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1、英国签证申请材料及相关模版:新版 A4 户籍卡翻译2 / 27Applicant (seal)Registrar (seal)Household number: *Seal of authoritySeal of * Police Station of * Public Security Bureau for Residence UseDate of register: Residence style Name of household Head of household or relation to the headHousehold of a CorporateRegistry of De

2、 Jure Population * Non-relativeName * Sex FemaleName used Ethnicity HanDate of birth *Guardian * * Place of birth * City, *ProvinceRelationship of guardian Mother Father Issue date of birth license *Living address No. *, * Road, * District, * CityOther address in this city or countyAncestral native

3、place * ReligionID card number * Issue timeEducation Marital status Military service No military serviceStature Blood group OccupationEmployerWhen and from where immigrated to this city (county)When and from where settled in current residenceWhen, why and where move to When and why is the cancellati

4、on of household registration3 / 27Updates of Members informationUpdated item Updatedcontent Date of Update Applicant (seal) Registrar (seal)Tel number Cause of applying for IDExpiry Date of ID Render IDName Kinship Address or work placesocial relationsr RecordsI hereby certify that, to the best of m

5、y knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document. a) Full name of the translator: b) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)c) Qualification Serial Number: d) Contact details of the translator:) Phone Number: ) Contact Address: e) Date of the translation: f) Signatur

6、e of the translator: Male No. 1 Male No. 2 Male No. 3Female No. 1 Female No. 2 Female No. 34 / 27旧版 16K 户籍卡翻译Registry Card of De Jure Population (Yi)Name Used name Sex FemaleGregorian calendarDate Chinese traditional calendarAge 23BirthAddress * County, * Ethnicity HanAncestral native place * County

7、, * Education College Vocation Teacher Family backgroundPersonal social statusMarital statusMilitary service No military service ReligionWhen and from where immigrated to this cityImmigrate from * city, * Province on *Registration on *From where settled in current residenceMigration from No. *, * Ro

8、ad, * District, *When and why is the cancellation of household registrationWhere emigrate from this city and the number of emigration certificateContents Date and registrar (seal)Updates of registration informationSerial numberSeal of * Street Police Station of * Public Security Bureau for Residence

9、 Use5 / 27Current address: No. *, * Street, *New address Seal of emigration Seal of immigrationUpdates of address in this cityNew address CauseRegistration of addressUpdates of address outside this citySeal of household registration authority of the former city Seal of household registration authori

10、ty of the new cityRemarksI hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document. a) Full name of the translator: b) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)c) Qualification Serial Number: d) Contact details of the translator:) Phone Nu

11、mber: ) Contact Address: e) Date of the translation: f) Signature of the translator: * (Sealed)6 / 27结婚证翻译模版THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Seal for Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Peoples Republic of China After being examined the application of marriage registration, their applica

12、tion conforms to the Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate. Special Seal for Marriage Register of * District, * Civil Affairs BureauCertificate Holder: *Registration Date: *Marriage Certificate: *Name: *Sex:

13、MaleNationality: ChinaDate of Birth: *ID Card: *Name: *Sex: FemaleNationality: ChinaDate of Birth: *ID Card: *I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document. a) Full name of the translator: b) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8

14、(TEM8)c) Qualification Serial Number: d) Contact details of the translator:) Phone Number: ) Contact Address: e) Date of the translation: f) Signature of the translator: 7 / 27英语八级证书翻译模板:NAME OF UNIVERSITY undergraduate of year 1995, 翻译者姓名, took the Test for Senior Grade of English Major (English Ma

15、jor-Band 8) organized by English Group of Foreign Language Majors Teaching Steering Committee for National Higher Education Institute of Ministry of Education on 发证日期, and passed the exam. Hereby present the certification.Seal of English Group of Foreign Language Majors Teaching Steering Committee f

16、or Higher Education InstitutionsDate: year month dayCertificate No.: *I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this is an accurate translation of the original document. a) Full name of the translator: 可以翻译者自己翻译b) Qualification: Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)c) Qualification Serial N

17、umber: d) Contact details of the translator:) Phone Number: ) Contact Address: e) Date of the translation: f) Signature of the translator: 8 / 27家属签证准备材料清单妻 女 备注文件名称原件编号复印件编号原件编号复印件编号护照 妻 1 妻 1 女 1 女 1 原件及首页、签字页的复印件VAF1B 申请表 妻 2 女 2 英文填写,并在表格上填写您的中文姓名和标准电码。护照照片 妻 3 女 3 6 个月内签证费(现金) 妻 4 女 4 人民币现金单位准假

18、证明(包含继续聘用信息)妻 5 妻 5 申请者若有工作则需要出示公司的准假证明(包括工作年限,职位,收入) 。原件及复印件资金证明(银行存款,每月每人8000 元RMB)妻 6 妻 6 相同 妻 6 资金数量要包括探亲期间的生活费用,并且在资助人或本人名下至少半年,若时间短,需要准备资金历史。原件及复印件建行/工行存折 妻 7 妻 7 相同 妻 7 未满 3 个月需解释给签证官的说明 妻 8 妻 8 相同 妻 8 如果提供的材料有疑问需要,否则不需要工资证明 妻 9 妻 9 相同 妻 9 (包括工作年限,职位,收入) ,用来证明收入的合法性。若已经退休,也需要提供退休证明。原件及复印件资助证明

19、 女 5 女 5 若有资助人,则需要提供她/他同意资助的信函。原件及复印件户籍卡 妻10妻 10 女 6 女 6 原件及复印件,需翻译件结婚证 妻11妻 11 原件及复印件,需翻译件出生证明 女 7 女 7 原件及复印件,如有中文就需翻译。幼儿园在读证明 女 8 女 8 原件及复印件。以下为我准备的材料给签证官的信 我 0 我 0 相同 我 0 原件及复印件护照 我 1 我 1 首页、末页、签证页复印件警察注册 我 2 我 2 复印件在英证明 我 3 我 3 相同 我 3 原件及复印件提供的邀请函 我 4 我 4 相同 我 4 原件及复印件住宿情况 我 3 我 3 相同 我 3 见“在英证明”

20、银行对账单 我 5 我 5 相同 我 5 原件及复印件基金委资助证明 我 6 我 6 相同 我 6 原件及复印件国内单位聘用证明我 7 我 7 相同 我 7 原件及复印件,证明学成后回国我的邀请函 我 8 我 8 相同 我 8 原件及复印件9 / 27附:提交材料的时候,竟然需要我的户籍卡,所以提醒家属递交签证申请时带上你的户籍卡及翻译件,要不就得花冤枉钱。10 / 27建行存折翻译模版China Construction BankFIXED SAVINGS ACCOUNT PASSBOOKA/C NO. NAMEVOLUME NO. WITHDRAWAL METHOD Code SYMBOL Free deposit & withdrawalREF:省 Branch of China Construction BankOfficial stamp for business (5) of 城市 支行地名 subbranch of China Construction Bank 盖章日期PASSBOOK NO.ISSUE DATE


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