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1、四年级上册 Unit4 I can play basketball第 1 课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能够阅读理解故事内容。2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演故事。3. 学生能够在表演的基础上,适当拓展改编故事为小短剧并进行表演。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 从整体上阅读故事并理解。2. 语音语调正确地朗读对话,表演故事。教学难点:学生能够阅读理解故事内

2、容。Teaching procedures 教学过程一、创设情境 激活经验1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, tooT: Good. Today Im very happy. Are you happy too?S: Yes. T: Great!2. Play a game (Get to know each other)T: First, lets play a gameListen, read and judge. Look at the rules. P

3、lease say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it is true. Say “No, No, No” if you think it is false. Got it?S: Yes.T: Good. Here we go. Its about me. Ready? Go.I can run. I can sing. I can swim. I can dance. I can fly. I can speak English. I can play basketball. (老师带着学生边说边做动作:run, sing, swim, dance, fly

4、 等。)S: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah./No, No, No.二、自主学习 获取经验1、 T: Now, you know something about me. I can speak English. I can sing and dance. I can play basketball. Look, this is me. And I am working for the Super Kids Club. You know super kids? Follow me. Super Kids Club. (PPT 出现Super Kids Club)S: Super Kids C

5、lub. T: Im the coach at the Super Kids Club. Would you like to join this Super Kids Club?S: Yes.T: OK, I see you want to be super kids. But first, you need to finish some tasks. Can you play sports? We have Sports time today. Can you read? We have Story time today. Can you act? We have Show time tod

6、ay. When you finish Sports time, Story time and Show time, you can be Super Kids. Are you ready? (教师带领学生了解本课需要完成的任务,以及完成任务后获得的奖励)S: Yes.T: OK. First, lets go to Sports time. Before that, this is the slogan of Super Kids Club. Follow me, I can! I try! Im super! (教师引导学生说出口号,并配上动作)S: I can! I try! Im s

7、uper!T: Lets go to Sports time. What sports are we going to play? Take a look.学生看图猜单词,完成自主学习单 1S: Basketball.(教学单词 )看下面的句子,尝试读一读,说一说意思,想一想看如何回答。完成自主学习单 2.T: Can you play basketball?(教师拿出小篮球及球框实物,鼓励学生亲自感受投篮乐趣)S1: Yes, I can. T: Show us, please.S1: Look! (学生拿起篮球,对准球框投篮)T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!(教学单词)T: Ca

8、n you play basketball?S2: No, I cant.T: Its OK. Have a try.(教学句子)T: Cool!/Nice!/Great!小组操练,运用所学句型进行问答。2、 Story time(看动画,回答问题)a. Ask and answerT: Can you play basketball? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant.T: Now, I need you to ask and answer in pairs. (两人一组,操练本课句型)(反馈时,扩大操练密度,让学生拿着篮球,边玩边说句型)2. Read the story

9、 (Story time) a. Look and talk T: OK. Now Im sure you can play basketball. I think we finish Sports time. Lets go to Story time. What story are we going to read? First, there are three boys. Who are they? (PPT 出示课文图片,教师带领学生观察图片并展开讨论)S: Mike, Wang Bing and Liu Tao.T: Where are they?S: They are in the

10、 playground.T: What do they want to play?S: They want to play basketball.T: Good! Look at Liu Taos face. What do you think? Try to ask some questions.S1: Can Liu Tao play basketball?T: I wonder so.S2: Can Wang Bing play basketball?T: Yes, of course.S: Can Mike play basketball?T: I think so.b. Watch

11、and answer T: With these three questions, lets watch a funny cartoon. Here we go. (播放课文动画后核对答案)T: Now can you answer these questions? No.1, Can Wang Bing play basketball?S: Yes, he can. Wang Bing can play basketball. (教师板书这个句子)T: No.2, Can Mike play basketball?S: Yes, he can.T: Mike can play basketb

12、all. And he can play very well. (板书)Can Liu Tao play basketball?S1 No, he cant.c. Watch and chooseT: What do you think? Lets watch again and choose.T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at first (首先)?S: No, he cant.T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at last (最后)?S: Yes, he can.T: Liu Tao cant play basketball a

13、t first. But he can play basketball at last. (板书)Now, you got the main idea of this story. Lets say it together.S: Wang Bing can play basketball. Mike can play basketball. And he can play very well.Liu Tao cant play basketball at first. But he can play basketball at last.(通过板书这些句子,帮助学生掌握课文大意)d. List

14、en and repeat (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音语调)e. Read aloud in roles (三人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)三、合作学习 交流经验组内交流自主学习内容四、教师指导 完善经验1、接龙问答,操练目标词汇和新句型。2、 Act the storyT: You really did a good job in this story time. Its Show time for you. Can you act the story? Prepare it into groups of three. Then come to the blackboard

15、 and act it out. (教师组织学生三人一组,表演课文 )五、实践应用 深化经验以小组的形式,开展小组调查活动,统计本组学生能做的体育活动,并完成表格。小组长向全班汇报结果。T: Excellent, boys and girls. Wonderful jobs you did today. I can see you can play, you can read and you can act. Now you are Super kids!S: Yeah!Homework 家庭作业1. Listen and read the story. Try to recite it. 2. Act the story in groups.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、篮球、球框、多媒体课件板书设计: Unit 4 I can play basketballcan play basketball.can play basketball well.cant play basketball at first. can play basketball at last.Wang BingMikeLiu Tao


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