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1、Table of contents1. Mother nature.(大自然)2. Whats in the names?.(名字是什么)3. Going underground?.(在土地上)4. Making Your Bed.(制作出你的床)5. Starting Up .(启动)6. Males,Females,Long Days and Dark Night.(雄性,雌性,长天黑夜)7. Water Wise.(明智的用水)8. Feeding Time.(饲养的时间)9. Bad Weed us. Good Weed.(坏的草。好的草)10. Bud Time.(萌芽时间)11.

2、Farming Indoors.(室内种植)12. Trouble-Shooting Guide.(疑难排解指南)13. Graduate Level.(毕业水准)Resources.(参考资料)Glossary.(术语表)CHAPTER ONEMother Nature大自然Grass. weed. pot. ganja. chronic. the plant known to botanists as cannabis has had a lot of nicknames. one that you dont hear much these days,“mother nature,“ is

3、 worth remembering. and no just because of the Beatles song “mother natures son,“ Paul McCartneys ode to the most natural of intoxicants.“mother nature“ emphasizes what separates marijuana from nearly every other mind-altering substance,from alcohol to cocaine and heroin. it comes straight from natu

4、re-no distilling,refining processing, or manufacturing necessary. it is a product of sunshine,fresh air,and the fertile earth.草。杂草。锅。大麻。慢性。植物学家为大麻已经起了很多称呼。但有一个你不常听到过但是值得铭记的称呼“大自然”。并不只是因为对披头士乐队保罗 麦卡特尼的歌曲“大自然的儿子, ”大多数的麻醉品不是自然的。 “大自然”强调区分大麻与其他改变思想的物质,酒精可卡因和海洛因。它直接源自于自然 - 没有蒸馏,精炼加工或任何的人工生产。它是由阳光,清新的空气,肥

5、沃的土地孕育出的产品。Back when people still used the term“mother nature,“most of the marijuana consumed in the united states was grown in mexico and colombia. it was farmed in fields,packed into bricks,hidden in all kinds of inventive ways,and then smuggled into the country with great risk at border crossings

6、. outside of prime marijuana growing climates such as northern california,“homegrown“ was mostly used as a derogatory term for low-potency,harsh-tasting weed appealing only to those desperate or without connections for the the imported varieties.回想当年人们还在使用术语“大自然”大多数在美国使用的大麻都是生长在墨西哥和哥伦比亚的。这些是适合养殖的领域,

7、他们被压缩成砖型、以各种创新的方式藏匿,然后冒着巨大风险偷运进美国的边境口岸。比如加利福尼亚州北部,那些地方是种植大麻首要的气候因素“国产”是一个贬义词。和那些进口品种相比味道十分的差劲。CHAPTER SIXMales,Females,Long Days and Dark Nights雄性,雌性,长天黑夜Growing cannabis plants is easy. but im going to assume you want to do more than just grow a big,leafy,fragrant pot plant. you want to harvest a b

8、umper crop of all-natural,plump buds loaded with THC,right? to do that,you need to know a bit about the plant,its life cycle,and reproductive process. yes,were now going to talk about sex and plants.种植大麻植物是很容易的。但我会假设你想要你想要种的是一盆更大更香的植物。你想收获全天然更纯的四氢大麻酚吗?想要做到这一点,你需要了解这个植物的生命周期和生殖过程。是的,我们现在要谈性别和植物。Sex t

9、alkIn its natural state,cannabis is an“annual“plant,as opposed to a “perennial“such as trees,shrubs,and tulips. annuals germinate,grow their roots,stems,and leaves,mature,reproduce,and die in a single season. now plants grow from seeds. cannabis is what scientists call “dioecious,“meaning there are

10、male and female plants.(some hybrid varieties also tend to produce hermaphrodites,which have both male and female reproductive parts on the same plant.)under normal conditions, a batch of cannabis seeds produces a roughly equal number of males and females. seeds result when male plants pollinate fem

11、ale plants. after the females are pollinated, they form the clusters of flowers that you know as buds. if the females are not pollinated, they still produce buds but they will be seedless. marijuana that has no seeds is known as “sinsemilla“(pronounced “sense-ah-me-ya“)and for many growers seedless

12、buds are the goal.在自然状态下,大麻是“一年一度的”厂,而不是一个“ 常年 ”,如树木,灌木和郁金香。一年生植物萌发,长出自己的根,茎,叶,成熟,繁殖,并死在一个赛季。现在从种子植物生长。大麻是科学家们称之为“雌雄异株”的含义,也有男性和女性的植物。 (一些杂交品种,也往往会产生雌雄同体,具有相同的植物,男性和女性的生殖部位。 )在正常情况下,一批大麻种子产生的男性和女性的数量大致相等。种子导致当雄株授粉女性的植物。女性被授粉后,它们形成的花,你知道作为芽簇。如果女性不授粉,它们仍然会产生芽,但他们将是无籽。没有种子的大麻,被称为“精育无籽大麻”(发音为“感啊,我遐”)和许多

13、种植者无籽芽的目标。The reproductive organs that develop as the plants mature are known as stamens on the males and pistils on the female. both start as tiny nubs that form between the branches. when i say tiny,i mean they are about the size of the tip on a ballpoint pen. they are slightly different in appear

14、ance,and learning to identify them accurately will help you harvest lost of buds.被称为的男性和女性的雌蕊雄蕊的植物成熟发展的生殖器官。同时启动分支机构之间形成微小的凸起。我说小的时候,我的意思是他们的圆珠笔尖大小。他们是在外观上略有不同,学习,准确地识别它们将帮助你收获芽丢失。Males produce pollen and then they shed it,or release it into the air. at or about the same time,the females ovaries ope

15、n and extend a tube that captures the pollen. those tubes are the “hairs“that you see when you look closely at a bud. the microscopic grains of pollen attach themselves to the tube and then travel up to the ovaries. the pollen has half of the chromosomes of a mature plant and the ovary provides the

16、complementary other half of the chromosomes. when the two sets of chromosomes link up, you have reproduction. sounds a lot like what you learned in eighth grade about human reproduction,doesnt it?男性产生花粉,然后他们摆脱它,或释放到空气中。在或大约在同一时间,女性的卵巢打开,延长管,捕捉花粉。那些管你看到当你看到在萌芽状态密切的“毛发”。花粉的微观颗粒依附管,然后乘车到卵巢。花粉有一个成熟的植物染色

17、体的一半和卵巢提供的互补性染色体的另一半。两套染色体联系起来时,你有繁殖。听起来像你在有关人类繁殖的八年级了解到很多,不是吗?The life cycle of cannabis naturally takes about four to six months to complete,depending on the strain you are growing and the conditions in which its grown. with care and attention,you can manage the reproductive process,but bear in mi

18、nd that the plant has evolved and adapted over thousands of years to grow in ways that ensure its survival for a few more millennia. you will harvest the best-tasting,most potent,and kindest buds if you work with,rather than against,its natural tendencies.大麻的生命周期,自然需要大约四到六个月完成,取决于应变,你的成长和在它成长的条件。关心和

19、照顾,你可以管理的生殖过程,但厂已几千年的发展和适应增长方式,以确保其生存几千年更铭记。如果你的工作,而不是反对,其自然的倾向,你将收获的最好吃,最有力,最善良的芽。Girls OnlyLeft alone,male cannabis plats will fertilize most,if not all,of the females. thats what they are or. if that happens,the buds you get will be predominantly seeds with little of the unfertilized flowers that

20、 are the smokeable content. if you isolate all the females,they will produce seed-free buds. just what you want for this years harvest,but you wont have any seeds to start the next seasons crop. leaving a few females to be pollinated can give you the best of both options.孑然一身,将受精雄性大麻制地图最,如果不是所有的女性。那

21、它们是什么。如果出现这种情况,你的味蕾将是主要的未受精的花朵,可吸入的内容少的种子。如果您隔离所有的女性,他们就会产生种子的芽。正是您要为今年的收成,但你不会有任何开始下赛季的作物种子。留下一些女性被授粉,可以给你最好的两个选项。You want to learn to separate the boys from the girls. the two types of plants have some immediately visible differences. female plants typically are shorter and have more branches than males do. also,the females are generally leafier,especially at the top,while you see more stem and fewer leaves on the males,particularly on he lateral limbs.你想了解雌性和雄性的区别。两种植物有明显的差异。雌株通常较短,有比雄性更多的分支。此外,雌性一般更多叶子,尤其是在顶部,特别是比在雄性侧枝上有更多的茎。


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