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1、An introduction to the New Zealand education system and study at Lincoln University,留学新西兰新西兰教育体系与林肯大学介绍说明会,New Zealand and China,Ethnic Chineseliving in New Zealand comprise 4.5% percent of our total population.In December 2012 New Zealand and China celebrated 40 years of diplomatic relations. There

2、 are 29 sister city and sister port relationships between NZ and China.,中新关系概况,华人人口占新西兰总人口的4.5%2012年12月:中新友好外交关系40周年纪念新西兰与中国建立了29个姐妹城市/港口关系.,Trade,In 1997, New Zealand was the first country to begin bilateral negotiations as a part of the process that lead to Chinas accession to the WTONew Zealand w

3、as the first country to begin bilateral trade negotiations with China in 2004New Zealand was the first OECD country to sign a comprehensive, balanced free trade agreement with China in 2008,贸易关系,1997:为支持中国加入世贸组织WTO, 新西兰是第一个与中国进行双边谈判的国家,为中国加入WTO作准备。2004:新西兰是第一个与中国开展双边贸易谈判的西方国家。2008: 作为经济合作与发展组织OECD的成

4、员国,新西兰是第一个与中国签订全面的自由贸易协定的国家。,Trade,贸易:新西兰出口市场,Visitors and Migrants,Chinese Visitors to NZ (2014)264,864 - 9.3% of total visitors to NZPermanent Chinese Migration (2014) 9,515 9% of total migrants to NZ,游客与移民统计,2014前往新西兰的中国游客264,864 - 占新西兰总游客9.3%中国籍新西兰永久居民(2014) 9,515 占新西兰移民人口的9%,Education,More than

5、 24,000 Chinese students studied in NZ in 2014Chinese students account for 25% of foreign students in NZ,教育概况,2014:超过2万4千的中国留学生在新西兰学习中国留学生人数占新西兰海外学生人数的 25%,Why study in New Zealand?,Excellent education systemRelatively inexpensive compared to other countriesDomestic student fees for international Ph

6、DsAble to work while a student, and access to one year work visa after graduationSafe place to live, with wonderful clean environmentFriendly people,留学新西兰的优势,优越的教育体系跟其他国家相比费用相对便宜博士留学生只需付新西兰国内学生的费用学生签证允许留学期间兼职, 完成学业之后可获取一年的开放式工作签证学习生活环境纯净,舒适安逸亲切友善的新西兰人文环境,New Zealands land-based economy,70% of NZs me

7、rchandise export revenue is from the primary sector and growing. Tourism contributes 15% of NZs total export earningsOur leading high-tech industries are agritech and biotech; building off our land-based sectorsLand-based sectors employ around 20% of the New Zealand workforce; globally the percentag

8、e is similar, but NZ has particular expertise,新西兰以土地为本的经济体系,新西兰70% 的出口商品源自第一产业,并呈增长趋势。旅游业占新西兰出口总收入的15% 农业科技与生物科技是新西兰的领先高科技产业:体现以土地为本的体系特征。以土地相关的行业提供新西兰20%的就业机会。这与世界平均水平相近,但新西兰有独特的领先行业。,Lincoln Universitys focus,Feed the Worldsupporting primary production, marketing and global supply chainsProtect th

9、e Futuremaintaining and enhancing our biophysical environmentEnhance Livesbalancing the demands of our economy, society and environment for everyone,林肯大学的校训,为全球粮食供应尽一分力支持第一产业的生产、市场营销以及全球物流发展。保护我们的未来以环保为己任,保护与改善我们的生态环境提高生活品质为经济发展、社会进步与个人生活质量找到平衡点,Lincoln Universitys approach,Integrated value chains a

10、nd international tradeWhole systems views from science to social issuesApplied orientation working with industry and relevant professionalsAccess to academic and support staffSpace to learn and playBuilding networks, relationships and friends,林肯大学办学宗旨,与国际贸易与国际价值链接轨提供从工科到社会人文科学的全面学科体系重视实践应用,与各个产业与行业专

11、家保持紧密联系教师与学生服务人员以学生为中心学习与悠闲娱乐相结合的学习空间注重关系网的建立,Agriculture, Horticulture, & Viticulture,农业,园艺设计,葡萄栽培,Food Production & Processing,食品生产与工艺,Economics, Supply-Chain Management & Global Business,经济学,供应链管理与国际商务,Marketing & Management,市场营销与管理,Accounting, Finance & Banking,会计,金融与银行业务,Lincoln Universitys por

12、tfolio,Agriculture & Life Science,Environment, Society &Design,Business & Commerce,Lincoln,林肯大学学科总揽,农业& 生命科学,环境, 社会&设计,商学,Lincoln,Lincolns Bachelor of Commerce,A unifying Global Value Chain themeunderstanding global value chains (GVCs) is necessary to maximise and capture value added critical for th

13、e future success of the global economy critical for new graduates to understand the big picture and have a global perspectiveFour major areas of study Supply Chain Management and International Business Accounting and Finance Marketing Food and Resource Economics,林肯大学的商学本科,以全球价值链为主题理解全球价值链(GVCs) 利于把商

14、业价值最大化是将来全球经济的关键帮助林肯学生从宏观角度理解商业,学习到与国际接轨的商科知识四大专业供应链管理与全球商务 会计与金融市场营销食品与资源经济学,Lincolns Bachelor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing,Focuses on food production/technology, agribusiness (near-farm), and marketingOne third of courses are in food science/technologyOne third of courses are in agribusiness

15、One third of courses are in marketing,农商学与食品市场营销 (本科学位),专长:食品生产/食品技术, 农商学(农场管理), 食品市场营销1/3 关于食品科学与技术的科目1/3农商学相关的科目1/3 市场营销相关的科目,Lincolns Bachelor of Land and Property Management,4 year degree Industry accreditedSpecialise in Urban Valuation & Property Management or Rural Valuation & Agricultural Man

16、agementProperty Plus you can tailor your BLPM by choosing electives that will fit with your future career plans,土地与物业管理(本科学位),4年制学位毕业可获得行业认可的物业管理注册认证两大优势:城市房地产评估与物业管理;乡村土地评估与农业管理物业管理多元化土地与物业管理的学生可以根据自己将来的就业目标选择不同的专业方向,Bachelors Entry Requirements,Requirements for direct entryIELTS 6.0 minimum with n

17、o band below 5.5At least one year of post-high school study in a recognized Chinese UniversityAlternative entry pathways 0.5 + 1 + 2.5A semester in China (likely studying English language)A completed one year New Zealand College of Business Level 5 Diploma with standingEnter Lincoln University with

18、a semesters worth of credit,本科入学要求,一般情况下的入学要求雅思6.0,小分不能低于 5.5在新西兰承认的中国大学至少读完大一课程新西兰商学院桥梁直通车0.5 + 1 + 2.5中国学习一个学期(比如英文强化训练)新西兰商学院学习一年5级课程并顺利通过免雅思直升林肯大学,并获得半年学分转移,Lincoln University Campus,林肯大学校园,Postgraduate Programmes,Graduate DiplomaA year of undergraduate coursesTaught MastersNo research requireme

19、nt12 to 18 months to completeResearch MastersHalf of programme is coursework, half is researchtwo years to completePhDthree years of research,研究生与博士课程总揽,研究生文凭本科毕业后学习一年授课型硕士学位免研究论文要求12-18个月可以完成研究型硕士学位一半学分来自课程学习,另一半来自独立课题研究2年制学历博士三年制,Taught Masters Programmes,Master of Business Global Management and M

20、arketingAccounting and FinanceMaster of International Rural DevelopmentAgribusinessRural FinanceEconomicsTourismMaster of Management in Agricultural SystemsMaster of Management in AgribusinessMaster of Food Science and Innovation,授课型硕士科目,商科硕士,包括两大专业全球管理与市场营销会计与金融国际乡村发展硕士,包括四大专业农商学乡村金融学经济学旅游管理管理学硕士-农

21、业系统方向管理学硕士-农商学方向管理学硕士-食品科学与创新方向,PG Entry Requirements,Requirements for direct entryIELTS 6.5 minimum with no band below 6.0Bachelors degree in relevant area with high standing (70% or B average)Alternative entry pathway3+1+1Three years of post high-school study in China A completed one year New Zeal

22、and College of Business Level 7 Diploma with high standingThen entry into a Lincoln Taught Masters,硕士入学要求,一般情况下入学要求:雅思6.5,小分不低于6优良的本科成绩(平均分70%以上)新西兰商学院桥梁直通车3+1+1高中毕业后经过三年的本科或专科学习在新西兰商学院以一年时间完成7级本科课程,成绩达标免雅思直升林肯硕士,The Lincoln / NZCB relationship,A relationship spanning many years based on mutual resp

23、ect and trustAlignment of expectations and standards recognition of quality assurance obligationsCo-location on Lincoln Universitys Selwyn campus,林肯大学-新西兰商学院联盟,双方在互相尊重与信任的基础上建立合作关系多年紧密合作相互认可双方的教学质量与高标准新西兰商学院坐落于林肯大学校园内,是林肯大学的独立学院,Benefits of the NZCB Pathway,Benefits to students of entering a Lincoln

24、 Masters degree via the NZCB pathway:Exposure to the New Zealand way of teaching/learningEnglish immersion and assimilation into NZ cultureExposure to key aspects of business curriculumNZCB and Lincoln have very close ties, with NZCB students based on the Lincoln campusPossibility of exit from pathw

25、ay after achieving the NZCB diploma,新西兰商学院桥梁的优势,通过新西兰商学院桥梁直升林肯的优势:充分体验新西兰特有的教学与学习方式适应英语教学以及融入新西兰文化掌握商科知识精髓新西兰商学院位于林肯大学腹部,学生充分熟悉林肯大学的校园文化新西兰商学院毕业之后,除了桥梁直升林肯之外,还有其他多元化的选择,Further information,www.lincoln.ac.nz/applywww.lincoln.ac.nz/accommodationwww.lincoln.ac.nz/feeswww.lincoln.ac.nz/scholarships+64 3

26、 325 2811www.nzcb.ac.nz+64 3 379 6668,官网与其他信息,www.lincoln.ac.nz/applywww.lincoln.ac.nz/accommodationwww.lincoln.ac.nz/feeswww.lincoln.ac.nz/scholarships+64 3 325 2811www.nzcb.ac.nz+64 3 379 6668,Thank you for your attention,A Haka or Maori challenge,新西兰特色一览:毛利战舞,Dr Ian MacDonaldian.macdonaldlincoln.ac.nz,


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