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1、1六级听力模拟 03 Section A11.A.The man had better stop taking the cough medicine.B.The man will take another medicine instead of this. C.The man should have patience to cure his cough.D.The man should take the medicine for a long time.12.A.She cannot finish her work.B.She will data her friend on the eveni

2、ng of 28th April.C.She wants to avoid the crowd in the Huangshan resort.D.She will have an important visitor.13.A.They are boiling a cup of water. B.They are strring a cup of mud.C.They are cooking sweet and sour rice. D.They are writing down the recipe.14.A.She has half finished filling out the for

3、m. B.She doesnt remember to fill out the form.C.She is glad that the man might help her. D.She feels frustrated about filling out the form.15.A.He went mountain climbing last year. B.He hasnt traveled around the wolrd yet.C.Hes always wanted to climb that mountain. D.He definitely does not want to g

4、o.16.A.They had better finish the project as soon as possible.B.They had better try their luck to finish the project. C.They are so lucky to have the project being put off.D.They had better have a risk to extend the project.17.A.The woman is examining some old houses. B.The woman is going to rent th

5、e house .C.The woman is discussing the house condition with her colleagues.D.The woman tells the man to change the wiring.18.A.She thinks her pay for the job is too low.B.She believes she could be promoted as a manager.C.She thinks her job cant make full use of her ablities.D.She thinks what she lea

6、rned is useless.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A.Advantages of TV shopping. B.Their favorite TV channels.C.Beware of advertising on TV. D.Popularity of advertised products.20.A.It designed some powerful slogan to stimulate consumers.B.It used some scientifit

7、method to creat some false images.C.It invited a boy to eat the hamburger with hearty content.D.It asked a family with kids to enjoy their hamburger happily.21.A.The consumers. B.the TV station. C.The company. D.The audience.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22.A.T

8、he pleasure derived from gardening. B. How to grow an amazing garden.C.How to choose a good location for a garden.D.How to succeed in growing many plants in a small garden.23.A.From her parents B.Through a gardening magazine.C.By attending a class. D.By self-study.224.A.The soil of the garden should

9、 be of high quality.B.The garden should occupy a large area. C.There should be lots of plants in the garden.D.The position of the garden should be good.25.A.To save space. B.To help the plants grow healthily.C.To make plants yield more fruits. D.To water the plants easily.Section BPassage One Questi

10、ons 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.A.Development of industry. B.Heathy life.C.The future of children D.Clean air.27.A.Because man has a strong desire for a modern way of life.B.Because people pay no attention to it.C.Because people from the coutryside rush into the cities.D

11、.Because people are not aware of the benefits of our modern society. 28.A.Man konws where the society is going.B.People dont welcome the rapid development of our modern society.C.The speaker is worried about the future of our modern society.D.Man can do nothing about the problem of pollution.Passage

12、 Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.A.Railway workers. B.A robot. C.A computer. D.A machine.30.A.The workers on the underground platforms were replaced by machines.B.It become the first completely automatic railway in the world.C.A completely automatic line was ad

13、ded to its network.D.Computer began controlling the trains on the line.31.A.To drive the train after it is started automatically.B.To start the train and drive it when necessary.C.To take care of the passengers in the train.D.To send commanding signals to the command spot.Passage Three Questions 32

14、to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.A.The engine of their boat stopped working. B.The were attacked by thunderstorm.C.They ran out of oil. D.They ran out of food.33.A.Wave their hands. B.Shout and cried. C.Wave their shirts. D.Made a fire.34.A.To search for the missing people. B.To

15、 investigate a fire on one of the islands.C.To look for the missing woman. D.To rescue the British soldiers.35.A.The residents. B.The passers. C.The soldiers. D.The police.Section CThe family in Britain is changing.The once typical British family headed by two parents has (36)_ substantial changes d

16、uring the twentieth century.In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households,which (37)_from 18 to 29 percent of all households between 1971 and 2002.By the year 2020, it is (38)_that there will be more single people 3than (39)_ people.Fifty years ago this would have bee

17、n socially (40)_ in Britain. In the past, people got married and stayed married.(41)_was very difficult, expensive and took a long time.Today, peoples views on marriage are changing. Many (42)_,mostly in their twenties or thirties,live together without getting married.Only about 60% of these couples

18、 will (43)_ get married. In the past, people married before they had children,but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried parents.In 2000, (44)_ _ _ _.Before 1960 this was very unusual.People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have child

19、ren immediately. (45)_ _ _.The number of single-parent families is increasing.This is mainly due to more marriages ending in divorce,(46)_ _.参考答案:Section A11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.ASection B26.A 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.DSection C36.u

20、ndergone 37.increased 38.estimated 39.married 40.unacceptable 41.Divorce 42.couples 43.eventually44.around a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were living together in Great Britain45.They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until their late thirties4

21、6.but some women are also choosing to have children as a single-parent without being married听力材料:11. M: Doctor, this cough medicine doesnt seem to be helping. Can you give me a different prescription?W: Lets give it another day or two and see how you are doing then.Q: What does the doctor imply?12.

22、M: The first week in May is an official holiday. Shall we go climbing Huangshan for our holidays? We could leave on the morning of April 28th to avoid the crowd.W: Id rather leave on April 29th. My grandpa will drop in on the evening of April 28th.Q: Why cannot the woman leave for Huangshan on the m

23、orning of April 28th?13. M: OKdone. What is the next step? Oh I remember now that the next step is to add a cup of boiling water and stir.W: Are you sure we are following the instructions correctly? This looks like sad and soaked mud, not sweet and sour rice.Q: What are the two speakers doing now?14

24、. M: Have you filled out your application forms yet? W: Dont remind me of them! Theyre so confusing that Im discouraged before I start!Q: What does the woman imply?15. W: Would you like to climb the mountains with us this weekend? It will be very interesting.M: Thanks a lot, but that is the last thi

25、ng I want to do in the world.4Q: What does the man mean?16. W: If Professor Thomas is willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project, maybe hell give us a few more days.M: Lets not push our luck, Mary. OK?Q: What does the man mean?17. M: You can see that its in very good condition. T

26、he previous owner was a builder.W: Its quite an old house. Im worried about the electrical wiring.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?18. M: Suppose the boss offered to increase your pay by 100% and to promote you as the sales manager, would you still quit and look for another job?W: Yes. I a

27、m determined. I would like to find a job to which my knowledge can be fully applied.Q: Why was the woman determined to quit the current job?Now youll hear two long conversations.Conversation OneM: Mind if I switch channels? Those TV commercials are killing me.W: How can you say that? Watch: “Take To

28、shiba, take the world.” Fantastic! Theres a product you can depend on. A powerful product.M: If I were you, I wouldnt trust those commercials.W: Now, look at this McDonalds commercial! Arent those little kids cute? Oh, and theres such a warm family feeling.M: Just how an advertising agency wants you

29、 to see McDonalds. Youre the target audience. When they make TV commercials, they use scientific methods to learn what youll like and buy.W: Are you telling me those darling little children biting into Big Macs are part of a scientific project to get me into McDonalds?M: Advertisers dont bother with

30、 facts any more. Instead they want the end-user, thats you, to fall in love with their product.W: I see. So what youre saying is, “Watch out, or commercials will take over your life.”M: Yes, just wake up. Many competitors are spending piles of money to increase their market shares, but only cancelin

31、g out each others efforts and neither would win. Whats more, the extra costs of advertising will certainly be passed on to the customers.W: But anyway the advertising will produce a good image of a product and that leads to consumer brand loyalty. Thats to say, consumers are loyal to a certain produ

32、ct and keep buying it and theyre willing to pay more.M: Thats the problem. More advertising means higher costs to the consumer. So in the end the winner is always the company, not the customer.19. What are they talking about?20. How does McDonalds advertise its hamburger?21. Who would be the benefic

33、iary of advertising in the mans opinion?Conversation Two5M: Hello and welcome to todays show, Shirleys Garden. Today, well be interviewing Shirley on her amazing techniques at growing a garden. Thank you for being here, Shirley.W: Youre welcome.M: Shirley, you truly have an amazing garden. Can you t

34、ell us how you learned about gardening?W: Well, this spring I took a gardening class. Then I decided to try some of the things I had learned. So I have tried various attempts at gardening and with different degrees of success.M: From the pictures of your garden, Ive seen all kinds of different veget

35、ables, including cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots and so on. Could you let us know how you put these plants together in your garden?W: Well, one of the most important things in gardening is that you choose a good location. You need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine. Um, you also nee

36、d to choose a location that has good drainage, and it should be a convenient location. After choosing a good location, I just decided what I wanted to plant, and based on what the final plant would look like, I divided the whole garden into different parts.M: Shirley, Ive noticed some vertical beams

37、 in your garden. Im truly amazed by them. Could you explain that to us a little bit?W: Well, take cucumbers for instance. Cucumbers take a lot of space when you grow them out on the ground, but I dont have that much space. So I just grow them up. Just grow them vertically. I just used a metal frame

38、and some strings to allow them to grow up, and they will support themselves.M: Well, Shirley, this is truly amazing. Thank you very much for being with us today.W: My pleasure.22. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?23. How did Shirley learn about gardening?24. Which of the following is i

39、mportant to grow a nice garden?25. What is the main purpose of using vertical beams according to Shirley?Section BPassage OneOur environment is being polluted faster than nature and mans present efforts can prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, mor

40、e motor vehicles, larger cities, and the growing use of man-made materials. What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man by his desire for a modern way of life. We make “increasing industrialization” our chief aim. For its sake, we are willing to sacrifice eve

41、rything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the country into the city, eager for the benefits of modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious

42、 problem. Isnt it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going and why? It reminds one of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loud speaker: “I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we are making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The ba

43、d news is that we are lost and dont know where we are going.” The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when applied to our modern society.626. According to the passage, which of the following does the man value most?27. Why has pollution become a serious problem?28. What does the story about t

44、he pilot indicate?Passage TwoThe worlds first completely automatic railway has been built under the busy streets of London. The railway is called the Victoria Linem, and it is part of the complete London underground railway. The new Victoria Line was opened in 1969. This new line was very different

45、from the others. The stations on the other lines need a lot of workers to sell tickets, and to check and to collect them when people leave the trains. This is all different on the Victoria Line. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms. On the train,t

46、here is only one worker. If necessary,this man can drive the train. But usually he just starts it, and it runs and stops by itself. The trains are controlled by electrical signals which are sent by the so-called “command spots”. The command spots are the same distance apart. Each sends a certain sig

47、nal. The train always moves at the speed that the command spots allow. If the command spot sends no signals, the train will stop. Most of the control work is done by computers. The computers also fix the trains speeds, and send the signals to the command spots. Other machines make sure that the trai

48、ns are always a safe distance apart. 0ne train may stay too long at a station; the other trains will then automatically move slower. So there is no danger of accidents on the line.29. On the Victoria Line, who does all the work of checking and collecting tickets?30. What happened to the London underground railway?31. What is the ta


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