1、师生学习案年 级 九年级 班 级 九 1、 2 学 科 英语 姓 名主备人 余轩艳 审核人 张永 课时数 1 时 间学习内容 Unit Star signs Period 8 Main Task新课导入(知识回顾)学习目标1.词汇 mark in the first week get full marks speak in front of the whole school explain things to us the most suitable person2.句型 We think that Davide has all the qualities to be a good chair
2、person。Its our plersure。Ill do my best.3. 能组织观点并用例子证明其合理性能用正确的格式写一封推荐信。教学流程 解惑传道一、自主学习【预习检测】 英汉互译1.在第一周里 2.get full marks3.忘记做某事 4.make a speech5.害怕做某事 6.介意做某事二、交流展示1. Revision and lead-in2.Checking3.Presentation.1)让学生熟悉课本第21页上面信纸上的内容 .(学生自学)2)鼓励学生说出David 的性格特点,并在A 部分中找出描写David 的形容词.3) 让学生根据A部分的流程图
3、,进行问答:(小组合作完成)a. Is David hard-working ?b. Can you give us an example ?c. David is very clever , isnt he ?d. What does David do to help himself get more organized?e. Can David make good use of his time ?f. Does David often help other students ?g. Can you give an example ?h. What do you think of Davi
4、d ?4) 让学生独立完成B部分的空格 .5) 分析推荐信格式,学生展示与教师讲解(展示推荐信每一部分内容和知识点的运用)课堂巩固练习一选择题(30)1,Lei Feng thought of others,but of himself。A.much ,more B。less ,more C.more , little D.more ,less2.I found hard to learn maths well in such a short time.A.its B.it C.this D.that 3.They recommend their English teacher a new h
5、eadmaster.A.for B.with C.to D.as4. you finish the work in a week if you try your best ?A.Can ,be able to B.Are, be able to C.Will , be able to D.Do , be able to5.We must run , we will be late.A.but B. and C. though D.otherwise6. The headmaster showed the foreign visitors the school.A. out B.around C
6、.from D. over二翻译句子(分60)1.王老师从未忘记他需要做的事情。Mr Wang never forgets _.2)你害怕在一大群人面前演讲吗?Are you afraid of _.3)他是那么勤劳,他不介意为学生会多做些工作 .He is so _and he would not _.4)我要推荐David 做学生会的新主席,因为他有许多良好的品质 .I would like _David _ because he has _.5)我认为他不能把事情组织安排好。I _ _ he would be _ to _ things well.6) 他富有想象力,足以想出许多新点子。He is _ _ to _ _ _ new ideas.书 写: 等 第: 日 期: 四、总结评价五、教学反思_ _(每题 1 分,共 4 分)