1、 1 金刚石虽然能发出闪烁的亮光,可是没有热。 Diamond glitters but gives off no heat. 爱夸耀过去成绩的人,大概对于未来已没有多大的兴趣了吧 ! He who is given to bragging about hispast achievements must have lost interest inhis own future. 燃烧着的木柴是决不懊悔它自己即将成为灰烬的。 Firewood, while burning, never regretshaving itself reduced to ashes. 更多的事前考虑,就可以有更少的事后
2、追悔。 More thinking beforehand, less after-the-event remorse. 让偏见守着心灵,那么真理的声音就难于流进他的耳朵里了。 A prejudiced mind keeps the voice oftruth from entering the ear. 陀螺尽管转得勤,但就是没有前进 ! 2 A top makes no headway no matter howhard it spins. 逃跑必然会引起追击,让子弹从背后射进去是可耻的。 Running away will inevitably resultin the pursuit a
3、nd attack of the enemy; it isdisgraceful to be hit in the back by a bullet. 嫉妒别 人的才能,也许正好说明自己的无能。 Showing jealousy of other peoplesabilities is clear proof of your ownincompetence. 面盆里泛起一些涟漪,我们觉得不值一提,但在蚂蚁看来,那简直像是汪洋大海轩然大波了。 Ripples on a basin of water meannothing at all to man, but are like wild wave
4、sover a boundless sea to ants. 钉子如果没有锤子在后面不断督促,钉子就钉不进墙里去。 A nail will never be driven into a wallwithout repeated hammering from behind. 不成熟的东西也有值得称赞的地方,因为它虽幼稚,但包含未来。 Things immatUre also have aspectsworthy of our praise, because, though puerile,they embody the future. 3 在交响乐队工作的人们,绝不会因为轮到别人在弹奏而感到自己
5、受到冷遇。 Members of a symphony orchestra neverfeel left out in the cold when it is others tumto play their musical instruments. 无私的人,总希望从自己手里能给予人们更多的幸福。 A selfless man always thinks of handingout more happiness to others. 不要光看到挺拔道劲的松树的树杈,更重要的是要看到它插入泥土深处的根系啊 ! Behold not only the straight andsturdy branches of a pine tree, but, moreimportantly,its roots deep in the soil.