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1、1Unit1 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Part I. Leading in1. Some questions about what is Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 1) Ask several students to recite the practical sentences for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Unit 1 and the others repeat.2) Ask students to answer teachers questions

2、 according to the Passage A / B for computerized numerical control in Unit 1.2. Warming up for the new class1) Ask students to work in groups of four to read new words and phrases. 2) Teacher makes comments Part II. Comprehension and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 1) Teacher raises some questi

3、ons and asks students to say true or false according to the passage of the Textbook Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Unit 1 to see how much theyve understood.2) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to answer in details according to the passage of the Textbook Chemistry and Chemical E

4、ngineering at the same time explaining some language points.3) Possible difficult words, phrases and sentencesWords and phrases:academiakdi:mi n. 学术界;学术环境alchemy lkimi n. 点金术;魔力assure u vt. 保证;担保;使确信behaviour biheivj n. 行为;习性;运行状况(等于 behavior)2catalytic ktlitik adj. 接触反应的;起催化作用的 n. 催化剂;刺激因素biotechno

5、logy baiuteknldi n. 生物技术;生物工艺学characterize krktraiz vt. 描绘的特性;具有的特征 vi. 塑造人物composition kmpzin n. 作文,作曲;构成;合成物compound kmpaund vt. 合成;混合;n. 化合物;混合物 adj. 复合的;混合的comprehensive kmprihensiv adj. 综合的;广泛的;有理解力的 n. 专业综合测验conception knsepn n. 概念;设想;curriculum krikjulm n. 课程deactivate di:ktiveit vt. 使无效;使不活动

6、discipline disiplin n. 学科;纪律;训练effluent eflunt n. 污水;流出物;废气 adj. 流出的,发出的enzyme enzaim n. 酶evolve ivlv vt. 发展,进化;进化fabrication fbrikein n. 制造,建造;装配;伪造物faculty fklti n. 科,系;能力;全体教员inception insepn n. 起初;获得学位investigate investieit v. 调查;研究isolated aisleitid adj. 孤立的;单独的;绝缘的 v. 使孤立;使绝缘;(isolate 的过去分词)ki

7、netics adj. 运动的;活跃的medieval mi:dii:vl adj. 中世纪;仿中世纪的;mentoring n. 指导者,良师益友merge m:d vt. 合并;使合并;吞没 vi. 合并;融合microorganism ,maikru:nizm n. 微生物;微小动植物monitor m nit n. 监视器;监听器;监控器;班长 vt. 监控obscure bskju adj. 模糊的;晦涩的;昏暗的optical ptikl adj. 光学的;眼睛的,视觉的pharmaceutical f:msju:tikl adj. 制药(学)的 n. 药物3polymeric p

8、 limrik adj. 聚合的;聚合体的process pruses vt. 处理;加工 n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移processingpursue psju: vt. 继续;从事;vi. 追赶;继续进行quantitative kw ntittiv adj. 定量的;量的,数量的synthesize sinisaiz vt. 合成;综合 vi. 合成;综合thermodynamics :mudainmiks n. 热力学underlie vt. 成为的基础;位于之下resume rizju:m n. 履历;个人简历;摘要build on fluid mechanicsf

9、or the purpose of merge intoprocess design原子的行为特征将这些现象纳入到统一体系中融入物理和生物化学品的合成与加工处理聚合体的合成赢得了国内外的声誉攻读博士学位物料的转换与运输师生比率小the composition of compoundsthe reactions between substance4to carry out these activitiesthe chemical transformation of matter the engineering research problem under consideration implem

10、entation of the technology implimentein n. 实现;履行;安装启用deal with involve in be involved withapply to living organismsone year of post- baccalaureate studya formal research thesis requirement the core graduate chemical engineering programthe elective coursespreliminary priliminri n. 准备 adj. 开始的;预备的 qua

11、lifying examinationsfinancial aidofficial transcripts trnskript 抄本,副本;文字记录fundamental or applied research硕士学位课程 职业生涯系里认可的高级本科课程为期六个月的研究项目具体的研究活动研究生录取校奖学金推荐信Part II Grammar: 科技英语的特点51.复杂长句多 科技文章要求叙述准确,用词严谨,因此一句话里常常包含多个分句,这种复杂且长的句子居科技英语难点之首,阅读翻译时要按汉语习惯加以分析,以短代长,化难为易。2.被动语态多科技英语中大量使用被动语态,这是因为文章需要客观地叙述事

12、理,而不是强调动作的主体。为了强调所论述的客观事物,常把它放在句子的首位。1. 非谓语动词多英语的每个简单句中,只能有一个谓语动词,如果有几个动词就必需选出主要动词当谓语,而其余的动作用非谓语形式(v-ing, v-ed, to do 三种形式)表示,才能符合英语的语法要求。3.专业词汇多有些英语词汇在普通英语里和科技英语里的含义在表达时差别很大。 Unit1 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Part I. Leading in1. Revision1) Ask several students to recite the practical senten

13、ces for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Unit 1 and the others repeat.2) Ask students to answer teachers questions according to the Passage A / B for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Unit 1.2. Warming up for the new class1) Ask students to work in groups of four to read new words and phras

14、es. 2) Teacher makes comments Part II. Comprehension and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 61) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to say true or false according to the passage of the Textbook Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Unit 1 to see how much theyve understood.2) Teacher ra

15、ises some questions and asks students to answer in details according to the passage of the Textbook Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the same time explaining some language points.3) Possible difficult words, phrases and sentencesPart III .Translate the following sentences:1. 作为基础科学,化学主要关注的是四个方面

16、。2. 化学是融入到物理学和生物学之中的学科。3. 化学的基础是由波义耳,拉瓦锡, 柏济力阿斯,道尔顿 和巴斯德等著名化学家打下的。4. 化学工程是一门影响众多技术领域的学科。5. 化工产业数量的增加使对化学工程师的需求大增。6. 这就要求不仅注意聚会物的合成而且也要注意成品所需要的流程和形成过程。7. 这些课程都是建立化学物理学和生物学等科学的基础上的。8. 我们的重点是博士研究生的培养。9. 通常化学工程师要处理环境工程方面的问题。10.斯坦福大学化学工程系目前排名处于本国最佳化学工程研究生点之列。11.我们有许多研究生与斯坦福大学其他专业的或来自工业界的研究人员合作搞研究项目。Part

17、IV .Remember the following phrases:enjoy research workmake most of my own research projectscompleted my BS degree inemployed part-timeattending an interview to arrange a convenient timeto apply for the position of advertised in the university newsletterUnit2 Famous Chemical Company 7Part I. Leading

18、in1. Revision1) Ask several students to recite the practical sentences for famous chemical company in Unit 2 and the others repeat.2) Ask students to answer teachers questions according to the Passage A / B for famous chemical company in Unit 2.2. Warming up for the new class1) Ask students to work

19、in groups of four to read new words and phrases. 2) Teacher makes comments Part II. Comprehension and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 1) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to say true or false according to the passage of the Textbook famous chemical company in Unit 2 to see how muc

20、h theyve understood.2) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to answer in details according to the passage of the Textbook famous chemical company at the same time explaining some language points.3) Possible difficult words, phrases and sentencesadvocate dvkeit vt. 提倡,主张 n. 提倡者;支持者clichkli

21、:ei n. 陈词滥调,老生常谈; adj. 陈旧的,陈腐的;老一套的 亦作 clichcommitment kmitmnt n. 承诺,保证;承担义务;献身 committedcornerstone k:nstn n. 基础;柱石;地基corporate k:prit adj. 共同的,全体的;社团的distinctive distiktiv adj. 有特色的,与众不同的embrace imbreis vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含excel iksel vt. 优于,胜过;擅长extend ikstend vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;律 对估价furnishings

22、 n. 家具(furnishing 的复数)inherent inhirnt adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的8innovative inuveitiv adj. 革新的,创新的integrity interti n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正prosper prsp vi. 繁荣,昌盛;成功 vt. 使成功;使 昌盛;使繁荣rigorously rigrsli adv. 严厉地;残酷地stockholder stk,huld n. 股东;股票持有人sustainable ssteinbl adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的thrive raiv vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长

23、validate vlideit vt. 证实,验证;确认;使生效viability vaibiliti n. 生存能力,可行性joint venturesustainable developmentDowDow Jones Sustainability Group Index sstenbiliti n. 持续性;永续性;能维持性Dow Jones Indexes agricultural productsa voluntary industry-wide commitment vlntri adj. 自愿的;志愿的;自发的;ultimate disposal ltimt adj. 最终的;

24、极限的dispuzl n. 处理;支配;安排product performanceeconomic viabilitythe Dow Sustainability strategy strtidiSwiterland-based joint venture 瑞士消费市场可持续性发展一个不断发展的全球性社会环境的完整性以可持续发展为动力的公司振作挑战性的培养有才能的潜能思想倾向合作才干多样性洞察力增强 P33 可行性费时间的董事会首席执行官Unit 3 Ideal Career with a Chemical Giant Part I. Revision9Part II. Comprehensi

25、on and Practicing1. Checking and Explaining 1. 1) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to say true or false according to the passage of the Textbook ideal career with a chemical giant in Unit 2 to see how much theyve understood.2. 2) Teacher raises some questions and asks students to answ

26、er in details according to the passage of the Textbook ideal career with a chemical giant at the same time explaining some language points.3) Possible difficult words, phrases and sentencesaccountabilitycitedifferentiatediversefamily-orientedhierarchyinteractleadershipon-lineperspectiverobustsophist

27、icatedstate-of-the-artwell-roundedbottom lineflat organizationover the long haulP47抑制,控制恭维小伙子选修课化学分析师10理学学士控制成本P38 Ex IT professionalsInformation TechnologyInternet ExplorerInternet technologiesINTRAnetleading-edge technologiesMicrosoft ExchangeNetmeetingon-line job announcement system统一的全球系统全球标准环境友

28、好的文化高超的专业技术各个工作层面上的人士不同的文化观点the state-of-art trainingan open-door, informal work environmentactive, family-oriented communitiesa flat organization with little hierarchy4)P37 Notes:I/T(Information Technology)PCNT(Network Technology ) Microsoft ExchangeNetmeetingDocumentumInternetFrontpageInternet Explorer


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