1、Suggested answer for Exercise 11.2As Figure 11.2 illustrates, usage dependencies are often taken to be transitive. The other dependencies, such as the implement dependency shown in Figure 11.6, do not relate the same type of entity and so cannot really be usefully thought of as transitive.Suggested
2、answer for Exercise 11.4The source of the dependencies in Figure 7.2 are listed in the table below. Dependency source Dependency target Derived from StaffUI BookingSystem Association (Figure 6.1) StaffUI BookingObserver Realizes interface (Figure 6.4) BookingSystem BookingObserver Association (Figur
3、e 6.4) BookingSystem Booking Association (Figure 5.13) BookingSystem Restaurant Association (Figure 5.13) Restaurant Booking Association (Figure 5.13) Restaurant Table Association (Figure 5.13) Restaurant Customer Association (Figure 5.13) Booking Customer Association (Figure 5.13) Booking Table Association (Figure 5.13) Suggested answer for Exercise 11.5The diagram on the page below shows the dependency graph based on the code for the booking system implementation.