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1、英语四级写作常见错误分析和高分作文,作文如何才能及格?,常见错误分析,一.防止无意义失分,字数120-150语法错误(I is Roman)拼写错误(inportant)以上三类低级错误,让阅卷者对你作文的印象大打折扣。,二.得无意义的分,13秒 总体评分法(印象分)误区“内容好=高分”正确的写法应该是:书写整洁三段分明段首句强悍,用外语写作文,最容易犯的错误是什么?,一.语法错误,(一)句子结构错误 1.主从句叠置 (1)There are more and more students like to use the computer. (2)There are still many pro

2、blems should be noted and resolved.,who,that,2.简单句叠置,I like chatting on line very much, and I go to the net bar almost every weekend.,so,3.从句叠置,As is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields of our life. It is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields

3、 of our life.,4.句子成分缺失,If work hard ,we will surely be successful. Working hard ,we will surely be successful.,we,5.语序错误,1.Why college students spend more and more time on the computer?2.I often wonder where have they got their money.,do,have,6.语态错误,1.I have excited several days at the news that you

4、 will come.2.Most of the students satisfy with the service in the ding hall.,been,are satisfied,(二).动词错误,1.时态错误 Many people thought that the internet will be more useful in the future.,think,2.单复数错误,1.Wise man seek opportunities rather than wait for them. A wise man seeks opportunities rather than w

5、ait for them.2.Someone are afraid that computers may control men in the future.,men,people,3.非谓语动词错误,1.Do exercise in the morning is good for ones health.2.Having studied in our school for 3 years , the canteen service has changed a lot.,Doing,I find that,(三)代词错误,1.We can use computers in doing ever

6、ything you like.2.A college student should be able to do their washing on their own.,we,College students,(四)冠词错误,1. Horse is an useful animal.2.The exam will be held in the December,2004.,AThe horse,(五)词性错误,1.I wish you can consider my suggests.2.If a person wants to success ,he must learn to endure

7、 sufferings and setbacks.,suggestions.,succeed,二.用词错误,1.Students must know how to apply a computer.2.People can touch many new things on the Internet.3.The purpose of this letter is to react some opinions on the service in the dining hall.,operateuse,learn,express,三.表达习惯错误,1.Now 6000 yuan can buy a

8、P4 computer. Now 6000 yuan is enough for you to buy a P4 computer. Now you can buy a P4 computer for 6000 yuan .2. A room often lives 6-8 students.,In a,三.表达习惯错误,3.I think this great change has three reasons. I think there are three reasons for this great change.4.The reason for this is because some

9、 people want to earn plenty of money without working hard.,that,四.标点符号及大小写错误,1.However ,every coins has two sides , I think the surroundings in our canteen are the best among all universities.2.The man was racing down the street. Because he was late for the class.The best English film in my eyes is

10、King .,coin,.,b,King,Internet or Newspapers?,第一段: When people face the question“how to get information”,different people hold different (能换词不)views.(有个状语从句,还不错。但是更精练的,有品位的可用分词-Facing with question of “how to obtain information) Some argue that it is a good way of getting information to use internet.

11、 Because (这两个句子应当是一个句子)its convenient and speedful(用词错误) .( Some argue that it is a good way to get information by utilizing internet for it is convenient and speedy),There are rich resources in internet. It (能用定语从句不)can provide various news to us in time.(Internet, with rich resources, can consider

12、ably provide various news to us in time.)(或In time, with rich resources, can internet considerably provide various news to us.),第二段, However others still think that we should learn recent(current或 recently-occured) news from newspapers. For newspapers is anthoritative and cheap. Especially, its appr

13、opriate for the old who cant operate computer.(可以变成一个句子However others holds the opposite view that the latest information could be learned through press or publications for they, as an authoritive yet cheap means to gain information, are highly appropriate for people especially for the old who are n

14、ot able to operate computer. ),低分作文的特征,语法错误较多Chinglish句型过于简单啰嗦,如何避免低级错误,1. 写完整的句子典型错误一:Jinjin holding the torch as if that is her life.,1.写完整的英文句,典型错误二:Some people think we should resist Carrefour. Because a boycott(联合抵制) will make the French realize that Chinese people are angry.,2.要有一定程度的省略,典型错误一:

15、Tibet was a part of China, Tibet is a part of China, and Tibet will always be a part of China.,省略要正确,典型错误二:China Yao always has and will always do his best to win the games.-China Yao has always done and will continue to do his best to win the games.,3.句号一定要用对,Jay Chous newly released movie Kungfu D

16、unk has hit the cinema, I am going to see it tomorrow.-Jay Chous newly released movie Kungfu Dunk has hit the cinema and I am going to see it tomorrow.-has hit the cinema. I am going to see it tomorrow.,中层次作文水平,语法错误时有出现内容不够结构性词汇不够明显,内容填充,住在大城市的好处和坏处,advantages,The reason why I prefer to live in the

17、big cities is that there are more job opportunities, education opportunities and better living conditions in the big cities than in the small towns.,disadvantages,But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high. Whats more, there is more gas and noise pollution in the city.,四级作文评分标

18、准,评分原则,评分原则:CET作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体。作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而和合适地表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。避免趋中倾向。该给高分给高分,包括满分;该给低分给低分,包括零分。一名阅卷人员在所评阅的全部作文卷中不应只给中间的几种分数。 从以上评分标准和评分原则可以看出,写作要拿高分必须内容和

19、语言并重。内容上,要切题并充分表达主题。切题即写作围绕主题,不跑题、不偏题,不写与主题无关的内容。只要大家认真审题,准确把握作文主题与要求,切题不难。充分表达主题意即文章要涵盖全部写作要点,论证说理充分(或描述准确详细、说明透彻到位)。语言上,则要表意准确、前后连贯、没有或很少语法错误。 另外,根据笔者掌握的改卷经验,考生还需注意以下几点:1. 保持字迹工整美观,尽量不涂改或少涂改,最好先列提纲,动笔时想清楚再写,避免不必要的印象失分;2. 心中有“数”,不少不多,避免不必要的字数失分;3. 突出重点部分,即开头、结尾和主体段的主题句。开头与结尾在表达到位的前提下,要尽量突出新意与高度,适当使

20、用高级句式;主体段则要做到主题句直截了当、简洁鲜明,例证准确有新意,逻辑严谨,衔接自然; 4. 慎用模板与万能句式。如实在难以摆脱,应注意使用得当,使其符合主题,前后连贯自然。,下表为“2010/ 062017/ 06 四级作文真题”的统计表。,由上表可见,从2012年12月开始,四级作文已摆脱给提纲的模式,写作要求通过简单的提示给出,这就要求考生懂得通过阅读写作提示来把握写作主题、内容与形式。就话题而言,四级写作主要涉及社会热点、校园生活和日常生活。主题涵盖了教育、环保、学习、就业、友情、手机、互联网等。就体裁而言,四级写作体裁主要有三种:论说文、描写文和应用文。其中,论说文有两种特殊出题方

21、式,图画和图表。论说文占大多数,是考查的重点,描写文与应用文近年来比例有所提升,应该引起足够重视。应用文在最近八年里分别于2012年12月,2016年6月,2017年6月出现了三次,分别是申请信、感谢信与广告。考察次数明显增多,应予以一定重视。大家应了解常用的应用文类型与其写作特点与格式,如家信、求职信、倡议书、申请书、感谢信、祝贺信、邀请信、招聘启事、销售广告等。,高分作文,词汇准确多样句式复杂有力,2个注意点,1、写作中两类避免使用的单词口语词You know, wellhey man, what up?gonna wanna生僻词(也别用太大了,考官不认识怎么办),It pays to

22、Be Honest,You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。,单词闪光,14分的作文前几句 Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake product to their con

23、sumers; some students cheat in the exams. 评论: 几乎没有犯错。首先语法没有什么错误。第一句用了个there be 句型,无比庸俗,但就是没错。 其次,这个句子当中有一些闪光词:1)fake product假冒产品,fake用的很好。 有的同学到现在还可能只会写bad product; 2) consumer有的同学不会这个词,只知道buyer,8分的作文,In our modern social life, there are many examples around us show many people are cheated. Advertis

24、ements cheat people, salesmen cheat people, even ones closest friends cheat him or her.第一句有语法错误。第二句说广告骗人,销售人员骗人,这两个人都用的是people.这不太单调和低级了吗?是不是可以换成 consumer或customer呢?换上这些词就马上有了闪光点第二个cheat可以改成fool.第三个cheat可以改成lie to showing that,2、用词准确多样,一、准确性比如在图表类作文当中呢我们会经常表达“有很大的增长”, 很多同学啊会写成-a big increase.请大家注意bi

25、g不够准确,我们应当写成 a sharp increase.平时多注意收集准确、地道、多样的用词,尤其注意收集和使用搭配。当然是从阅读中收集。具体来说,可以收集以下三种搭配。形容词+名词 如a sharp increase动词+名词 如make a mistake, commit a crime, commit suicide.动词+副词 如expand sharply/dramatically,多样性,A. 用同义词替代例1: A 对 B很重要. 1)A is important to B.2)A plays an important rolepart in B.3)A is of impo

26、rtance to B.4)B cannot livedevelopgrow survive without A.5)A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper water is to fish.6)A is essential/significant/crucial/critical /vital to B.7)The importance of A to B can never be exaggerateddenied ignored.,例2 ,不同国家不同背景的人在不同场合有着不同的观点。,Different people with

27、different personal backgrounds in different countries have different opinions on different occasions.Different在不同场合的同义词有unlike、dissimilar(不同的,不一样的),distinct、separate(个别的,单独的),various、assorted(各种各样的,多样的),这句话可以改为:Different people with unlike personal backgrounds in various countries have varying opini

28、ons on changed occasions.这个句子用了这么多“不同的”,也实属罕见啊。其实表达类似意思还可以写成:Peoples opinion differ/vary/diverge as to ,例3:如今,越来越多的人将越来越多的时间花在了看越来越多的电视节目上,Nowadays,more and more people are spending more and more leisure time watching more and more television programs.建议改第一个more and more为a rising/increasing/growing

29、number of,第二个more and more 为a lions share of(最大的份额),最后一组more and more 可以改为:a kaleidoscope of (万花筒一般的)。,例四:,First-year students may encounter discouraging problems when they enter universities on the very first day. For example, first-year students are very likely to get lost as to where first-year s

30、tudents can find cafeterias.these new-comers / these freshmen (同义词) they (代词),使用上义词或代词避免重复,上义词就是表示类概念的词,下义词表示属概念,上义词和下义词之间的关系是:下义词属于上义词 。,The flower blooms inside the greenhouse, but the flower withers when the flower is put outside.这句话出现了三个flower,可以将第二个flower改为它的上义词plant,第三个改为it.,有能力的话把小词变成大词,考生在写作

31、时,同样的意思,可能有很多词可以用,如果能够在所有可能的同义词的词群中挑选出更有难度的词,拔高用词等级,毫无疑问可能得到更好的分数。,词汇高级化范本,The development of 21st century has seen a big change in social, cultural and technological fields.The advent of 21st century has witnessed a profound change in social,cultural and technological arenas.,例1:He broke the window

32、 in his anger. 他一怒之下砸碎了窗户。anger这个词可以改为rage(大怒)或者fury(暴怒),表达就更加丰富了,而阅卷老师也会觉得你用词比较上档次,毕竟rage, fury是大学以上的词汇了。,例2Your suitcase is rather heavy-what have you got in it? 你的手提箱很沉,里面都放了些什么啊?heavy在weighty面前就是小儿科了,更不用说ponderous了,意思是“笨重的”,读音是“胖得要死”,刚好联想法记住。,例3It is a very cold night. 这天晚上很冷。毫无疑问,cold跟freezing(

33、滴水成冰的)没有办法比,还可以替换成为icy(冰冷的)、frosty (冷得冻人的)。但是大家一定要注意用大词要精准,不然容易闹笑话,最长用的36组单词,例:认为 Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced优势 :Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength,重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important,

34、 significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply, substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly, strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably,句型闪光,被动优先句子复杂(狂用定从,多用状从)一个强调一个倒装一个虚拟,被动优先,大家要养成习惯随便写做个主动的句子都要考虑

35、能不能改成被动句 给大家总结一下两种情况下常用被动句1、当汉语用“人们、我们或有人”作主语Eg: 原句:We should take effective measures to stop various forms of pollution.变为Effective measures should be taken to stop various forms of pollution.,2、汉语中的无主句1)What should one do in a case like this?What should be done in a case like this?,句子扩展,当我们把词汇的问题解

36、决了之后呢,我们必然面临到一个问题就是句子总也写不长。你老用简单句没有错。但是如果一点复杂句都没有那么肯定不会有高分。,添油加醋法,我毕业于交通大学,写成:I graduated from Jiaotong University这样的句子只是一个SV结构的简单句, 怎么办?I graduated with honors from Jiaotong University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, in 1999, when I became an English teacher.,英语句子写作的基本思路:,将中文信息还

37、原为简单朴实的基本结构按英语结构完成英语按照英语修饰习惯进行扩展。,拉长主谓宾,加上定状补,例:I love you.I, ,love you.I, ,love you .I, , love you .,I, with all my heart and soul, which is never going to change until the end of the time, love you , whose eyes are filled with love and encouragement , which has supported me all the way here ,truly

38、 , Mom.,狂用定语从句,定从的无限魅力,The girl is a senior student.She is elected as the “Campus Beauty“.,定从,The girl, who is elected as the “Campus Beauty”, is a senior student.,定语从句,The students are from Bodybuilding Club.Bodybuilding Club is the best club in the university.,定语从句,The students are from Bodybuildi

39、ng Club , which is the best club in the university.,I bought the house. -主句,which once belonged to my neighbor. -从1in which my neighbor has lived for 30 years. -从2which is one of the most beautiful buildings in the town. -从3One room of which is used as my reading room now. -从4,状语从句,希望至少有:BecauseWhen

40、AlthoughSothat,兼职对全日制学生有用,因为他们不但能赚到钱,而且还可以获得职业经验。Part-time jobs are useful for full-time students because they not only earn money but also gain career experience.,实用绝招,绝招1 介词With是王牌,1.With表伴随状态:Premier Li keqiang again visited Hunan, with state television showing pictures of him telling provincial

41、officials to do all they could to restore power and other services.,绝招1 练习,Jet Li is a super star. Many of his movies are popular in the world.,Jet Li is a super star, with many of his movies popular in the world.,刘翔站在天安门广场上,手持火炬。Liu Xiang is standing on the Tiananmen square, with the Olympic torch

42、in his hand.Liu Xiang is standing on the Tiananmen square, Olympic torch in hand.,练习,一位美女从我身边经过,面带微笑。A beauty passed by, with a smile on her face.,绝招2:主谓分割,Seattle is a garden city, with one of the most delightful climate in the world.,Seattle, with one of the most delightful climate in the world ,i

43、s a garden city.,练习,Jet Li, with many of his movies are popular in the world, is a super star.,Liu Xiang ,with the Olympic torch in his hand, is standing on the Tiananmen square,绝招3:主谓分割+倒装,A garden city, with one of the most delightful climate in the world ,is Seattle.,Liu Xiang ,with the Olympic t

44、orch in his hand, is standing on the Tiananmen square. On the Tiananmen square, with the Olympic torch in his hand, is standing Liu Xiang,绝招4 分词伴随显品位,1.doing2.done用Doing和done做伴随状语的使用区别,doing和done做伴随状语,Seeing my friends yelling and demonstrating, I cant help tearing.Seen stealing in a store, he thoug

45、ht he was going to be caught.,原句 We were touched by the teachers words. We decided to work hard.转换 _by the teachers words, we decided to work hard.原句 I didnt receive her letter. I had to write again.转换 Not _ _ her letter, I had to write again.,Touched,have received,造句,从他的外表,我知道他是商人。Judging from his

46、outlook, I know he is one of the businessmen.,倒装句子是亮点,加分句型(掌握3种倒装)1.sothat 倒装(全倒装)I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.So hungry am I that I could eat a horse.,Sothat倒装 练习,食物因为通货膨胀而如此之贵,我只能每天吃食堂。(通货膨胀:inflation)Food is so expensive because of inflation that I could only afford food in Dinning Hal

47、l.,So expensive is food because of inflation that I could only afford food in Dinning Hall.,2.only倒装(部分倒装),21st century:Only by learning our own history and presenting it in a convincing manner can we make the western media realize the injustice they do to China.,2.only倒装 练习,只有通过天天练习才能学好英语。English c

48、an be learned well only by daily pratice.,Only by daily practice can English be learned well.,特实用的only,Only in this way/under successful control/special circumstances/after careful considerations can we. 只有我们才能(常用于解决问题型的作文)Only under successful control can we minimize the negative impacts and maximize positive impacts.,3.句首否定词倒装(部分),No , not, seldom, never, little, hardly;At no time, in no case , in no way;Not until , not only ; You can seldom pass CET-6 with a high mark.,


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