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1、组织传播(双语)课程教学大纲课程编号:12091016课程名称:组织传播(双语)英文名称:Organizational Communication课程类型:专业教育课程课程性质:选修总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实践(实验)学时:0学 分:2适用对象:公共事业管理专业先修课程:无一、编写说明(一)制定大纲的依据本大纲依据教育部培养适应公共管理学科和社会发展需要,从事公共管理、企业管理工作,具有组织传播素养和基本技能人才的需求,制定组织传播(双语)大纲。(二)课程简介组织传播(双语)课程立足于传播学理论,整合管理学、组织学、社会学、经济学、心理学、文化人类学等诸多学科知识,重点探讨组织环境与传播



4、播学等学科知识的延伸,有助于开阔学生的专业视野、夯实理论基础,延展学生的知识脉络、综合提升学生的专业素养。(六)对先修课的要求 本课程对先修课没有严格要求,但如具备管理学、公共管理基础知识不仅可以起到巩固已学知识的目的,还有助于本课程的理解与掌握。二、大纲内容Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Communication(一)教学目的和任务通过本章的学习,使学生了解组织传播的基础知识,如组织、传播、组织传播的含义,了解组织传播这一术语及学科产生、发展的演进历程,为后续组织传播理论的学习奠定基础。(二)教学基本要求1. Master the conc

5、eption of what is meant by the term “organization”, and three common components of the various definitions of the term, as well as grasping what is meant by the term “communication”, basic elements of communication and how it applies to the organizational context and the term “organizational communi

6、cation” as it is used within this course.2. Understand the elements of organizational structure. Familiar with three different ways the term “organizational communication” can be understood according to Stanley Deetz.3. Know differences among the four types of organizations: mutual benefit, business

7、 concerns, service, and commonweal. And know some of the major historical events in the creation of the field of “organizational communication.”(三)教学重点和难点教学重点:1.Elements of organizational Structures.2.Types of organizations.3.Definition of “communication” and “organizational communication” as it is

8、used within this course.4.Elements of communication process.教学难点:1.How to differentiate mutual benefit associations, Service Organizations and Commonweal Organizations?2.Explain what is meant by the social-scientific approach, interpretive approach and critical approach to organizational communicati

9、on.(四)教学建议与说明本章内容是该门课程的第一章,主要是概要性介绍组织传播的基本概念和理论,因而,课程讲授过程中以多媒体课件为基础,注重该学科基本概念逻辑联系的讲解,为该门课程的学习打下坚实的理论基础。(五)教学内容 1.1 What is an Organization?1.1.1 Definitions of Organization(掌握知识)1.1.2 Organizational Structures(理解能力)1.1.3 Organizational Goals(了解素养)1.1.4 Organizational People(了解素养)1.2 What is Communic

10、ation?1.2.1 Defining Communication(掌握知识)1.2.2 Elements of Communication(掌握知识)1.3 History of Organizational Communication1.3.1 Ways of Viewing Organizational Communication(理解能力)1.3.2 A Conceptual Definition of “Organizational Communication”(掌握知识)1.3.3 A History of Organizational Communication(了解素养)1.

11、4 Approaches to Organizational Communication Research(了解 素养)Chapter 2 Models and Contexts of Communication(一)教学目的和任务通过本章传播学基础知识的介绍,使学生具备一定的传播学基础,熟悉传播学的研究模型和分析维度,从而为把传播学知识引入组织领域,进行后续组织传播研究奠定学科和理论基础。(二)教学基本要求1. Master the basic models of communication, the conception of what is meant by the term “orga

12、nization”, and three common components of the various definitions of the term.2. Understanding the features of these models and elements of organizational structure.3. Be familiar with the criticism to modelsof communication and how improvement can be made from different perspectives. Know differenc

13、es among the four types of organizations: mutual benefit, business concerns, service, and commonweal.(三)教学重点和难点教学重点:1. The content of three models of communication.2. How these models developed from making up other model s shortcomings one by one. 3. The conception of five contexts of communication.

14、4. How these contexts are categorized .教学难点:1.How to differentiate three communicational models in real social situations.2.The features of each context of communication.(四)教学建议与说明本次课主要介绍传播学研究经常应用的三个理论模型和五种情境,因而教师在授课过程中会结合多媒体课件对传播理论模型和情境进行演示,加深学生的认识和理解。(五)教学内容 2.1 Models of Understanding: Communicat

15、ion as Action, Interaction, and Transaction2.1.1 What is The Value of Communication?(了解素养)2.1.2 Models of Understanding: Communication as Action, Interaction, and Transaction(掌握知识、能力)2.2 Contexts of Communication(掌握知识、能力)2.2.1 Intrapersonal Communication2.2.2 Interpersonal communication2.2.3 Small G

16、roup Communication2.2.4 Organizational Communication 2.2.5 Mass CommunicationChapter 3 Communication Between and Among Internal Stakeholders- Formal Communication Networks(一)教学目的和任务通过本章的学习,使学生初步了解组织传播的正式结构,熟悉利益相关者在组织中传播的路径、类型、存在问题及解决方法,提高学生组织传播中的能力和水平。(二)教学基本要求1. Explain Webers (1930) beliefs on dow

17、nward communication.Understand Katz and Kahns (1966) typology of downward communication.Clarify Hirokawas (1979) two problems associated with downward communication.2. Be able to explain Hirokawas (1979) four functions of upward communication.Understand Katz and Kahns (1966) typology of upward commu

18、nication.Explain the importance of employee silence and organizational dissent.Explain Fayols (1916/1949) perspective on horizontal/lateral communication.3. Understand Hirokawas (1979) four functions of horizontal/lateral communication.Analyze Charles and Marschan-Piekkaris (2002) five organizationa

19、l behaviors to increase the quality and quantity of horizontal/lateral communication in multinational corporations.4.Know the history of Downward Communication.(三)教学重点和难点教学重点:1.The content, types and functions of downward, upward, and horizontal communication.2. How to improve every type of communic

20、ation network. 教学难点:1. How to find a clue to understand the inner framework of each type of communication network.(四)教学建议与说明本章本着理论与实践相结合的立场,着重从理论上考察组织传播内在结构的同时,关注组织传播结构中可能出现的各种问题,需要借鉴更多案例进行讲解,使枯燥的理论内容与组织管理实际相结合,让学生能够在丰富的组织实践中掌握组织传播技巧。(五)教学内容 3.1 Downward Communication3.1.1 What is downward communica

21、tion?3.1.2 Types of Downward Communication (掌握知识)3.1.3 History of Downward Communication(了解素养)3.1.4 Problems with Downward Communication(理解能力)3.1.5 Effective Methods for Downward Communication(理解能力)3.2 Upward Communication3.2.1 Types of Upward Communication(掌握知识)3.2.2 Problems with Upward Communicat

22、ion(理解能力)3.2.3 Effective Methods for Upward Communication(理解-能力)3.3 Horizontal/Lateral Communication3.3.1 Functions of Horizontal/Lateral Communication(掌握知识)3.3.2 Problems with Horizontal/Lateral Communication(理解能力)3.3.3 Effective Methods for Horizontal/Lateral Communication(理解能力)Chapter 4 Communica

23、tion Between and Among Internal Stakeholders- Informal Communication Networks(一)教学目的和任务通过本章的学习,使学生了解组织传播中的非正式组织结构及其发挥作用的原理,初步具备使用非正式组织传播网络传递信息和评判信息传播渠道优劣的能力。(二)教学基本要求1.Understand Mishras (1990) eight reasons for the existence of grapevines in organizations.Differentiate among Daviss (1969) four info

24、rmal communication networks.2. Explain the relationship between social capital and communication networks.3. Understand Brasss (1995) typology for the measurement of ties.Understand Brasss (1995) typology for the measures assigned to individual actors.Understand Brasss (1995) typology for the measur

25、es assigned to networks.(三)教学重点和难点教学重点:1. The conception of informal communication2. Types of informal communication教学难点:1. How to measure the informal communication(四)教学建议与说明非正式组织传播网络是组织传播渠道的组成部分,虽然在组织传播过程中发挥重要作用,但是由于其往往不具备组织的正式地位、一般有意见领袖主导、传播的信息也良莠不齐而被忽视,因此,本章通过大量案例分析和讨论方法的运用,提高学生对非正式传播网络的认识,增强学生的

26、传播能力。(五)教学内容 4.1 Conception and Reasons of Informal Communication Networks (了解素养)4.1.1 What is Informal Communication Networks?4.1.2 Reasons of Informal Communication Networks 4.2 Types of Informal Communication Networks(掌握 基本分类知识)4.2.1 A Single Strand Network4.2.2 A Gossip Network4.2.3 A Probabilit

27、y Communication Network4.2.4 A Cluster Network4.3 Analyzing Communication Networks(理解测量方法、能力)4.3.1 Measure of Ties4.3.2 Measures Assigned to Individual ActorsChapter 5 Leader and Follower Behaviors and Perspectives(一)教学目的和任务通过本章的学习,了解管理与领导作为企业管理方式的区别和联系,掌握实现组织领导的主要途径和方法,通过组织传播技巧的强化,增强学生对组织领导的理解和认识。(

28、二)教学基本要求1. Understand the meaning of management, leadership, and followership.2. Master differences between management and leadership from Toor (2011). Explain the trait approach to leadership.Differentiate between Fred Fiedlers Contingency Theory and Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchards Situational L

29、eadership Theory as situational approaches to leadership.3. Understand the similarities and differences between Chester Barnards Functions of the Executive and Kenneth Benne and Paul Sheats Classification of Functional Roles in Groups as functional approaches to leadership and James MacGregor Burns

30、Transformational Approach to leadership.4. Explain Ira Chaleffs styles of followership and James MacGregor Burns Transformational Approach to leadership. Describe Roger Adairs 4-D Followership Model.(三)教学重点和难点教学重点:1. Toor s (2011) four differences between management and leadership .2. Fred Fiedler s

31、 (1967) Contingency Theory of Leader Effectiveness .3.Three distinct aspects of their leadership style.4. Chester Barnard s (1938) The Functions of the Executive.5. Trait, situational, functional, relation, and transformational approaches to leadership.6. Ira Chaleffs styles of followership.7. Roger

32、 Adairs 4-D Followership Model.8. McCroskey and Richmonds three Organizational Orientations. 教学难点:1. How to use the approaches to realize the change from management to leadership.2. How to build a sound followership.(四)教学建议与说明本章内容是对前几章传播技巧的应用,重点通过传播能力的提升而提高组织管理能力和水平,因而,以案例分析为契机对领导内涵和方法的学习有助于学生把握组织传播

33、的艺术,把组织传播从工具真正转变为一种管理能力。(五)教学内容 5.1 Management vs. Leadership(掌握知识)5.1.1 Management 5.1.2 Leadership5.1.3 Differences between Management and Leadership5.2 Approaches to Leadership(理解进行有效领导的方法、能力)5.2.1 Trait Approach5.2.2 Situational Approach5.2.3 Functional Approach5.2.4 Relation Approach5.2.5 Trans

34、formational Approach5.3 Followership(理解协调领导成员关系、能力)5.3.1Ira Chaleffs Styles of Followership5.3.2Roger Adairs 4-D Followership Model5.3.3Organizational OrientationsShort Form5.3.4Outcomes of Organizational Orientations三、实践(实验)环节及要求本课程除进行课堂教学外,还努力增加实践内容,给予学生更多了解组织传播实践的机会,组织学生运用所学过的知识进行组织传播状况的调查、了解组织传播

35、的基本环节、模拟组织传播障碍及其解决等实践内容,进一步加深学生对于理论知识的理解,及设计组织传播网络、处理组织危机的能力。四、习题、课程讨论及要求习题、作业及要求:为了帮助学生了解英语语境下组织传播的重点知识,本课程主要通过布置习题及作业方面来加深学生的学习印象。主要有三种方式(由任课教师结合学生实际选择任选一种作业方式布置给学生,并要求学生在规定时间内完成,采用 100分制评分):第一种方式:课后作业。结合每一章节的学习,将教学重点与难点以习题的形式布置给学生作为课后作业,以帮助学生消化、巩固所学到的知识。第二种方式:结合双语教学的主要特点,主要采取阅读外文文献、写作典型论文等方式。在部分章

36、节讲授完成后,给学生布置论文题目和中外文文献,由学生结合自己的学习兴趣与掌握水平自行撰写一篇论文或者文献综述作为作业(要求为字数 2000字左右,A4 纸打印,符合论文或文献综述的撰写规范,具备题目、摘要、关键词、正文和参考文献)。第三种方式:本课程由于是对组织传播领域研究前沿的介绍,在国内尚未出版较为权威、系统的双语教材,所以,作业也可采取让学生自主翻译任课教师推荐的组织传播外文教材或文献 3000汉字作为作业,帮助学生理解和消化所学习的组织传播理论和知识。课程讨论及要求:组织学生结合学习的理论内容进行课堂专题讨论,讨论内容可归类为:第一,组织传播学科的缘起与发展:组织传播的产生有何时代意义


38、进行打分,可作为平时成绩中“课堂发言及表现成绩”的一部分。五、教学方法与手段 由于本门课程是双语课程,主要采用汉语和英语二种语言授课,所以在课堂讲授和讨论过程中,大量使用多媒体课件等教学方法和手段,提高学生运用英语理解和掌握组织传播理论、分析和解决组织传播问题的能力。在采用多媒体教学手段的同时,还结合该课程在校园网传播学精品资源共享课的建设平台,向学生展示国外组织传播的研究成果,增强直观性与可视性,进一步开阔学生视野,激发学生学习兴趣,增强学生对英语语境下专业知识的理解能力。六、各教学环节学时分配 七、考核方式本课程期末考核采取开卷笔试方式进行,学生成绩由二部分构成,采取 100分制评分:学时

39、分配序号 章节 内容 课堂讲授在线学习习题课研讨课实验(上机) 其他合计1 Chapter 1Introduction to Organizational Communication4 0 0 2 0 0 62 Chapter 2 Models and Contexts of Communication 0 2 0 2 0 0 43 Chapter 3Communication Between and Among Internal Stakeholders - Formal Communication Networks4 2 0 2 0 0 84 Chapter 4Communication

40、Between and Among Internal Stakeholders - Informal Communication Networks4 1 0 1 0 0 65 Chapter 5Leader and Follower Behaviors and Perspectives4 0 1 1 0 0 66 Review & Exam 0 0 2 0 0 0 2合计 16 5 3 8 0 0 32第一,平时成绩采取 100分制,占学生成绩的 30%,主要通过对学生出勤、课堂发言和表现及作业完成情况考察核定。其中,学生出勤采取 100分制,占平时成绩的 50%(旷课一次扣 10分,病事假一

41、次扣 5分,迟到早退扣 5分);课堂发言及表现采取 100分制,占平时成绩的25%(课堂上学生是否积极听讲、追随教师的教学思路、踊跃发言,回答问题能否思路清晰、逻辑严谨);作业采取 100分制,占平时成绩的 25%(作业可以采取回答巩固和加深所学理论知识问题的形式,也可以采取研究组织传播领域问题论文的形式)。第二,期末笔试成绩采取 100分制,占学生成绩的 70%,主要来自期末考试成绩。期末考试采取开卷形式进行,学生可以运用汉、英两种语言作答。期末考试内容除包括基本理论知识的考核外,增加主观试题比重,采取案例分析、材料分析等题型,考核学生实际分析问题、解决组织传播问题的能力。八、推荐教材和教学

42、参考书 教材:无参考书:1.Strategaic Organizational Communication in a global economy, Charles Conrad & Marshall Scott Poole, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2005.2. Organizational Communication Approaches and Processes,Katherine Miller,Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009.3.Managerial Communication Theory and Applicat

43、ion, Zhang Chunyang& Denise Gates & John Stark, 华南理工大学出版社, 2009.4.实效传播:组织、职业人士成功沟通指南,美 汉密尔顿 著,李斯平,裴霜霜译,暨南大学出版社,2005 年。5.组织传播学:结构与关系的象征性互动,胡河宁著,北京大学出版社,2015 年。6.组织传播行为,李卫东著,华中科技大学出版社,2012 年。7.传播的社区:社区构成与组织的传播研究,谢静著,复旦大学出版社,2013 年。8.组织传播,顾孝华著,上海交通大学出版社,2007 年。9.组织传播:平衡创造性和约束, 埃里克M艾森伯格 著,中国传媒大学出版社,2004年。九、课程组成员十、其他说明课程组负责人 课程组成员颜冰 王威 韩磊娟本大纲由人文科学学院组织课程组教师统一编写、审定,如有不妥,将继续进行修订。大纲制订人:颜冰大纲审核人:郑克岭大纲审批人:张文喜制订日期:2017.2.8


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