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1、1Unit 2 History of the UKA Brief History -1st century AD: Celtic people 55 -54BC,Julius Caesar/43 BC, Claudius I410, Germanic invasion/Angles and Saxons8th century, the invasion of Vikings11th century: Norman invasionThe Hundrend Years War (1337-1453) The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) The Civil War(

2、1642-1649) The Glorious Revolution The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Earlier residents: Celt, Celts 凯尔特人(Celt,拉丁文称 Celtae 或 Galli,希腊文 Keltoi)盖尔特人、克尔特人、塞尔特人、居尔特人 Celtic culture- a powerful culture originating 产生于 in central Europe, 2000 BCBritain Briton, a Celtic tribeCeltic culture legend and

3、folk tales http:/ invasion: 55 BC, 54 BC twice invaded by Julius Caesar (history undocumented before 55 BC)43 AD was invaded again by Roman army under the leadership of Claudius I 克劳迪亚斯Britain became a Roman province until the 5th centuryNative Celts were driven to Scotland and WalesSecond invasion:

4、 In 410, Germanic 日耳曼人 barbarians 异族人 attacked Rome Soon after Roman armies left, 2Germanic warriors landed on the island Angles and Saxons Britons driven to mountains remained as slaves 奴隶 The language of Angles (English) dominant language England “the land of Angles” The legend of King Arthur 亚瑟 “

5、round table” assemblyThird invasion: In the 8th century, Vikings 维京人invaded the northern and eastern sea coastThey were called by other Europeans as “Northman”北方来客, while they called themselves as “Viking”, meaning first “travel”, second “rob”抢夺. Distinguish the northern people from the southern peo

6、ple Fourth invasion: Normans 诺曼人 from northern France/ descendants 后裔 of VikingsUnder the leadership of William the Conqueror, they crossed the English Channel in 1066. William defeated King Harold 哈洛德 and took the English throne 王位, became William the First of England. He built the Tower of London,

7、 a castle in the centre of London. The Hundred Years War (1337-1453):百年战争a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security 抵押品 and the throne 宝座Edward III, Philip VIthe King of England vs the head of the Valois House 瓦罗王朝1st stage 阶段 1337 - 136031337, English army le

8、d by Edward III attacked French army, which was the beginning of the Hundred Years War1340, English army took over 接管 English Channel 1346. English took over 接管 Normandy 诺曼底 1347, English took over Calais 加来1348,黑死病( Black Death, Black Plague ) took away 1/3 of the population in Europe, the war stop

9、ped for 10 years 1356, 普瓦捷 Poitiers, the French king, Jean II was captured 俘获 by English army 1360, a peace treaty 条约 was signed, French territory in south west France was taken over by England2nd stage1360 - 1400 1364, Prince Charles took the throne Charles V 查尔斯五世 1369, started the war again, took

10、 back most of the lost land1396, ceasefire convention 停火协议 was signed, to stop fire for 20 years3rd stage1415 - 1429 1415, Charles VI took the French throne, power struggle inside French, King of England, Henry V took the chance to attack France again1420, peace treaty, Henry V was entitled the priv

11、ilege to inherit 继承 the throne in France, marriage between Henry V 2) it promoted the development of the textile 纺织工业 industry because it reduced the export of English wool; 3) it raised the social position of the bourgeois 资产阶级 class. 4) Urged the centralization of authority 中心机构The Wars of the Ros

12、es (1455-1458)玫瑰战争4 the House of York 约克角, white rose the House of Lancaster 卡兰斯特, red rose Richard, duke 公爵 of York (south & east) the Lancastrian king Henry VI (north & west)for power, wealth and ultimately the throneAlmost all the noble 贵族的 families involved, great loss of life and property 财产las

13、ted for 30 yearsthe House of Lancaster won Henry Tudor King Henry VII (1485-1509)1458 1603Medieval / Feudalism modern countryThe Civil War 南北战争Stage 1: Parliamentary clashes over monopolies, 17th century 议会对于垄断持有不同的意见Parliament declared monopolies without its consent illegal 1629, King Charles I dis

14、solved 融化 the parliament11 years, no parliament 国会Demands for a new government increased 要求增加一个新的政府 相关电影:亨利六世 、 理查三世Stage 2 1642, the Civil War broke outthe Royalists the Cavaliers 保王党人 vs Parliamentarians 国会议员 the Roundheads 圆颅党人Oliver Cromwell 克伦威尔 (1599-1658) , the New Model Army 新模范军 1649, the k

15、ing was captured and executed 处决The monarchy 君主制度 was abolished a commonwealth 联邦 was declaredStage 3Cromwell gradually became unpopular:不得人心的 * conservative in social reforms * Led an army to Ireland* Killed many royalists 保皇主义者5* Restricted the freedom of Catholic 天主教的* Tax were increased to keep

16、the army supplied1658, Cromwell died and was succeeded by his son, Richard1660, Parliament decided to restore Charles II to the throne of England The Glorious Revolution 光荣革命Stage 1Charles II was crowned on April 23, 1661 he tried to restore the old social order 1685, James II, Charles IIs brother,

17、a Catholicsoon showed his readiness 意愿 to reestablish 重建 Catholicism 天主教 in England, against the English bourgeoisies willWilliam, head of the United Netherlands and his wife Mary, James IIs daughter were asked backThe invitation was accepted Stage 2November, 1688, William landed in England with an

18、army, James II fled to FranceA new Parliament declared the throne vacant and appointed William and Mary joint sovereigns.This was called the Glorious Revolution 光荣革命. Stage 31689, Bill of Rights 人权法案limited the power of the monarch guaranteed the authority of parliament. The Glorious Revolution was

19、complete, in which Parliament succeeded in removing a ruling monarch they did not like and establishing a system known as constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire1583, Newfoundland(纽芬兰), the first British colony overseasin 1837 Queen Victoria(1837-1901) ascended the thr

20、one, the First British Empire: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies individual business people for the purpose of trade. WWI, the worlds largest colonial empire: 33.5 m sq.km 137 times the size of Britain393.5 m people 8 times the population of Britain6An em

21、pire on which the sun never sets WWII, colonies demanded for independence. 1947, India and Pakistan1948, Burma and Malaya1956, Egyptin the 1960s, an independece movement swept the entire British Empire. More than 20 countries won their independence. The Empire had been replaced by the British Commonwealth of Nations, a loosely organized community of former British colonies.


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