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1、http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 影响花生产量的气象学因素及对策花生是我国主要的油料经济作物之一,山东省是花生生产大省,年总产 300万 t,占全国的 1/4;667 m2 均产量 250 kg,比全国高近 50 kg;出口量占全国的 70以上。全省常年种植面积 86.67 万 hm2,仅次于河南省。山东省新泰市是我省花生重点生产地区,又是当地重要的农业经济作物,本文在田间农业气象试验研究的基础之上,对影响花生生育期的气象因子进行了分析,阐述了天气花生间的关系,并对提高花生产量,更好地开展农业气象服务,防灾减灾,促进农业高质高产提出相应气象服务对策。Peanut is o

2、ne of the main oil crops in our country, in shandong province is the largest peanut production, annual output of 3 million t, make up about a quarter of the country; 667 m2 production 250 kg, higher than the national nearly 50 kg; More than 70% of the exports of the country. The province perennial p

3、lant area of 866700 hm2, second only to the henan province. In xintai city in shandong province is the key production of peanut in our region, it is important to the local agricultural economy crops, this paper on the basis of field experiment of agrometeorological research and meteorological factor

4、s of affecting peanut growth period was analyzed, and expounds the relationship between weather - peanuts, and to improve the peanut production, better carry out the agriculture meteorological services, disaster prevention and mitigation, promoting agricultural high quality high yield, put forward c

5、orresponding countermeasures of meteorological service. 1 花生各生长期的所需的基本气象条件1 peanut required at each stage, the basic meteorological conditions 1.1 热量条件 花生原产于热带丘陵山区的河谷地带,是一种喜温、较耐旱、怕涝的一年生豆科作物。生长季节要求平均气温 20.0以上,但因品种不同对热量条件的要求也不完全一致1。一般晚熟花生要求温度较高,全生育期需积温 3 300.03 600.0,生育期 150180 d;中熟种需积温 2 850.03 100.0

6、,生育期 130160 d;早熟种需积温 2 700.03 000.0,生育期 130 d 以下。1.1 peanut is native to the tropical heat condition hilly mountain river valley, is a kind of thermophilic, drought-tolerant, afraid of waterlogging annual leguminous crops. Growing season requires more than the average temperature of 20.0 , but becau

7、se of the variety of heat condition requirements is not entirely consistent 1. Generally late peanut high temperature required, should be in the whole stages 3 300.0 3 600.0 accumulated temperature, growth period of 150 180 d; Cooked in 850.0 and 850.0 need to accumulated temperature of 2 3 , the gr

8、owth period of 130 160 d; Precocious species need 2 700.0 3 000.0 accumulated temperature, http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ growth period under 130 d. 1.2 水分条件 花生的生长发育对水分的需求量较大,一般每生产 1 kg 干物质需耗水 450 kg 以上,667 m2 产 250 kg 花生,全生育期耗水量约为 300 m3。花生在整个生育过程中,随气温的升高水量逐渐增多,到花期达最大值,以后逐渐减少。总的趋势是两头少,中间多。但是由于年际间的变化和花

9、生生育期间降水分布的不均衡,花生的需水关键期水分还未全部满足。1.2 moisture conditions peanut growth and development of water demand is bigger, average water consumption per 1 kg of dry matter production more than 450 kg, 667 m2, to produce 250 kg of peanut, water consumption is about 300 m3 in the whole stages. Peanuts in the ent

10、ire process of birth, along with the temperatures of water gradually increased, to the flowering of maximum value, gradually reduce in the future. The general trend is small at both ends, the middle more. But due to the change between the interannual and unbalanced distribution of precipitation duri

11、ng birth, peanut peanut the critical period of water requirement of all moisture has not yet satisfied. 1.3 花生全生育期的光照条件 光照是花生生长发育的能源,是花生生育期的主要气象因素之一。花生在苗期对光照反应虽很敏感,但由于此期植株个体较小,一般年份,雨量稀少,所以光照能满足需要。在结荚饱果期,叶片逐渐衰退,光照充足,开花多而集中;光照不足开花量显著减少。一般此阶段每天要求有 8.010.0 h 的光照。产量与光照的关系是正相关关系。但由于气候变化的原因,造成花生产量忽高忽低,花生的品

12、质也受到不同程度的影响。有关气象条件变化或气候异常对花生生长发育及产量的影响关系复杂。1.3 peanut lighting lighting is peanut growth and development in the whole stages of energy, is one of the main meteorological factors peanut growth period. Peanuts at seedling stage responded to light is very sensitive, but as a result of this period the p

13、lant individual small, average year, rainfall scarce, so the light can satisfy the need. In podding full fruiting, blade gradually recession, sufficient sunlight, flowering and more centralized; Insufficient light flower quantity significantly reduced. This stage generally requires 8.0 10.0 h in the

14、 light every day. Production and light is a positive correlation relationship. But due to climate change, causing the peanut yield high and low, the quality of the peanut is also affected by varying degrees. On meteorological conditions change or climate anomaly on peanut growth and yield influence

15、relationship is complex. 2 影响花生产量的气象因素2 meteorological factors which influence the production of peanuts 2.1 平均积温 据新泰市 30 年气象历史资料统计:20.0的年平均积温 3 028.8,年平均积温时间为 125 d (5 月 18/日 -9 月 19 日) ,满足早、中、晚http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 熟各品种对热量的要求。2.1 average accumulated temperature according to the meteorologica

16、l history statistics: xintai city 30 years average annual accumulated temperature of 20.0 or 028.8 3 , the average annual accumulated temperature for 125 d (May 18 / day - 19 September), meet the early, middle and late each type of caloric requirements. 2.2 平均日照时间 新泰地区此期间平均日照时间为 6.7 h,多数年份不能满足要求,因此,

17、此期间光照不足,是影响花生产量的重要因素之一。光照对花生花粉发芽力也有一定的影响,特别是在盛花期,对花生花粉发芽力影响较大,在温度和湿度正常的情况下,日照时间少,花粉发芽率明显降低。2.2 average sunshine time xintai area average sunshine time was 6.7 h during this time, most of the year cant meet the requirements, therefore, this period illumination is insufficient, is one of the important

18、 factors which influence the production of peanuts. Light is have certain effect on peanut pollen germination force, especially in full bloom, to peanut pollen germination force influence is bigger, in under the condition of normal temperature and humidity, sunshine time is little, the pollen germin

19、ation rate is decreased obviously. 2.3 洪涝 4-5 月是新泰春雨季节,降水强度不高,气候多变,往往连续出现阴雨低温。7-8 月是全年降水高峰期,降雨时间长、范围广、强度大,降水相对变率低,造成洪涝灾害。雨水过多、过强常造成土地受淹。雨期长、雨量大、光照弱,影响花生开花坐果和结荚。根据新泰市的农业发展的现状,为进一步做好农气服务水平,主要加强了以下几个方面的工作,使其逐渐构建农业气象服务体系。2.3 flood xintai is 4-5 month rain season, precipitation intensity is not high, cli

20、mate changeable, often appear continuous overcast and rainy at low temperature. July and August is the peak rainfall, rainfall time is long, wide scope, intensity, precipitation relative change rate is low, causing floods. Too strong, too much rain caused flooding in the land. Often Rain period long

21、, rainfall is large, light is weak, flowering and podding fruit while influence of peanuts. According to the present situation of xintai citys agricultural development for further agricultural gas service level, mainly to strengthen the following aspects of work, make its gradually build the agromet

22、eorological service system. 3 针对花生生产的农气服务体系3 for peanut production of agricultural service system 1)充分利用好基础气象资料,及时准确的将气象信息资料传达到农民http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 的手中。广播、电视、手机短信平台、网络等传播平台进行及时有效的发布,指导农事。例如:当花生播种期 需当 5 厘米的地温达 15.0时,即开始播种,在新泰一般在 5 月上旬,花生覆膜种植最佳播期为 4 月下旬。我们将以农民易于接受的方式及时发布到农民手中。2)建立和完善农业气象灾害监测预




26、利用现代科学技术了解防灾减灾应采取的措施。从长远利益和全局利益出发,政府部门要提高防灾减灾意识,对灾减灾作出正确的决策选择,同时,政府部门还要充分利用学校教育这一途径,加强对农业气象灾害预防和控制知识的普及,让孩子从小就对农业气象灾害有所了解,提高孩子的减灾防灾意识。5)着力加强农业气象预报服务工作,积极开展农业气候年景预测和预估技术研究,积极支持针对设施农业和特色农业的气象服务技术方法研究,进一步增加农业气象服务信息。6)进一步增加对农业气象科研 、塑料土工格栅技术开发和服务的投入 ,市 、区二级气象部门农业气象科研和服务人员要经常走出去,深入农业生产第一线,根据天气变化适时指导农民利用气象

27、信息和技术,进一步加强气象科学普及工作,让农民了解气象,让气象走进农村,服务农民,切实做好农业气象服务工作。7)依托“3S”等高新技术,完成细网格各地 (特别是山区 )的气候资源分布调查和农业气候区划,让农村基层的干部,农业技术人员和广大农民及时了解本地的气候资源分布情况,以利于各地农业种植结构把积极开展人工增雨和防雹工作作为建设社会主义新农村的重要http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 举措,认真组织作业,政府部门应当不定期组织对当地人工增雨和防雹的效益进行科学评估。8)气象部门应当在重大气象灾害发生前,通过各种媒体及时向社会发布预警信息,特别是向订制气象手机短信的农民用户及

28、时发布对农业生产有影响的气象信息。9)防灾减灾是各级政府的职责,在那些条件较差的山区行政村(特别是自然村)政府部门应当安装必要的广播装置,要及时把气象预警预报信息通过电话等方式通知给村委会,由村干部负责,及时通过大喇叭广播的形式把气象预警、预报信息通知到每一个农民家庭,使广大农民群众对突发的气象灾害提前做好预防,起重机配件把气象灾害造成的生命和财产损失降到最低限度。1) make full use of good basic meteorological data, timely and accurate meteorological information to convey to the

29、farmers. Radio, television, mobile phone short message platform, network transmission platform to release timely and effective guidance of farming. For example: when the peanut sowing time need when 5 cm of the ground temperature of 15.0 , which began to sow, in xintai in early may, the coated peanu

30、t planting the best sowing date for late April. We will be released in a timely manner in a way that is easy to accept by farmers to farmers. 2) establishing and perfecting agricultural meteorological disaster monitoring and early warning system. Should make full use of modern science and technology

31、, using information technology to realize the scientific and systematic meteorological disaster warning system, establishing a perfect agricultural meteorological disaster warning system. To influence the production of peanuts, a few key key observation period, strengthen the pertinence. In governme

32、nt departments into full play leading role in agricultural meteorological disaster relief work at the same time, also pay attention to the commercial insurance, through the commercial insurance to establish a kind of social mutual economic security system. Commercial insurance can not only adapt to

33、the uncertainty of disasters, but also can coordinate of the imbalance in development between regions, at the same time, better able to concentrate all social forces to remedy of disaster losses, make the agricultural meteorological disasters caused economic losses to make up for. Farmers for agricu

34、ltural meteorological disasters, however, the high security awareness is not enough, therefore, the government should increase the strength of the compensation for the affected farmers at the same time, also publicity and interpretation of the measures should be taken to improve the awareness of far

35、mers to buy commercial insurance. In addition to basic security and commercial insurance vigorously to assist the government policy, agricultural meteorological disaster relief can also through the social donation, the accumulation of personal safeguard measures such as expansion of disaster relief

36、funds, and improve the social security system of agricultural disaster. 3) to strengthen the construction of agriculture gas of medium - and long-term forecasting ability. Relying on scientific and technological progress, constantly improve the forecast accuracy and major disaster weather forecast a

37、nd early warning of capacity; Relying on social TV, radio and communication science and technology development capacity and modern communication technology, practical for the broad masses of farmers and agricultural http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ production are seamless timely meteorological informatio

38、n sent to the hands of farmers. Through the information processing system, and then with the help of a professional quality analysis ability of experts team, to collect some agricultural meteorological disaster information timely and effectively are screened, sorting, analysis, processing, agricultu

39、ral meteorological disaster data files on classification, relevant government departments to analysis forecast, proposes the corresponding risk early warning countermeasures; Monitoring of early warning information needs to refer to certain media regularly or not regularly to the department of agric

40、ulture and farmers, the farmers for the first time know agriculture meteorological disasters, but also stepped up efforts to establish a system of agricultural meteorological disaster information received to the municipal, county and township departments convey information, meteorological disaster i

41、nformation service network 2. 4) construction of agricultural disaster reduction education propaganda system construction. To realize the first measures of disaster prevention and mitigation is to raise awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation. Awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation

42、regulated by social consciousness, the level of productivity development, policy guidance, disaster officials cultural background, the subject quality, the farmer main body quality factors such as constraints, consciousness is not simply a consciousness on disaster prevention and mitigation, and ins

43、tead of disaster consciousness, suffering consciousness, participation of a complex, only after a long, hard effort to improve. Farmers can through newspapers, magazines, TV news media and other channels to understand the knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation, and increase the degree of un

44、derstanding of disasters, make full use of modern science and technology understanding of disaster prevention and mitigation measures should be taken. From long-term interests and overall interests, the government departments should raise awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and in disast

45、er relief to make the right decision to choose, at the same time, the government departments to make full use of school education this way, strengthen the agricultural meteorological disaster prevention and control the spread of knowledge, let the children from an early age with agricultural meteoro

46、logical disasters, raise childrens awareness of disaster prevention and reduction. 5) enhance agricultural meteorological forecast service work, actively carry out prediction and forecast technology research agricultural climate conditions, and actively support for facility agriculture and character

47、istic agriculture meteorological services technical method research, further increasing agricultural meteorological information service. 6) to further increase the investment of agricultural scientific research, technology development and services, city, district secondary meteorological department

48、of agrometeorological research and service personnel should often go out, first into agricultural production line, according to the weather changes timely guide the farmers to use climate information and technology, to further strengthen meteorological science popularization work, to let farmers know the weather, let weather into rural areas, services to farmers, agricultural meteorological service work earnestly. 7) based on “3 s“ high and ne


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