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1、美国国家电影保护局从 1989 年开始收集好莱坞经典影像作品,旨在保护曾对美国文化产生实质影响的影片。这些影片未必都是当年奖项的宠儿,也未必都是卖座影片,但其影像风格、演员在表演方法上的贡献、电影技术的创新、影片内容上的里程碑意义、放映后反响呈两极的争议电影,却都是衡量影片是否入选的判断标准。在历时 21 年的收藏过程中,诸多诞生于上世纪 20 年代的默片,都被进行了精心的修复和严格的保管,使得一些即将消失的电影资料得以流传下去。保护局目前(至 2011 年)已经保存了 575 部题材各异的电影作品。 从 1989 年起,美国国会图书馆每年会遴选 25 部最能代表本国文化和电影水平的作品归档,

2、以展现美国社会的历史沿革,被国会图书馆永久保存。美国国家电影保护局-电影名录(一) (2006-03-10 13:18:39)转载 作为资料收藏,有一定的看片指导作用。1989 01 Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) 黄金时代 02 Casablanca (1942) 卡萨布兰卡 03 Citizen Kane (1941) 公民凯恩 04 Crowd, The (1928) 群众 05 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 奇爱博士 06 G

3、eneral, The (1927) 将军号 07 Gone with the Wind (1939) 乱世佳人 08 Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) 愤怒的葡萄 09 High Noon (1952) 正午 10 Intolerance (1916) 党同伐异 11 Learning Tree, The (1969) 知识树 12 Maltese Falcon, The (1941) 枭巢喋血战 13 Modern Times (1936) 摩登时代 14 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 史密斯先生游美京 15 Nanook o

4、f the North (1922) 北方的纳努克 16 On the Waterfront (1954) 码头风云 17 Searchers, The (1956) 搜索者 18 Singin in the Rain (1952) 雨中曲 19 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 白雪公主 20 Some Like It Hot (1959) 热情似火 21 Star Wars (1977) 星球大战 22 Sunrise (1927) 日出 23 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 日落大道 24 Vertigo (1958) 迷魂记 25 W

5、izard of Oz, The (1939) 绿野仙踪 1990 01 All About Eve (1950) 彗星美人 02 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 西线无战事 03 Bringing Up Baby (1938) 育婴奇谭 04 Dodsworth (1936) 孔雀夫人 05 Duck Soup (1933) 鸭羹 06 Fantasia (1940) 幻想曲 07 Freshman, The (1925) 大学新生 08 Godfather, The (1972) 教父 09 Great Train Robbery, The (

6、1903) 火车大劫案 10 Harlan County, U.S.A. (1976) 美国哈兰县 11 How Green Was My Valley (1941) 青山翠谷 12 Its a Wonderful Life (1946) 风云人物 13 Killer of Sheep (1977) 杀羊人 14 Love Me Tonight (1932) 红楼艳史 15 Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) 午后的迷惘 16 Ninotchka (1939) 异国鸳鸯 17 Primary (1960) 18 Raging Bull (1980) 愤怒的公牛 19

7、Rebel Without a Cause (1955) 无因的反抗 20 Red River (1948) 红河 21 River, The (1937) 22 Sullivans Travels (1942) 苏利文的旅行 23 Top Hat (1935) 礼帽 24 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) 碧血金沙 25 Woman Under the Influence, A (1974) 受影响的女人 1991 01 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 2001 太空漫游 02 Battle of San Pietro

8、, The (1945) 圣彼得洛 03 Blood of Jesus, The (1941) 耶稣受难记 04 Chinatown (1974) 唐人街 05 City Lights (1931) 城市之光 06 David Holzmans Diary (1968) 大卫.赫尔兹曼的日记 07 Frankenstein (1931) 科学怪人 08 Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) 恐龙葛蒂 09 Gigi (1958) 金粉世界 10 Greed (1925) 贪婪 11 High School (1969) 惨白的青春 12 I Am a Fugitive from

9、 a Chain Gang (1932) 逃亡 13 Italian, The (1915) 14 King Kong (1933) 金刚 15 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 16 Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) 伟大的阿巴逊大族 17 My Darling Clementine (1946) 侠骨柔情 18 Out of the Past (1947) 漩涡之外 19 Place in the Sun, A (1951) 郎心如铁 20 Poor Little Rich Girl, The (1917) 可怜的富家小姑

10、娘 21 Prisoner of Zenda, The (1937) 罗宫秘史 22 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 辣手摧花 23 Sherlock, Jr. (1924) 福尔摩斯二世 24 Tevye (1939) 25 Trouble in Paradise (1932) 天堂里的烦恼 1992 01 Adams Rib (1949) 亚当的肋骨 02 Annie Hall (1977) 安妮.霍尔 03 Bank Dick, The (1940) 银行妙探 04 Big Business (1929) 大商机 05 Big Parade, The (1925) 战地

11、之花 06 Birth of a Nation, The (1915) 一个国家的诞生 07 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 雌雄大盗 08 Carmen Jones (1954) 胭脂虎新传 09 Castro Street (1966) 卡斯特罗大街 10 Detour (1945) 绕道 11 Dog Star Man: Part IV (1964) 狗星人 IV 12 Double Indemnity (1944) 双重保险 13 Footlight Parade (1933) 华青春暖 14 Gold Rush, The (1925) 淘金记 15 Letter fr

12、om an Unknown Woman (1948) 一封陌生女子的来信 16 Morocco (1930) 摩洛哥 17 Nashville (1975) 纳斯维尔 18 Night of the Hunter, The (1955) 猎人的夜晚 19 Paths of Glory (1957) 光荣之路 20 Psycho (1960) 惊魂记 21 Ride the High Country (1962) 午后枪声 22 Salesman (1969) 推销员 23 Salt of the Earth (1954) 社会中坚 24 Whats Opera, Doc? (1957) 25

13、Within Our Gates (1920) 1993 01 American in Paris, An (1951) 花都艳舞 02 Badlands (1973) 穷山恶水 03 Black Pirate, The (1926) 黑海盗 04 Blade Runner (1982) 银翼杀手 05 Cat People (1942) 豹族 06 Cheat, The (1915) 欺骗 07 Chulas Fronteras (1976) 08 Eaux dartifice (1953) 09 Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 教父 II 10 His Gir

14、l Friday (1940) 女友礼拜五 11 It Happened One Night (1934) 一夜风流 12 Lassie Come Home (1943) 灵犬莱西 13 Magical Maestro (1952) 魔术师? 14 March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany (1938) 15 Night at the Opera, A (1935) 歌声俪影 16 Nothing But a Man (1964) 17 One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (1975) 飞越疯人院 18 Point of Order (19

15、64) 19 Shadows (1959) 影子 20 Shane (1953) 原野奇侠 21 Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 成功的滋味 22 ouch of Evil (1958) 历劫佳人 23 Where Are My Children? (1916) 万里寻儿 24 Wind, The (1928/I) 风 25 Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) 胜利之歌 1994 01 African Queen, The (1951) 非洲皇后 02 Apartment, The (1960) 公寓春光 03 Cool World, The (1

16、963) 疯狂世界 04 Corner in Wheat, A (1909) 05 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 外星人 E.T. 06 Exploits of Elaine, The (1914) 伊莱恩的罗曼史 07 Force of Evil (1948) 痛苦的报酬 08 Freaks (1932) 畸型人 09 Hells Hinges (1916) 10 Hospital (1970) (TV) 医院 11 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 天外魔花 12 Lady Eve, The (1941) 淑女

17、伊芙 13 Louisiana Story (1948) 路易斯安娜州的故事 14 Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) 谍影迷魂 15 Marty (1955) 马蒂 16 Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) 青春乐 17 Midnight Cowboy (1969) 午夜牛郎 18 Movie, A (1958) 19 Pinocchio (1940) 木偶奇遇记 20 Safety Last (1923) 最后安全 21 Scarface (1932) 疤面人 22 Snow-White (1933) 23 Tabu (1931) 禁忌 2

18、4 Taxi Driver (1976) 的士司机 25 Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination (1963) 1995 01 Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938) 罗宾汉历险记 02 All That Heaven Allows (1955) 深锁春光一院愁 03 American Graffiti (1973) 美国风情画 04 Band Wagon, The (1953) 龙国香车 05 Blacksmith Scene (1893) 06 Cabaret (1972) 歌厅 07 Chan Is Missing

19、(1982) 陈氏失踪 08 Conversation, The (1974) 对话 09 Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951) 地球停顿记 10 El Norte (1983) 北方 11 Fattys Tintype Tangle (1915) 12 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1921) 四骑士启示录 13 Fury (1936) 怒火 14 Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951) 杰拉德.麦克波.波 15 Hospital, The (1971) 医生故事 16 Jammin the

20、Blues (1944) 爵士蓝调 17 Last of the Mohicans, The (1920) 最后一个莫希干人 18 Manhatta (1921) 曼哈塔 19 North by Northwest (1959) 西北偏北/ 谍影疑云 20 Philadelphia Story, The (1940) 费城故事 21 Rip Van Winkle (1903) 瑞普凡温克 22 Seventh Heaven (1927) 七重天 23 Stagecoach (1939) 关山飞渡 24 To Fly! (1976) 飞翔 25 To Kill a Mockingbird (19

21、62) 杀死一只知更鸟 1996 01 Awful Truth, The (1937) 春闺风月 02 Broken Blossoms (1919) 凋谢的花朵 03 Deer Hunter, The (1978) 猎鹿人 04 Destry Rides Again (1939) 碧血烟花 05 Flash Gordon (1936/I) 飞侠哥顿 06 Forgotten Frontier, The (1931) 07 Frank Film (1973) 弗兰克影片 08 Graduate, The (1967) 毕业生 09 Heiress, The (1949) 千金小姐 10 Jazz

22、 Singer, The (1927) 爵士歌手 11 Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, The (1980) 12 MASH (1970) 风流医生俏护士 13 Mildred Pierce (1945) 欲海情魔 14 Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) 不法之徒迈.韦尔斯 15 Producers, The (1968) 制作人 16 Pull My Daisy (1958) 采集雏菊 17 Road to Morocco (1942) 摩洛哥之路 18 She Done Him Wrong (1933) 侬本多情 19

23、Shock Corridor (1963) 恐怖走廊 20 Show Boat (1936) 画航璇宫 21 Thief of Bagdad, The (1924) 一九八零月宫宝盒 22 To Be or Not to Be (1942) 你逃我也逃 23 Topaz (1945) 24 Verbena Tragica (1939) 25 Woodstock (1970) 爱与和平:乌兹托克纪实 1997 01 Ben-Hur 宾虚 (1925) 02 Big Sleep, The (1946) 夜长梦多 03 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957) 桂河大

24、桥 04 Cops (1922) 警察 05 Czechoslovakia 1968 (1969) 1968 年的捷克斯洛伐克 06 Grass: A Nations Battle for Life (1925) 牧草 07 Great Dictator, The (1940) 大独裁者 08 Harold and Maude (1971) 哈奥德与茂迪 09 Hindenburg Disaster Newsreel Footage (1937) 10 How the West Was Won (1962) 西部开拓史 11 Hustler, The (1961) 江湖浪子 12 Knute

25、Rockne All American (1940) 纽特. 罗克尼 13 Life and Death of 9413: A Hollywood Extra, The (1928) 好莱坞临时演员 9413 之生与死 14 Little Fugitive (1953) 小逃亡者 15 Mean Streets (1973) 穷街陋巷 16 Motion Painting No. 1 (1947) 17 Music Box, The (1932) 音乐盒 18 Naked Spur, The (1953) 血泊飞车 19 Rear Window (1954) 后窗 20 Republic St

26、eel Strike Riots Newsreel Footage (1937) 21 Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980) 西卡柯七个人的归来 22 Thin Man, The (1934) 瘦子 23 Tulips Shall Grow (1942) 24 West Side Story (1961) 西区故事 25 Wings (1927) 翼 1998 01 42nd Street (1933) 第四十二街 02 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 科学怪人的新娘 03 City, The (1939) 04 Dead Birds (19

27、65) 魔鬼重地 05 Deadly Is the Female (1949) 枪疯 06 Dont Look Back (1967) 别回头 07 Easy Rider (1969) 逍遥骑士 08 From the Manger to the Cross (1912) 09 Hitch-Hiker, The (1953) 10 Immigrant, The (1917) 爱尔兰风笛 11 Last Picture Show, The (1971) 最后一场电影 12 Little Miss Marker (1934) 小麻烦 13 Lost World, The (1925) 迷失世界 1

28、4 Modesta (1956) 15 Ox-Bow Incident, The (1943) 龙城风云 16 Pass the Gravy (1928) 17 Phantom of the Opera, The (1925) 歌剧魅影 18 Powers of Ten (1968) 19 Public Enemy, The (1931) 国民公敌 20 Sky High (1922) 21 Steamboat Willie (1928) 汽船威利号 22 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse (1940) 塔科马桥毁于风振 23 Tootsie (1982) 窈窕淑男

29、 24 Twelve OClock High (1949) 晴空血战25 Westinghouse Works (1904)1999 01 Civilization (1916) 文明 02 Do the Right Thing (1989) 为所应为 03 Docks of New York, The (1928) 纽约码头 04 Duck Amuck (1953) 混乱达菲鸭 05 Emperor Jones (1933) 琼斯皇帝 06 Gunga Din (1939) 古庙战茄声 07 In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) 08 Jazz on

30、a Summers Day (1959) 09 King: A Filmed Record. Montgomery to Memphis (1970) 10 Kiss Me Deadly (1955) 死吻 11 Kiss, The (1896) 吻 12 Lambchops (1929) 13 Laura (1944) 罗娜秘记 14 Master Hands (1936) 15 My Man Godfrey (1936) 我的高德弗里 16 Night of the Living Dead (1968) 恶夜活跳尸 17 Plow That Broke the Plains, The (1

31、936) 开垦平原的犁 18 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 夺宝奇兵 19 Roman Holiday (1953) 罗马假日 20 Shop Around the Corner, The (1940) 街角的商店 21 Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) 欲望号街车 22 Ten Commandments, The (1956) 十诫 23 Trance and Dance in Bali (1952) 24 Wild Bunch, The (1969) 日落黄沙 25 Woman of the Year (1942) 小姑独处

32、2000 01 Apocalypse Now (1979) 现代启示录 02 Battle of Britain, The (1943) 03 Battle of China, The (1944) 04 Battle of Russia, The (1943) 05 Divide and Conquer (1943) 06 Dracula (1931/I) 吸血鬼 07 Fall of the House of Usher, The (1928/I) 08 Five Easy Pieces (1970) 五只歌 09 Goodfellas (1990) 好家伙 10 Koyaanisqats

33、i (1983) 机械世界 11 Land Beyond the Sunset, The (1912) 12 Lets All Go to the Lobby (1957) 13 Life of Emile Zola, The (1937) 左拉传 14 Little Caesar (1930) 小霸王 15 Living Desert, The (1953) 沙漠奇观 16 Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938) 17 Multiple Sidosis (1970) 18 Nazis Strike, The (1943) 19 Network (1976) 电视台风云 20

34、 Peter Pan (1924) 21 Porky in Wackyland (1938) 22 Prelude to War (1943) 23 President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol (1901) 24 President McKinley Taking the Oath (1901) 25 President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol (1901) 26 Regeneration (1915) 27 Salome (1923/I) 28 Shaft (1971) 夏福特

35、 29 Shermans March (1986) 30 Star Is Born, A (1954) 星海浮沉录 31 Tall T, The (1957) 32 War Comes to America (1945) 33 Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957) 2001 01 All That Jazz (1979) 浮生若梦 02 All the Kings Men (1949) 当代奸雄 03 America, America (1963) 美国、美国 04 Animal House (1978) 动物屋 05 Bud Abbott, Lou C

36、ostello Meet Frankenstein (1948) 两傻大战科学怪人 06 Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther (1939) 07 Evidence of the Film (1913) 08 Hoosiers (1986) 火爆教头草地兵 09 House in the Middle, The (1954) 10 It (1927) 攀上枝头 11 Jam Session (1942) 12 Jaws (1975) 大白鲨 13 Manhattan (1979) 曼哈顿 14 Marian Anderson: The Lincol

37、n Memorial Concert (1939) 15 Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress, The (1944) 16 Miracle of Morgans Creek, The (1944) 摩根河的奇迹 17 Miss Lulu Bett (1921) 18 Planet of the Apes (1968) 人猿世界 19 Rose Hobart (1936) 20 Serene Velocity (1970) 21 Sound of Music, The (1965) 音乐之声 21 Stormy Weather (1943) 2

38、3 Tell-Tale Heart, The (1953) 24 Thin Blue Line, The (1988) 细蓝线 25 Thing From Another World, The (1951) 魔星下凡 2002 01 Alien (1979) 异形 02 All My Babies (1953) 03 Bad and the Beautiful, The (1953) 玉女奇遇 04 Beauty and the Beast (1991) 美女与野兽 05 Black Stallion, The (1979) 黑神驹 06 Boyz N the Hood (1991) 街区男孩

39、 07 Endless Summer, The (1966) 08 From Here to Eternity (1953) 乱世忠魂 09 From Stump to Ship (1930) 10 Fuji (1974) 11 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 炎热的夜晚 12 Lady Windermeres Fan (1925) 少奶奶的扇子 13 Melody Ranch (1938) 14 Perla, La (1947) 珍珠 15 Punch Drunks (1934) 16 Sabrina (1954) 龙凤配 17 Star Theatre (1

40、902) 18 Stranger Than Paradise (1984) 天堂陌影 19 Theodore Case Sound Test: Gus Visser and his Singing Duck (1925) 20 This Is Cinerama (1952) 21 This Is Spinal Tap ( 1984) 摇滚万万岁 22 Through Navajo Eyes 23 Why Man Creates (1968) 24 Wild and Woolly (1917) 25 Wild River (1960) 2003 01 安东尼娅:一个女人的肖像 Antonia:

41、A Portrait of the Woman (1974) 02 大西洋城 Atlantic City (1980) 03 虎豹小霸王 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 04 The Chechahcos (1924) 05 Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894-5) 06 Film Portrait (1970) 07 Fox Movietone News: Jenkins Orphanage Band (1928) 08 1933 淘金女郎 Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) 09

42、 猎人 The Hunters Kalahari Desert tribe anthropological film (1957) 10 Matrimonys Speed Limit (1913) 11 冷酷媒体 Medium Cool (1969) 12 玉女神驹 National Velvet (1944) 13 淘气的玛丽达 Naughty Marietta (1935) 14 乡愁 Nostalgia (1971) 15 青蛙之夜 One Froggy Evening (1956) 16 巴顿将军 Patton (1970) 17 Princess Nicotine; or The S

43、moke Fairy (1909) 18 Show People (1928) 19 酋长的儿子 The Son of the Sheik (1926) 20 泰山的美 Tarzan and His Mate (1934) 21 锡兵 Tin Toy (1988) 22 婚礼进行曲 The Wedding March (1928) 23 歼匪喋血战 White Heat (1949) 24 新科学怪人 Young Frankenstein (1974) 25 少年林肯 Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) 2004 01 宾虚 Ben-Hur (1959) 02 青鸟 The Bl

44、ue Bird (1918) 03 A Bronx Morning (1931) 04 Clash of the Wolves (1925) 05 科特.杰斯特 The Court Jester (1956) 06 死亡漩涡 D.O.A. (1950) 07 尘之女 Daughters of the Dust (1991) 08 Duck and Cover (1951) 09 帝国大厦 Empire (1964) 10 龙争虎斗 Enter the Dragon (1973) 11 橡皮头 Eraserhead (1978) 12 大蒜好过十个妈 Garlic Is As Good As T

45、en Mothers (1980) 13 与我同行 Going My Way (1944) 14 红楼惊魂 Jailhouse Rock (1957) 15 监狱摇滚 Kannapolis, NC (1941) 16 海伦小姐出轨记 Lady Helens Escapade (1909) 17 随身变/化学教授 The Nutty Professor (1963) 18 OffOn (1968) 19 大力水手之大力水手和辛巴达 Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor (1936) 20 淘气鬼 Pups is Pups (Our Gang) (1930) 21 辛德勒的名单 Schindlers List (1993) 22 七对佳偶 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) 23 欢乐时光 Swing Time (1936) 24 There It Is (1928) 25 豪情盖天 Unforgiven (1992) 2005 01 娃娃脸 Baby Face (1933)


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