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1、七年级上期末专项复习题精选 一、 选词填空 专项练习 (注意用词的正确形式) 1. have , and, dont, eat, us ,vegetable , kind, I , for, also, they 1 _ name is Jack. In my family, I2 _ a brother and a sister, Jim and Gina. 3_ breakfast, we all like eggs 4_ milk, but Gina 5_. I 6_like French fries for breakfast. But Jim and Gina dont. I lik

2、e 7_ dessert after dinner. 8_all like chicken and salad for dinner. Jim likes salad with_9_. Gina likes all 10_of salad. 2. see , but, play, so, learn ,Chinese, or, swim , joins, in, good, Sally likes1_ very much, but she cant swim very 2_, so she 3._ the swimming club. Dave joins 4_the club because

3、 he thinks Chinese is difficult, and he wants 5_it well. Tom only likes 6_films,7 _ he is 8_ the movie club. Maria can 9_ the violin ,10_ she wants to learn to play the piano, so she joins the music club. 3. friend, I , be, favorite, can, club, speak, Thursday, and, really, an Dear Mona, China is gr

4、eat. My school _ in Beijing. Its big 2_ new. I have some Chinese 3_.They can 4_ English very well. They help 5_ learn Chinese and now I can speak a little Chinese. At school, we are busy. My 6_ subject is history. I join the history 7_ on Wednesday and 8 _. Chinese history is 9_ interesting. My favo

5、rite teacher is Mr Li. He is my math teacher and he 10_ play the drums. Please write and tell me about your club in America. Come and see Beijing in August! Love, Jane 4. after, do, play, be, eat, he , a, go, in, have, for John 1_ usually very busy on Monday. At 8:00 he 2_ math. He doesnt have Chine

6、se. At 9:00 he has English. He likes English because it is 3_interesting subject. At 11:00 he has music. Thats 4_ favorite. He 5_ lunch at 12:00. 6_ the afternoon he 7_ sports. He 8_ home at 4:00. He usually 9_ his homework 10_ dinner. 5. tell, one, morning, much, read, the, thank, too, friend, clas

7、s, Dear Tina, 1_ for your letter. Let me 2_ you about my school day. Every 3_ I get up at six thirty. After breakfast, I 4_ English. At seven thirty I take _5_ number 16 bus to school. We have five 6_ in the morning and three in the afternoon. I like the 7_ lesson English best. I like the computer l

8、essons, 8_. We dont have 9_ computer lessons, only on Tuesday and Thursday. We dont have many lessons on Friday afternoon. I play ping pong with my 10_ and then I go home at 4:30. Please write soon. Yours. John 二、汉译英专项练习 1 这短裤多少钱 ? _ _ the _ _the shorts ? 2. 他们想举办一场英语演讲比赛。 They _ to _ _ English spee

9、ch _ 3 在周末,她经常跟她的朋友一起去看电影。 _ _ , she often _ to movies _ her friend. 4. 请到我们班来,亲眼看看。 Please _ to our class and _ _ _ . 5. 这条绿色长裤是你表哥的吗 ? _ _ green pants _ _ ? 6. 我祖父早餐喜欢吃有益健康的食品。 My grandfather _ _ _ food _ breakfast. 7 Cindy 不在学校里做家庭作业 。 Cindy _ _ her homework _ _. 8. 我认为那本书乏味。 I _ _ that is _ _ bo

10、ok. 9. 如果你会中国功夫,来给我们展示一下。 If you _ _ Chinese kung fu, _ and _ us. 10. 我不知道她姓什么。 I _ know _ _ _ . 11. 他最喜爱的运动是跑步。 _ _ _ is _. 12. 课后,我们踢一小时足球。 _ _ we play soccer _ _ hour . 13. 杰克是最后一个起床的。 Jack is the _ _ _ _ get up . 14. 你知道他是干什么工作的吗 ? _ you _ _ his _ is ? 15. 他的生日是六月十五日。 _ _ _ _is June fifteenth. 1

11、6. 那位穿白衣服的女孩是露西的妹妹。 The _ _ _ is _ sister. 17. 那些人是我弟弟的朋友。 _ _ my _ _ . 18. 失物招领箱里有什么? _ _ _ the lost and found _ ? 19. 请看这幅画,听 我讲。 Please _ _ the picture and _ _ me. 20. 你妈妈最喜欢哪种影片 ? _ kind of _ _ your mother like _ ? 21. 一年有几个月? _ _ _ are there _ a year ? 22. 让我们去踢足球。 _ _ and _ _. 23. 我的袜子在哪里?在床下。

12、 _ _ my socks ? _ _ the bed. 24. 我们很喜欢生物,每周星期三上生物课。 We like _ a _ . We _ biology _ _ . 25. 红毛衣减价出售只买元。 The red sweaters _ _ _ _ only 15 yuan. 26 他怎样拼 写他表弟的名字 ? _ _ he spell _ _ name ? 27.他们的夹克衫是什么颜色 ?是黑白相间的。 _ colour are _ _ ? _ are black and white. 28.Tony 的朋友们好吗 ?很好,谢谢。 How _ _ friends ? _ fine, _

13、 . 29.你姓什么?是 Brown. _ _ _ name? _ Brown. 30.他的电话号码是什么?是 3539。 _ _telephone number? _ 3539。 31.请问,用英语那个怎么讲? _ _ . _ that _ English? 32.请给艾伦打 3539 这个电话。 Please _ Alan _ 3539. 33.在失物招领箱里的是你的手表吗? _ that your _ _ the lost and found _? 34.谢谢你的全家福照片。(两种方法) _ _ the photo _ your family? _ _ _ your _ _. 35.那些

14、是你的堂姐吗? _ _ your _? Yes, _ are. 36.他们的书包在哪儿?都在教室里。 Where _ their _ ? _ are _ _ the classroom. 37.你姐姐今天上午上课需要一些东西。你能帮我把它们拿到学校去吗? Your sister _ some _ _ class _ _. Can you _ _ _ school _ me? 38.放学后我要把这些书还给图书馆。 I need _ _ these books _ to the library _ _. 39.我喜欢打篮球。今天下午我们去打篮球吧!算了吧,那对我来说太难了。 I like _ ba

15、sketball. _ play it _ _. Sorry, that _ _ for me. 40.你有网球拍吗?没有,但是我表哥有。让我们去找他吧。 _ you _ a _ _? No, _ my _ _. Lets go and _ him. 41.我不知道这位跑步明星是否喜欢吃蔬菜。但蔬菜水果和水果是健康食品。 I _ _ if the _ _ _ eating vegetables, but vegetables and _ are _ _. 三、补全对话。 . A: Hello! Can I 1._ you? B: 2._, please. I want to 3._ the a

16、rt club. A: Good, may I 4._ your name? B: Jack. A: Whats your 5._name? B: Smith. A: How 6._ are you? B: Im twelve. A: Can you draw? B: Yes, a 7._. I want to 8._ about art. A: Great. Thanks a 9._. B: Youre 10._. . (K-Kate; J-Jack) K: Do you want to go to a movie, Jack? J: Yes, that is good. K: What 1

17、. _ of movies do you like? J: Well, I like 2._ because theyre funny. And I think thrillers are also great. K: Oh, no. I dont like thrillers. They are 3._. J: 4._ about documentaries? K: No. 5._boring. Do you like them? J: No. I dons like documentaries, 6._.I like action movies. I like Jackie Chan ve

18、ry much. And I like his movies 7._ K: You do? J: Uhhuh, they are 8._. And I like Beijing Opera, too. Its very interesting. I want to 9._ a Beijing Opera 10. _. . A: Lets play 1._, OK? B: Sorry, I dont have volleyball. 2._ I have a basketball. A: I 3._ want to play basketball. I only want to play vol

19、leyball. B. Who 4._ a volleyball? Do you know? A: Maybe Tom has one. Lets go and 5._ him. B: Hi, Tom! Do you have volleyball? C: No, I 6._. 7._ Peter have one? A: Oh. Yes, he 8._. B: Hi, Peter! Do you have volleyball? D: Yes, I do. But it is at home. B: Well, lets play basketball, OK? A am, is, are;

20、 was, were) 二、人称代词的用法 人称 主格 宾格 形物主 名物主 反身代词 单 数 I me my mine myself you you your yours yourself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself 复 数 we us our ours ourselves you you your yours yourselves they them their theirs themselves 1. Is her lifestyle the same as _ (you)? 2

21、. You are too heavy. You need to eat _ (little) food and take _ (much) exercise. 三、数词的用法 1. Gina goes to the movies _ (one) a week. 2. My mother shops _ (two) a month. 3. Simon exercises _ (three) times every day. 四、情态动词的用法 (can, may, must, could, should, have to, need) 五、介、副词用法 1. Junk food is not

22、_ for your health. (well) 2. My mother isnt feeling _ now. (well) 六、形容词和副词的用法 七、词组的固定搭配 1. Anna _ (want) me _ (get) up early and run with her. 八、动词的时态 1. How often _ John _ TV? He _ TV every day. (watch) 2. It _ (not mean) that you are welcome. 3. Hes _ (spell) my _ (gave) name. 九、其它 1. Can you tell

23、 me what the _ are? I dont think they are _. (different) 2. I exercise every day to stay in good _, so Im pretty _. (health) 3. Your _ habit is not very good. (eat) 4. We eat a lot of _ (vegetable) and _ (fruit) every day. 5. How many _ (hours) do you watch TV every day? 6. The baby has two _ (teeth) now. 7.She thinks _ (Japan) people are very _ (friend) to us.


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