldstein (1995) writes in his book The Organism: A Holistic Approach to

34、 Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man, self-actualization is the tendency to actualize, as much as possible, the organisms individual capacities (p.56). The tendency toward self-actualization is the only drive by which the life of an organism is determined. (p.56) He defines self-actualizat

35、ion as a driving life force that will ultimately lead to maximizing ones abilities and determine the path of ones life. Carl Rogers (1995) similarly wrote of the curative force in psychotherapy mans tendency to actualize himself, to become his express and activate all the capacitie

36、s of the organism. (p.350) 5 The term is later used by Maslow who is the voice of humanistic psychology, devoted his life to self-actualization theory. In his article, A Theory of Human Motivation, Maslow (1943) regards the term as the highest ideal of his personal theory and the highest goal he pur

37、sues. He sets up a hierarchy theory of needs. The hierarchy starts with physiological needs and moves upward in a pyramidal shape to safety and security, social activity (or love and belonging), to esteem (or ego), and finally to self-actualization. He proposes that self-actualization is the highest

38、 level of need. It is the need of achieving personal goals, aspirations, and individual talents. Maslow is profoundly aware of the defects of Freuds psychoanalytic theory that studies only the neurological and mental patients, paying attention to peoples morbid aspects, but ignoring peoples great st

39、rength and good quality. He opposes such a personality theory that he considers it necessary to create a more comprehensive theory of personality to discover humans virtuous values to give a better service to develop human society. Secondly, he experiences the tragedy of World War II and witnesses t

40、he tragic scene of Pearl Harbor event. He deeply realizes that the war has brought people plenty pain, fear, trauma and huge shadow. Therefore, he determines to study self-actualization through healthy people to prove that human beings have the ability to overcome hatred and destruction. Maslow (198

41、7) explicitly defines self-actualization to be the desire for self-fulfillment, namely the tendency for him, the individual, to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of b

42、ecoming. (p.377) And he thinks that self-actualizing people possess an unusual ability to detect the spurious, the fake, and the dishonest in personality, and in general to judge the people correctly and efficiently. (p.203) For Goldstein, self-actualization was a motive and, for Maslow, a level of development; for both, however, roughly the same kinds of qualities were expressed: independence, autonomy, a tendency to form few but deep friendships, a philosophical sense of humor, a tendency to resist outside pressures and a general transcendence of the environment rather than coping with it.


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