1、实 习 证 明兹证明北京航空航天大学大学飞行器设计专业 xx 同学于 2012 年8 月 13 日至 2012 年 8 月 24 日期间在中航工业西安飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司飞机总厂参加生产实习培训。在研究所老师指导下,他主要负责装配指令设计、工艺流程解析等工作。通过实践,该同学熟悉了大型运输机机翼部件组装流程、机翼表面处理、面接触固定方式选择与排列和厂间协作模式等工作。该同学在实习期间表现出扎实的专业知识,勤奋好学, 针对研究中的实际问题,他积极与研究所老师和研究员探讨,结合理论知识提出建议,有创新意识。此外该同学有良好的沟通与合作能力,是一个诚实、有责任感的人。与其一同工作的研究员对该
2、学生的能力和表现予以肯定。证明人:中航工业西安飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司(盖章)地址: 陕西省西安市阎良区2012 年 8 月 24 日Certificate of InternshipWe hereby certify that xx, an undergraduate student majoring in xx of xx, has completed his internship in our institute during the period of xx to xx in 2012. With the guidance of his advisor, he was mainly
3、 obliged to do fair drawing of the South China Sea Basin. He became quite familiar with the terrain of South Sea and the oil & gas reservoir situation. More than that, he gained great proficiency in utilizing CorelDRAW.Besides, xx was always industrious and ready to learn and help. Not only did his
4、good command of knowledge related to major make a deep impression, but also he could apply the knowledge into practice to propose his own ideas and thoughts. He was a trustworthy individual as well as a good team player. Therefore, he enjoyed great popularity among our colleagues.We certify that the above statement is true.Reference: The Second Institute of OceanographyState Oceanic Administration Peoples Republic of China