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1、一:单选题1.He_his friends feelings by not inviting her to the party.A:wounded B:harmed C:hurt D:injured2.The people in our country are encouraged to_the management of state affairs.A:admit into B:participate in C:take part D:attend into3.Such a skilled tennis player knows how to take_of his opponents ch

2、ief weakness.A:use B:advantage C:chance D:utility4.I expect that you will want to inquire_the reasons for the decision.A:about B:on C:into D:after5.He_himself in a most gracious manner.A:conducted B:behaved C:deported D:acted6.Staff are suffering from low_.A:moral B:mortal C:mortality D:morale7.Will

3、 the rebels_the ceasefire?A:comply B:observe C:conform D:obey8.We look forward_you soon.A:to see B:to seeing C:for seeing D:with seeing9.Failing this entrance exam means_for a year.A:wait B:to wait C;to be waited D.waiting10.I regret_you that piece of bad news.A:to tell B:to have told C:having told

4、D:having been told11.He didnt go to school_the illness.A:because B:as a result of C:though D:while12.The bank refused to_our plan.A:backward B:agree C:back D:oppose13.I dont like you_such people.A:accompany to B:act with C:joining D:associating 14.Her expression suggested that she_angry.A:should be

5、B:was C:would be D:is15.He suggested_the children to the zoo.A:to take B:take C:taking D:be taking16.Not only students but also the teacher_for a holiday.A:wish B:wishes C:has wished D:have wished17.It has the characteristic taste_Italian wine.A:of B:by C:what D:which18.We should strive_a lasting wo

6、rld peace.A:of B:for C:to D:about 19.This is_he failed to pass the final examination.A:that B:why C:who D:whose20.Tom didnt decide with_he should first make contact.A:whom B:which C:who D:whose21.For thousands of years man dreamed_it seemed impossible to fly.A:what B:that C:which D:why22.School disc

7、iplines are important.Students shouldnt_them.A:ignore B:pay attention to C:notice D:obey23.The street will have its 1000-m_northward to the newly-built railway station.A:expansion B:enlargement C:extension D:rebuilding24.Youd better_the work hour and pay on the contract.A:specialize B:particularize

8、C:classify D:specify25.Our monitor recommended that our classroom_every day.A:was cleaned B:would be cleanedC:obliged selling D:must be cleaned26.Beethoven was one of the first professional composers_wrote music not for moneys sake.A:who B:whom C:which D:that27.Beethovens father was a hard task-mast

9、er to his son_talents he developed fully.A:why B:whose C:whom D:that28.Mary,as well as her family _from America.A:is B:are C:were D:have been29.Twenty dollars_obviously too much to pay for such a small item.A:were B:are C:is D:have been30._,he knows a lot.A:A child as he is B:The child as he isC:Chi

10、ld as he is C:Although he is child32.Youd better_the general idea of the article.A:put B:put off C:put down D:put on33.He denied_the womans credit card.A:steal B:stolen C:stealing D:stole34.A number of students_doing experiments in physics now.A:are B:is C:were D:was35.Tom hit his elbow against the_

11、of the desk.A:angle B:angel C:anger D:angst36.All of us found impossible_the work on time.A:finish B:to finish C:finished D:finishing37._is known to the world.Beethoven was a classical composer.A:That B:which C:As D:It38.The teacher often has his students_what he tells them.A:repeat B,repeating C:to

12、 repeat D:repeated39._Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.A.While B:Since C:When D:Although2:填空题1.Plastics has found wide_in our daily life. applications2.We can come to the_that the more we practice,the more skillful we will be. conclusion3.Birds learn to fly by_. imitation

13、4.Our difficulty is_(we,live)too far from the independence. our living5.All of us were surprised by_(Tom,fail)in this entrance exam.Tom failing6.The government official was pleased with_(they,pay)their income tax in time.their paying 7.She finds_very rewarding. heroism8.The_are threatening to blow u

14、p the government building.terrorist9.The blow caused him to lose_.consciousness10._(disappoint)at the results,she didnt say a word. disappointed11.Make sentences,_(use)the phrases_(give)below.useing;given12.Dont hesitate to ask me for help if you want something_(do).done13.He has been used to lying

15、in bed_(read).reading14.I should like the matter_(settle)immediately. been settled15.He didnt wish his work_(disturb). to disturbed16.He used to get up early,but he is used to_(stay)in bed now. staying17.The design_(complete)by next month. will have been completed18.Umbrellas_(sell)best in the rainy

16、 season. Sell19.He thought that honesty_(be)the best policy. is20.He spoke with_. warmth21.We cannot believe in the_of the statement. reality22.There are four boys in the classroom.The_one is my son. fourth3:英译汉1.She has been warned of the danger of driving the car in that state.她被提醒在那种状态下开车很危险。2.We

17、 associate China with the Great Wall and silk.我们常把中国和长城丝绸联系在一起。3.My parents will be disappointed with me if I fail the examination如果我这次没考上我父母会对我感到很失望。4.All bodies are made up of atoms.所有的身体都是由原子构成的。5.Farming and mining make up most of the countrys industry.这个国家的工业主要由农业和矿业构成。6.The painter always stri

18、ves for the perfection of his paintings.画家为了其画作的完美而努力。7.His fame was in great danger because he had done such a terrible thing.因为他做了如此糟糕的事情所以他的名声处于危急之中。8.In response to his help,I sent him a Thank-you letter.作为对于他帮助回应我给他寄了封感谢信。9.You may ask Lin to as your interpreter.He is capable of speaking Englis

19、h fluently.你可以要求林作为你的翻译,他能说很流利的英语。10.The clothes vary in price from $50 to $5,000.这些衣服的价格从 50-5000 美元不等。11.The mast broke off.杆断了。12.The students are liberated from boring life.学生们从枯燥的生活解脱出来。13.He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.这几个小时他一直给我们讲故事说笑话,让我们高兴。14.They will provide group

20、visitors with special rates他们给团购顾客提供优惠价。15.Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful身体受烈日暴晒会照成损伤。16.His translation is characterized by accuracy and elegance他的翻译特点是准确优雅17.The store enjoys an excellent reputation for fail dealing该店买卖公平,声誉极佳18.Computers made their first appearance about h

21、alf a century ago电脑大约是在半个世纪前首次面试。19.Newly-made school rules and regulations will come into being soon新的校纪校规不久就会正式实施。20.Her job is typing some letters whiles yours is sending those letters他的工作是打打印一些信而你的任务是他把这些信寄出去4:汉译英1.我们打算用牛肉来招待客人。We intend to entertain guests with beef.2.我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。My words made

22、 no impression no her.3.我们将为客户提供优质服务。We will provide clients with quality services.4.此外,申请者必须是专职员工。In addition applicants need to be fulltime employees.5.除此以外,国外的投资有利于城市的发展。In addition foreign investment contributes to the development of the city.6.他是海啸中生还的少数幸存者之一。He is one of the few survivors of t

23、he tsunami.7. 他被指控偷窃珠宝。He is accused of stealing the jewelry.8.医生提醒病人体重过重的危险。The doctor are warning the patient of the danger of overweight.9.她设法掩饰自己的恐惧心理。She tried to cover up her fear.10.全国人民对男足的表演非常失望。The nation was quite disappointed with its men football team.11.他的行为让老师很失望。His teacher is disapp

24、ointed with his behavior.12.金价的再次上升,其部分原因是战争的爆发。He price of gold rose again due partly to the outbreak of the war 13.由于风雨交加,她就没来。Her absence was due to the storm.14.这茶是有几种不同的茶调配成的。The tea is made up of several different types.15.这群水手(crew)包括五个英国人丶两哥美国人和一个澳大利亚人。The crew are made up of five Englishmen

25、, two Americans and one Australian.16.我愿跟你分担费用。I will share with you in costs.17.抽烟太厉害会使你有患肺癌的危险。Heavy smoking will put you in danger of having lung cancer.18.路标有警告标志和指示标志之分。Road signs can be classified into warning signs and directional sings.19.他会讲三国语言。He is capable of speaking three different lan

26、guages20.总经理必须在合同上加签到他的名字。The general manager should affix his signature to the contract.21.汤姆否认去过医院。Tom denied having been to the hospital.22.幸运的是,我最终被这所享誉世界的大学录取了。Im lucky to have been enrolled by this world famous university.23.对这件事的看法因人而异。The attitude for this thing varies from person to person.24.服装的价格每季都不同。The price of the garments vary form season to season25.让我们休息 10 分钟吧。Lets break off for 10 minutes.26.那人被拒绝入境.The person is denied the entry into the country.


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