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1、金山中学七年级英语(上)期中学业水平测试试题2016 年 11 月 10 日亲爱的同学们:英语其实不难学,只要你认真上课、认真记笔记、认真做作业,课后多读、多记,你的英语会不断地进步的,时间过得真快,又到了半期考试的时间,你努力过了吗?请你将自己的进步,记录在这张试卷上吧!你会惊喜地发现:其实自己并不比别人差!我们期待着和你一起分享成功的喜悦。 你们的老师注意:1,本试题总分为 150 分;请在 120 分钟内完成。2,请把所有题的答案都做在答题卡上。第卷(共 100 分)一,听力测试(20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)第一节:听句子,选择恰当的答语,每个句子读两遍。( ) 1.

2、A. Iis summer. B. Its hot. C. Its Sunday.( ) 2.A. Im eleven. B. Im from China. C. Im fine.( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. He is in Class2. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. A. Its difficult. B. On Friday C. In the room.( )5. A. Seventy B. They are big. C. Behind the library.第二节:听对话,选择最佳答案。第段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。( )

3、6. Where is Harper Seven Beckham from?A. China B. England C. America.听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。( )7. Where is the science lab?A. In the art building. B. In the office building. C. In the science building.听第段对话,回答第 8 小题。( )8. How old is Sams grandpa?A. He is 80 years old. B. He is 90 years old. C. He is 100 ye

4、ars old.听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。( )9. Who is Kevin?A. Lindas cousin. B. Lindas brother. C. Lindas husband.听第五段对话在,回答第 10 小题。( )10. What is Lucys father?A. A teacher B. A policeman C. A doctor第三节:听短文,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。短文读两遍。( )11. Jenny is a _.A. doctor B. nurse C. driver( )12. Jenny eats _ every morning

5、.A. An apple B. a tomato C. a banana( )13. Jenny goes to work at _. A. 7:20 B. 7:40 C 8:00( )14. Jenny likes _ after work.A. going shopping. B. going swimming. C. watching TV.( )15. Jenny has dinner with her_.A. Parents B. friends C. grandparents.第四节:听短文,选择能完成信息记录表的答案,短文读两遍。Time ActivityAt (16) Go t

6、o schoolAt 9:00 Start (17)At11:15 Go to the playground to (18)At 12:00 Have (19)At (20) Go home( )16. A. 8:25 B. 8:15 C.9:15( )17. A. swim B. work C. play( )18. A. play basketball B. have lunch C. play football( )19. A. a banana B. an apple C. a hamburger( )20. A. 2:30 B. 4:30 C. 3:30二、 单项选择(15 个小题,

7、共 15 分)( )21. They are in different _. A. class B. school C. classes. D. grade( )22. There _ a pen and two pencils on the desk. A. be B. have C. are D. is( )23. _ the weather_ in China?A. Hows; like B. Whats; like C. Hows; / D. B and C( )24. Betty and I _ good friends. A. am B. is C. are D. am not(

8、)25. Tom is _. He is from _ . A. England; English B. an English; EnglandC. English; English D. a English; England( )26. I havent got _ oranges _ bananas. A. some; or B. any; or C. some; and D. any; and( )27. Robert is _ brother. _ is in Class Two. A. I; He B. my; His C. my; He D. me; He( )28. What c

9、olour _your shoes? _ black. A. is; Its B. is; Is C. are; Their D. are; Theyre( )29. _do you spell “tree”?T-r-e-e.A. Where B. What C. How D. Who( )30. Can I help you?A cup of coffee _sugar, please. A. at B. with C. in D. on( )31. Is there a book shop on the Fifth Avenue?Yes, _. A. here is B. they are

10、 C. it is D. there is( )32. Apples _ healthy food, _ ice cream isnt healthy food. A. are; and B. is; but C. is; and D. are; but( )33. _ people are there in your family?There are four. A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How are you( )34. Look at the nice room. Its _ room. A. Pingping and Lingling

11、B. Pingpings and LinglingsC. Pingpings and Lingling D. Pingping and Linglings( )35. This is Maria. _A. Nice to meet you. B. OK. C. Fine, thank you. D. And you?第二节: 完形填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)AMy name is Lucy. Im an 36 girl. Im twelve years old. My birthday is on September 10th. I live 37 London.

12、London is a big city. I like it. I like listening to music and watching TV. I can speak English well. My favorite 38 is music. Its fun. I have got a friend 39 China. I want to learn Chinese and I can help you with English too. Do you want to be my friend? Please write and tell(告诉) me about 40 . I wa

13、nt to know(了解) you. ( )36. A. England B. America C. English ( )37. A. in B. to C. at ( )38. A. subject B. food C. drink ( )39. A. of B. with C. from ( )40. A. him B. you C. her BI am 41 English boy. My 42 is Mike. I am twelve. My 43 name is Ann and we 44 students. My mother 45 a teacher. 46 a Chines

14、e teacher. My brothers name is 47 . Hes five. 48 father isnt here. Hes 49 Xinjiang. I think my 50 is a good one.( )41.A. a B. an C. the( )42.A. school B. name C. home( )43.A. sister B. sisters C. sisters( )44.A. are B. am C. is( )45.A. am B. is C. are( )46.A. Her B. Hers C. Shes( )47.A. Sue B. Lily

15、C. Jim( )48.A. Our B. We C. Ours( )49.A. on B. in C. at( )50.A. class B. family C. home第三部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 个题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHere are the twin sisters, Lily and Lucy. They are in Miss Gaos class. They are two new students. Theyre eleven. This is their room. Its

16、 a nice room. There are two beds in the room. One is Lucys and the other (另一个) is Lilys. They look the same. Their coats are on their beds. We cant see their shoes. They are under their beds.The twin has two desks and chairs. Their clock, books and pencil boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are

17、behind the chairs. ( )51. Lily and Lucy are _. A. daughters B. sons C. sisters D. brothers( )52. What kind of room is it? Its a _. A. classroom B. bedroom C. big room D. nice room( )53. Which one is NOT right?A. Lilys coat is on the bed. B. Lucys shoes are under the chair. C. Two beds are in the roo

18、m. D. They are students. ( )54. Where is Lucys schoolbag?A. On her chair. B. In her desk. C. Behind the desk. D. Behind her chair. ( )55. Where are their books?A. On the desk. B. On the beds. C. Under the beds. D. Behind the chairs. BLook at the picture. This is our school. There are five buildings

19、in our school. There are thirty- two classrooms in the Teaching Building. Our gym is behind the Teaching Building. We have PE in it. The teachers offices are in the Office Building. Our Library Building is next to the Office Building. There are many books and magazines (杂志 ) in the library. Is the L

20、ibrary Building next to the Science Lab Building? No, its in front of it. There are seven labs in it. Behind the Science Lab is the dining hall. In the dining hall there are many tables and chairs. We have meals there. Welcome to our school. ( )56. Our school has got _ buildings. A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8

21、( )57. The Teaching Building is _ the gym. A. behind B. in the front of C. in front of D. next to( )58. Whats the Chinese meaning of the word“gym”? A. 音乐室 B.体育馆 C.计算机教室 D.厨房( )59. The Library Building is in front of _. A. the Teaching Building B. the gym C. the Science Lab Building D. the Office Bui

22、lding( )60. The students have meals in _. A. the dining hall B. the libraryC. the science lab D. the officesCAnn is an American girl. Shes in China now. Her father works in China. Her father is a teacher. He teaches English. He teaches in a middle school. Anns mother doesnt work. She is at home. Ann

23、 studies in a different middle school. She has two Chinese friendsLi Fang and Lin Xia. Li Fangs father is a shop assistant. He works in a factory. Her mother is a Chinese teacher. She works in a middle school. Li Fang and her mother are in the same school. Lin Xias father is a driver. He works on a

24、farm. Her mother is a doctor. Their parents all work hard. They all love their children. ( )61.Whats Anns fathers job?A .teacher B. doctor C. worker D. driver( )62.From the passage, we can guess(猜)how old Ann is?A.6 B.25 C.13 D.40( )63.Where does Lin Xias father work?A. In a school B. On a farm C. I

25、n a hospital D. In a factory( )64.Which subject does Li Fangs mother teach(教 )?A. Chinese B. English C. maths D. science 1( )65.Which sentence is right?A. Ann is in America now.B. Ann has got two American friends in her school.C. Li Fangs father works in a factory.D. Lin Xias mother is a nurse.第二节(共

26、 5 个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容 ,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。如果选项为 E,则涂 A 和 B 两项。A.My best friend Johns number is 8459471B.I dont need to go out(外出) .C.Its my good friendD.When I am out, my mother writes down(记下来) the massages(消息) for meE.Have you got a telephone in your home?Most(大多数的) peopl

27、e use mobile phone(手机) now. 66 There is a telephone on my desk. 67 . It helps me a lot. My telephone number is 8445816 . Sometimes when I have something to talk about with my classmates. 68 I call them. I write down many telephone numbers of my friends. 69 When I cant remember my homework, I ask him

28、 by telephone. There are some “Telephone Messages“ (电话本)near my telephone, 70 .第卷 (共 50 分)第四部分. 写作(共四节,满分 50 分)第一节 词汇(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)(一空一词)71. This is a photo of Anns _(家庭). Look! This is her sister. 72. My mother and aunt are _(护士) and they work in the same hospital. 73. Meat is _(健康的),but to

29、o much meat is bad for children. 74. This is a photo of Anns family. Look! These are her (mother and father). 75. There are _ (lots of)books on my desk. 第二节 完成句子(共 5 小题,第小题 2 分,满分 10 分) (一空一词)76There are fifteen boys in my class.(对划线部分提问) _ _ boys are there in your class?77. We have got some fruit i

30、n the fridge.(改为一般疑问句 )_ _ got any fruit in the fridge?78. 科学实验室挨着办公室。The science lab is _ _ the office.79. 让我们明天去购物吧。Lets_ _ tomorrow. 80. 每天多读对你的英语学习有好处。More reading is _ _ your English study. 第三节 完成短文和对话(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 (每空词数不限)Today we have two new students in

31、 81 (we)school. They are 82 (America). They are twins. They look the same. Their 83 (name) are Tom and Tim. They are in Class 4, Grade 2. Their mother and father 84 (be)teachers in a college (大学 ). They teach (教) English in the same 85 (school). But they are not in Tom and Tims school.81._ 82._ 83._

32、 84._ 85._B)阅读下面对话,在空白处填上恰当的内容。(每空词数不限)A: Hello, Greenal! Whats this?B:Its a photo of my father and uncle. A:Is your father 86 ?B: No, My father is on the right. A:Sorry, 87 his job ?B: He is a doctor. A: 88 ?B:My uncles name is Paul, and he is a doctor 89 . A: 90 B: He is thirty years old.86._87._88._89._90_第四节 书面表达(20 分)要求:根据图片内容提示(可以适当加入相关内容) ,以“My School Day”为题写一篇短文,60 个词左右。 (用第一人称)2


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