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1、PART ONE1)审题明白会话内容2)审题清楚会话中出现的人物(几个,身份,位置)3)明确记录中人称代词所代表的人物4)题目中出现的单词通常是以同义异词的形式出现在听力中5)关键词处(空格前的词或着空格处的词)经常会有强调语气,比如重读,ONLY, JUST等6)第三个会话内容可能会比较复杂,并且填空内容在句子中的顺序不一定与说话顺序一致Part Two 1、分类:places/addresses/topics/opinions/reasons/purposes/function2、重点:purpose /topics/function3 解题方法:1)审题,找中心词 2)先听后选:听大意,

2、推测,不能听一句话就做题不能听一个词就选答案3)注意力分配:首句方向;末句信息最多,多听后边 ,中间可以放过but, however, so, therefore, because 后信息重要although, though, despite, in spite of 后信息不重要,听不懂没关系4)注意陷阱:原词。如果听到一个词在选项中出现,那么这个选项往往不是正确答案1、PURPOSE1) Descriptive A)complaint: Make a complaint:抱怨,投诉:语气很气愤,抱怨产品质量;货物数量不对;invoice 发票收货单不对;服务不好。confirm a com

3、plaint: 处理投诉product quality 产品质量 refund 退还,退款 B)appointment/meeting/invitation: make, confirm 一般包含时间和事件 make a appointmentchange a complaint: 先道歉、推迟(postpone)、取消(cancel)、细节变动 新旧时间地点一般都会出现在文章中confirm a complaint: 先道谢,接受或推辞,如果是推辞,一般含转折C) assistance/permission/advice: ask for, give 上级对下级是 give,下级对上级是as

4、k for D) satisfaction/appreciation 感激,欣赏,重视 /compliment 赞美/congratulation satisfaction 满意:上级对下级appreciation 感激:下级对上级You deserve it. 是你应得的。/ 你活该。E)make an enquire/ask for information/order/make a reservationmake a reservation 预定 we split the bill. AA 制 Ill pay the meal2) Persuasive A) recommend/sugge

5、st/propose 原因,结果 soI thinkshould, had better, would, have to effective 有效的 help, work B) explain so, then, therefore, as a result, thats why C) apologize/refuse D) contradict 比较 in comparison, however, while, on the other hand similarly, quite similar, likewise 同样地3) Neutral A)doubt Think it over, t

6、ake sth. into accountreconsideration B)criticize/sarcasm/warn movie critic 影评人2、 FUNCTION1) 人员:security guard 保安 safety, security, keep order, stranger, badge 胸卡receptionist 前台,接打电话,make an arrangementtypist=keyboard operator 录入员 dictate 听写secretary, assistant salesperson 销售员,产品,顾客(too fussy/picky 挑

7、三拣四的)shop assistant,营业员consultant, advisor, analyst, researcher expert 权威, specialist 有专长的人, operator, cleaner, courier(通信员,联络员)有去有回 engineer 工程师, machinist 机械师, technologist 技术人员, technician 技工 问题:problem, trouble, failure, breakdown, crackdown, out of order tech-support 技术支持 trainer, trainee sessi

8、on 一次课 participant=trainee 参与者 fee 费用seminar(座谈会),presentation 演示演说, discussion, workshop group(分组) airhostess,=stewardess(空中小姐) check in 办理登机, luggage, case, purse 女士提包briefcase(公文包 ) suitcase( 拉杆箱) take off, land, arrive, board, window seat, aisle seat, 住宿:预约 reserve/book 入住 check in 登记表 registrat

9、ion card room double room 双人床 /twin room 双人间 suite 套房 executive room 行政间 facility river taxiwake-up call, laundry 洗衣房,洗好的衣服, courteous bus(礼仪车), airport shuttle 机场大巴, 部门:headquarters, head office(总部) ,subsidiary, branch, office(分公司)2) 设备 printer(打印机), photocopier(复印机) duplicate 复印 , fax(传真) answerin

10、g machine(答录机) , projector(投影仪) OHP 投影仪 Over Head Projectorscanner(扫描仪 ) paper shredder(碎纸机), video player 放像机, video recorder 摄像机 3)文件bank statement 银行清算单 bank account(银行账户), current account( 活期账户), deposit account(定期账户) transfer 转账 cash 现金 check 支票 interest rate 利率 exchange rate 汇率 bank holiday 银行

11、假日 financial statement 财务报表 balance sheet 资产负债表 assets 资产 liabilities 负债 equity 权益 current assets 流动资产 fixed assets 固定资产 invisible assets 无形资产 profit and loss account 损益表=income statement revenue 收入 cost 成本 expenses 开支 net/gross income 毛/净收入expenses claim form 报销申请表 reimburse,reimbursement 报销invoice

12、 发票,发货单 premises 经营所在地Part ThreeI 分类对白、独白、谈话 II Interview1 特点:(1)两人访谈,一问一答 (2)提问即考题 2 应对:(1)重视提问 (2)重视提示词: a 转折词:but, yet, however, nevertheless b 最高级:the most, the least c 比较:more than, prefer, rather than d 强调词:did do, only, just, simply e 因果词:so, thus, therefore, as a result, thats why注意:问题中的词不可能

13、在听力中原词出现,最可能是替换词,但专有名词是不能替换的解题方法:、阅读题目说明,推测大意、阅读题干,找出关键词,并且浏览选项 表时间的词:currentlyat presentnowtodayIn the following 5 years专有名词 否定词 极端意味词(最高级,唯一)、听题时,注意文字替换听力技巧:anticipating( 预期) + analyzing(分析) 、背景知识、熟悉该语言表述习惯:经过一个多月的不懈努力,一辆白色的桑塔纳终于进入了警方的视线方法:(1)英语环境,看电影,边看边查字典,无字幕。每次 15 分钟精读(2)阅读时多做精读从小到大,即先把文章每段第一句

14、读完,预测文章大意,然后把文章通读一遍,然后查阅关键单词(3) 潜心分析逻辑性强的文章,研究段与段之间、句子与句子之间的关系。 (4)研究细小结构,一些词组、短语的常规表示,如 the distribution of wealth 财富的分配没必要把每个查阅的单词都记在本子上,阅读做得多了,自然认识了II MonologueTalk, Report, Lecture1 特点:(1)一人独白:目的:说明/说服(2)要点-考题2 应对:(1)主动地听(2)把握说话人的结构:firstly, secondly, finallyOne, one of, start, beginNext, then,

15、besides, and, also, another, in addition, whats more(3)抓住说话人的要点:a 先扬后抑:but, yet, howeverb 直白:最:the most, the least大多数:most, almost, the majority of, main, chief, 强调:only, unique, sole, just, simply不同:different, differ, special, especially, particularly重要:important, crucial, essential, vital, what re

16、ally matters, what isc 推导: so, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, accordinglycause, lead to, bring about, come along, followcome from, stand behind, stem fromd 比较:notas, more than, compare with, rather thaninstead of, on the other handIII Conversation/Discussion1 特点:(1)同一问题,多种看法(2)考题:细节+大意+

17、 意见ACOSTB C2 应对:(1)分清人物关系、立 场、身份(2)层次提示词(3)要点提示词B: Tom, the report is too good to you.T: Well, I think I had a good day.B: Tom, I wasnt born yesterday. A. 赞扬 B. 怀疑 C. 没有明确态度 too 相当于一个否定词,将后面所跟形容词意思否定。当 too 后面跟很表感情的形容词时除外。 too excited检查 examine check inspect I NUMBERS1 日期: the first of October, Octob

18、er the first, October firstthe 27th of July the 18th of June Sep. the 12th Sep. the 15thMay the sixteenth Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 Weather Report 天气预报 2 电话号码:double six 66 triple seven-777 four zeros-000065046721 24556211 307781093 编号:reference number, booking number, catalogue number, conference room number

19、数字+字母+符号字母:GJ,MN ,OL,BDTPSM, SN, SO, SL,符号:dash slash /4 数量:hundred: 后有两位数thousand, million, billion, trillion:t, m, b, tr点三杠四,从右向左:英-中:杠四16t5201/6520523t50052/3500中-英:点三18 万 6000186,000背景知识:proprietor 自主经营者 proprietorship partnership 合伙 corporation ,company, business, firm 公司 meeting of shareholder

20、s 股东大会 Board of Directors, the Board 董事会 Chairman, Chairperson 主席 President 总裁,执行董事 CEO 首席执行官 CTO 首席技术执行官 CFO 首席财务执行官 CIO 首席信息执行官 Vice President 副总 Sales Executive 销售主官 Marketing Executive 市场主官 Marketing 市场 market research, survey, questionnaire, interview market segmentation 市场细分target consumer, co

21、nsumer behavior 消费者行为 consuming habits 消费习惯 products, consumer potential consumer: choice, preference, attitudesdifficult consumersprice tag 价签 Personnel/Human Resources 人事部/人力资源部 recruit, recruitment, takeon 招聘 They took me on five years ago. 五年前他们把我招了进来。interview 面试 candidate 候选人 three rounds of i

22、nterviews 三轮面试 Training & Educationin company training 内部培训 outside training 外出培训 evaluation, performance evaluation, score, marks, grade 评估,打分,评级fire, dismiss 开除 resign, quit, leave, resignation 离职 pre-sales, after salesCustomer Services 客户服务部 interest become interested in sth. arouse ones interest

23、 in sth.installation 组装 Accountancy 财会部门 记录帐 accountant 会计 Financing 财务部 Fund-raising 集资 financial analyzer 财务分析师 company logo 公司标识 company image 公司形象 company reputation 公司名誉 good-will spokesperson 代言人日程 schedule diary check my diaryproject schedule 项目计划 itinerary 行程 agenda 议程 item 一条内容postpone till

24、 some time postpone to some time 推迟到.I thought.but. I meant, I had thought. 后面的内容没有实现竞争系列词 Compete competitive competitor competitorPromotion 促销,提升,宣传Career prospect 职业前景 wages and bonuses 工资与奖金红利 working conditions 工作环境You certainly seem to be good at the job.To be honest ,with all the new insuranc

25、e products coming out ,it isnt easy to keep up than ever.I have to struggle to remember everything which is available .At least working with the computer comes very nature to me,so that saves time.Im glad I dont have to deal with customers the way you do . I havent got the patience.You certainly nee

26、d that sometime .when someone spends ages making up their mind,but I dont find it a problem and I dont mind explaining compliceted pus and simple languages.But there are some people I must rather avoid.Unforunately,in this job, you have got to make everyone feel you really enjoy their company.Quite fuuny,the rest I have to do,the better.I will tell you what though,In my appraisl,I suggest some changes to the way I work


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