北师大版Unit 12 Culture shock Living Abroad Teaching Plan.doc

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1、第 1 页 共 6 页Unit 12 Culture ShockLesson 3 Living AbroadTeaching Aims: Grasp the main idea of the passage Get familiar with some words Get to know some culture difference between American culture and Chinese culture Be aware of culture difference Teaching Importance and Difficulties: How to train stud

2、ents cultural awareness How to train students reading abilityTeaching Method:Task-based Teaching MethodTeaching Aids:Multi media and CassetteTeaching Procedures:Step. Lead-inthe way of expressing opinionsStep. Pre-readingBrainstorming1. Let students watch a series of pictures about some aspects of C

3、hina and America.2. Inspire students to use Brainstorming to think out more things about China and America. 第 2 页 共 6 页ChinaAmericasportbuildinguniversitysymbolfestivalfooddrinkStep. While-readingTask1: New words learningExercise4: 1. liking to meet and talk to new people (Wang Lei)2. a desire for f

4、ood (Martin)3. speak very quietly (Wang Lei)4. part (Jin Li)5. careful (Wang Lei) 6. tasty (Martin)7. Excellent (Jin Li)8. look at something for a long time without moving your eyes (Wang Lei)Task2: Fast-readingEncourage students to read the passages fast and match the five persons with their feelin

5、gs of culture shock.Jin Li A felt amazed that his friends grandfather insisted on walking him to the stationWang Lei B felt that Chinese are welcoming from a fact that he still got more food even by saying “No, thank you”.Martin C felt that Chinese are modest and not used to accepting compliments(恭维

6、话)when they are praised face to face.第 3 页 共 6 页Tom D felt that she wasnt welcome after her American friend closed the door as soon as they said goodbye.Tina E felt embarrassed because she talked loudly with her friend in an American restaurant.Task3: Detailed-readingInspire students to read the fiv

7、e passages in detail and then do the Exercise 2.Exercise 2: Judge T, F or NI.( )1. Jin Li found the American way of life familiar soon after her arrival in the USA. ( )2. We know Jin Li has at least one American friend.( )3. Wang Lei never went back to the restaurant in New York again.( )4. Martin s

8、tayed in China with a local family.( )5. Tom couldnt understand why his friends grandfather wanted to go with him to the bus station.( )6. Tina was a friend of the tourist guide.Step. Post-readingTask1: Fill in the blanksLet students listen to a piece of listening material and then fill in the blank

9、s.Item American culture Chinese cultureWhen the guest is leavingAfter saying goodbye, the host _ and _ the door immediately.The host will _ the guest.Table mannersSpeak _ in a restaurant.If you dont ask for more food, you dont _.It is common to speak _ in a restaurant.The host keeps on _ in theguest

10、s bowl.When being praisedFeel _ and say _. Some may feel _.Task 2: Make up diloguesStudent A: When the guest is leaving, what will Americans do?Student B: After saying goodby, the host Student A: What will Chinese people do?第 4 页 共 6 页Student A: Student A: When it comes to table manners, what will A

11、mericans do? When being praised, what will Americans do?Student B: Student A: What will Chinese people do?Student A: Task3: Answer the questions How difficult or easy do you think it is to live abroad? Why did the five writers have some difficulty in understanding certain aspects of the American or

12、Chinese way of doing things? How do we solve it?Step. Homework Discuss other differences between China and America. Write an article about cultural differences between China and America.Suggested writing PatternLiving AbroadPara.1IntroductionIts common that more and more youngsters tend to live abro

13、ad. However, they are confused about some customs and manners.Para.2Cultural differences1. When the guest is leaving2. Table manners3. When being praisedPara.3Solutions1. Respect cultural differences2. In Rome, do as the Romans doPara.4Your opinionStep Design of the BlackboardSome slidesTeaching Ref

14、lection:第 5 页 共 6 页Living Abroad设计教师:教学年级:高中一年级课题名称:Unit 12 Culture Shock Lesson 3 Living Abroad(第一课时)教材版本:北师大版授课时间:45 分钟(一)学生分析(1)学生在通过高一三个模块的学习后,已经掌握了一定的词汇、语法知识,并具备了一定的表达能力,大部分学生能积极探索适合自己学习英语的方法,对语言产生了敏感度,基本能通过交流合作学习的方法发现语言规律,但可能仍有小部分学生停留在机械性记忆的学习阶段,学习很吃力且导致学习热情的下降。(2)已掌握的语言知识如学生在学习本课之前已完成了 Unit 1

15、2 前两课的学习,那会掌握一定量的关于描述跨文化方面的知识,如英国的风俗习惯及餐桌礼仪。这些都为本课的学习打下了基础。(二)教材分析(1)本课是北师大版高中英语教材的 Unit 12 Culture Shock Lesson 3 Living Abroad 第一课时(2)本单元前两课都已涉及到在国外所经历的文化冲击方面的信息,本课继续围绕单元主题,学五篇关于在异国所经历的文化冲击的短文,课文较短,但总共有五篇,理解难度不大,本人通过穿插若干学生熟悉的中美在饮食、节日等方面具有典型差异的图片,引导他们要意识、尊重、了解并熟悉他国的文化。本课选择在多媒体教室上课。(三)教学目标(1)教学的主要任务

16、是要让学生意识并了解异国的文化差异,并知道入乡随俗,及学习相关的语言及词汇。(2) 通过阅读,帮助学生积累若干短语词组,如:have an appetite for, be cautious about, stare at, 及培养阅读能力及信息归纳能力,和用英语表达相关话题的能力。(四)教学策略(1)采用任务型教学方法,以多种形式考查学生对课文的掌握和理解程度。(2)采用“大脑风暴” /“Brainstorming”,激活学生头脑的词汇储备及文化意第 6 页 共 6 页识。(五)教学过程Step Lead-in 以一幅表示中美表达观点差异的图片为导入,引出关于文化在各个方面都存在差异的话题。

17、图片可能令学生困惑,但这可以引起学生思考,使其对本课主题产生兴趣。Step Pre-reading (1)选用相关文化生活差异的图片相册,学生讨论中美文化差异具体表现的方面。为下面讨论风俗习惯及餐桌礼仪差异作好铺垫。(2)利用大脑风暴及概念图激发学生的文化意识及词汇储备。Step While-reading(1) 快速浏览文章,根据练习四中的词汇英文解释,鼓励学生找出文中相对应的单词。并利用图片情景教授法来教授单词, 鼓励学生在记忆单词时,应有意识地记忆并运用该单词的词块。该任务为阅读扫清障碍。(2) 快速浏览文章,掌握文章大意,并以 Skimming 阅读微技能来掌握五篇文章的中心意思。(3

18、) 详细浏览文章,利用 Scanning 方式查找问题答案。小组形式就 6 个关于文章表层信息进行 T、 F or NI 答案查找,但必须指明在哪一段出现。Step Post-reading(1)Individual work跟着录音快速填空,完成文章的 Summary,进行文章内容的输入。 (文章中应填入的短语或单词为本课新学内容,结合相应的英文解释,让学生独立从课文中找出这些短语,并通过练习自己得出这些短语的用法,教师给予适当讲解。 用听课文代替读课文可以降低学生的枯燥感)(2)Pair work根据表格内容的总结对比,鼓励学生编写对话并进行演绎。实现知识从输入到有效输出。在实施过程中,将班级分成若干小组,采用小组合作方式,每组负责一对话。以此降低难度也责任明确。(3)Class work 鼓励学生回答三个具有一定紧密联系的问题,升华文章主旨,再次强调并实现教学目标。Step Homework课下利用网络搜寻信息并讨论其他的中美文化差异,以此对本文内容进行补充。写一篇作文。巩固本文内容及实现更高层次的输入。作文模式已给。


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