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1、必修一 第一单元Unit 1 School life晨读在线1假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文:简要描述右图内容,并点明主题;2联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。注意:1. 词数不少于 120 个;2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。【范文欣赏】 请进行完形填空(每空一词)One drop of water easily disappears,while the sea will never dry up;billions of drops form a river,and all rivers run into the sea. 1. One tree cannot s

2、top the fierce sand storm or conserve water and soil,but the forest is composed of millions of trees,2. which can give creatures a home. One persons ability is limited,3. but human society has endless wisdom. And the masses have great creative power.4. In a word, unity is strength.5. The/This pictur

3、e is simple but very instructive. It tells us a truth 6. that society consists of individuals and individuals live in society. We are a huge family. Just 7. as a proverb goes,united we stand,divided we fall. Therefore,we should work together and try 8. our best to make a contribution to human societ

4、y. (133 words)【名师点评】 第一段对图画的内容进行了简单的描述,并点明了主题:团结就是力量(Unity is strength)。第二段 联系实际并表达了该图给我们的启示:团结则立,分裂则废(United we stand,divided we fall)。文章层 次清楚,内容符合题目要求。两个非限制性定语从句 which can give creatures a home/Just as a proverb goes 以及一个同位语从句 that society consists of individuals and individuals live in society 的正

5、确使用,体 现了作者扎 实的语言基本功。高 级词汇 fierce,conserve,be composed of,instructive,consist of,individual,proverb,contribution 等的运用恰到好处。 连接词 in a word,therefore 的使用让文章过渡自然。文章中最长的句子 28 个词,最短的 5 个词, 长短句结合使语言在句式的变换中增强了表现力。文中的两句 谚语,足以 证 明作者平时对语言的积累程度。总之,该文语言流畅、有文采、有思想。这么优秀的作文, 阅卷老师能不 给满分吗?【疯狂背诵】 请用 10 分钟背诵范文必修一 第一单元【还

6、原范文】请将下列句子翻译成英语1一滴水很容易干涸,而海洋却生生不息,无数滴水汇聚成河流,河流流入大海。One_drop_of_water_easily_disappears,while_the_sea_will_never_dry_up;billions_of_drops _form_a_river,and_all_rivers_run_into_the_sea.2一棵树不能阻挡猛烈的沙尘暴或者保护水土,但是,由许许多多棵树木组成的森林就能给生物一个家园。One_tree_cannot_stop_the_fierce_sand_storm_or_conserve_water_and_soil,

7、but_the_forest _is_composed_of_millions_of_trees,which_can_give_creatures_a _home.3一个人的能力是有限的,但人类社会拥有无穷无尽的智慧。One_persons_ability_is_limited,but _human_society_has_endless_wisdom.4群众拥有巨大的创造力。The_masses_have_great_creative_power.5总之,团结就是力量。In_a_word,unity_is_strength.6. 图片简单但很具教育意义。The_picture_is_simp

8、le_but_very_instructive.7它告诉我们一个真理,社会是由个体组成,个体生活在社会中。It_tells_us_a_truth_that_society_consists_of_individuals_and_individuals_live_in_society.8我们是一个大家庭。We_are_a_huge_family.9正如谚语所说的那样,团结则立,分裂则废。Just_as_a_proverb_goes,united_we_stand,divided_we_fall.10所以,我们应该一起工作并尽我们最大努力为人类社会做贡献。Therefore,we should w

9、ork together_and_try_our_best_to_make_a_contribution_to_human_society.单词默写1struggle vi.& n 奋斗,努力;挣扎;难事;斗争;努力2challenging adj.具有挑战性的3broadcast vt.& n . 广播,播放4require vt.要求;需要5introduce v介绍必修一 第一单元6immediately adv.立即,马上7achieve vt . 赢得,取得;实现;成功8encouragement n 鼓励9display vt.陈列,展览10devote vt.致力于;献身11en

10、joyable adj.providing pleasure or happiness12extra adj.beyond what is usual or necessary13fluent adj.able to speak or write a language easily and well14independent adj.not dependent on other people or things for help,money,or support15regret vto feel sorry about something you did and wish you hadnt

11、done it.词汇拓展1approve vt.& v i. 批准,通过;赞成approval n赞成,同意2experience vt.经历;体验experienced adj.有经验的,经验丰富的inexperienced adj.缺乏经验的3. donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予donator/donor n捐赠者donation n捐赠物;捐款;捐赠4. inform vt.通知;告知informer n提供情报者information n情报;消息5develop vt.培养;养成development n发展;开发overdevelop vt.过度开发developed adj.

12、发达的developing adj.发展中的语境助记词不离句,句不离段He prefers a kind of job that requires challenging. He also likes selecting information from experienced persons and developed areas and introducing it to us. He achieves ourrespect. The other day,he attended a donation ceremony after a long preparation. He is plea

13、sed and has no regrets.短语落实1. earn ones respect 赢得某人的尊重2. inform sb of sth 通知某人某事3. achieve high grades 得高分4. on average 平均5. for free 免费6make_use_of 利用7in_charge_of 负责8be_fond _of 喜欢9attend_to 照料,照顾10look_back_on 回忆;回顾.句子翻译必修一 第一单元1I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in

14、 my old school. (Page 2)我发现家庭作业不像在原先的学校时那样繁重。_2I was a little nervous at first,but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. (Page 18)开始我有点紧张,但每个人都那么可爱友好以至于我不久就不再担忧了。3一完成他的学习,他就开始游历中国。(Page 9)Upon_finishing_his_studies,he _started_travelling_in_China.4你的选择越多,你的决定就越好。(Page 14)Th

15、e_more_choices_you_have, the_better_your_decisions_will_be.5现在是你向全班同学展示海报的时候了。(Page 19)Now_it_is_time_to_present_your_poster_to_the_class.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过 3 个单词 )1. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 am. and ends about 3:30 p m. (教材 P2)I was very happy wit

16、h the school hours in Britain because school lasts/is_open from around 9 am. to about 3:30 pm. 2. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. (教材 P2) I sat next to a girl named_(called)_Diana3. We also had different students in some classes,so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and na

17、mes. (教材 P2) We also had different students in some classes,so it was difficult_(hard/challenging)_for_me to remember all the faces and names.4. I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. (教材 P2) I found that the homework was less_than/lighter_than/less_heavy_

18、than/not_heavier_than_ what I used to get in my old school.5. During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should do for preparation. (教材 P18) During exam time we have a special programme telling_students_what they should do for preparation.experience n. & vt.经验(不

19、可数);经历;阅历(可数)必修一 第一单元【课本原句】 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (P2)去英国上一年高中对我来说是一次非常快乐且又令人兴奋的经历。an exciting experience 一次令人兴奋的经历unforgettable experiences 难忘的经历(for) lack of experience (由于)缺少经验get/gain experience 积累经验practical experience 实

20、践经验have experience in/of doing sth 有做某事的经验be experienced in/at doing sth 做某事的经验看看高考怎么考 Experience_is_respected(尊重经验) ;experience is sought;experience is explained.”(2011 四川卷阅读理解 D)Most students assume that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant_experiences(不愉快的经历) in the past with students misu

21、sing technology.(2011北京卷阅读理解 C) mean vt.意思是;意指;打算【课本原句】 This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 am. (P2)这就意味着我可以比往常晚起床一个小时,因为中国学校在上午八点之前上课。mean doing. 意味着做mean to_do. 计划做mean by doing. 通过做 表达be meant to do 照道理( 规矩 )应该做be meant for 打算给;命中注定means of transp

22、ortation 交通工具by means of 用方法;依靠【联想拓展】mean to do sthplan to do sthintend to do sthattempt to do sth 打算或企图做某事meaningful adj. 有意义的It is mean(adj.) of sb to do sth 某人做某事很卑鄙看看高考怎么考That meant_taking(意味着上)as few as one class each semester.(2011天津卷阅读理解 B)I meant_to_tell_you(打算告诉你),but it seemed that as soon

23、 as I mentioned skeletons and closets,it caused a problem between you and Dad.(2011江西卷阅读理解 A)必修一 第一单元In some parts of London,missing a bus means _for another hour.(2012邵东创新实验学校月考)Awaiting Bto wait Cwait Dto be waiting答案 AWhat do you mean by acting like this?What are these rooms meant for?attend v 参加

24、,出席【课本原句】 On the first day,all of the new students attend an assembly. (P2)在第一天,所有的新生都去参加集会。attend an assembly 参加集会attend a meeting 参加会议attend a wedding 参加婚礼attend a funeral 参加葬礼attend a ceremony 出席典礼attend a lecture 听讲座attend school 上学attend class 上课attend church 去教堂做礼拜辨析 attend/join/join in/take p

25、art in/participate in(1)attend 是正式用语,及物动词,指参加会 议/婚礼/ 葬礼/典礼;去上课/ 上学;听报告等。句子的主语只是去听,去看,自己不一定起积极作用。(2)join 指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成 为其成员之一或和某人一起做某事。如:Were going to the East Lake Park on Sunday. Will you join us? 我们打算星期天去东湖公园。你愿意跟我们一起去吗?(3)join in 多指参加小规模的活动,如球 赛、游 戏等,常用于日常口语。如:Come along,and join in the footbal

26、l game. 一起来,参加足球赛吧。(4)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重指主语参加该活动并在活动中发挥作用。如:Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation. 暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。注:该短语中的 part 前一般不用冠词,但 part 前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。如:Lincoln took an active part in political activities and was strongly against slavery. 林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反 对奴隶制。(5

27、)participate in 表示更积极地参与。必修一 第一单元【联想拓展】attend to 处理;对付;照料;听取attendant n. 服务员attention n. 注意attentive adj. 注意的,专心的( 反义词:inattentive)attentively adv. 注意地,留意地看看高考怎么考When I first started_ the practice sessions,I didnt even know the rules of the game,much less what I was doing.(2011 北京卷 完形填空)Aenjoying Bp

28、reparingCattending Dwatching答案 CFewer people attend_live_matches(出席比赛现场)nowadays,preferring to watch from the comfort of their living room.(2011江西卷 阅读表达)Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.I_ _it,but I was busy preparing for a job interview.(2011福建卷单项填空 34)Aattended Bhad attendedCwould

29、sttend Dwould have attended答案 D 考查虚拟语气。句意: 你错过了关于核污染的 讲座,真是太遗憾了。我本来要去的,但是我忙于准备求职面试。由句意知答 语是对过去事实的虚 拟,故用:情 态动词 have done。根据句意,用合适的词填空He was looking forward to joining his family in Germany.She didnt attend to what I was saying at the moment.average n平均数 adj.平均的;普通的【课本原句】 In our class there were 29 st

30、udents. This is about the average size for British schools. (P2)我们班有 29 个学生。英国学校的班级差不多就这么大。(1)average 用作名词,主要有两个意思:表示 “平均 ”、“平均数” 。如:An average of 10 students are absent each day.平均每天有 10 个学生缺席。表示 “平均水平 ”、“一般水准” 。如:These marks are well above (below) average.这些分数远在平均分数之上(下) 。必修一 第一单元(2)用作形容词,主要有两个意思:

31、 表示 “平均的 ”。如:The average age of the students is 20.学生的平均年龄为 20 岁。表示 “一般的 ”、“普通的” 。如:It is just an average dictionary. 那只是本普通的词典。看看高考怎么考Beds that are too small,shower heads that are too low,and restaurant tables with hardly any legroom all make life difficult for those of above_average_height(超过平均高度

32、),it says.(2011新课标阅读理解B)The average of these numbers is (be) 50.(2011辽宁卷阅读理解 C) On_average(平均) we receive ten letters each day.Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n) _of 40,000 per year.(2010江西卷 单项填空 25)Aaverage BnumberCamount Dquantity答案 Aspend v花

33、费;度过【课本原句】 My English improved a lot,as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library. (P3)我每天都在使用英语,每天还花一个小时在图书馆阅读英文书籍,所以我的英语进步很大。spend time (in)_doing. 花时间做spend money on sth 把钱花在上spend time with sb 花时间和某人在一起money well spent 花得值得的钱【注意】 (1)spend 的主语只能是人,不能

34、是物; cost 的主语通常是物( 包括形式主语 it),不能是人;take的主语可以是物(包括形式主 语 it),偶尔也可以是人;pay 的主语只能是人。(2)cost 的 宾语通常是钱,take 的宾语通常是时间,而 spend 的宾语则可以是时间或钱,pay 的宾语通常是表示钱或人的名词。如:这台电脑花了(我)2,000 美元。I spent $2,000 on (in buying) the computer.The computer cost (me) $2,000.It cost (me) 2,000 to buy the computer.必修一 第一单元I took $2,00

35、0 to buy the computer.It took me $2,000 to buy the computer.I paid $2,000 for the computer.看看高考怎么考It is now trying hard to make full use of wind and solar energy,and is spending a huge amount of money making_electric_cars(制造电车 ) and highspeed trains.(2011广东卷阅读理解 D)The prize of the game show is $30,0

36、00 and an all expenses _vacation to China.(2012长沙市一中月考)Apaying Bpaid Cto be paid Dbeing paid答案 BThe repairs cost a lot ,but its money well _(2012湖南怀化三中月考)Ato spend BspentCbeing spent Dspending答案 Bavailable adj.(物)可用的;可得到的;( 人)有空的,可与之会见的【课本原句】 Twelve science laboratories are available for different e

37、xperiments. (P7)有十二个理科实验可以用来做不同的实验。available 形容词,一般放在所修饰的词后面。(1)现成可使用的;可获得的。如:The university is trying to make more accommodation available for students.大学在设法为学生提供更多的住处。(2)可取得联系的;可会见的。如:The president was not available for comment. 总统没时间作出评论。看看高考怎么考The company has invested heavily in information tech

38、nology to make sure that information_is_available(获得信息)instantly on screen.(2011浙江卷阅读理解 C)The greatest thinkers,scientists,and inventors have often taken information that was_readily_available(欣然接受)and put it together differently to produce new ideas.(2011北京卷七选五)翻译句子对不起,没座位了。Sorry,no_seats_available

39、.网站暂时无法访问。Website_Temporarily_Unavailable.必修一 第一单元develop v( 使)发展;养成;开发;冲洗(照片)【课本原句】 In China he developed an interest in teaching English to Chinese students.(P9)在中国,他对教中国学生英语产生了兴趣。develop an interest in 对 产生兴趣develop the habit of 养成 习惯develop into 发展成为develop a business 开发业务develop photos 冲洗照片deve

40、lop friendship with 发展友谊develop new drugs 研制新药develop a theory 阐明理论【联想拓展】with the development of. 随着的发展be under development 在发展中看看高考怎么考One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to develop_healthy_eating_habits(养成健康的饮食习惯)。(2011北京卷阅读理解 B)During the last decade or so,the United States in particula

41、r has_developed(已形成了)an apology cultureapologies of all kinds and for all sorts of wrongdoings are made far more frequently than before.(2011江苏卷任务型阅读)China is a developing(develop) country while America is a developed(develop) country.regret v后悔,遗憾;n.遗憾;悔恨【课本原句】 We regret to inform you that our libr

42、ary will be closed next Wednesday,Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting. (P16)我们很遗憾地通知你们我校的图书馆下星期三、星期四和星期五将因为运动会停止开放。regret to_do 对 将要做的事表示遗憾regret doing(regret having done)对做过表示后悔regret that. 后悔with great/deep regret 非常遗憾地看看高考怎么考Only recently,when she began to write Growing Up Again,did she regret_ignoring(后悔忽略了) her mom, “I dont know how to use a computer, ”she admits.(2010湖南卷,Reading Comprehension,Passage B)


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