研究生英语口语考试 Topic.doc

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1、Oral Topic for Discussion1、American individualism and Japanese collectivism:their origin and their role in modern society.2、Express your view points on the saying “science is to be valued because it gives us control over our fate”and“poetry makes nothing happen”.3、Express your viewpoint on the sayin

2、g“money is everything”.4、Discuss with your partners the problems that overpopulation causes.5、The advantages and disadvantages of the internet.01. American individualism and Japanese collectivismA:Hi, I heard that you are going to start a business after graduation. B:Yeah, I just have an idea. And s

3、ome time ago, I attended the SYB of our school. Do you hear of American individualism and Japanese collectivism. I think it is worth to have a comparison in contemporary society.A:yes, of course. The individualism and collectivism play an important role In our daily life, especially in the company.B

4、:So, do you know how values of Americans and Japanese evolve?A:know about it a little. The American value evolves from Hunting Societies, in which the accent was autonomy and individualism. The Japanese value comes from Planting Societies. Only a dozen families working together can produce a surplus

5、. And the notion of interrelation, interconnection and interdependence was contributed. B:Yeah, you are right. And as we all know, Japan often suffer from natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Maybe it is also an very important historical reason.A: Do you think which one can play a m

6、ore important role in modern society?B:Both American value and Japanese value have produced very successful results. But I believe that with economic development, neither individualism nor collectivism can meet the demands of the global community alone.A: yes, I agree with you. Extremely speaking, i

7、ndividualism can make us indifferent and cynical to others, and the society will lack harmony. Collectivism cannot provide maverick creativity and individual incentive.B:Hence, combining the two values is the best policy in the new economic environment.02. Science is to be valued because it gives us

8、 control over our fate and poetry makes nothing happen.A:Hi, do you have heard of the saying that Science is to be valued because it gives us control over our fate and poetry makes nothing happen. B:Yes, of course. This is because science can make us know about nature deeply, which can reduce our fe

9、ar of nature and give us control over our fate. Scientific technology also makes our living condition more comfortable and prosperous. But poetry cannot bring it.A:Science actually plays a very important role in our daily life. It can help us to leave the disaster away. But I think that poetry doesn

10、t make nothing happen.B:Can you say something which poetry can give us in our daily life?A:Perhaps poetry can not meet our material desire, but it can sublimate our spirit life. Human being is a kind of animal with various emotions. our pursue and emotion can be expressed through poetry. And a poetr

11、y can also infect our feeling.B:You are right. In the age of pursuing material living, we should carry on the humane spirit education more. And poetry reading and creation is a good way, which must promote our passion.A:Poetry reading and creation are common in our childhood. But now it is becoming

12、harder and harder to see it. B:Please dont quit our spirit world. 03. Money Is Not EverythingA:Recent years, the discussion of money graduately become one of hot issues.B:Yeah, with the development of society and the increase of wealth, people have different attitudes to money, someone even think mo

13、ney is everything.A:Thats because almost all material things around us can be bought with money. B:Imagine a person has enough money to buy anything and everything he wants, but can you imagine such a person could be truly happy and fulfilled? A:I think they dont. In fact, Money is a medium of excha

14、nge to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. B:But unfortunately, for many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. A:These people have been controlled by money, they try everything to

15、earn money through all kinds of ways which maybe not legal.B:Money can be acquired in many legal ways. Most people will work to earn money. Some will create a business to accumulate and increase the amount of money they have. A:But the worst thing of all is that a person would risk his own life and

16、dignity to have money. They think of money as everything to their lives, but they are wrong. B:I really agree with your point of view. The reality that we should accept is that we need money, but it does not the only reason of our existence. Money is important, but it is not everything. A:Yeah, ther

17、e are many factors that can enrich our lives, such as family, friends, and even our new acquaintances. They can help us grow and reach our goals. B:We should remember that money is only a material thing. It is created for our convenience, but it should be used for good. A:You are right, money is goo

18、d but loving it makes it bad. we should work not only for the reason of receiving but also for the reason of giving. Money is indeed important, but it is not everything. 04. Causes of OverpopulationA:In this century, overpopulation is one of the most serious threats to mankind. B:But, viewing the is

19、sue of increasing population optimistically, one may say that overpopulation means the increase in human resources. A:we cannot ignore the fact that greater number of people requires a greater number of resources. Overpopulation implies deficiency of resources and economic inflation.B:You are right,

20、 in fact, we are facing the effects of overpopulation in our daily lives. it has proved to be one of the gravest difficulties that have to be fought.A:so,its high time that we find the causes of overpopulation and work on them. B:In your opinion, what is the main factors that lead to overpopulation?

21、A:I think the decline in mortality rate is one fundamental cause of overpopulation. Owing to the advancements in modern medicine, man has found cures to various illnesses, this has resulted in an increase in the life expectancy of individuals. Mortality rate has declined leading to an increase in po

22、pulation. B:Correspondently, medicines and treatments of today can boost the birth rate in human beings. Thus, advances in medicine have become a cause of overpopulation.A:Another factor we must consider is that the lack of Education.B:Why do you say that?A:Those lacking education fail to understand

23、 the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation has. They are unaware of the ways to control population. B:yeah, theres no denying that lack of family planning is commonly seen in the countries where education is underdevelop

24、ed.A:So, in my view, lack of education is one of the major factors leading to overpopulation. 05. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet A:With the progress of science and technology, internet has been widely used in our life, our learning and our work.B:Yeah, at the same time, the advantages

25、and disadvantages of the Internet have been discussed In various occasions.A:There is no denying that Internet has brought us with many new ideas and more effective ways to complete our work.B:That is right, such as communication and entertainment. We can communicate in a fraction of second with a p

26、erson who is sitting in the other part of the world ,and you can share your thoughts with him. A:as you mentioned, with help of such Internet service ,we can exchange thoughts with others, meanwhile, I think Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering.B: En,there is a huge amo

27、unt of information available on the internet. You can find any kind of information that you are looking for with the help of search engines, like Google, yahoo and baidu.A:Yeah, including various of entertainment. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find musics, films, news

28、 and more forms of entertainment . B:We can list many advantages of internet, but at the same time, the negative aspects of internet we must consider, such as the leakage of personal information, and virus vairs threat.A:That is a painful problem, If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave dan

29、ger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number can be accessed by hackers.B:Whats even worse is virusvairs. Computers attached to internet are more likely to virus attacks and they can crash your important date.A:Thats really hateful. To avoid virus attacks, we must have awareness of Internet security.B:So everything has two sides. As internet has both advantages and disadvantages.


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