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1、典范英语 6 读后感吵闹的邻居讲述的的是:吝啬鬼 Mr Flinch 十分讨厌邻居发出的声响,为此,他用了许多诡计,但都没有成功。最后,因此倾家荡产,但还是没有摆脱他的邻居。读了这本书,我明白了一个道理:我们应当热爱生活而不是成天埋怨,只要你真心热爱生活,它也必将给你最好的回报。“ Noisy neighbours “ tells the story of the miser is: Mr Flinch very hate neighbors sound, therefore, he used many tricks, but without success. Finally, therefo

2、re dissipate ones fortune, but still did not cast off his neighbor. Reading this book, I understand a truth: we should not always complain about life and love, as long as you really love life, it will also give you the best return.皮皮公主的假期讲述的是原本骄横的皮皮公主在一次海边旅行时,结交了一个好朋友 paisy,在她的帮助下改掉了身上的缺点。这本书给我的启示是:

3、一个好的朋友,将可以使你终身受益匪浅,因为他可以潜移默化地影响你,改变你不良的陋习,成就你的人生。“ Pippi Princess holiday “ is the story of the original proud Pippi princess in a trip to the seaside, making a good friend paisy, help her to get rid of the shortcomings. This book gives me inspiration is: a good friend, can make you lifelong benefit

4、, because he can influence character by environment impact on you, change your bad habits, the achievements of your life.哦,奥托讲述的是:初入学校,屡屡闹笑话的外星男孩奥托在一次寻宝任务中表现出色,从而得到了大家的肯定,读了这本书,我明白了:我们应当勇于思索勇于拼搏,不论你的资质是否优良。这样往往给我们一个更美好的生活。“ Oh, Otto tells “ is: in the beginning of the school, often joke alien boy Ot

5、to in a treasure hunt in performance, thereby get affirmation, reading this book, I know: we should be brave enough to think the courage to struggle, regardless of your qualifications excellent. This often gives us a more wonderful life.科密特船长和紫色星球讲述的是:在一次太空航行中,科密特船长发现了一颗行星,可当他走进观望时才发现那所谓的“行星”不过是一个全身

6、长满尖刺的巨大地紫色怪物。我从中的得到的启示是:任何事物不能只观察它的表象,更应该观察它的本质,从而了解它真正的面目。“ Kermit the captain and purple planet “ is about: in a space voyage, kmet captain found a planet, but when he entered and found that the so-called “ planet “ is a whole body covered with a huge purple monster. Im from the enlightenment is:

7、anything can not only observe its appearance, should observe the nature of it, so as to understand its true colors.丛林短裤讲述的是:小男孩 Lenny 原本十分讨厌自己的丛林短裤,但在一次足球比赛时,发现了许多与他穿着相同的男孩,于是改变了他的想法。我从中的得到的启示是:当深陷危机之中时,不要抱怨自己的处境。或许,别人不比你好多少。“ Jungle shorts “ tells the story of a small boy: Lenny was very hate their

8、 jungle shorts, but in a soccer game, found many and he wore the same boy, then changed his mind. Im from revelation : when in crisis, do not complain about their own situation. Perhaps, many others than you.来自奥姆家的蒙面清洁女工讲述的是:一天,Harry 国王城堡中的清洁工不干了,因此,国王为了清洁城堡而不被王后发现戴上了面具假扮清洁女工。对此,我的启示是:不要被表象所迷惑,应当勇于撕

9、除别人的伪装,看清别人的本质。“ From the OM home masked cleaning lady “ is about : a day, King Harry castle in the cleaners do not, therefore, the king in order to clean the castle without being the queen found wearing masks posing as a cleaning woman. To this, my inspiration: dont be fooled by the appearance, sho

10、uld be brave enough to tear apart other camouflage, see other peoples essence.蒙面女清洁工面对海盗 讲述的是:一天,正在城堡中打扫卫生的清洁女工遭遇海盗,却与其斗智斗勇,打败了海盗,捍卫了王室宝物。对此,我的启示是:我们应当勇于与恶势力作斗争,保护你所追求的事物。“ Masked cleaning woman face pirates “ is about: one day, is the castle cleaning cleaning lady encountering pirates, but with the battle of wits, defeated the pirates, defended the Royal treasure. To this, my inspiration: we should be courageous and the fight against evil forces, to protect the pursuit of the things you.


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