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1、 复杂句在看的时候,一定要学会拆分,将一个套句解析成若干个句意。1.For the century before Johnsons Dictionary was published in 1775, there had been concern about the state of the English language. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of bringing some order to the chaos of English spel

2、ling. Dr Johnson provided the solution. 1775 年,约翰逊字典出版面世,而在此之前,人们对英文语言的状况已经开始有了关注。英文口语或拼写并没有标准规范;就英文拼写混乱的状况而言,也缺乏引入规范的最佳方式。为了应对这种状况,约翰逊博士给出了语言解决方案。There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, publ

3、ished in 1604 under the title A Table AphabeticalAlphabeticall of hard usuallusual English wordeswords. Like the various dictionaries that came after it during the seventeenth century, Cawdrays tended to concentrate on scholarly words; one function of the dictionary was to enable its student to conv

4、ey an impression of fine learning.当然,此前也有字典面世出版。最早的一本字典,共有 120 多页,由某位名叫 Robert Cawdray 的人编撰而成,于 1604 年出版,这本字典名为通用英文单词字母索引表。在此之后,整个 17 世纪,到处可见不同种类的字典。而 Cawdray 则将重点放在“学术性”词汇方面,他所编撰的字典,其中一个功用就是帮助学生如何实现专业学术的表达。Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated

5、with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds (这里根据上下文分析,应该是 words 而不是worlds)to conquer-lexical as well as social and commercial. It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famo

6、us in his own time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class.除了对语言的混乱状况进行规范标准厘定的实用性需要外,字典的兴起也与英国中产阶级的兴盛息息相关。英国的中产阶级在社会和商业领域夺取了话语权后,迫切地需要在字典编撰方面也享有特权,他们迫切的需要对各种不同的词汇进行解释和限定。所以当 Samuel Johnson 博士编撰出版了自己的字典时,可算的是恰逢当时。Samuel 博士当属 18 世纪文学界的标杆

7、人物,在当时就蜚声远扬,现如今,他的重要性也不可小觑。他字典出版面世的时间也恰好是英国中产阶级的兴盛的开始阶段。题目(判断对错):The growing importance of the middle classes led to an increased demand for dictionaries.我做判断的时候,就在 the middle classes 上迟疑了,因为原文是 the English middle class,我认为 English既是原文的一个范围,而问题的描述把这个范围扩大了。可答案说是对的。我又读了一遍,全文确实实在写英语字典,是不是说大背景是确定的?由此可见,

8、题目:英国中产阶级逐步显现的重要性造就了对字典的不断需求。单复数如果是表示同一概念,无论是单数还是复数,其表述的概念都是一样的,均指英国中产阶级。所有的阅读题解读时,都要注重看每段的第一个句子,也是我们俗称的 topic sentence,这个 topic sentence 对整段起着提纲挈领的作用。所以说题目是正确的,即 Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class,(除

9、了对语言的混乱状况进行规范标准厘定的实用性需要外,字典的兴起也与英国中产阶级的兴盛息息相关。)2.这个问题,我感觉和上一个类似And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient-associated with the early phases of industrialisationindustrialization and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growt

10、h, but by accelerating it.最后,环境污染的大多数形式,其中任何一个形式似乎都被夸大了,或者与工业化的早期阶段瞬间相关联;所以,环境污染最好的治理方法不是限制经济发展,而是加速经济发展。题目(判断对错):Some pollution problems have been correctly linked to industrialization.一些污染问题与工业化相关。这个题纠结在原文是 the early phases of industrialization而问题少了 the early phases of 直接就是 industrialization,我觉得范围

11、又变了。答案说是对的。看到 of 的时候,就应该想到是所属的范畴,无论是工业化的早期阶段 the early phases of industrialization,还是 of industrialization,都同属于一个概念。作者在之前提到污染的两方面的概念,一个是污染的形式被夸大,另一个是,觉得污染与工业化相关,而 therefore 给出了处理办法。再根据语境分析,所有的西方国家都经过了资本积累和工业化的过程,工业化的高度发展成就了资本积累,当资本积累到一定程度,人们有了物质基础的话,才会考虑环境污染的治理,基本上遵循的是先污染后治理的模式。可以得出环境污染与工业化是有关系的,即题目

12、正确。3. An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the teacher-subjects actions as a result of the social environment under which the experiment was carried out. 遗传程序有一种替换概念,就是观察社会环境所造就的教师-课题活动,以及在社会环境下所进行的试验。As Milgram himself pointed out, Most subjects in the experiment see their

13、 behavior in a larger context(上下文) that is benevolent(仁慈的,贴切的 ) and useful to society-the pursuit of scientific truth. 正如 Milgram 本人指出的那样:试验中大多数的课题将他们的行为放在一个更大的环境中,而这个环境是对社会而言是恭顺而有用的-即追求科学真理。The psychological laboratory has a strong claim to legitimacy and evokes trust and confidence in those who pe

14、rform there. An action such as shocking a victim, which in isolation appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when placed in this setting.心理学实验室对合法性有着强烈的诉求,并且要求在实验室的执业人员具备信任和自信这两种素养。打击受害者的行径,让受害者孤立无援,是罪恶的;在这种背景下则需要完全一种完全不同的意思进行阐明。这段的概括是 In a sociological explanation, authority are more

15、powerful than personal values 社会学解释说,权威比个人价值更有力。我在这段遇到的困难是没看懂,也不知道这个结论是怎么得出来的。由于给的段落确实很短,很难通过语境进行判断。应该是全篇讲的是社会学方面的概念,但第一句不知道为什么会出现genetic programming。但是从 Most subjects in the experiment see their behavior in a larger context that is benevolent and useful to society-the pursuit of scientific truth. The psychological laboratory has a strong claim to legitimacy and evokes trust and confidence in those who perform there试验中大多数的课题将他们的行为放在一个更大的环境中,而这个环境是对社会而言是恭顺而有用的-即追求科学真理。心理学实验室对合法性有着强烈的诉求,并且要求在实验室的执业人员具备信任和自信这两种素养。. 看得出,人的重要性比不过结构组织。


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