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1、外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/Keys to the exercises of the Unit 5III. Vocabulary its really difficult to tell them apart.2) She and her husband are working far apart with one in Paris and the other in Peru.3) John made an A in the examination because he studied hard and his hard work paid off.4) Because

2、 the scheme takes too much of my time, Id like to be excused from further participation in it.5) We sent Pat an email, congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy.IV. Banked Cloze 1. C 2. L 3. H 4. B 5. M 6. K 7. F 8. J 9. O 10. GV. Translation 1. 1) had been eliminated 2) competed against (with

3、) 3) national finals 4) fun, relaxed atmosphere 5) The long hours of studying paid off1)这个第一可不仅仅是来自牙买加金斯敦的八年级女生乔迪安妮的第一,而且还是牙买加人第一次在美国拼单词比赛中夺冠,是非美国本土选手第一次在该比赛中夺冠。2)乔迪.安妮凭着她出色的表现赢得了 10,000 美金的现金、一只漂亮的奖杯、一块拼单词比赛纪念手表、一套百科全书以及美国航空公司赠送的任选目的地的国内双人游。3)牙买加大学向乔迪安妮发出邀请,提供全额奖学金,专业任选。还有美国的好几所大学提出要为她提供研究生奖学金,专修公司

4、法。4)拼单词冠军的称号赋予乔迪安妮的好处还不止这些。金斯敦阿登中学校方考虑到她在拼单词大赛获奖后格外忙碌而做出决定:全优生乔迪安妮期末考试免考。没有比这更美的事了!5)当问到给其他选手有何建议时,她的回答是:相信上帝,拼命努力,永不放弃。 阿切尔教练对此表示赞同,他说:我们坚信灵感加汗水是一道绝妙的公式。Key to Exercises in Reading 2I. Comprehension of the Text 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/. Vocabulary Building 1. evident 2. ge

5、nerate 3. ruined 4. impose 5. commonplace 6. yelling 7. as well as 8. priority 9. related 10. noticeableEnglish to Chinese Translation1.谢谢您的忠告。2.等车的人请排队。3.有一点始终不变,运动一直在向四面八方进行着。4.七点半的时候,人们都匆忙地赶着去办公室上班。5.许多早期移民是为了反抗家乡的现实环境才铤而走险,去建立一片新领地。Chinese to English TranslationYang Zhiyuan made Internet history

6、 with his founding of Yahoo.Einsteins relativity is too difficult for the average man to understand.The popularity of concrete is related to the fact that its price has steadily dropped.The issuance of too much currency had led to a major price fluctuation.Attending a concert or an art exhibition wi

7、th friends is a new way of socializing that many have taken to happily.Keys to the exercises of Unit 6III. Vocabulary & Structure (P.133)1.1) controversy 2) proposed 3) implement 4)varies 5)renewed6) critical 7) maintain 8) opposing 9) favor 10) burden2. It is necessary for them to immerse themselve

8、s in English study for the first year or two before going to university for further study.2) Moreover, they pointed out that bilingual education programs havent always been successful in producing literate, bilingual students.3) The reasoning for this model is that the native language should serve o

9、nly as a “transition” to English. 4) In fact, research has shown that students who are fully literate in their first language will be more successful in learning how to read and write a second language.5) In the poorest rural area of Africa, a large percentage of children die in their infancy due to

10、 hunger, while in the richest areas of western countries people only worry about being overweight.V. Translation (P.115)1. 1) the students native language and the language of the host country 2) a controversial subject/issue 3) students who speak languages other than English (Or: students whose nati

11、ve language is not English)外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/ 4) The ways in which bilingual programs are implemented 5) Most students feel overwhelmed (Or: Most students feel under great pressure)2. 1)维持性教学模式的理论依据在于,孩子的母语能力值得维持和发展。2)双向式双语教学模式不仅为母语是英语的学生提供第二语言学习的指导,还为母语为非英语的学生提供 ESL 课程。3)研究尚未证实这种模式是否比上述其他模式

12、更加有效。4) 他们在拼命学习英语的同时,失去了本该用于学习数学和自然科学重要概念的宝贵时问。5) 母语为非英语的学生只允许上一年的 ESL 课程。Key to Exercises in Reading 2IComprehension of the Text (P.119) 1) C 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) D II. Vocabulary Building perceive 2. echoing 3. put away 4. soul 5. fascinated6. slipped 7. wrapped 8. yearning for 9. gathered 10. share

13、with第七单元和第八单元:自学部分课后答案如下Keys to the exercises of the Unit 7III. Vocabulary & Structure (P.133)1. norms 2) proof 3) viewpoint 4) inherited 5) outlook6) lack 7) particular 8) undertook 9) prompted 10) response2.The responses, or happiness scores, of the fraternal twins were almost no different from th

14、e responses of unrelated pairs of people.2) These researcher also studied a smaller group of identical twins who had been separated at birth and raised in different families.3) They may also have a tendency to hide their true feelings.4) The genes may be those known to control the brain chemicals se

15、rotonin and dopamine, both associated with pleasure and mood.5) The researchers belief that genetic predisposition is only part of the equation is backed up by other research.V. Translation (P. 135)1. 1) half of whom were identical 2) the underlying factors leading to happiness 3) showed a genetic l

16、ink to happiness外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/ 4) rather than just ask them if they are happy 5) no matter where they lived or worked2.1)这个研究证实了相同基因与快乐感之间的关联。2)哈默认为,对双胞胎的研究有力地证明了人的性情来自遗传。3)人的基本个性具有生物学特征,能以一种相互作用的基因模型遗传下来。4)他赞同特里根的观点,认为人们可以人为地影响快乐感。5)总之,这场关于快乐的能力是否源于基因遗传,以及行为在多大程度上影响着快乐的讨论还在继续。 Key to Ex

17、ercises in Reading 2 . Vocabulary Building (P.139)1. predict 2. interpreted 3. characteristics 4. detail 5. Flexible 6. conservative 7. oriented 8. Seeking 9. Categorized 10. compatibilityKeys to the exercises of the Unit 8III. Vocabulary & Structure (P.153)1. 1) supportive 2) emerge 3) convey 4) in

18、tend 5) complaint 6) romantic 7) misinterpreting 8) positively 9) emotional 10) engage2.When he offered the young man some chocolate, he observed that he put it in his pocket instead of his mouth.2) I dont talk for long on the phone, I regard it as a means of imparting and receiving information.3) H

19、e warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts in public schools.4) Every $20 you give can help provide aa days emergency rations of grain and oil for 300 African Children on the Verge of starvation. 5) When you are on holiday, assuming youre by the sea, you can make the best

20、 of natural marine elements. V. Translation (P.154) 1. 1) resolving the conflicts 外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/ 2) needed any advice or assistance 3) completely ignored all these facts 4) encountered his friends again 5) quit their jobs2. 1)母女俩还是朋友,她在其他母女关系中可没见过这种独特的友谊。 2) 它是一部不错的浪漫喜剧片,和同时代的其他电影比较起来,它对

21、男女性别角色做了更客观的探讨。 3) 当他与经理会面时,首先用了几分钟为他的意见被新闻媒体曲解而道歉。 4) 假设你已成功地将孩子留在卧室,你将遇到的下一个问题就是孩子很快会大叫将你吸引回屋子。 5) 这时你的学习重点将从集中的语言学习转向对你所在国家文化和社会更深入的考察。 Key to Exercises in Reading 2I. Comprehension of the Text (P.169) 1) NG 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) NG 6) T 7) F 8) power, dominance, high status and activity 9) social and business 10) contradictoryII. Vocabulary Building 1) professional 2) contrast 3) recruited 4) insight 5) illustrate 6) ultimate 7) collapsed 8) unconscious 9) typical 10) specialist复习重点: 课后翻译与词汇题


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