高三英语一轮复习课时作业 (36).doc

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1、1课时作业(三十六) 选修 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity.单项填空1(2011潍坊 5 月份训练)Call_steward over the next time you see him.Im having_hard time with my seat belt.A/;the Bthe ;aCa; / D/;a2Out of pity,the old lady offered to_the poor homeless child for the night.Aworry about Bbring upCgive up Dtake in3(2012滨州模拟)He has

2、nt got another job yet and its not_that he will for some time.Alikely BeasilyCprobably Dnearly4(2012济南 5 月针对性练习)I have the habit of surfing the Internet to_the latest news at home and abroad.Alive up to Bput up withCkeep up with Dlook up to5(2012山东省实验中学诊断)I remember_it used to be a shabby house 20 y

3、ears ago.Ahow BwhereCwhen Dwhy6I hate_when you speak to me like that.Sorry.It wont happen again.Aone ByouCthem Dit7_many times,little Tom always forgot to close the window when he left the classroom.AHaving been told BTo be toldCHaving told DTelling8It suddenly_to me that there was a simpler way to

4、deal with the problem.Aappealed BoccurredCbelonged Dreferred9If you master reading skills,you can read faster and understand more of_you read.Ahow Bwhat2Cwhen Dwhich10It is very_that, in many schools,the students are going to spend less time in doing homework than they used to.Apossibly BprobablyClo

5、vely Dlikely11We only had $100 and that was_to buy a new computer.Anowhere near enough Bnear enough nowhereCenough near nowhere Dnear nowhere enough12Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women.That is to say,men are in the_.Amajority BactivityCpossibility Dminority13To_good

6、 relationships with your teachers and classmates,you should learn to be on good terms with them.Abring up Badd upCkeep up Dcome up14I am still at a loss what to do.Dont hesitate any more.Its high time you_up your mind.Amade BmakeCwill make Dhad made15We can give you a ride into town._Thank you.AYes

7、,why not? BOh,it would be my pleasure.CYes,please. DOh ,that would be great.阅读理解(2012湖北省八市高三调研)This year marks the 100th anniversary of Leo Tolstoys death.He is considered by many to be one of the greatest novelists of all time.Much of the West is marking the anniversary with new translations of the

8、 authors works,including War and Peace.Movies are being released,including a blackandwhite documentary and a feature film.In short,everyone is celebrating.Everyone,that is,except for people in Tolstoys home country,Russia.The English newspaper The Guardian reports that the Russian government has sch

9、eduled nothing for November,the official anniversary of Tolstoys death.The quiet is amazing,considering the importance of this mans contribution to global culture.“Across the whole world there is a huge Tolstoy boom, ” Andrei Deryabin,coproducer of a new film about the authors final days titled The

10、Last Station,told The Guardian.“Hes 3esteemed (尊敬) everywhere apart from here (in Russia) ”Experts explain the governments silence in various ways.Some refer to Tolstoys disagreement with the statebacked religion.Tolstoys Christian views often fell_out_with those of the Roman Catholic church.His gre

11、atgreat grandson,Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy,thinks Russias cool attitude has more to do with history and the authors positive worldview.After all,the last century was a difficult one for the countrys people.The darker writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky,he says,better fit the national character.Tolstoy hopes

12、 that as Russians grow more optimistic they will rediscover one of their own national treasures.“Tolstoy gives positive answers to the questions mankind is asking, ” he told The Guardian.“In this sense he gives more hope.I hope the 21st century is Tolstoyan.”1. The general idea of the first paragrap

13、h is that_.ATolstoy is a greatest novelist of all timeBTolstoy is now more an idol than a national characterCTolstoy has been forgotten by Russian peopleDTolstoy is being remembered in most Western countries2. We can infer from the article that_.A. experts hold the view that Russian people think lit

14、tle of TolstoyBWestern people believe Tolstoy provides good solutions to todays issuesCit is tough for us to remain positive in hard economic timesDTolstoys worldview didnt suit the Russiansin the last century3. The underlined phrase “fell out with”in the 4th paragraph is probably closest in meaning

15、 to “_”Abe in conflict withBbe similar toCbe in harmony withDstand out4. According to Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy,the Russian government didnt arrange activities to celebrate the anniversary_.A. because of Tolstoys disagreement of the statebacked religionBbecause of Tolstoys values and historical factor

16、sCbecause Fyodor Dostoevsky gives more hope to RussiaDbecause Russians have become more optimistic.七选五(河南省洛阳市 20112012 学年度高三年级期中考试 )As with everything in life,there is a right way to sleep in a manner that is productive in 4dream recall.Relaxation and good sleeping habits are necessary.There is “sle

17、ep debt” that occurs when you regularly do not get enough sleep.If so,youll sleep too deep to remember your dreams,so follow regular habits.Before you leap into bed,review these steps:_1_This can be done with nothing more than peace and quiet.If you choose,use your favorite relaxation tapes,or just

18、some peaceful music._2_As you start to sleep,pay attention to the main theme.This will give you a clue as to what your dream may end up being based on.Also,by keeping your mind on what you want to dream about is a good way to dream about one particular issue.Give yourself a suggestion to remember yo

19、ur dream._3_In order to do so,giving yourself a suggestion is simple.Just keep in mind,and randomly bring to a surface a little thought like “I will remember my dream.”Plan on waking up slowly and peacefully._4_Regardless of what anyone may have told you,it is a fact that adult human beings need a m

20、inimum of eight hours sleep in order to be fully rested.Not getting enough sleep is the number one reason for not remembering your dreams!_5_Eat a wellbalanced diet.Poor nutrition is also an extremely common cause for failure to recall dreams.ATry to wake up naturally.BRelax yourself completely.CYou

21、r health is very important.DSolve your issues before going to sleep.EYou must want to remember your dreams.FMany people cant remember their dreams.GPay attention to the main issues on your mind.短文改错I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years ago,when I found di

22、fficult to follow my teacher in the first English class.The teacher spoke English throughout the class,that was totally different from lessons I had taken before.In the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I am reading the text aloud as other students.After listen to me fo

23、r a while,she gave me a big smile and said he liked my voice very much.The smile shone on the whole day and the following days.A week later,I was volunteered to take charge of English study in my class.Thank to the comforting smile in my first morning class,I began to confident.课时作业( 三十六).单项填空1解析: 考

24、查冠词用法。第一空表示特指;time 前有形容词修饰时用不定冠词a,have a hard time 意为“度过困难时期” 。5答案: B2解析: 考查动词短语辨析。根据句意,这里表示“收留” ,用 take in。worry about为担心;bring up 教育,抚 养;give up 放弃。答案: D3解析: 考查固定句型。likely 很可能,Its likely that.很有可能;easily 容易地,无疑地;probably 是副词,大概,或许;nearly 差不多,几乎。句意为:他依然还没找到工作,他短期内得到一份工作是不可能的。答案: A4解析: 考查动词短语辨析。live

25、 up to 符合;put up with 忍受;keep up with 赶上,保持,及时了解;look up to 尊敬,敬仰。句意为:我经常上网以便及时了解国内外最新消息。答案: C5解析: 考查连接副词辨析。句意为:我记得在 20 年前,这是一幢破旧的房子。when引导宾语从句,意为“的那个 时候” 。答案: C6解析: 这是 it 作形式宾语的一种特殊用法。少数动词如like,love,enjoy,hate,appreciate 等后接宾语从句,必须先由 it 担任形式宾语,再接从句。答案: D7解析: 根据语境可知,tell 与 Tom 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且该动作发生在主句谓

26、语动作之前,故用其动词ing 形式的完成式的被动语态。答案: A8解析: occur to sb.某人想到。句意为:我突然想到有个更简单的办法来处理这个问题。appeal to(对某人) 有吸引力;belong to 属于;refer to 谈到,参考。答案: B9解析: what 引导宾语从句,作介词 of 的宾语,并且在宾语从句中作 read 的宾语,表示“所的” 。句意为:要是你掌握了 阅读技巧,你就能读得更快,对你所读的内容理解得更多。答案: B10解析: It is likely that.为固定表达句式。 A、B 两项为副词,其正确形式为:It is possible/probab

27、le that.。答案: D11解析: 句意为:我们只有 100 美元,怎么也不 够买一台新电脑。nowhere near 是一个固定短语,意为:差得远,远不及;相当于一个形容词,所以副词 enough 应后置。答案: A12解析: 由语境可知,不到 20%为女性,也就是 说大部分为男性,所以 选 A。in the 6majority 为固定搭配,意 为:占多数,过半数。答案: A13解析: 考查常见动词短 语。 语境表示“保持/维持”好的人际关系。句意为:为了和你的老师和同学搞好关系,你 应该学会和他们相处,故 选 keep up,保持。A. 养育;B. 增加;D.提出。答案: C14解析:

28、 考查固定句型中的虚 拟语气。 “Its (high) time that.”句型中虚拟语气形式为:动词过去式或 should动词 原形,其中 should 不可省略。答案: A15解析: 考查交际用语。句意为:“我们可以让你搭我们的车进城。 ”“那可太好了。谢谢你们。 ”A 和 C 项是一般疑 问句的答语。 why not 用于提出或赞成建议。B 项意为“我很乐意” ,用于答应对方的请求。D 项中的 that 指代上句中提到的搭便车进城。答案: D.阅读理解语篇解读: 今年是列夫托尔斯泰逝世 100 周年,西方国家正准备推出他的作品的译文,世界各地都兴起了托尔斯泰热,而在这位文学巨匠的祖国俄

29、罗斯,政府并不关注这位文学家。1解析: 考查段落大意。第一段主要介绍的是:在托尔斯泰逝世 100 周年之即,西方国家大多在忙着用各种形式纪念这位文学巨匠。答案: D2解析: 考查推理判断。从第四段内容可知,托尔斯泰与俄罗斯国家的信仰不同,他信仰基督教,而政府支持的是罗马天主教,再 结合第五段内容可推知 D 项正确。答案: D3解析: 考查猜测词义。从语境看,画线部分的含义与前面提到的 disagreement with的含义相近,故 A 项“与有冲突”与画线部分含义最接近。答案: A4解析: 考查细节理解。在第五段,托尔斯泰的玄孙说,政府冷淡的态度与历史以及托尔斯泰积极的世界观有关系。答案:

30、B.七选五1B 2.G 3.E 4.A 5.C.短文改错I still remember how I was on my first day in the new school three years nervouslynervous7ago,when I found difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class.The teacher spoke itEnglish throughout the class, was totally different from lessons I had taken before.tha

31、twhich theIn the morning class the next day,the English teacher came to me while I reading the amwastext aloud as other students.After to me for a while,she gave me a big smile and said listenlisteningliked my voice very much.The smile shone on the whole day and the following days.A week heshelater,I was volunteered to take charge of English study in my class. to the ThankThankscomforting smile in my first morning class,I began to confident.be/get/become


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