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1、1英语 试题卷考生须知:1. 全卷分试题 卷和答题卷两部分。试题卷共 9 页,答题卷共 2 页。全卷满分为 100 分,考试时间为 100 分钟。2. 所有答案写在答题卷上,做在 试题卷上不得分;请勿在装 订线内答题。3请在答题卷装订线内写上考生所在班 级、姓名、试场号、座位号。卷 I说明: 本卷共六大题,66 小题,满分 76 分。一、听力(本题有 15 小题,其中 110 小题每题 1 分) ,1115 小题每题 2 分,共 20 分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项。对话仅读一遍。( )1. Where are they? ( )2. Wh

2、at did Victor use to like? A. B. C. B. C. ( )3. What foods does the man like best? ( )4. Which is not allowed according to the conversation?A. B. C.C.C( )5. How does Kathy improve her Enlish? A. 第二节:听对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项。对话仅读一遍。( )6.What does Lisa want?A. She wants to borrow Teds dicti

3、onary. B. She wants to know the meaning of the word. C. She wants to know whose dictionary it is.2( )7. Where does Bill usually hang out with his friends?A. In the supermarket B. In Ishine Square C. In the park.( ) 8. Why does Michael like this movie poster?A. Because he likes movies that are about

4、monstersB. Because he likes movies that are about funny stories.C. Because he likes movies that are sad.( ) 9. How long havent Kathy and Bob seen each other?A. Ten years. B. Six years. C. Seven years.( )10. What could the girl be going to do?A. Ask the teacher for help. B. Get a tutor. C. Listen to

5、the teacher carefully.第三节. 听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的表格。独白读两遍。A speechSpeaker _11_Listeners The students of _12_Time At 3:30 on_13_Place In 14 Topic _15_( )11. A. Mrs. Smith from India B. Mr. Smith from Canada C. Mr Green from Canda( )12. A. Grade 7 B. Grade 8 C. Grade 9( ) 13. A.

6、Wednesday afternoon B. Friday afternoon C. Sunday afternoon( )14. A. the dining hall B. the school hall C. the gym( )15. A. How to Deal with Our Problems B. How to Talk with Our ParentsC. How to Get Good Grades二、单项填空(本题有 10 个小题,每个小题 1 分,共 10 分)请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。( )16. Do you know Diaoyu

7、 Islands?Yes. Everyone knows that they belong_ China.A. to B. in C. for D. about( )17. Is that Miss Wu, our music teacher singing in the room?No, it_ be Miss Wu. Because she has gone to Japan with her parents.A. cant B. might C. could D. must( )18. I hate people laugh at others when they make mistak

8、es.So do I .Awhich B. whom C. who D. whose ( )19. The young man _ the old man with his seat on the bus. Yes, he is very helpful.A.afforded B. offered C. refused D. provided( )20. Xian is an ancient city with two thousand years of Chinese culture. Really? I hope to visit there some day because Id lik

9、e to go .A. somewhere relaxing B. somewhere educational C. anywhere educational D. educational somewhere( )21. What a beautiful city Huzhou is!Yes. Huzhou _ a lot in the last few years.3A. is changing B. will change C. has changed D. changed ( )22. Ive been to Brazil and stayed with the local people

10、 for one week.Oh, sounds exciting. Thats really a special _. A. development B. experience C. environment D. freedom( ) 23. Do you know the great scientist Qian Xuesen died in October, 2009 in Beijing? Yes. And I didnt believe it_ I read the news in the newspaper.A. since B. if C. until D. because (

11、)24. I am worrying about my son. He will stay in Beijin alone for a week.Dont worry, Mrs Smith. Your son is _ to look after himself.A. too old B. too patient C. honest enough D. old enough( ) 25. I injured my knee while running just now. _.A. If I were you, Id see the doctor. B. You should not run.C

12、. Have a good time! D. Thats a good idea.三、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。On my first day of high school, I saw my classmate David walking back home after school. He was 26 his books. As I was walking by, I saw a group of kids running towards him, knocking

13、 all his books out of his 27 . And then they ran away. David fell down and his glasses went 28 . He looked up and I saw 29 in his eyes. I helped him to look for his glasses and said, “The kids with bad manners should be punished(惩罚)。 ”There was a big smile that showed real thanks on 30 face.From the

14、n on, we became friends. Over the 31 four years, we always studied and played together and had a happy time.On graduation* (毕业) day, I could see that he was 32 about his speech. So I said,“Hey, you will be the best!”Then he began,“ Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you 33 through those

15、difficult years our parents, our teachers, but 34 our friends. Being a friend to someone is the best 35 you can give them. Ill tell you a story. ”I just looked at the handsome popular boy 36 amazement as he hold the story of the first day we met.Everyone was 37 to hear all about his hardest moment.

16、I saw his parents looking at me and smiling. Not until that moment did I 38 its deep meaning.Never underestimate the power of your actions. 39 one small action, you can change a persons life. 40 you can see, “Friends are angles(天使) to make us rise when our wings have problems flying.”( ) 26. A. brin

17、ging B. carrying C. reading D. writing ( ) 27. A. arms B. legs C. neck D. back( ) 28. A. diving B. nursing C. hitting D. flying ( ) 29. A. sadness B. happiness C. excitement D. encouragement ( ) 30. A. your B. her C. my D. his4( ) 31. A. last B. past C. next D. first( ) 32. A. nervous B. happy C. ca

18、lm D. excited( ) 33. A. look B. succeed C. climb D. push ( ) 34. A. not B. least C. mostly D. perhaps ( ) 35. A. idea B. word C. teacher D. gift( ) 36. A. to B. in C. on D. at ( ) 37. A. hopeless B. pleased C. surprised D. sorry ( ) 38. A. notice B. see C. appear D. realize( ) 39. A. With B. For C.

19、After D. Under ( ) 40. A. Though B. Because C. As D. If四、阅读理解. (本题有 15 小题,4147 每小题 1 分,4855 每小题 2 分,共 23 分)AWelcome to Huzhou Yindu Time Movie WorldTickets hotline: 0572-2323566 Students tickets: half the priceNow showing:( )41. ( ) 41.Which movie character is from Chinese culture?A. Immortals B. Ku

20、 Fu Panda2 C. Alice in Wonderland D. Rise Planet Apes ( )42. If you want to see a science fiction film, you can go to _ .A. No. 1 Hall or No. 2 Hall B. No. 2 Hall or VIP HallC. No. 2 Hall or No.3 Hall D. No. 1 Hall or VIP Hall( ) 43.Mr and Mrs White will take their 9-year-boy to see a movie that is

21、suitable for all of them, they have to pay_. A.¥240 B.¥160 C.¥210 D.¥175No.1 Hall:Ku Fu Panda2(Cartoon)Director: Jennifer Yuh Suitable for childrenTicket price: ¥50 No 2 Hall: Immortals (3-DScience Fiction Film)Director: Tarsem SinghSuitable for adultsTicket price: ¥90No. 3 Hall: Alice in Wonderland

22、 (3-D Fantasy Film)Director: Tim BurtonSuitable for all ages Ticket price: ¥70VIP Hall: Rise Planet Apes (Science Fiction Film)Director: Rupert WyattSuitable for children and adultsTicket price: ¥805BNo matter how cute your pet may be, you never know when they will come out to hurt you. The fact is

23、that animals bite and getting bitten is no small matter. You might be risking any of the serious infections.Having knowledge about the first aid steps is necessary. Go through the following steps while dealing with an animal bite:1. First of all, calm the victim and make him sit or lie down in a com

24、fortable place. 2. Check if the wound is a deep one or nor serious. Remember to wash your hands carefully before and after taking care of the wound. 3. If the wound is not serious, wash it with soap and water. Cover the wound with a cloth to stop infection.4. For deep wounds, press the wound with a

25、clean cloth to stop bleeding before asking for medical help.5. Check the nature of the animal if its a pet or a homeless animal. If its a pet, know whether its immunized or not. Know the date of immunization, which will be helpful information for the doctor.6. If the animal is a wild or homeless ani

26、mal or has not been immunized, call your local animal control department. Its important to monitor the wound for a few days. Call for medical help if you see signs of the more infection.( ) 44. This passage is about _ .A. first aid for animal bites B. first aid for accidents C. ways to keep animals

27、D. places to buy animals( ) 45. How many steps are mentioned in this passage?A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight. ( ) 46. Why should we cover the wound with a clean cloth even if its not serious?A. To keep water. B. To stop bleeding. C. To stop infection. D. To keep clean.( ) 47. The underlined word

28、 victim might mean _.A. 肇事者 B. 患者 C. 救助者 D. 受骗者CChina is a friendly country. Many leaders in other countries have come to China for their visits. Obama first took a plane to Shanghai on the night of November 15. Chinese people there gave him a warm welcome. The next day, ha had a face-to-face conver

29、sation with the college students at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. At noon, the Chinese leader Hu Jintao invited him to have a big dinner. Then they sat together, talking relationship* between the two countries and some other important things.Obama had a very busy schedule every day. But he

30、 still spent some time visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. When a leader visits another country, he or she sometimes goes to the countrys most famous places. It is to show respect to the local culture. For the leaders, its also a good time to relax during a foreign trip. Obama spent 50 m

31、inutes in the Forbidden City on 6November 17. He thought the Forbidden City “ a magnificent place to visit”. He said, “I will come back with my girls and my wife.”The next afternoon, he took a quick tour of the Great Wall at Badaling. There, he enjoyed a moment of peace. “How wonderful! It reminds y

32、ou of the progression* of history.” Obama said about the Great Wall. There is proverb in China: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a True man. US President Barack Obama is a true man.On the night of November 18, Obama ended his visit and came to Korea by plane. He has left China, but his

33、 visit will be remembered by Chinese people.( )48. How long did Obama stay in China?A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days. D. Five days.( )49. During his visit in Beijing, Obama visited _.A. the Science and Technology Museum and the Forbidden CityB. the Science and Technology Museum and the Great

34、 WallC. the Forbidden City and the Great WallD. the Science and Technology Museum, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall( )50. What did Hu Jintao and Obama talk about?A. Relationship between the two countries B. Some important things. C. Some famous places D. A and B( )51. The passage is _.A. a stor

35、y B. a note C. an advertisement D. a piece of newsDThe word “blog” is a short way of saying web log. A “blogger” is a person who writes a blog on the Internet. Anyone can start a blog, and they can write about anything they like.There are a lot of blogs on the Internet today. They give information,

36、news and ideas to many people who read them. And they give people a place to write their ideas and talk about other peoples ideas. If you want to open a blog, the first step is to link to the website. Then you can surf the Internet, find interesting articles and write comments about each one. This i

37、s called an online diary of links. Also there are personal diaries. The writers talk about their life and feelings there. Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.Blogs are growing very fast. Compared with other websites, blogs are special in many ways. Most importantly, it is updated more often.

38、Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day. Also, there are many special websites for blogs, so you dont need to be a computer expert to start your own blog.Many people think that as blogs become more common, news reporting will depend less on TVs or radios, and more

39、on people posting news to the Internet. They think that then the news will be less like a lesson, but more like a conversation, where anyone can join in.( ) 52. A “blogger” is a person who _ .A. surfs the Internet every day B. gives a place for others to write on the InternetC. writes a bolg on the

40、Internet D. talks about other peoples ideas in the Internet7( ) 53. To start your own blog, you need to _ .A. link to the Internet B. become an expert of computer C .update the blog every day D. have an interesting idea( ) 54. According to the passage, _ .A. everyone will have a blogB. blogs will be

41、 the only way of sending and receiving newsC. people will be able to learn the news from different ideasD. news reporting on TVs and radios will become more common( ) 55.Which of the following is not true according to the article?A. Peole can write or talk about something personal on the blogs. B.An

42、yone can start a blog even though youre not good at the computer.C. Blogs are growing very fast. The most imortant reason is there are many special websites for blogs.D. People can read the news on the blogs and write back their ideas.五、任务型阅读下面有五段电视节目内容的解说词,请将五段的序号填入相应的节目名称前。A. People might grow pla

43、nts and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years.B. The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, may like it better.C. Even if you could buy the world, you could not buy a happy family, good friends or knowledge.D. For families with children, an important problem i

44、s getting the children away from the TV to do their homework.E. When you need help for your homework, go to the library. You may find magazines, newspapers, and big dictionaries there. They can always help you.56. _ Money Isnt Everything 57. _ Activities for Free Time58. _ Study Tools 59. _Farm of t

45、he Future60. _ Parents Headache六、选词填空,每词限用一次(本题共 6 小题,每小题 0.5 分,共 3 分)Mr Bean wont be backAtkinson, 56, says he believes he is too old to play the funny 61 .Atkinson who 62 Mr. Bean as “a child in a grown mans body” said: “Never say never, but I just feel Im getting too old for it. Ive always liked Mr. Bean as a cartoon-like figure, 63 doesnt really age much. Ive always seen him as an ageless and timeless being and Im clearly not ageless and timeless. The 64 I get, I feel I am unable to play him


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