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1、1八年级英语下册 Unit 5If you go to the party, you will have a great time.Section B 3a-4朱田中学 陈晓宁 2012-3-27Learning aims:1 学习并掌握下列词汇:make a living, against, charity, chance, all the time, injured, sincerely, lawyer, tonight2正确运用 if 引导的条件状语从句,参与对人生重大事件的讨论,学会树立正确的人生观,参与对职业选择的讨论,形成正确的择业观。Before this class, lets

2、 enjoy the song-If you are happy and play sports.课前欣赏歌曲,并按照歌词中所述,齐做运动。if youre happy and you know it clap your handsif youre happy and you know it clap your handsif youre happy and you know itthen you really ought to show it if youre happy and you know it clap your handsif youre happy and you know i

3、t stomp your feetif youre happy and you know it stomp your feetif youre happy and you know itthen you really ought to show itif youre happy and you know it stomp your feetif youre happy and you know it nod your headif youre happy and you know it nod your headif youre happy and you know it then you r

4、eally ought to show itif youre happy and you know it nod your headif youre happy and you know it pull your earif youre happy and you know it pull your earif youre happy and you know it then you really ought to show itif youre happy and you know it pull your earStep1.Lead in看图思考这些问题:If you have a lot

5、 of money, what will you do?If you become a professional athlete, what will you do?If you become famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.If you become a professional athlete, what will happen? Sometimes you will get injured.Step2.Read 3aTask1: Fast reading: Read 3a silen

6、tly and quickly, choose(选择) the answer to the question. Whats the main idea of the passage? 2A. All the professional athletes are happy. B. Professional athletes have many problems.C. Professional athletes can be very famous and rich, but they can also have many problems. D. All the professional ath

7、letes are unhappy.Task 2: Read carefully and fill in the blanks.Read Paragraph 1 and answer.What are the reasons for becoming a professional athlete?Read Paragraphs 2&3 and answer.What are the reasons against becoming a professional athlete?Task 3: Read aloud and discuss the important and difficult

8、expressions in your groups. knowledge points:1. make a living (by) doing sth. 做来谋生= do sth. for a living 张杰以唱歌谋生. 3=_.2. have a difficult / hard time (in) doing sth. 做很困难, 很吃力 have a difficult / hard time with sth. 去年我学数学很吃力.I had a difficult time (in) learning math last year.(同义句) =_.Task 4 :Retell

9、ing: Look at the key words or phrases and try to retell the passage.Step3. 3b Suppose you are Michael. Write a letter to the soccer team agent Mr. Brown. Decide whether you will join the Lions or not.Key words:make a living, become famous, make a lot of money, travel all over the world, never go to

10、college, very dangerous, get injured, People will follow you everywhere Dear Mr. Brown,I have decided that I (will/wont) _ join the Lions. If I join the team_Sincerely,Michael Step 4 3c WritingLook at these people and jobs.Whats your dream job? Why? Why not?4Example :Maybe I will become a teacher. I

11、f I become a teacher, I will work with children. I love children, so I will be happy. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. But I wont be famous. Maybe I will be a lawyer. If I become a lawyer, I will be able to help people. But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be able to work with

12、 children. I think I will be a teacher.My dream job_Step 5. 4. Groupwork Chain game 故事接龙游戏For example: Student A: I think Im going to go to the movies tonight. If I go to the movies, I wont finish my homework. Student B: If I dont finish my homework, my parents will be angry with me. Student C: If m

13、y parents are angry with me, I wont go out. Student D: If I dont go out, I will stay at home. 故事开头提示:If I go to the park/zoo/beach/supermarket/museum/你可以自主发挥。Step7 Enjoy the sentences:Every coin has its two sides.万事万物都有利弊。Before you do something, you should think it over.三思而后行。Step6 Homework: Write a report about your friends dream jobs.Dream job Why Why not


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