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1、1. 上海是中国最大的城市,在这里选购物品最合适。上海品种繁多的小吃、糕点和手工艺品、纺织品,会使您感到满意。离上海仅有几小时路程的苏州和杭州,是中国园林艺术的代表,被人称为“天堂” 。北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在这里您可以游览万里长城中的一段八达岭;明、清两代皇室居住的地方故宫;清朝御花园颐和园和北海;还可以品尝到正宗的北京烤鸭、涮羊肉。核心词提示: 手工艺品:handicraft 小吃:snack 园林:garden 八达岭:Badaling 故宫: Gugong (Imperial Palace) 颐和园: Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) 北海:BeihaiShang

2、hai, a shopping center for best buys, is the largest city in China. Tourists will be satisfied with what the city supplies, from various snacks and cakes to handicrafts and textiles. Neighboring Suzhou and Hangzhou, only a couple of hours away from Shanghai by train, are two garden cities, each cons

3、idered by Chinese to be “Paradise on earth”.Beijing is a political and cultural center that offers some scenic attractions: Badaling which is a part of the spectacular Great Wall; Gugong (Imperial Palace) where emperors of the Ming and the Qing dynasties lived; Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) which is an i

4、mperial garden of the Qing dynasty; and Beihai, also an imperial garden used by successive emperors in the Yuan, the Ming and the Qing dynasties.There is more to Beijing than buildings. Foods such as authentic Beijing roast duck and instant-boiled mutton have proved popular with tourists as well.2.

5、武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。我们知道,一个民族的优秀文化遗产,不仅仅属于一个民族,它会逐渐传播到世界而成为人类的共同财富。武术的蓬勃发展,除得益于其项目本身的吸引力之外,早期移居海外的一代武术大师功不可没。核心词提示: 武术:Wushu 大师:masterWushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. As we all know, the fine culture of a nation doesnt

6、 belong to the nation alone and it will be spread to the rest of the world and shared by all humanity. The booming of Wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese Wushu masters over the years.3. 改革开放 30 年来,随着中国逐渐崛起成为政治经济强国,海外人士学习汉语的现象与日俱增,海外孔子学院也成了人们学习

7、中国语言和中国文化的首选之地。通过学习汉语,他们对这个和自己文化大相径庭的古老文明产生了浓厚的兴趣,而且有机会了解中国的哲学、艺术、医学、饮食文化,亲身体验这个文明古国的风采。核心词提示: 孔子学院:Confucius Institute 饮食文化:catering cultureAs China is rising as a political and economic world power, thanks to its three-decade reform and opening up, more and more people in overseas countries start

8、to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. During the learning process, the learners concurrently develop their interest in this ancient land, whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs. An

9、d the learners have opportunities to learn about Chinese philosophy, art, architecture, medicine and catering culture and experience first-hand the splendors of this venerable civilization.4. 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。核心词提

10、示: 双语:bilingual An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. Chinas rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact th

11、at their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. 5. 中秋节中秋节是中国很重要的一个节日,在八月十五号。在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得

12、漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。夜晚月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn Day is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the f

13、estival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns w

14、hich are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together

15、. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the moon and frightened the dragon away.6. 徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书本上的结论。他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多很不可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常

16、选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景。Xu Xiake toured and investigated 16 provinces in his lifetime, covering almost the whole of China/ the whole country. When he was carrying out his investigations, he never took blind belief in the conclusions in the books. Instead he found a lot of unreliable points in

17、the geographic records taken by his predecessors. In order to make his investigations reliable and thorough, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long, arduous trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. In order to learn about the truth of nature, he always

18、chose to conduct investigations in mountainous areas with dangerous roads and in lonely / untraveled woods, where he discovered a lot of magnificent peaks and beautiful sights. 7. 多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。我不出去跑步或散步,而是一下床就干活儿。因此我对黎明前的北京的了解是在屋子里感觉到的。我从前在什么报上读过一篇文章,讲黎明时分天安门广场上的清洁工人。那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我

19、从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。For many years, I have been in the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four. Instead of going out for a jog or walk, Ill set about my work as soon as Im out of bed. As a result, it is from inside my study that Ive got the feel of predawn Beijing. Years ago, I hit upon

20、 a newspaper article about street cleaners in Tiananmen Square at daybreak. It must have been a very moving scene, but what a pity I havent seen it with my own eyes. I can only picture it in my mind longingly.8. 长沙是一个有 3000 多年历史的美丽古城。城市的西边是秀美的岳麓山,山下有千年书院“岳麓书院”等众多古迹。市区中心的古城楼天心阁,距今有1000 多年的历史。千百年来水质清纯

21、,终年不断的白沙古井也坐落在长沙城中。今天的长沙市民还常常在这里打水饮用。湘江中的橘子洲头,是当年毛泽东先生经常漫步思考的地方,后来还写了一首非常著名的诗来赞美她。Changsha is a beautiful ancient city with a history of over 3,000 years. West of the city is the beautiful Yuelu Hill, at the foot of the hill, are many historic sites such as Yuelu Academy. In the center of the city i

22、s the ancient city gate tower -Tianxin Tower, which was first built 1000 years ago. Also located in the city is the ancient Baisha Well, from which clear and pure water has been gushing out nonstop throughout the year for thousands of years. Inhabitants in Changsha today still come here to fetch wat

23、er for drinking. Orange Island in the Xiang River was where Mr. Mao Zedong often rambled and meditated. Later he wrote a very famous poem in its praise.59. 洞庭湖是中国第二大淡水湖。洞庭湖畔的岳阳楼,是中国三大名楼中唯一保持原址原貌的国家重点保护文物。岳阳楼所处的位置极好,它屹立于岳阳古城之上,背靠岳阳城,俯瞰洞庭湖,遥对君山岛,北依长江,南通湘江。自古以来,就是人们观光旅游的好地方。Lake Dongting is Chinas seco

24、nd largest freshwater lake. Yueyang Tower, which is located on its shores, is a national key cultural relic for protection as the only one of Chinas famous towers that is kept in its original condition at its original site. The tower is very favorably located, standing as it does on Yueyangs ancient

25、 city wall with the city behind and overlooking Lake Dongting to the distant Junshan Isle; to its north is the Yangtze River and to the south the Xiang River. Since ancient times, the tower has been a good place for sightseeing and touring. (Picture)10. 目前,人类的生存环境正在遭到破坏,美丽的大自然已经不那么美丽了。保护野生动物,也就是保护人娄

26、自己。我强烈呼吁:不要再捕杀黑猩猩,不要再捕杀野生动物了,让我们人类多一些地球上的朋友,多给我们下一代保留一些野生动物吧! 否则,地球将毁灭在人类手中,人类将毁灭在自己手中。At present, mans living environment is being ruined, and beautiful nature is no longer so beautiful. Protection of wild life is protection of man himself. So I appeal strongly to all to stop killing the chimpanzee

27、 or any other wild animal. Let us human beings have more friends on the earth, and leave more wild life for future generations. Or the earth would be destroyed by man, and man by man himself.11. 中国位于亚洲大陆的东部,太平洋的西岸。陆地总面积约为 960 万平方公里,约占全球陆地总面积的 1/15,亚洲面积的 1/4。在世界各国中,中国的面积仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大,举第三位。再加上近海水域,经济特区和大

28、陆架,一共有 300 万平方公里,使中国的总面积大约达到 1300 万平方公里。Key words: 地理位置 geographic position 近海水域 territorial waters 大陆架 continental shelfChinas geographic positionThe peoples Republic of China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continenton the western Pacific rim. It is a vast land, covering 9.6 million sq

29、uare kilometers. It accounts for 1/15 of the land of the earth and approximately of the Asian land, only smaller than Russia and Canada, which is the third largest in the world. Additional territorial waters, special economic areas and the continental shelf, totals over 3 million square kilometers,

30、bringing Chinas overall territory to almost 13 square kilometers.12. 中国古代的四种发明是对中国乃至世界都具有重大影响的四种发明。这四种发明是指南针,火药,造纸和印刷。这四种发明对推动世界文明发挥了重要作用。但可惜的是西方人用火药制造武器而古代中国人则用于生产烟花。现在人们意识到科技只有用于发展生产,社会才能进步。指南针 compass 火药 gunpowder 造纸术 papermaking 印刷术 printingThe four great inventions of ancient China are four inv

31、entions that had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese and a far- ranging global impact .They are: the Compass, Gun powder, Papermaking and Printing. These four inventions played a major role in advancing the world civilization. But it is pitiful that the western people used gun powder to produce the arms, while ancient Chinese used it to make fireworks. Now people have realized that only when science and technology is used in developing the production will the society advance.


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