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1、- 1 -3A M3 Unit 2 Shopping 单元分析一、基本要求:1、能听说读写:an apple-apples an orange-oranges a banana-bananas a peach-peaches 等词汇。2、能听说读: plum supermarket toy buy shop 等词汇3、能掌握并运用 Can I help you ? May I have,please? Sure.How many apples? There is /areHow much ?Six yuan.Goodbye.Bye-bye.Lets go.Do you like? 表达相关信息

2、。4. 能正确吟诵本单元儿歌5. 掌握原音字母 o 在单词中的发音。二、相关旧知:词汇 1A:apple pear peach orange 1B:jelly ice cream sweet biscuit2B:salad carrot fish chicken banana句型 1A:Apples, please.Here you are. Thank you.How many pears?1B:I like.Do you like?2B: What do you like eating?I like eating.三、发展性要求:(可以选择性运用)1 、能选择性听说读下面的单词、词组和句子

3、:- 2 -kiwi 猕猴桃 lemon 柠檬 watermelon 西瓜 cherry 樱桃 mango 芒果 durian 榴莲 grape 葡萄 coconut 椰子 litchi 荔枝favorite 最喜欢的 healthy 健康 delicious 好吃的 daughter 女儿 money 钱 size 尺寸;大小 cool 棒的fresh 新鲜的 sixty 六十such as 例如 pay for 为付钱 a bunch of 一串How about this one? 这个怎么样?They pay sixty yuan for it. 他们付了 60 元。What do y

4、ou need? 你需要什么?I need 我需要 Do you like the purple jacket? 你喜欢这件紫色的夹克衫吗?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 是的,我喜欢。 /不,我不喜欢。2. 文本 (1)A rhymePeaches, apples and plums.Peaches, apples and plums.What do you want?I want an apple.Peaches, apples and plums.(2). Description My favourite fruit is orange.Orange is lovely

5、.Its round and juicy.Orange is healthy and delicious.Many people love it, and so do I! (3) Mini-dialogueShoppingA: Hello! Can I help you?B: Yes, I want a hat for my daughter, please.- 3 -A: How about this one?B: Oh, good. The size is OK.C: Mum, I dont like the colour.A: Do you like this purple one?C

6、: Cool! Thats my favourite colour.B: How much is it?A: Eight yuan.B: Heres the money.A: Thanks.(4) A passage: 能用下面的内容更详细地介绍有关购物的内容It is sunny today. Alice and her mother go to the supermarket. There are many things in it. Such as fruit, food, toys, clothes and so on. Alice sees a dress. Its pink and

7、 soft. She likes it very much. They pay sixty yuan for it. The fruit is fresh. They buy four lemons and a bunch of grapes. They are very happy.四、情感与人文:在真实的生活环境中进行语言训练,培养学生在与人交际的过程中懂得如何使用礼貌用语。五、教学建议(一)教材处理与教时分配Period 1: 整合 Look and learn,look and say,学习并运用”Can I help you?” “How many?” “May I have,ple

8、ase?” 学习词汇 “an apple-apples an orange-oranges a banana-bananas a peach-peaches”. 能简单说出自己想要购买的东西,完成相应配套练习。Period 2: 在简单复习水果和购物的基础上,学习 listen and enjoy 里的内容。选择性拓展 kiwi,lemon ,watermelon ,cherry, mango, durian ,grape coconut ,litchi 等水果及 What do you need? I need句型。学习 say and act, 在给出的相应情景中,组织对话并制定 shop

9、ping list.Period 3: 根据 play a game 里的 shopping list 完成有关购物的对话,根据 read a story 里的故事,学习用陈述的方式表达购物过程的小短文,完成相应配套练习。- 4 -Period 4: 整合再构的短文,复习相关内容。学习 Learn the sound 中的内容,学习字母 o 在单词中的发音D。(二)教学方法已学过或接触过含有字母音D的单词有:orange frog hot dog shop Bonnie box chopsticks hop stop 2、单词教学。建议新授单词在旧句型中进行引入和操练。3、句型教学。建议将新授句型置入段落、对话、故事中进行教学。4、儿歌。在教学儿歌时,可以拓展中的水果替换。


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