1、捕食性蚂蚁可保护榕蜂互利共生系统记者日前从中科院昆明动物所获悉,该所博士后王波与导师王瑞武及合作者发现,捕食性蚂蚁通过捕食寄生蜂,保护了榕树榕小蜂互利共生系统,从而揭示了热带雨林中一种新的营养级联效应和机制。相关成果在线发表于 动物生态学杂志。据介绍,蚂蚁能捕食取食植物的毛虫从而减少毛虫对植物的伤害,对植物起到间接保护作用。但蚂蚁也能捕食传粉昆虫,不利于植物授粉。这种由处于高营养级的捕食者导致的种间直接和间接作用被称为营养级联。黄猄蚁是一种凶猛的树栖性大型蚂蚁。在西双版纳,黄猄蚁是聚果榕上常见的蚂蚁种类。黄猄蚁能通过捕食在榕果外产卵的寄生蜂,减少其在榕果上的产卵。但是,对进入榕果的传粉小蜂捕食
2、较少,对传粉小蜂的产卵影响并不大。“我们对野外的榕树小蜂群落进行调查发现,那些有黄猄蚁栖息的榕树上小蜂子代群落以传粉小蜂为主,榕果种子产量较大;而那些没有黄猄蚁栖息的榕树上,榕果产生的小蜂以寄生蜂为主,榕果的种子产量低。”王波说,这表明蚂蚁通过捕食寄生蜂,降低其产卵,间接保护了榕树传粉小蜂互利共生系统。专家认为,捕食者能以营养级联的方式直接和间接地影响低营养级物种的组成、丰度,并对整个生态系统产生深远影响。这对预测未来生物多样性变化规律和以天敌为手段的生物防治策略的使用具有重要的参考价值。(来源:中国科学报 张雯雯)研究证实蚜虫与细菌相互共生新华社电 在院子里精心种植的花草,不知什么时候就会爬
3、满蚜虫。作为恶名昭著的害虫,蚜虫只吸食营养很贫乏的植物汁液,就能实现爆发性繁殖。这是因为,蚜虫体内有为其制造营养成分的内共生菌。没有内共生菌,蚜虫就无法繁殖,而在含菌细胞之外,内共生菌已无法生存,这种共生关系已经世代相传了约 2 亿年。日本研究人员日前发现,蚜虫还能利用内共生菌“转让”的基因合成蛋白质,并运送给内共生菌,从而形成高度的共生关系。这一成果有望促进将亲缘关系很远的生物融合在一起,并开发出环保的防治害虫方法。日本丰桥技术科学大学副教授中钵淳率领的研究小组此前曾发现,蚜虫会将内共生菌的基因组合到自身的染色体组内。此次,研究小组利用基因重组技术,研究了其中的“RIpA4”基因是否会合成蛋
4、白质以及蛋白质如何在蚜虫体内分布。结果发现,“RIpA4”基因能够令蚜虫制造出蛋白质,而制造出的蛋白质则分布在含菌细胞内的内共生菌细胞内。研究小组认为,这显示蚜虫进化出了向内共生菌运送蛋白质的运输系统。中钵淳说:“这是不同的生物融合在一起的终极进化方式。如果科学界能够开发出将有用的细菌与生物人为融合在一起的技术,除开发药物外,还有可能制造出拥有特殊能力的动植物。”(蓝建中)蜘蛛博弈达成完美合作和平相处的两只蜘蛛 图片来源:Francis Ratnieks巴西南部半干旱生境中的三角园蛛(Parawixia bistriata,如图)清楚地知道自己该如何在这样一个拥挤的环境中生存战斗从来不是解决问
6、点。但是随着夜幕的逼近,绝望也距离它们越来越近。当可以落脚的位置越来越少,又遭遇居住在某一领地的蜘蛛试图通过上下弹跳将自己驱逐出境时,绝望的蜘蛛会选择不再退却。相反,它们会停留在一张蛛网附近,不劳而获地享用蛛网捕获的大型猎物看起来似乎获得了定居者的应允一般。在本月出版在美国博物学家杂志的报告中,研究人员应用博弈论中的见解得出结论:定居的蜘蛛不去积极地捍卫自己的领土,是因为一顿晚饭是不值得让它们在战斗中冒着生命危险去争夺的。更重要的是,任何蜘蛛都有可能在第二天晚上争夺空间的竞技重新开始时,发现自己已经处于谈判桌的另一端。(来源:中国科学报 杨济华)Bourgeois behavior and f
7、ressloading in the colonial orb web spider parawixia bistriatasunchasernana 添加于 2013/7/17 12:35:07 213 次阅读 | 0 次推荐 | 0 个评论Abstract: Spiders of the tropical American colonial orb weaver Parawixia bistriata form a communal bivouac in daytime. At sunset, they leave the bivouac and construct individual,
8、 defended webs within a large, communally built scaffolding of permanent, thick silk lines between trees and bushes. Once spiders started building a web, they repelled other spiders walking on nearby scaffolding with a “bounce” behavior. In nearly all cases (93%), this resulted in the intruder leavi
9、ng without a fight, akin to the “bourgeois strategy,” in which residents win and intruders retreat without escalated contests. However, a few spiders (6.5%) did not build a web due to lack of available space. Webless spiders were less likely to leave when bounced (only 42% left) and instead attempte
10、d to “freeload,” awaiting the capture of prey items in nearby webs. Our simple model shows that webless spiders should change their strategy from bourgeois to freeloading satellite as potential web sites become increasingly occupied.作 者: Tom Wenseleers, Jonathan P. Bacon, Francis L. W. Rantnieks et.
11、 al.期刊名称: 期卷页: 第卷 第期 页 学科领域:生命科学 动物学 动物生理及行为学 添加人是否为作者: 否 原文链接:http:/www.jstor.org/discover/10.1086/670525?uid=2129 DOI: ISBN: 关键词有益细菌或可对抗昏睡症比利时研究人员说,借助改造宿主自身携带的有益细菌,可以抑制昏睡症罪魁祸首锥体虫的生长,从而达到遏制昏睡症传播的目的。昏睡症,学名为非洲锥虫病,是一种致命性疾病,在非洲一些地区相当流行。锥体虫寄生于采采蝇,经由后者叮咬进入人体,导致发病。患病初期,人体会出现发烧、头疼、关节疼痛和发痒的症状;这一病症进入第二阶段、锥体虫
12、侵入人体神经系统后,人体会出现反应迟钝、嗜睡的症状。如果不经治疗,患者有生命危险。针对昏睡症的传统治疗方案出现于 50 多年前。患者接受治疗时极其痛苦,同时需要承担其他副作用,大约 5%至 20%接受治疗的患者因注射药物后导致的并发症死亡。因此,医学界一直在寻找治疗这一病症的其他可选方案。比利时安特卫普热带医学研究所一个团队把研究焦点集中在如何防止人体染病,而非如何治疗。相关成果论文刊登于期刊微生物细胞工厂。英国广播公司 2 月 15 日援引成果论文报道,采采蝇与人类类似,会携带一些有益细菌。研究人员发现,一种采采蝇携带的共生菌或许有能力向锥体虫发起攻击。借助改变这种共生菌的基因,研究人员得以
13、使它释放出一种纳米抗体,杀死锥体虫或者阻止这种寄生虫的生长。伦敦大学卫生与热带医学院学者戴维霍恩评价:“这是一项具有发展前景的观念。”(来源:新华网)Expression and extracellular release of a functional anti-trypanosome Nanobody(R) in Sodalis glossinidius, a bacterial symbiont of the tsetse flyrenchunxiao 添加于 2012/2/20 11:27:04 576 次阅读 | 0 次推荐 | 0 个评论Background Sodalis glo
14、ssinidius, a gram-negative bacterial endosymbiont of the tsetse fly, has been proposed as a potential in vivo drug delivery vehicle to control trypanosome parasite development in the fly, an approach known as paratransgenesis. Despite this interest of S. glossinidius as a paratransgenic platform org
15、anism in tsetse flies, few potential effector molecules have been identified so far and to date none of these molecules have been successfully expressed in this bacterium. Results In this study, S. glossinidius was transformed to express a single domain antibody, (Nanobody(R) Nb_An33, that efficient
16、ly targets conserved cryptic epitopes of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Next, we analyzed the capability of two predicted secretion signals to direct the extracellular delivery of significant levels of active Nb_An33. We show that the pelB leader peptide w
17、as successful in directing the export of fully functional Nb_An33 to the periplasm of S. glossinidius resulting in significant levels of extracellular release. Finally, S. glossinidius expressing pelBNb_An33 exhibited no significant reduction in terms of fitness, determined by in vitro growth kineti
18、cs, compared to the wild-type strain. Conclusions These data are the first demonstration of the expression and extracellular release of functional trypanosome-interfering Nanobodies(R) in S. glossinidius. Furthermore, Sodalis strains that efficiently released the effector protein were not affected i
19、n their growth, suggesting that they may be competitive with endogenous microbiota in the midgut environment of the tsetse fly. Collectively, these data reinforce the notion for the potential of S. glossinidius to be developed into a paratransgenic platform organism.作 者: Linda De Vooght, Guy Caljon,
20、 Benoit Stijlemans, Patrick De Beatselier, Marc Coosemans and Jan Van Den Abbeele 期刊名称: Microbial Cell Factories 期卷页: 第卷 第期 页 学科领域:生命科学 细胞生物学 细胞、亚细胞结构与功能 添加人是否为作者: 否 原文链接:http:/ DOI: ISBN: 关键词: 相关报道: http:/ 备 注:兰花生长依赖其伴生真菌数量图片来源:Melissa McCormick/Smithsonian Institution年轻的兰花完全依赖共生的真菌提供生长所需的能量,同时新的研究
21、表明,这些真菌真的非常讲究,只喜欢那些更为古老的森林。科学家之前曾推测,真菌的分布影响兰花的分布。然而想要区分开土壤条件的影响例如湿度和酸度则是非常困难的。因此美国马里兰州滨水市史密森环境研究中心的研究人员 Melissa K. McCormick 和同事,在该州的 6 处场所有 3 处位于较年轻的 50 年到 70 年的森林,另 3 处位于更成熟的 120 年到 150 年的森林种植了 3 种濒危兰花的种子。在其中一半的场所中,科学家们在每株兰花上添加了共生真菌。4 年之后,他们发现,真菌在那些更为成熟的森林中丰度最高,并且兰花的发芽和生长依赖于其伴生真菌的数量,而并非仅有一点真菌便能成功。
22、研究人员认为,这些发现将促进濒危兰花的保护与恢复计划。研究人员在最近的分子生态学杂志网络版上报告了这一研究成果。(来源:中国科学报 赵熙熙)分子生态学发表论文摘要(英文)Limitations on orchid recruitment: not a simple picturemeijin 添加于 2012/2/9 10:15:02 1107 次阅读 | 0 次推荐 | 0 个评论Mycorrhizal fungi have substantial potential to influence plant distribution, especially in specialized orc
23、hids and mycoheterotrophic plants. However, little is known about environmental factors that influence the distribution of mycorrhizal fungi. Previous studies using seed packets have been unable to distinguish whether germination patterns resulted from the distribution of appropriate edaphic conditi
24、ons or the distribution of host fungi, as these cannot be separated using seed packets alone. We used a combination of organic amendments, seed packets and molecular assessment of soil fungi required by three terrestrial orchid species to separate direct and indirect effects of fungi and environment
25、al conditions on both seed germination and subsequent protocorm development. We found that locations with abundant mycorrhizal fungi were most likely to support seed germination and greater growth for all three orchids. Organic amendments affected germination primarily by affecting the abundance of
26、appropriate mycorrhizal fungi. However, fungi associated with the three orchid species were affected differently by the organic amendments and by forest successional stage. The results of this study help contextualize the importance of fungal distribution and abundance to the population dynamics of
27、plants with specific mycorrhizal requirements. Such phenomena may also be important for plants with more general mycorrhizal associations.作 者: McCORMICK, MELISSA K.; LEE TAYLOR, D.; JUHASZOVA, KATARINA; BURNETT JR, ROBERT K.; WHIGHAM, DENNIS F.; ONEILL, JOHN P.期刊名称: Molecular Ecology 期卷页: 第卷 第期 页 学科
28、领域:生命科学 植物学 植物生理与生化 添加人是否为作者: 否 原文链接:http:/ DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05468.x ISBN: 1365-294X 关键词: fungal distribution; 相关报道: http:/ 备 注: 研究揭示稻鱼共生系统可持续生态学机制来自浙江大学生命科学学院生态研究所等处的研究人员,揭示出物种间的正相互作用及资源的互补利用是稻鱼共生系统可持续的重要生态学机制。这项成果公布在美国国家科学院院刊( PNAS)上,随后著名学术期刊自然在其“Research Highlights”栏目以“Eco-farming fi
29、sh with rice”为题进行了报道,除此之外,英国、美国、印度等国家的科学网络杂志及网络媒体的科学栏目也进行了追踪报道。浙江青田“稻鱼共生系统”历史悠久,延续了 1200 年,2005 年被联合国列入“globally important agricultural heritage systems, GIAHS“。而这项成果是研究人员首次揭示物种间的正相互作用及资源的互补利用是稻鱼共生系统可持续的重要生态学机制。因此公布后就收到了广泛关注,相关专家认为这一研究所揭示的机理对未来可持续农业的设计具有非常重要的借鉴意义,同时有关生态系统功能的研究也会从中得到启迪。Nature 文章提出在这项
30、成果中,研究人员经过 6 年的试验研究,证实当把鱼引入到水淹稻田之后,农民就能够种植与传统的水稻单一栽培同样数量的谷物,但是杀虫剂用量少了 2/3、化肥用量少了 1/4。这一研究使用的鱼是一种美味的当地鲤鱼品种,因此农民可能卖掉它们。它们还可以大量减少肥料和杀虫剂的使用,这通常占了水稻生产总成本的 60%到 70%。鱼显著减少了水稻纹枯病和稻瘟病,并且减少了杂草和害虫,诸如水稻飞虱。这种入侵昆虫有潜力破坏整个水稻田去年泰国的一场飞虱暴发毁掉了该国 4%的收成。通过调节生态系统中的氮的数量,鱼还让施肥的需求最小化。水稻植株也提供了荫凉,让水保持凉爽并且让鱼甚至在最热的月份也也能保持活跃。而且植物
31、吸引来的昆虫为鱼提供了额外的食物。这些研究还证明这一方法是一个用于减少贫穷和促进食品安全的特别有用的工具,可以在整个热带地区使用,而且由于捕鱼量变得越来越小,这种方法将对于确保食品生产为人们提供足够的蛋白质变得越来越重要。这项研究项目得到了国家科技部 973 项目和浙江省科技厅重大优先专项的资助。 (来源:生物通 万纹)更多阅读PNAS 发表论文摘要(英文)Ecological mechanisms underlying the sustainability of the agricultural heritage ricefish coculture systemrenchunxiao 添加
32、于 2011/12/19 15:21:44 912 次阅读 | 1 次推荐 | 0 个评论For centuries, traditional agricultural systems have contributed to food and livelihood security throughout the world. Recognizing the ecological legacy in the traditional agricultural systems may help us develop novel sustainable agriculture. We examine
33、how ricefish coculture (RF), which has been designated a “globally important agricultural heritage system,” has been maintained for over 1,200 y in south China. A field survey demonstrated that although rice yield and rice-yield stability are similar in RF and rice monoculture (RM), RF requires 68%
34、less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer than RM. A field experiment confirmed this result. We documented that a mutually beneficial relationship between rice and fish develops in RF: Fish reduce rice pests and rice favors fish by moderating the water environment. This positive relationship b
35、etween rice and fish reduces the need for pesticides in RF. Our results also indicate a complementary use of nitrogen (N) between rice and fish in RF, resulting in low N fertilizer application and low N release into the environment. These findings provide unique insights into how positive interactio
36、ns and complementary use of resource between species generate emergent ecosystem properties and how modern agricultural systems might be improved by exploiting synergies between species.作 者: Xie, Jian; Hu, Liangliang; Tang, Jianjun; Wu, Xue; Li, Nana; Yuan, Yongge; Yang, Haishui; Zhang, Jiaen; Luo,
37、Shiming; Chen, Xin期刊名称: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 期卷页: 12/13/2011 第 108 卷 第 50 期 E1381E1387 页 学科领域:生命科学 生态学 种群生态学 添加人是否为作者: 否 原文链接:http:/www.pnas.org/content/108/50/E1381.short DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1111043108 ISBN: 0027-8424 植物根系与土壤细菌有“地下交易”自然界中存在许多共生关系,研究人员发现植物根系与土壤中一些细菌之间的共生尤其让人
39、,结果显示了不同的“市场交易”繁荣程度。参与研究的英国牛津大学教授斯图尔特韦斯特说,这个“地下市场”遵循的法则与人类的市场经济非常相似,由于市场参与者众多,交易双方都可以自由选择交易对象。其他一些共生关系中优势方“剥削”弱者,而这种共生关系更加公平。(来源:新华社 黄堃)Reciprocal Rewards Stabilize Cooperation in the Mycorrhizal Symbiosiswenjie99 添加于 2011/8/16 10:39:26 1474 次阅读 | 0 次推荐 | 1 个评论Plants and their arbuscular mycorrhizal
40、 fungal symbionts interact in complex underground networks involving multiple partners. This increases the potential for exploitation and defection by individuals, raising the question of how partners maintain a fair, two-way transfer of resources. We manipulated cooperation in plants and fungal par
41、tners to show that plants can detect, discriminate, and reward the best fungal partners with more carbohydrates. In turn, their fungal partners enforce cooperation by increasing nutrient transfer only to those roots providing more carbohydrates. On the basis of these observations we conclude that, u
42、nlike many other mutualisms, the symbiont cannot be “enslaved.” Rather, the mutualism is evolutionarily stable because control is bidirectional, and partners offering the best rate of exchange are rewarded.作 者: E. Toby Kiers1,*, Marie Duhamel1,2, Yugandhar Beesetty3,4, Jerry A. Mensah4, Oscar Franke
43、n1, Erik Verbruggen1, Carl R. Fellbaum4, George A. Kowalchuk1,5, Miranda M. Hart6, Alberto Bago7, Todd M. Palmer8, Stuart A. West9, Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse2, Jan Jansa10, Heike Bcking4,期刊名称: Science 期卷页: 12 August 2011 第 333 卷 第 6044 期 页 学科领域:生命科学 植物学 植物生理与生化 添加人是否为作者: 否 原文链接:http:/www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6044/880.abstract?sid=bdf58549-0d05-446b-a0ff-cb6e2ad9a56d DOI: 10.1126/science.1208473 ISBN: