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1、1【本节测试】选择最佳答案填空.1. Mary doesnt like running_swimming. A.and B.for C.for D.of 2.I like playing football_playing basketball. A.and B.of C.or D.for3.Lets go _in Xili Lake. A.fish B.to fishing C. fishes D. fishing4. I_happy yesterday. A. am B. was C. were D. are 5. The rooms _clean yesterday. A . am B.

2、was C. were D. are6. I like _TV. A. watching B. watch C. watches D. watched7. What do you do _your spare time? A. at B. of C. in D. /8. She _late for school yesterday? A. was B. is C. were D. are9. What _your favorite _, Pat?A. are.hobbies B. arehobby C. was.hobbies D. is. hobbies10.Tom likes playin

3、g _piano but he doesnt like playing _chess.A.the, the B.the , / C. /, the D./ /【识记要点】A. Vocabularyfridge n.冰箱 sink n.洗涤槽 cupboard n.橱柜;碗柜 happen v.发生 everything pron.每件事healthy a.健康的 unhappy a.不高兴的 western a.西方的 French a.法国的 messy a.凌乱的 -tidy a.整洁的 full a.满的-empty a.空的 dirty a.脏的-clean a. 干净的 B. Use

4、ful Phrases full bin 满的桶 clean up 收拾干净 keep healthy 保持健康 dirty wall 脏的墙tidy fridge 整洁的冰箱 empty sink 空的水槽 messy cupboard 杂乱的橱柜 this afternoon 今天上午 in the kitchen 在厨房 clean floor 干净的地板all morning 整个上午 on Sunday afternoon 在周日下午C. Important sentences1. What happened? 发生什么事了? What a messy! 多么乱呀!2. Whats

5、wrong? Whats the matter? 出什么事了。3. The sink was empty. 水槽空了。 The table was messy. 桌子凌乱。4. The walls were dirty. 墙很脏。 The cupboard was tidy. 橱柜整洁了。5. The bin was full yesterday. But it is empty today. 桶昨天是满的,但是今天是空的。D.Pronunciation ( oo )字母 oo 发 u Eg: food room school roof noon moon zoo字母 oo 发 u: Eg:

6、book good look cook wood took stood 【课后作业】I.英汉互译。1. 在上午_ 2.empty sink_3. 整个下午_ 4.clean up_5. 脏的墙_ 6.keep healthy_7. 旧的冰箱 _ 8.tidy fridge_9. 在周三晚上_ 10.in the kitchen_11. 凌乱的厨房_ 12.on Sunday afternoon_II.根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. The _(厨房) is clean. But the_(冰箱) is dirty.22. The walls were _(脏的). The _ (橱柜) was

7、 messy.3. The bin was _ (满了). The _ (空了) was messy.4. The box is _(干净) . The desk is _ (整洁).5. The room is not _ (凌乱), and the walls were _ (橙色的)III.选择 填空。( ) 1. Were you at home yesterday? .A. Yes, I were.B. No, I werent C. No, I wasnt D. Yes, I am( ) 2. there a dirty cupboard in the kitchen yester

8、day? Yes, there was.A. Were B. Are C. Was D. Is( ) 3. Does your sister like playing chess? .A. Yes, she does B. No, she do C. Yes, my sister does D. No, my sister doesnt( ) 4. I like apples.A. very B. very much C. really D. true( ) 5. Everything clean this morning.A. be B. was C. is D. were( ) 6. Th

9、ere an empty bin and a full cupboard in the kitchen yesterday.A. is B. are C. were D. was( ) 7. To wants , bus he isnt good at it.A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooked( ) 8. Saturday is the , but he isnt good at it.A. first B. second C. sixth D. seventh( ) 9. Whats wrong the kitchen, Mike?A. to B.

10、 on C. with D. for( )10. Was Pat in the kitchen this morning? .A. Yes, Pat was B. No, Pat wasnt C. Yes, she is D. No, she wasnt( ) 11. What are you going to do? Im going to _.A. fishes B. fish C. fishing D. fished( ) 12. I like _.A. play piano B. play the piano C. playing the piano D. playing piano(

11、 ) 13. I dont like _.A. draw and paint B. draw or paint C. drawing or painting D drawing and painting. ( ) 14. Do you like to _?A. play badminton B. playing the badminton C. playing badminton D. play the badminton( ) 15. I dont like shopping _ my mother_.A. and, do B. and, does C. but ,does D. but,

12、doIV.连词成句。1. messy, the, yesterday, kitchen, was_2. the, be, healthy, clean, and, kitchen _3. and, clean, kitchen, was, tidy, the. _ 4. we, fishing, shopping, like, and _5. Walls, were, old, and, dirty, the_3V.单词辨音,选出划线 部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A.good B.look C.room( ) 2. A.moon B.cook C.too ( ) 3. A.look B.

13、zoo C.took( )4. A.school B. tooth C.choose ( )5. A.book B. moody C. look VI.选句子,完成对话。A: _ B: How do you do? A: What happened last night? B: _A: Who was in the living-room? B: _A:_ B: There was a party.A:_ B: Yes, we were very happy.VII.根据下列对话,判断句子的正误,用“”或“”表示。All: The food is delicious. Thank you, M

14、rs. Wang.Pats Mum: You are welcome.Tom: But look at your new house. Its a mess.Lily: Ah! It was clean and tidy when we came. But now you see, a messy desk.Ann: Look at the newspapers. Theyre all over the sofa. And there are some tissues on the floor.Tom: Look at the kitchen. Its much dirtier. The bi

15、n is full of rubbish. The sink is full of bowls, plates and spoons. The walls are oily and dirty. And the floor is very dirty too.Nick: So everybody, lets clean the house. Girls clean the kitchen. And boys clean the living room.Half an hour laterAll: Wow, the house is clean and new again.Girls: The

16、desk is tidy. The table and the walls are quite clean. Boys: Look at the kitchen. All the things are clean and tidy. The cupboard is tidy. The bin and the sink are empty. And the walls are clean.Girls: But look at the floor. Its still dirty.Boys: Oh, no! We forgot to sweep the floor.All: Ha ha!Pats

17、Mum: Thank you! You are good children.( ) 1. The children all liked the food. ( ) 2. The house was clean and tidy when they came. ( ) 3. The newspapers were all over the sofa. ( ) 4. Boys cleaned the kitchen and girls cleaned the living room ( ) 5. The kitchen was dirtier than the living room. ( ) 6

18、. It took them about 4 hours to clean the house. ( ) 7. The boys forgot to sweep the floor. ( ) 8. All the things in the kitchen are clean half an hour later. ( ) 9. The children made the house dirty after a party. ( ) 10. Pats Mum doesnt like the children. Happy one MinuteA. Were you happy? B. What did you do then? C. My good friends. D. The living-room was messy. E. How do you do? 4Boy: Hi, didnt we go on dates before? Once or twice?Girl: Mustve been once. I never make the same mistake twice.男孩:嗨,我们之前是不是约会过,是一次还是两次,我忘 记了。女孩:应该只有一次吧,我从不犯两次同样的错误。


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