键盘上各种快捷键( word excel).doc

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键盘上各种快捷键( word excel).doc_第1页
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1、1 open the “my computer“ just hold down the Windows key +E can quickly open my computer. Youve opened when someone is still slowly click, enough to Seckill each other!2.有事走开一下的时候,又不想让别人看自己的电脑。不妨按一下 Windows+L 键就可以锁定计算机了。回来的时候输入密码就 ok。When 2 have excused, and do not want to let others see your compute

2、r. Just click the Windows+L key can lock down the computer. Back when the input password ok.3.Windows + R 输入 osk,出现炫酷虚拟键盘!你按下一个键,它也会同样显示出来按下的状态喔!(ps:个人觉得这个功能用处不大,知道下就好了!)3.Windows + R input OSK, appear cool virtual keyboard! You press a key, it will also display the pressed state! (PS: personally fe

3、el that this function is of little use, know it!)4.上班正在看股票或玩游戏的时候,老板进来了!一般人还慢着找显示桌面图标,一紧张,手又抖的,就会给老板发现了。高手就会按 Windows 键+D 键立马显示桌面,逃过一劫!The 4 work is to see the stock or playing games, the boss came in! Most people still wait for the show desktop icons, a nervous, hand shaking, will give the boss fou

4、nd. Master will show desktop press Windows +D button immediately, escaped!5.图片太小,想放大?试试 windows 键和+缩小就是 windows 键和,放大镜出现!但现在基本可以用鼠标滚动就可以了!看个人喜好!The 5 picture is too small, want to enlarge? Try the windows key and the windows key and is + narrowing, magnifier appear! But now you can use the mouse scr

5、oll can be! Personal preference!6.平时一般人知道按住 ALT+Tab 键切换窗口,告诉大家一个炫的方法按住 windows 键+Tab键 3D 效果的切换窗口立马呈现!6 usually people to know and hold the ALT+Tab key to switch between windows, tell you a dazzling method by holding down the windows key, +Tab key 3D effect of switching window present immediately!7.打

6、开太多页面可以用用 Ctrl+Tab,可以在几个页面之间互相切换到你需要关闭的页面中。用 alt+F4 键,可以关闭当前的页面。7 too many open page can use Ctrl+Tab, can be in several pages each other between the switch to you need to shut down the page. Use the alt+F4 key, can close the current page.8.大家知道怎样一次过调整显示器亮度、音量大小,打开无线网,电池电量吗?把笔记本的画面放到电视上,已经连好线了,需要怎么设

7、置?一次性满足你的所有愿望,你只需要按下 Windows 键+X 键,随意发挥吧!8 you know how a display brightness, adjust the volume size, open the wireless network, the battery? Put the notebook screen on TV, even have a line, need how to set? Disposable meet all of your wishes, you only need to press the Windows key +X key, random pl

8、ay!9.有时候打开很多需要的页面不想关闭只保留最前面的页面,按下 windows 键+Home 键,你就可以把除了最前面的页面以外的页面全部最小化了。9 sometimes open many need to page does not want to close to retain only the front page, press windows +Home button, you can put apart from the front page are minimized.WORD 快捷键小技巧 CTRL+O 打开The WORD shortcut key tips CTRL+O

9、openCTRL+P 打印CTRL+P printCTRL+A 全选CTRL+A selectCTRL+/对文字进行大小设置(在选中目标情况下)CTRL+/ to text size setting (in the selected target case)CTRL+D 字体设置(在选中目标情况下)The CTRL+D font settings (in the selected target case)CTRL+G/H 查找 /替换; CTRL+N 全文删除;CTRL+G/H search / replace text deleted; CTRL+N;CTRL+M 左边距(在选中目标情况下)

10、;CTRL+M left margin (in the selected target case);CTRL+U 绘制下划线(在选中目标情况下);CTRL+U drawing underscore (in the selected target case);CTRL+B 加粗文字(在选中目标情况下);CTRL+B bold words (in the selected target case);CTRL+I 倾斜文字(在选中目标情况下) ;CTRL+I tilted text (in the selected target case);CTRL+Q 两边对齐(无首行缩进) , (在选中目标情况

11、下)或将光标放置目标文字的段尾,亦可操作CTRL+Q aligned on the sides (no indent), (in the selected target case) or the cursor is placed at the end of the target text, but also the operationCTRL+J 两端对齐(操作同上)CTRL+J justified (operation ibid.)CTRL+E 居中(操作同上)CTRL+E Center (operation ibid.)CTRL+R 右对齐(操作同上)CTRL+R align right

12、(operation ibid.)CTRL+K 插入超链接CTRL+K insert hyperlinkCtrl+Shift+L:给光标所在行的文本加上“项目符号” 。Ctrl+Shift+L: text to line the cursor is coupled with the “bullet“.Ctrl+M:同时增加首行和悬挂缩进。Ctrl+M: also increases first and a hanging indent.Ctrl+Shift+M:同时减少首行和悬挂缩进。Ctrl+Shift+M: while reducing the first and a hanging in

13、dent.Ctrl+N:新建一个空文档。Ctrl+N: create a new blank document.Ctrl+O(或 Ctrl+F12):打开“打开”对话框。Ctrl+O (or Ctrl+F12): open the “open“ dialog box.Ctrl+P(或 Ctrl+Shift+F12):打开“打印”对话框。Ctrl+P (or Ctrl+Shift+F12): open the “print“ dialog box.Ctrl+R:使光标所在行的文本右对齐。Ctrl+R: text is right aligned so that the cursor line.C

14、trl+S:为新文档打开“另保存为 ”对话框,或对当前文档进行保存。Ctrl+S: open a new document as “save“ dialog box, or to save the current document.Ctrl+T:增加首行缩进。Ctrl+T: increase indent.Ctrl+Shift+T:减少首行缩进。Ctrl+Shift+T: decrease indent.Ctrl+U:给选中的文字加上下划线(再按一次,去年下划线) 。Ctrl+U: give selected text underlined (press again, last year un

15、derscore).Ctrl+V:将剪贴板中的文本或图片粘贴到光标处。若剪贴板中有多个内容,则将最后一条内容粘贴到光标处。Ctrl+V: the clipboard paste text or images to the cursor. If there are multiple clipboard contents, then paste the contents of the last one to cursor.Ctrl+X:将选中的文字剪切到剪贴板中。Ctrl+X: will the selected text to the clipboard.Ctrl+Z:撤销刚才进行的操作(可以多

16、次使用) 。Ctrl+Z: just for operation (Undo can be used many times).Ctrl+0:将选中的文本每段前增加 12 磅的间距。Ctrl+0: the selected text at first increase the distance between the 12 pounds.Ctrl+1:若选中的文本行距不是“单倍行距” ,则将其快速设置为 “单倍行距” 。Ctrl+1: if the selected text line spacing is not a “single line“, then the fast is set to

17、 “single spacing“.Ctrl+2:将选中的文本行距设置为“两倍行距” 。Ctrl+2: the selected text line spacing is set to “two line spacing“.Ctrl+5:将选中的文本行距设置为“1.5 倍行距” 。Ctrl+5: the selected text line spacing is set to “1.5 line spacing“.Ctrl+F2:快速执行“打印预览 ”功能。Ctrl+F2: rapid implementation of the “print preview“ function.Ctrl+F4

18、:关闭当前文档。Ctrl+F4: close the current document.Ctrl+F5:使窗口还原到最大化之前的状态。Ctrl+F5: restore the window to maximize the state before the.Ctrl+Shift+F5:打开“书签”对话框。Ctrl+Shift+F5: open the “Bookmarks“ dialog box.Ctrl+Shift+F8:激活列选择功能,即通常所说的选择竖块文本(再按一次或按 ESC 键,取消该功能) 。Ctrl+Shift+F8: activation of the http:/ colum

19、n selection function, that is usually said the choice of vertical block of text (press again or press the ESC key, to cancel the function).Ctrl+F9:在光标处插入一域记号 “”(注意:直接输入的一对大括号不能作为域记号) 。Ctrl+F9: insert a field mark “ in the cursor“ (Note: direct input of a pair of braces can not be used as domain mark

20、).Ctrl+F5:使窗口还原到最大化之前的状态(再按一次,就会使窗口再次最大化) 。Ctrl+F5: restore the window to maximize the previous state (press again, will make the window again maximization).Ctrl+Deltet:删除光标后面的一个英文单词或一个中文词语(可反复使用) 。Ctrl+Deltet: a English word or a Chinese words to delete from the cursor back (can be repeatedly used)

21、.Ctrl+退格键:删除光标前面的一个英文单词或一个中文词语(可反复使用) 。Ctrl+ backspace: a English word or a Chinese words in front of the (delete from the cursor can be used repeatedly).Ctrl+Enter:将光标后面的内容快速移到下一页。Ctrl+Enter: move ,http:/ the cursor back content quickly move to the next page.Ctrl+End:快速将光标移到文末。Ctrl+End: a quick mov

22、e the cursor to the end of.Ctrl+Home(或 Ctrl+Page Up):快速将光标移到文首。Ctrl+Home (or Ctrl+Page Up): a quick move the cursor to the top.Ctrl+Insert+Insert(即按两下 Insert 键):快速打开或更改“任务窗格”到“剪贴板”状态。Ctrl+Insert+Insert (Insert press two keys): quick opening or change the “task pane“ to the “clipboard“.Ctrl+:打开中文输入法的

23、“在线造词”功能。Ctrl+: open Chinese input method http:/ word“ function.Ctrl+:快速切换到下标输入状态(再按一次恢复到正常状态) 。Ctrl+: fast http:/ switching to subscript input state (then a return to normal state).Ctrl+Shift+:快速切换到上标输入状态(再按一次恢复到正常状态) 。Ctrl+Shift+: fast switching to superscript input state (then a return to normal state).Ctrl+:按英文单词或中文词语的间隔向后移动光标。Ctrl+, according to the word or words: English Chinese interval backward moving the cursor.Ctrl+:按英文单词或中文词Ctrl+ : according to English words or Chinese words


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