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1、WH-0168石 油 产 品 色 度 测 定 仪使用说明书江 苏 惠 斯 通 电 机 自 动 化 有 限 公 司厂址:常州武进区雪堰雪东工业园 邮编:213169电话:0519-86163211 传真:0519-861630502一、用途本仪器适用于按 GB/T6540 SH/T0168石油产品色度测定法测定各种润滑油及其他石油产品的颜色。测定方法系将欲测定的石油产品试样注入比色管内,然后与标准色片相比较以确定其的色度色号。二、仪器结构与主要性能本仪器由标准色盘、观察光学镜头、光源、比色管组成。仪器正面观光源用 220V、100W,温度为 275050K的内磨砂乳壳灯泡为标准光源,光源光经由乳

2、白色玻璃片和日光滤色 33玻璃片滤色后,所得到的标准光的光谱特性类似于此光。标准光经由平面反射镜,棱镜组成二条平行光束,其大小形状完全相同,能同时分别均匀地照射在标准色盘的颜色玻璃片上的比色管的试样上。标准色盘上有 26个 14 光孔,其中 25个分别顺序装有 125色号的标准颜色玻璃片,第 26孔为空白,色盘籍装在仪器右侧的手轮转动,以便比色试验时选择正确的相当色。色盘上的标准颜色玻璃色应取用作为标定标准色的比色液进行校正。比色管为内径 32 毫米,高 120-130毫米的无色平底玻璃管。比色管由3仪器顶部的小盖位置放入。观察目镜由凹镜和分隔栅组成,在目镜中可同时看到二个半圆色,其左边的为试

3、样颜色。其右边的为标准色颜色,光学目镜具有光线调节和调焦能力,使用方便。三、使用注意事项1、光学目镜系统,已经调焦和光线调节正确,使用时不宜多动,需调整亦应仔细进行。2、装有油样的比色管放入仪器中时,必须将试管外表面及底部揩试干净。3、标准颜色玻璃片每隔半年,须用 SH/T0168规定的标定比色液作校验一次,如发现色片颜色与相当色号的比色液颜色相差达一个色号时,应更换新的色盘或送请制造厂重新标定。四、仪器成套及技术文件序号 名 称 数 量 备件数量 备 注1 石油产品色度测定仪 台 12 比色管 只 23 乳白内磨砂灯泡 只 1 100W,220V4 使用说明书 份 15 合格证 份 16 产

4、品保修卡 份 14附:本仪器色号(SH/T0168 色号)与 GB/T6540色号(ISO 色号)对照表本仪器色号(SH/T0168 色号) GB/T6540 色号(ISO 色号)5WH-0168 Petroleum Products Color Tester Purpose:The instrument is suitable to determine color of lubricating oils and any other petroleum products as per the Petrochemical Industry Standard SH/T0168 “Test Meth

5、ods for Color of Petroleum Products”. The determination methods are as follows: Fill petroleum products sample to be determined into color comparison tube, and then compare it with standard color sheet to determine it color number. Instrument structure and main characteristicsThe instrument is compo

6、sed of standard color dial, observation lens, light source and color comparing tube.The light source is a 220 V, 100 W, with temperature of 275050 K grinding milk white light bulb. After filtering color by milk white glass and sunshine filtering glass, the spectrum characteristics of light gained fr

7、om sunshine is similar to it. The standard light will change into two parallel lights, which is similar in size, trough plane reflection mirror and prism. The parallel lights will irradiate on sample in the color comparing tube on the color glass of standard color dial evenly and respectively.There

8、are 26 pieces of 14 light holes. And standard color glasses having 125 color number are installed in the 25 of these holes in sequence. The 26 hole is blank. The color dial is rotated by a hand wheel installed at right side of instrument to choose the correct color during color comparing test. The s

9、tandard color comparing glass on the color dial should be calibrated by standard color comparing liquids. The color comparing tube is 32 mm, 120130 mm high non-colorful flat bottom glass tube. The color comparing tube is placed into instrument trough a lid on the top of the instrument.6The observation lens is composed of concave mirror and separated bar. You can see two semicircles colors through observation lens. The right semicircle is standard color. The light and focus of optical observation lens can be adjusted, so it is easy to be used.


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