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1、GO FOR IT (八下) Unit 1 Will people have robots?一.短语荟萃:1. in peoples home 在人们的家中2. live to be 200 years old 活到 200 岁3. in 100 years100 years from now100 年以后4. in 25 to 50 years 25 到 50 年之后5. be freefree time免费的闲暇时间6. in the whole world 在全世界7. be in college 上大学8. fly rockets to the moon 乘火箭去月球9. on a s

2、pace stationin space在空间站里在太空10. fall in love with 爱上.11. keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉12. at the weekends 在周末13. work for oneself 自食其力14. predict the future 预测未来15. dream/hope come true 实现,达到16. science fiction movies 科幻电影17. hundreds of years 数百年18. try to do sth 努力做某事19. the sameas 和同样20. be fun to wa

3、tchdo sth for fun看着有趣做某事作为娱乐21. wake up 唤醒;醒来22. for example 例如23. get bored 感到厌烦24. have many different shapes 形态各异25. have ones own robot 有自己机器人26. over and over again 一遍又一遍地27. one day 有一天28. on computers 在电脑上29. use sth to do sth 用某物做某事30. be in high school 上高中31. tall buildings 高楼大厦32. win awar

4、d 获奖33. look smart 看上去精神34. fall behind others 落后于别人35. dress casually 穿得很随意二. 词汇详解: 1. live alone 独居 feel(felt) lonely 感到孤独的alone 单独地,独自的,形容词或副词lonely 指心灵上的孤独寂寞,形容词2. wear a suit 穿一套衣服dress oneself be dressed in+颜色 dress 动词, “穿衣服”,后跟某人,不跟衣服或鞋帽 wear+衣饰 穿着,强调穿的状态put on+衣帽 穿上,强调穿的动作in+颜色 穿着3. be able

5、to +原形 (用各种时态情态动词 +动原) =can + 原形 (只用在过去时和一般现在时)4. hundreds of 数以百计的 thousands of 数以千计的six hundred 600 5. seem to do sth 似乎去做某事it seems that. 似乎是seem + adj6. it is +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事It is +adj + of sb to do sth 做某事某人(性格/ 品质)7. a pleasant day 令人愉快的一天unpleasant adj. 不高兴的pleasant adj. 高兴的 p

6、leasure n. pleased=happy adj. 高兴的,开心的be pleased with sb./sth. 对很满意be pleased to do sth. 做某事高兴 8. make(made) sb do sth.使.做. make sb +adj9. few:修饰可数名词 a few:一些,有几个,表肯定few: 没几个 表否定little:修饰不可数名词a little,a lot,much,even 修饰比较级10. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事 动作的全过程see sb. doing sth. 看到某人做某事 动作的瞬间同类词:make、let

7、、hear、feel、watch、notice11.in+一段时间:(将来的)一段时间之后after+一段时间 一段时间 +later:(在过去某个时间看来)一段时间之后” 。12.besides(除 之外还,包括) “+”常与 more,other,another,else 连用except =but(除之外,不包括)“”常与 all,everything,anything 连用13.in the future 在将来,在未来in future 今后,从今以后14.do you think:其后的句子用陈述句语序,答语是对从句的内容进行回答15.fly:飞行 flew flown flyin

8、g flies16.fall:在重力作用下或失去平衡而跌落drop:表意外落下17.sound:一切可以听到的声音voice:人的嗓音及说话、唱歌发出的声音noise:一切噪音18.no one:只用于人,作主语时谓语用单数whatnone: 人、物均可,作主语时据指代内容定谓语的单复数形式how many19.when,if 引导的时间状语从句:主将从现20.bored:主语是人,人感到厌烦、厌倦boring:修饰物,某物令人感到厌烦21.somewhere:用于肯定句中anywhere: 用于否定句和疑问句中everywhere:用于各种句式here and there22.such a

9、/an (+形容词)+名词单数such (+形容词)+名词复数或名词不可数GO FOR IT (八下) Unit 1 Will people have robots?so+形容词/副词so+形容词+a/an+ 名词单数23.already:肯定句中,一般现在时、完成时态yet:疑问句和否定句中,完成时态,放于句末24.there be +名词 +doing sth:有正在做某事三语法讲解: 一般将来时1.will / shall +动词原形shall 适用于第一人称;shall not= shantwill 适用于所有人称,缩写为ll ,will notwont,一般疑问句:Will/Shal

10、l+主语+动词原形+其他成分特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词一般疑问句2.There be 句型的一般将来时:There will be +名词+ 其他成份:将会有 3.时态标志词:1)tomorrow; next、in+段时间、 how soonby+将来时间;by the time sb.do2)祈使句句型中:or/and sb. will do 3)时间/条件状语从句中, 主将从现 4. be going to 表示根据主观判断近期将要肯定发生的事情,含有“计划,准备”的意思will 表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。He is seriously ill. He is going to die.He

11、 will be twenty years old.5.be+doing 进行时表将来:go come leave arrive move四、必背万能句:1. What do you think life will be like in 1000 years?2.There will be fewer trees、more buildings and lesspollution in the future.3.Will kids go to school? No,they wont/Yes,they will。4.Predicting the future can be difficult.

12、5.I need to look smart for my job interview.6.I will be able to dress more casually. 7.I think Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation, and oneday I might even visit Australia.8.What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?9.That may not seem possible now, but computersseemed impossible a hundred ye

13、ars ago.10.On the weekend,Ill be able to dress more casually. 11.For example, there are robots working in factories.12.He thought that cpmputers would never be used by most people13.Japanese companies have already made robotswalk and dance.14.People would not like to do such jobs and wouldget bored.

14、 But robots will not.五、写作指导:以 Students life in 50 years 为题,预测一下 50年以后的中学生生活,5080 字的短文Studentslife in 50 years I think the studentslife in 50 years will be quite different from ours today.They will not go to school to Have some classes.They will stay at home to study on the computer.They will ask the

15、ir teachers or classmates for help by chatting on the internet.They wont use paper,pens or exercise books.They will go to school to have sports together.For examples,they will go to school to play ball games.I dont like that kind of life.I like to meet my teachers and classmates every day.一,单项选择1.Ar

16、e you _ your winter holiday next week?A.going to have B.will have C. had D. have2.Do you often _ from your parents?A.heard B.hears C.to hear D.hear3._ Lucy _ her homework in her room now?A.Is,doing B.Does,do C.Do,do D.Did,do4.She dances better than Mary _.A.is B.has C.does D.dance5.Look! The monkeys

17、 _ the tree.A.climb B.are climbing C.is climbing D.were climbing 6.They _ four English classes a week last term.A.has B.have C.had D.are having7.A bird can _ but I cant.A.flies B.flying C.flew D.fly8.Which team _the next football match?A. wins B. won C. will win D. win9.In the city there is _interes

18、ting, but in the country there is _ pollution.A.less;moreB.more;lessC.more;fewerD.much;much 10. Will there be people in China in ten years ? A.fewer B.much C.less D.many 11. I_rockets to the moon when I grow up.A.will put B.will fly C.will be fly D.are flying 12.I predict he will be an engineer _ten

19、 years A.in B.after C.later D.for13.My life a lot than it is now .A.will be,good B.is,better C.will be,good D.will be ,better14.It will take years to make robots the most unpleasant things. A.hundred,do C.two hundreds,doB.hundreds of,to do D.hundreds of,do 15.He only said it for ,he didnt really mea

20、n it .A.joy B.fun C.joke D.thank 16.There _ more students in our school next term.A.will have B.is going to have C.will be D.isGO FOR IT (八下) Unit 1 Will people have robots?17.Youre a little heavy. You should eat _ meat.A. few B. little C. fewer D. less18.These magazines are _. You neednt pay money

21、for them.A.free B.cheap C.expensive D.important19.-When will your father come back?- -_ a week.A. After B. For C. At D. In20.Manuel always talks _ but does _. So everyone likes him. A.few,little B.little, much C.less, more D.more, less21.It _ them a year to build the tall building. A.used B. spent C

22、. took D. found22.He is _good teacher. We all like him.A.a such B. such a C. so a D. so23.Changjiang River is one of _in the world.A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest24.Jim _ in the library. I saw him there just now. A.maybe B.may be C.can D.might is25.You have a dictionary,too. Why dont you use

23、 _?A.yours own B.your owns C.your own D.you own26.She likes in the same color _ I do.A.like B. with C. and D. as 27.He fell _ love _ the city when he came here for the first time.A.in, to B.in, with C.for, of D.to, with28.His sister is too young to _ herself.A.dress B.wear C.put on D.have29.-Do you

24、think its easy to _fish?-No. You have to know how to feed them, change the water and so on.A. buy B. look for C. keep D. find30.The harder you study,_ youll become.A.and clever B.more clever C.the clever D.the more31.Kate has a _.She likes little animals.A.cat pet B.pet cat C.animal cat D.animal pet

25、32.Our old house is _ 20 000 dollars.A.worthy B.worth C. paying D.value33.I will see you again _. A.a day B.every day C.one day D. everyday 34.I hope your dream will _. A.come true B.come out C.come in D.come on 35.Everyone wants to _ to the moon for vacations. A.walk B. run C. swim D. fly 36. This

26、coat doesnt fit him well, as he has _ a huge body and the coat is _ small. A.so;such B.so;so C.such; such D.such; so 37.Have you brought_with you?we wont have time to come backA.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything38.There _an NBA basketball game in ten minutesA.will have B.will be C.wont hav

27、e D.are going to be39.What will the weather be like tomorrow?-It_be rainy,cloudy or sunny.Who knows?A.must B.might C.shall D.should40._a teather,John thinks its his duty to help the students to become better learnersA.As B.By C.About D.In41. _T-shirt do you like better,the red one or the blue one?A.

28、How much B.How many C.Whose D.Which42.I saw him_in the street a moment ago and I told him_A.playing,dont do so B.playing,not to do soC.play,to do so D.play,not do so 43.If you want to succeed,you_give up working hard until your dream _A.will,comes true B.cant,come trueC.wont,comes true D.wont,come t

29、rue44.We saw a UFO _on the square in my dream.A.to drop B.land C.wear D.to fly45.Im hungry.Is there any bread in the fridge?-_,but we have cakes.Would you like to have one?A.Some B.Much C.None D.Nothing46.Do you know _for Shanghai last night.A.what time he leavess B.what time does he leave C.what ti

30、me he left D.what time did he leave47.Look!There is a horse racing program on TV.-HmmIt _exciting.A.seems B.looks like C.feels D.seems like48.I think people can read books only_computers in the future. A.on B.in C.to D.for49.Scientist are now trying to make robots_like people and_same things as us.A

31、.to look,to do B.to look,do C.look,do D.look,to do50.He seems _a lot about these thingsGO FOR IT (八下) Unit 1 Will people have robots?A.know B.to know C.knowing D.knew51.James thinks it will be difficult_a robot_the same things as a personA.of,to do B.for,doing C.of,doing D.for,to do二、完型填空:Perhaps yo

32、u have heard _1 _about the Internet, but what is it? The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together.These networks joined together are called the Internet._2 that doesnt sound interesting. But 3 weve joined the Internet, there are 4 things we

33、 can do. We can have a lot of 5 on the World Web.(www). We can use the Internet instead of a library to 6 all kinds of information 7 our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Internet. We can send message to other people 8 e-mail.Its much cheaper and quicker than 9 our friends or send

34、ing a letter.Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller.People can now work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information is10 English? So what wi

35、ll English be like tomorrow?1.A.a lot of B.a lot C.a few D.a little of2.A.May B. But C. And D. Maybe3.A.where B. when C. however D. although4.A.lots of B.a lot C. much D. few5.A.interesting B.friends C.interest D.funny6.A.find B.look for C.find out D.look after7.A. with B.for C.on D.about8.A. with B.by C.on D.for9.A. call B.called C.calls D.calling10.A. on B. with C. in D. for


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